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Copycats and Zealots (Shadow Empire Dominion of Lorrd)

Planet: Lorrd
Location: Outside Lorrd Space
Objective: Wipe out any Vong remnants, and other resenting groups, but first, we got to land on the planet.

[member="The Onyx"] [member="Zane Hara"] [member="Kaia Brin"] [member="Tiberius Rex"] [member="Breanna Volsh"] [member="Xaefo Mardekin"] [member="Oka Osaa"] [member="stardust"] [member="Ghrom Xenos"] / [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"] [member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Vash Ordo"] [member="Navio"] [member="Ice"] [member="Coric Adromak"] [member="Razz Michaels"] @Chess Tixila [member="Keturah X"] [member="Katar"] [member="Aken Bosch"] @Ash Hettir [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Emerald Sage"] [member="Eve"] [member="Keltin Gelfon"] [member="Kikhveakkaz"] [member="Lich"] [member="Michael Steelfang"] [member="Lyon Hara"] [member="O22-956"] [member="Rik'Tani"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="X30-20G"] [member="Shiro De'Vol"]

Aboard the Hazard Beauty.

With enough recources, and diligence, the King of Shadows sat in his captain's chair, awaiting for the Shadow Fleet to approach the planet Lorrd. A place where slavery happened over, and over again, where the Vong set foot, and left their disgusting leftovers of Vong tech. He hated the idea that these people were once slaves, but hated the Vongs more. They were once allies so long ago in the Horde, but now he saw the error of his ways.

Romeo lounged about in his chair, watching the crews every other way, and which, thinking it was funny how he never saw himself running a crew, much less a empire! But here he was, a king, and in his Dark Jedi ways, leading a army. Leading friends, and family. Here he sat, pondering about how best to go about this, because not to long ago, he heard on the news, something he didn't watch very often, about how the neighboring planet of Lorrd was being attacked by a remnant of what was the Horde. A splinter group of mad zealots, and prophets, Vong Shapers, and probably if not anything else a Yammosk, big giant brains with telepathy powers. Romeo found them gross, and a thing to burn out of history. These Vong were not part of the One Sith, but a early group who branched off from the Horde. They were apparently trying to retake the planet from the Lorridans in a conquest much like their old counter group from the
Galactic Alliance era. Funny how old habits are hard to kill.

None the less, he was here to resolve the planet of it's pests, and in return demand that they serve under his empire, and protection, or else face not slavery, but brutal punishment till they give in. He had his ways to do such a thing, and hoped that it didn't have to come to that. He did not want to seem like Sith, but sometimes you had to be rough to get what you wanted. Growth, and expansion of his empire. He opened up his coms to all ships in the Shadow Fleet.

"It Is Time!"

With those words, hundreds of thousands of troopers would be preparing for the fight ahead, they would be gearing up, pilots would be settling up in their starfighters, and whatnot. Now he was standing, watching his fleet prepare themselves for war.
"It's time for the galaxy to know who we are."
He said in his coms, and to himself. He had on his right hip, a lightsaber of no special thing inside, it was a average, red blade. Nothing more, nothing less. Since [member="LLP-850"] took his, he needed a new one, so crafted a normal lightsaber, just for this, though soon he would craft a new one to fit his new role as King of the Shadows, and Exiles.
Stardust who usually sat in the pilots chair would turn to [member="The Shadow King"] and listen to him with a smile, it had been awhile since she had gotten any action and this was sure to sait her appitie, but first must come patient thoughts as first they needed to land on the planet of lord first "fine speech romeo" she said and smiled as she turned around"beauty how long till we arrive "she asked the ai
Ice had recently joined the ranks of the Shadow Empire. But he quickly liked what he saw. So much so, he was now working to make a Stealth ship. A ship which would be most useful while fighting with his new brethren. Unfortunately, that ship was not ready. Instead, he was still at the helm of his Esfandia-Class Carrier Corvette. A ship now loaded with men and war material just waiting for the order to drop.

Ice had never been apart of a major attack before. He was a raider. And as such, he chose his targets carefully. Targets that he could overwhelm quickly. But this was going to be something totally new. A possibly prolonged battle for the planet. An affair that would probably be quite bloody. Fortunately, he didn't have to worry about being with the vanguard. His ship was not designed for that. Instead he would hold back till the advance shock troops and heavier ships had cleared a path to the planets surface.

It would be then, he would join the fray. For now though, he simply admired the view. Such a peaceful looking world. Ice was not fooled though. He knew what was going on down there. They all knew. And soon, there would be new players in the game of war for the planet. His reflections were interrupted by the sound of their King. Ice straightened up in his chair as he listened to the words.

"So it begins....Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!" He mumbled to himself.

"My King!" Ice said over the comm. "Ice here. Ready and waiting!" He finished sounding off.
"Okay, Ogen. Open communications to the Hazard Beauty."


I spun towards the comm screen.

"Romeo. Cross Shadow Fleet reporting in. Just waiting for Vice Admirals [member='Rik'Tani'] and [member='Oka Osaa']. What're your orders?"

[member="The Shadow King"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka was watching his ships while they came out of hyperspace. He noticed everyone in position ready to greet Admiral Cross' ships.

"Okay Soy, send a message to all of our ships to follow to the east of Admiral Cross."

- Yes sir! -

Noticing Cross in position, Oka and his ships followed close as they sent a message to the Hazard Beauty and Cross' fleet. "Oka Osaa checking in." He said putting his arms crossed behind his back.

[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"Ah, there you are, Oka. Cool. Still need to find Rikki, though."

I spun my chair around some more.

"Romeo, we have five of our Battle Dragons and ten Novas in-system. Still waiting on [member='Rik'Tani']'s wing."

[member="Oka Osaa"]
[member="The Shadow King"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"Copy that Cross. We'll keep an eye out in case of any communication jams." Oka replied.

The space seemed so quiet. That would change quick most likely. Oka didnt expect an easy route anyways.

[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Cross Ikon"]


Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
It felt strange to be commanding a ship. A Battle Dragon, to say the least! Rikki sat in her own spinny captain chair in her new uniform, grinning widely like a kid with a shiny new toy. Comms Officer Ren spoke to her from his panel 20 feet away from her. "I've been working through the kinks as best I can, Vice Admiral. It's a little fuzzy, but I can patch us through to the rest of the fleet." Rikki nodded. "Do it, Ren." She overheard the last bit of Cross's conversation with Oka. "Been missing your voice, Admiral Ikon. Vice Admiral Tani locked, loaded, and ready for action!"
[member="Cross Ikon"]
[member="Oka Osaa"]
[member="The Shadow King"]
Kezeroth walked with Haste onto the Bridge of the Ship holding his Light-Pike in hand, Ready for the comeing battle. He Craved a slaughter and his mind was set on it. Dressed in his Black cloak and it parted down the middle revealed another lightsaber. Curved and simple design. Kezeroth Held a Constant Growl. This was a Time for Kezeroth to let loose ignore rules and express his rage. Kezeroth picking up on his Light-Pike and let it go have a constant Clang noise and mixing his Growl into it sounded similar to a drum of war. Nothing would stop Him on this Conquest. The Darkside embodied him and gave him great strength, his aura was of Death and he Eyes held a look of Ready Grim.

[member="Cross Ikon"]
[member="Oka Osaa"]
[member="The Shadow King"]
"And, King Romeo, the Cross Shadow Fleet is fully operational. Gonna have us a time!"

I spun around in my spinny chair and blew a kiss at the hologram of [member="Rik'Tani"] on the comm.

"Hey, Kezeroth, you look so serious. I thought you fight for your enjoyment."

[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]
[member="Oka Osaa"]
[member="The Shadow King"]
Keturah was busily working with two or three other people in her own room, which was crammed with all manner of computers and hacking tech. Her fingers moved like lightning, and she wore a headset to keep in contact with everyone. "Keturah here, Dad. I'm getting as many firewalls up as the fleet can hold. We're also broadening the sensor array so we can detect any oncoming fleets. Just let me know when you need any technical support."
[member="The Shadow King"]
Ghrom waddled beside [member="The Shadow King"] and smiled. Ghrom did not like war but it was a Conquering others but it was necessary for expansion, Ghrom knew this and understood it well. Look down at his Leader Ghrom was armed with his Giant hunting Rifle which was slung on a shoulder, a Scatter pistol strapped around his torso and his War Staff which bore Skulls of all sorts. On Ghroms back were Sharp Steel head Spears and his Bandoliers were full of herbs to enhance his performance or heal his allies. Ghrom gave a smile at [member="The Shadow King"] and shouted " I IS GHROMM!!" to signify he was ready.
[member="Rik'Tani"] | [member="Oka Osaa"] | [member="Ice"] |​
Rex was on board the Hazard Beauty in full armor sitting at the head of the table in the War Room waiting for the Carnage Squad to gather together. This would be the first time he would get to see all of the Carnage Squad in action at the same time and he was looking forward to it. It amazed him that when he agreed to lead a squad of Commandos for [member="The Shadow King"] it was originally just him and three it had branch out where they had two full squads and in the process of having a third one. He smirked a bit to himself "all this wasn't in the original job description" he mumbled to himself. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts Tiberius got on his squads comms "all Carnage Squad members report to the War Room". With that message put out Rex sat back in his chair and waited.

[member="Navio"], [member="Keltin Gelfon"], [member="Ravi Savak"], [member="Kaia Brin"], [member="Ghrom Xenos"], [member="Keturah X"], [member="Vash Ordo"], [member="Chess Tixlia"], [member="Xaefo Mardekin"]
Star got out and looked at [member="The Shadow King"] "romeo I'm going to use my xwing *she said and ran to the hangar where the xwing sat ready and prepped by her trusty droid " r8 I'm sure you checked everything "the droid tooted back and she climbed inside the xwing and lifted off opening her comms she flew to where @crosse ikon [member="Ice"] [member="Rik'Tani"] could see her, she opened comms and spoke so she could be heard" this is stardust ready to go"she smiled
Katar sat cross-legged at Romeo's side. This was her first chance to fight alongside her master, and she couldn't be more ready. The planet of Lorrd was rank with slavery. The very thought of it made her blood seethe. She had two short vibroswords secured to her back, and was calmly meditating. Her senses were hightened as she felt the energy of everything happening around her. The livliness made her all the more eager to begin the battle. She turned her bright green cat-like gaze in Romeo's direction, waiting patiently for her instructions.
[member="The Shadow King"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"Let's hope we stay fully operational Admiral. I got my droid if I screw anything up." Oka said laughing a bit.

Kezeroth may of been with the dark side but his power didn't need a boost from it.

"Cross, wanna bet my ships will hold up longer than yours?" Oka asked laughing again for a short while.

[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Cross Ikon"]
[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]

Chess Tixlia

Chess secured her brand-new chest and abdomen armor to her body. It was the same green as her synthetic arms and legs, which gleamed in the light. She slipped on her new helmet. She wasn't very used to having one. It was kind of weird, actually. Wasting no time, she grabbed her two blaster pistols and left her room. She walked swiftly down a maze of corridors, finally reaching the War Room. She saluted Rex. "Chess revved and ready, sir! Keturah wanted me to let you know that she has to stay onboard the ship this time. Said she's helping with the technical defenses, but can provide assistance from here if you need her."
[member="Tiberius Rex"]
Romeo laid is hand on [member="Katar"] 's head, and gently rubbed it with a soft smile. "You will do great today Katar." He said. This was his full apprentice, whom he saw great things in. He adored her greatly, and wouldn't let a soul harm her.
"Alright [member="Keturah X"] anyway you can get us radar on ground?" He said to his daughter, who he loved greatly, and all his heart. He trusted Hazard Beauty to hold her safely in her hull.
"Cross do what you think is best, Vong attack in swarms like bugs, and their ships are even more complexed than you think. Have your fleet spread out so you're not all in the same target range." He gave advice to the man. [member="Cross Ikon"]

He looked up at Ghrom, and smiled. "I know you don't like buddy, and I don't either...but its the only way." [member="Ghrom Xenos"]
He didn't want his fellow shadows to be hurt through this, but chances were...many would.
"Attention all force users of the Shadow Empire." he broadcasted over the intercoms of all the ships. This was his way of helping.
"Vong are force dead, meaning you can't pick them up with the force, you can't use mind tricks. You also can't sense them. Rely on Keturah's advice on ground unit positions."
He knew the Vong better than probably anyone here, probably He fought with them, and talked with them.
[member="Silara Vantai"] [member="Kaia Brin"] [member="Tiberius Rex"] [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]
"I'm uploading orbital tracking and radar to everyone going topside as we speak," Keturah replied. "It'll update every minute so you'll be right on top of them." She moved to a panel with five holo-screens. She contacted Cross. "I'm going to need some assistance from your staff, Admiral Ikon. I have a virus that I've worked into everyone's systems so that the Vong can't sabotage us, but I can't get it to all of our ships. I need your best Technical Officers to integrate it into your systems, and then broadcast it via hololink to the rest of the fleet. Can you do that?"
[member="Cross Ikon"]
[member="The Shadow King"]
Katar purred softly as Romeo rubbed her head. This brief little moment between the two of them boosted her confidence dramatically. She felt that with him, nothing was impossible. They would survive this. Together. She met his gaze directly. "Ready," Her soft voice replied, giving him a small smile in return.
[member="The Shadow King"]

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