Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Copycats and Zealots (Shadow Empire Dominion of Lorrd)

Over Matteus' squad comms, [member="Tiberius Rex"] ordered the Carnage Commando to report to the war room. Fully clad in his basic Mandalorian armor, he stomped his way down to the war room, tons of thoughts running through his mind. It would be one of his first experiences in action and needless to say, he was beyond nervous. Still, he kept a collected look under his helmet, trying to block out anything negative. He entered the room, noticing Rex sitting at the head of the table. Matteus approached him, a smug smile spreading onto his lips. "Reporting in, sir. Hope I'm not late." Recently, Matteus had slowly began to move on from his cockiness. In this setting, he had to prove that he had it all. Including the good attitude. Matteus stood by, waiting for a response.
"Incoming fleets, eh, Ketty? We likely to hit anything besides Vong coming in?"

I pointed at Ogen.

"Bro, get us a firewall. Send a copy to Rikki and Oka, too. I don't want us getting out of contact while we're flying."


[member="Keturah X"] [member="Rik'Tani"] @Oka Osaa

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Kaia was already on her way to the war room when [member="Tiberius Rex"] had called them down with each step she would begin to dread what is to happen soon because in all honesty she felt as if something bad were to happen today, to get her mind off of the topic she pulls out her teeth that she had stored until finally reaching the war room putting the teeth back in "Kaia Brin repor-" her sentence was cut short as she looks down to notice she is only wearing her lower body armor and helmet with her bare chest defenseless she quickly sits down embarrassed of the whole thing with a deep red blush over helmet covered face luckily she at least had a bra on so it wasn't like she was flashing.


Captain of the Lost Dynast
Yet another lame and mostly forgotten world left behind by the Gulag Plague, eight hundred long years and two Sith Empires. Initial reports had been that the world still contained a significant amount of Yuuzhan Vong. The Hrosha-Hul had once took up station in the northern expanses of the galaxy before migrating into the Horde and subsequently aligning themselves with the One Sith, so it was all too likely that these were part of the 'new wave' of Vong, deludingly clinging to lost beliefs and idle aspirations. What they had been doing there all along - if not simply living - was of little recourse to the Shadow Empire, as they wanted these peoples off of what they'd soon try to claim as their world. Lorrd would see yet another come and eventually pass.
A single flux in space occurred, and from it emerged a long, gray ship with a maroon-painted bottom. The ship's four colossal engines in scale - a Strilla-Class Missile Cruiser - immediately began thrusting it towards the politically vacant world over dozens of kilometers every minute. Not long behind it approached two Kalestat-Class Anti-Craft Cruisers on either flank.
"This is Captain Kikhveakkaz to Cross Ikon the 'Cross Shadow Fleet'. IS-ONI reports there has been a mistake in the chain of command; there are far too many 'admirals' with far too little experience and a dossier that would blow away in the wind. I am hereby ordered to relieve your associates from duty, Ikon. Their enlistment and promotion has not followed official channels and thus... doesn't exist. Please see to it that it does in their official reinstatement. Rawk~
Command would also like to have a word with you upon your return. Kikhveakkaz out."
The radios went blank. The captain didn't want to hear any excuses and it wasn't his job to play the middle man either. The situation would be rectified when it was rectified. Right now, his main focus. As his Strilla drew closer to a LaGrange, Avon opened up the holoscreen on the dashboard and began checking various systems aboard the ship from the helm.
Avon awaited further instruction, as for the time, he assumed he'd never get to use the colossal warheads sitting in the fore of his ship.

[member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Vash Ordo"] [member="Kaia Brin"] @all the people not on this page​
I opened a channel back to the old bird, @Kikhveakkaz. And one to my friends in the Shadow Fleet

"Oh, I'll just have to be court martialed again, I guess. First time since I came out of stasis, anyway. [member='Rik'Tani'], [member='Oka Osaa'], hold position."

If we were going to fight, we'd fight together.

(Sorry, but I don't know how it works, and Romeo said I could.... Dunno what Silara's system is.)
Javik the Massive 9'8ft monster stood in the Hangar Prepared for the coming battle. The Vong was a Thread Javik had encounter before and been with at a point. Looking at his two amohistaffs on coiled down his arms they blended well between his large thick Chitin-Scales. Equipped with two standard Double- bladed lightsabers, A Vong Chitin Carbine and his Saber gauntlets. Javik was ready for the battle, For now he waited orders and meditated on that which was important
It was on the cusp of this battle that a surprising number of things happened. Apparently some dark sided tendencies filter in even when you don't want them. And at the worst possible moment. Without warning, a major shift in leadership took place. A coup! Agents from the new leadership, quickly moved in to remove inept or unqualified captains from the navy. Others, were not necessarily removed as much as they were being watched till their loyalties could be more fully tested.

A bit of static at first came over the comm on [member="Michael Steelfang"]'s vessel, and then a stern booming voice. "Admiral Steelfang. This is high command. We are informing you that as of now, due to the current confusing state of affairs within the fleet. Any other persons attempting to assume command from this point on are to be shot on site. We will not tolerate insubordination on the eve of our glorious rise to power. Authorization code: Alpha, Lima, 7, Whiskey, 9, 3, Tango. You also have new orders. Move the fleet into position and attack immediately. No sense giving the enemy any more time to prepare. Command out!" A similiar message would also be sent to [member="Kikhveakkaz"]'s vessel. (to move out the fleet if Steelfang doesn't arrive soon)

Another call was sent to [member="Navio"] . "Sir, I hope you and your troops are prepared. We are commencing the attack now. This is also to inform you that on a temporary basis at least, you are in command of all ground forces. Congratulations. We are going to need a strong push from you today. We want to hit the enemy as hard and as quickly as we can. If you encounter particularly strong resistance. Contact the fleet. We'd rather bomb them into submission and lose a few buildings, than waste our troops. Also, in regards to the slaves you encounter. All slaves are to be given safe conduct and protection where possible. Attempt to extract any information you can out of them as well. They might be able to help us get around opposing defenses. Good luck! Command out!"

Ice, meanwhile, sat in his chair waiting for further orders. While he did so, he called up [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]. "Hello Alex." He said when she arrived. "It looks like we'll be moving out soon. You can start to see the fleet moving into attack position. Anyway, I wanted to give you a heads up." He handed her a piece of paper which had informed him that Navio had been placed in overall command of this battle at least. "Looks like we had a last minutes change up in command." He said shaking his head with an annoyed smile. "I tell ya, some things are just never meant to go smoothly. But enough of all that. You ready to go?"

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

Alexandra rolled her neck as she stood there in the Malfrost Sentinel armor with a dauntless blade at her side, her sabers on the otherside, and a number of grenades for all different purposes lining her belt and in her cloak. The cloak was a grey thing, made of fiber weave and synth weave, and made to protect her from a stray blaster bolt as well as allowing for her to carry and move a bit easier. Her eyes fell now on the man, this Ice, whom she would be working with and she could only smile as he asked that. "Let us rain down upon them then, no?" She smiled and stood slowly, walking with the man to the ship and getting ready for what ever insertion it was that would be done soon... but she was not sure if things would be great or not.
Rex still sat in the War Room on the Hazard Beauty, just rubbing in temples in stress...somehow in all the chaos he was placed in charge of all the Shadow Empire so he was now The Shadow Emperor. Some of his Carnage Commandos had already assembled but most were not there yet...well Rex actually wasn't sure if they were still his squad or not since the dust was still settling. Regardless Rex got on the ships comms "change of plans ner vods I need all available personnel to make their way to the landing crafts...we need to take this planet, time now!". As Rex clicked off the comms he leaned back in his chair and so the test of his leadership began, with the aftermath of the coup most people doubted The Shadow Empire would ever be relevant ever again. Fortunately the members of The Shadow Empire rallied behind him and so he took on the responsibility of leading this faction out of a tough spot. One of the first things he would do is make a statement to the galaxy that although they were down they weren't out...they WOULD take this planet for the glory of the Shadow Empire.

[member="Navio"], [member="Ghrom Xenos"], [member="Vash Ordo"], [member="Kaia Brin"], [member="Ravi Savak"], [member="Keltin Gelfon"], [member="Chess Tixlia"], [member="Xaefo Mardekin"], [member="Eve"], [member="Coric Adromak"], [member="Aken Bosch"], [member="Emerald Sage"], [member="Katar"], [member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"], [member="Breanna Volsh"], [member="Eliza Downheart"], [member="Romeo Sin"], [member="Ice"], [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"][member="Javik Quar-Kai"], [member="Oka Osaa"]

(OOC: Alright guys lets show that The Shadow Empire is still a force to be reckoned with and not just a flash in the pan. We have outstanding writers and I want to see all of you post what you have so top notch quality post. RAH!)
Ice smirked at her comment. "Rain down on them is probably a pretty accurate way to say it. Judging by the conspicuous lack of a fleet to hold us back. I have a feeling the whole armada is just going to lower down to the planets surface and blast the main defenses away from behind the safety of our shields and heavy armor...At least that is what I'd do."

The words had no sooner left his lips, when the majority of the fleet, all but the largest vessels unable to pass through the atmosphere safely advanced on the world below.

His comm sounded off. "Captain Ice. The fleet is moving in now. Your reinforcements will come in behind Carnage Squad after they have cleared the LZ for your carrier. Do you copy?"

"Aye sir! Reinforce Carnage Squad after the LZ has been established. Copy that." He said enthusiastically as he turned back to Alex. "Well, ready or not. Time to bring the pain!" He gave her a wink and then continued. "Head on down to the loading area. I'll me you there in a few minutes."

Looking back to his bridge staff, he ordered. "Well you heard 'em. Move in behind Carnage Squads landing craft. We'll follow them down after they send us word we got a green light to land. Once we disembark, Pull out and offer air support. Only as long as the AA defenses aren't to bad. Otherwise, pull back and make for space till recalled. Good luck everyone."

With that he left the bridge, and heading down to the loading ramp with Alex to strap himself in.

Meanwhile, the rest of the fleet was beginning their descent...

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

Alex let him do the talking while she simply nodded. Sitting down she strapped in, careful not to make the straps too tight incase they began to cut into her because of a bumpy ride. Her hands then curled around her legs, her helmet in her lap as she waited for them to start their own decent. Reaching up she pulled her hair tight and tied it up and out of the way before grabbing her helmet. She perfected the seal and let her breathing flow, leaving the backup oxygen alone for now as she gave a thumbs up to Ice. The sound of the engine and shouting pierced the helmet, muffled but there as she activated her radio and sealed off the outside sounds for now, listening to any news what so ever about who was engaging who.
In what felt like a matter of moments, everything seemed to flip upside down. New leaders were quickly appointed, with [member="Tiberius Rex"] being at the head of that list. Shortly after reaching the War Room, Vash, and the rest of the Carnage Commando, had been instructed to clear a landing zone. Vash gave a nod to Rex, assuring his leader that he would get the job done without a single word. He turned and headed out. It was a simple enough task, but it had Vash shook. He couldn't help but feel nervous. At a time like this, he needed to step up.

By now, Vash had removed his rifle from his back, tightly gripping it with both hands. He was beginning to feel up to the task. He made his way to the landing craft, entering it. Vash found a seat inside, taking a deep breath. "Quickly, ner vods." He knew the others would be joining him soon. It was unlike him to give orders, but the feeling it gave him was empowering. He wanted to make sure he lived up to the legend he had created. Silently, he awaited for the arrival of his other group members.

[member="Navio"], [member="Ghrom Xenos"], [member="Kaia Brin"], [member="Ice"], [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"], [member="Javik Quar-Kai"], [member="Oka Osaa"], [member="Kikhveakkaz"]

The small black transport cut through the high atmosphere, quickly descending towards the nearest landing zone. Coric exited the ship quickly and led a handful of mercenaries behind out into the streets of Lorrd City. Famed for it's university on this side of the galaxy, the capital of the planet would likely shelter any opposition, and no doubt the Lorrd Security Forces would put up some kind of resistance. Coric plan was simple, stamp them out before they became a long term problem.

"Do we have a location on any resistance fighters yet?" Coric asked one the officers. One man stepped forward with a data-pad, gesturing to certain data on the screen. "The LSF holdouts are likely digging in around the university district. The infrastructure is tight and the area is urbanized." the officer said. Coric exhaled sharply in response and glanced out across the city skyline. "We need to surround enemy positions that are dug in. We should be able to out flank them, but if they can't be moved then we starve them out. As they moved deeper into the city the mercenary motioned to the streets. "Set up a perimeter ten blocks out from the LSF force position, prepare for a fire fight." Coric stated
Stardust checked all systems as she nodded to herself "OK its time to show the scarface squadron" she said to herself then flipped the comms on"the is alpha leader to all flight members report in
Lith reported -scarface two in
Hibernian reported-scarface three in
Fin reported-scarface four in
Sia reported-scarface five in
Stardust smiled and radioed to [member="Tiberius Rex"] and vash ordo
This us scarface squadron ready to get some action "she said and smiled
Eliza sat in the war room patiently, she had everything she thought she would need ready and in holsters. She looked around and cracked her back before standing and making her way towards the door. She knew she had never been in such a situation but she was ready. She had a blaster attached to each hip and her cloak was no where to be seen. She had gotten used to wearing makeup to cover her scar. She breathed deeply and closed off the sounds around her.
I can do this she said to herself in her head before preparing for battle.
Ryan was somewhere already in the hangar bay, doing merc things, not caring what was going on in the war room, even though at some point his coms were linked to the others, he heard all the man named [member="Tiberius Rex"] was saying, but shrugged it off. He didnt care really what the man had to say, he was here because he needed a weekly paycheck.
He leaned against one of the drop ships waiting for others to get here, bored, and wanting to go shoot something. A small bottle of whiskey was in hand, and his helmet went back into it's slide spot, and he chugged some of it down. "Oh yeah, that hits the spot." He said feeling his cheeks warm up with color. He was on his way to getting drunk. "Good stuff." He said again. [member="Vash Ordo"] [member="Ice"] [member="Eliza Downheart"] [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Navio"] @stardust
Bree entered the war room she knew that this new found responsibility laid heavy upon Rex their talks late into the night about what he saw and what he wanted to do only told her that he was the right man for the job. This would be the testing ground she thought. She put on her best smile and used her most confident voice. A yeoman came in with a datapad which Bree took from her and then dismissed her with a nod.

"Everyone is moving into position Rex" Bree knew that in time her skills would be needed on the planet, she did not know how Rex would handle her going into the situation. She assumed that he would have put his personal preferences to the side and allow her to do the job he needed her to do. "[member="Tiberius Rex"], you ok?" She asked softly as she neared his chair.
Hitching a Ride on a transport full of Troopers Kezeroth waited and craved combat. His mind was ready and his body even more so. His enemey was Vong so Force Abilities would do nothing, Unless it was lightning or Alter Environment. As the transport came closer and evetually landed Kezeroth was the last to get out inspecting attackers and their defenses. With a Grin the Gen'Dai let out a Roar and activated his light-pike. [member="Coric Adromak"] Was in the City nearby Kezeroth would meet up with him there.
Stepping out of the Transport with [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"] Javik drew his double bladed lightsabers, dual wielding them in both hands and activating them. He was ready for what came next and he had previous experience with the Yuuzhan Vong. Though he would get in some trouble if he was found out Javik had aided them in some missions but that was a different group. These Vong were Forign to him and would meet only his blade. Using Force speed Javik rushed to Allies nearby.

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