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Cor Odium: Korriban Mission (open)

Darth Odium

The modified GR-75 medium transport dropped out of hyperspace and flew as fast as it could toward the reddish planet of Korriban. The ship was not an impressive thing neither was it the most threatening of vessels, but the thing, the creature it held was not a benevolent one. The green skinned Nautolan Sith walked from the cockpit leaving his hired Gand findsman to pilot while he went to his drop vessel a simple republic fighter. Odium climbed into the ship and began activating it's systems. He once again had his satchel and a medium sized backpack full of needed tools. His eyes scanned the systems and noted they were all reading as they should so he climbed down to the cargo bay and walked to the prisoners that lined the wall.

<<Are you ready to become immortal?>> he said telepathically to the minds of the ten prisoners.

"I am." a young woman said as she looked at Odium with an air of ambition and confidence. She had been a slave on Nal Hutta and had killed her master to be freed from his vices. She had come when Odium said he could make it so no one would ever touch her improperly again.

<<Very well.>> Odium said releasing her and leading her willingly into the room he had prepared. He pointed to a table and pulled a black cloth off a black crystal filled with a swirling violet cloudy substance.

"What is that?" she asked as she lay down.

'So trusting.' Odium thought as he began channeling the force through the crystal. He walked to the table and began moving his green lips soundlessly. Then in one swift motion he pulled a dagger from his belt and stabbed it into the woman.

Her blood was collected in a container beneath the table as Odium continued to channel the force. he removed another crystal from his satchel. It was blood red and the size of Odium's fist. He continued to channel and the crystal responded with almost greedy delight as Odium bound the woman's essence into it.

Odium quickly cleaned up the table and secured the container of blood in a bulkhead safe. He would have to finish later. He walked out of the room, stowed the crimson crystal, and walked to the fighter without a glance at the others.

"Where is Meera?" a young man asked.

<<She is getting used to her new immortality, you can see her when I return.>> Odium said again via telepathy. With that he climbed into the ship sealed the prisoners in their area and left for the surface. Once he was clear the transport went into hyperspace.

Odium finally made his way to the planet and landed in a remote craggy area the fighter could hide in properly. He shut the ship down and exited taking the first open cave he could find he stopped to plot his course to the hidden tombs and the spirits that were within. If he survived this it would be the beginning of darker days to come. If he did not, [member="Darth Isolda"] would find another to complete the task.

@Micheal Sardun

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Aran sat bound on the strange Nautolan's ship. He had been on a recon of the One Sith territory when he was knocked out by the thing that had just left.

"I hope Meera gets better soon." a young man from Kiffex said, "We'll be able to live forever together."

"Were you born stupid or is that a learned trait." Aran said not bothering to look at the man.

"You're just jealous of us!" the fool hardy man replied.

"You really think that guy will give you what he claims?" Aran asked, "Ten why are we all bound and kept isolated?"

"He said to keep us from walking into the rest of the ships danger zones. It's standard procedure." the Man replied finally sounding a bit unsure.

Aran sighed and shook his head leaning back against the bulkhead as the transport floated in hyperspace.

"We're already dead." he said and closed his eyes to feign sleeping.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Darth Odium"]

All things considered, there was a decent chance that no Jedi in history knew Korriban as well as Ashin Varanin. She'd had unprecedented access as Empress, had trained students here, had overseen its defenses, had plumbed the depths of its tombs. Though she'd ruled from Dromund Kaas, Korriban had always been closer to her heart, at least during her Sith days. Its austerity appealed to her, the starkness of its challenge, even to a prepared traveler. These tombs held the bones of Masters -- and not just those for whom they'd been built.

She'd left her speeder bike near the temple-end of the Valley of the Dark Lords, on a ledge high above the dunes, though a harsh wind had filled crevices in stone and speeder with yellow grit. Daubed with tuk'ata blood, her boots accumulated sand, forming unlovely clods. Eleven kilos of anti-materiel rifle weighed heavy as she finished her ascent, but she stopped only when she'd reached the bike and her sensor/comm unit.

"Monitor Cresh, this is Varanin." The Jedi and the Republic had monitoring systems in orbit; many had tried to make landfall for profit. "The ship had a crew of three. One master, one apprentice, one servant. K'lor slugs took the apprentice, tuk'ata the master. The servant ran into a dart trap. All resolved before I got on scene. Bringing back their lightsabres. Over." She shoved the Sith blades into a saddlebag and took a long pull from her canteen.

"Acknowledged, Padawan Varanin. Be advised that a Republic fighter has landed without clearance in your area. Sending coordinates. Please verify occupants. Over."

"Thought I saw something like that. I'll check it out. Any backup available if the situation escalates? Over."

"Jedi Knights are in-system. May the Force be with you. Over and out."

The comm unit clicked shut. With a grimace, Ashin began the even longer climb to the top of the temple. With those landing coordinates, anyone approaching the Valley of the Dark Lords -- and that was the general target for explorers of all stripes -- would have to approach via a certain stretch of sand, a lesser valley, which she could see from the apex. She would set up there with her rifle, a Hekler'Kok AMR-1, and see what she could see with the scope.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Jared Ovmar"] (Because I spelled the Jedi's name wrong)

Ket took his datapad out and began setting his course through the dust and wind of the rocky valley. He would have to travel through the lesser valley to reach the greater valley and the tomb entrances that it contained. It was a dangerous trip for anyone and even more so for someone that was not authorized to be here. He would have to be very careful if the local fauna didn't kill him the local security might. Ket pulled his dark green cloak tightly around his form and began picking his way toward the rocky wall of the valley rather than chance the full openness of the sandy floor of it. A large hand shielded his black eyes as he moved along the rocks. He didn't have a blaster though he had thought about obtaining one and only carried a sword on his hip that was mostly covered by the cloak and his saberstaff that acted as a counterweight on the other hip.

It was a slow process but with any luck the higher ground would be a better defense against the creatures that often called the valleys home.

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To say that things had been peaceful since running off to join the Jedi, would be to lie. The Mandalorians that had hunted Graxin quite literally into the mud were likely still out there, watching, waiting. He doubted the bounty on his head was likely very big. Despite his danger to the former Emperor's throne--for he had heard news of the New Order ceasing to exist-- he had made no moves to usurp. If any really gave chase, it was out of a bitter heart, rather than one affixed on hoarding credits.

Whether he was Jedi or Sith still, he did not know. Truly, it didn't really matter. Korriban had always tugged at his interests in some way. The overlords on Mytus were cruel creatures, and the Graug, for what he knew, had been spawned from the Sith's twisted experiments. The homeland of his father's creators needed to be seen. Graxin wanted to understand what had driven them to create such an ill begotten race, and as such, had stolen away to the Sith world.

His leaving of Ossus had not been announced. The Jedi would have likely asked him to remain for further observation, and he would have complied. Guilt would have made the decision for him, and he had made sure to avoid any contact to avoid that outcome. His landing on the world had been authorized; he was thought to be a full fledged member of the Order.

Maybe that's what I want. Time to find out.

His figure was not well masked among the red sand. A long black robe hugged his body, and a set of the light armor many Jedi Guardians employed lay underneath. His amber eyes narrowed partway as a ship--the classification he could not tell-- soared overhead and set down into what he thought was solid rock. Perhaps there was a cave hidden within?

"I suppose it won't hurt to give a look." He murmured solely to himself.

A single glance was sent toward the speeder he had set down almost a mile away. It would take longer to retrieve the vehicle than simply walking.The not-Jedi-not-Sith trudged on through the sands toward what he hoped was some sort of cave. Perhaps it was a research team and he could lend a hand in some way.

[member="Darth Odium"] [member="Ashin Varanin"]
Beep. Beep. Beep.

Ryan Korr sat up in the cockpit of his Shrike-class interceptor and glanced at the incoming transmission. Monitor Cresh? Why would they be contacting him?

"Patch it through, R9."

The Astromech droid toodled a reply and a hologram crackled to life on the dashboard.

"Jedi Master Paryn?" Ryan asked, tone even.

Paryn, a gruff feline, snuffled. "We have received contact from Ashin Varanin on Korriban. She is requesting back up. How soon can you get there?"

"Korriban? An hour. What's this all about?"

The Jedi Master huffed a sigh, "I'm not sure, but keep your wits about you Knight Korr. Korriban is a vengeful, unforgiving planet."

Ryan nodded, "Understood."

The tiny blue figure on the dashboard vanished, leaving Ryan alone in the cockpit. "At least I've got you R9."


"I know, let's get this thing headed for Korriban."

Korr turned the red-winged interceptor toward the ancient Sith planet and jumped to hyperspace. During the ride, he traced the scar under his eye, lost in thought. He'd just been leaving CIS space after a discussion with Viceroy Walsh. The Temple must've seen he was in the area by his transponder. Ryan sighed deeply and wondered what kind of mess he was getting himself into.

47 minutes later.

The star fighter settled onto the surface of Korriban, engine wash spraying sand in all directions. Ryan leapt easily from the cockpit in his khaki tabard and brown undertunic, lightsaber in hand.

"Lock her down, R9, and do some scans of the area. I want to know what's out there."

The astromech tweedled a cheery reply to which Ryan nodded before setting off.

Brown boots crunched on the sand and he narrowed his eyes at the terrain. A narrow ravine spilled out into the greater Valley of the Dark Lords. Ryan quested out with his senses, keeping alert lest someone use the prime opportunity to drygulch him as he walked through the ravine.

"Jedi Varanin, this is Knight Korr. I'm on planet, what is your location? Over."

[member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Ket Vistas"] @Odium [member="Graxin Rade"]
Ancient Tomb of a long forgotten Sith Lord.

Lord Fidelis kneeled in deep meditation, the alter of his former master was all that took his attention. It was true that he came into being during the age of two, and that he had killed his master to attain his own status and was defeated and imprisoned by his own apprentice. Those were the days of old, a long forgotten era and a long forgotten Lord and his line. He found solace in the fact the world changed, that the sith had survived even if he was no longer part of them and even if they now represented Chaos instead of order.

Why had he come here though, he never knew the real reason, some banished sentimentality of the man who raised him and he called brother or perhaps for himself and his own soul. He was torn and he had left all of what he was behind some time ago, he had tried to walk the line with the Republic, with his Mando kin and none of it seemed right to the dark lord. Nothing but the peace he found in being away from the politics and the strife. Yet even in the peace he was still tormented and torn towards action, towards what he knew. He still yearned for adventure, commaderie and in some cases a good fight or two.

“ Many years have gone by my master, this new Galaxy is still quite strange.” he said to himself as he began to stand. The former sith lord looked back at the alter and then with an intent focus towards the exit, not looking back again. Maybe the reason he didn't look back was the detonite charges set to collapse the ante chamber and seal the tomb away from looters for al time. Maybe is it was the erasure of his past that he was working so steadfastly towards. As he breached into the open air he pressed the detonater sending a smattering of dust, sand and debris flying around him.

The hairs on the back of his neck began to tingle and the lord winced as he looked around “ I am not alone today it seems” Perhaps his string of boredom might be ended soon enough.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Ket Vistas"] [member="Ryan Korr"]

Ashin's main comm, the one that could talk to the orbital monitors, was down with the speeder, but her short-range comm clicked once in her pocket. Flat on her belly at the very edge, she kept her eye on the scope of the anti-materiel rifle and fished the comm out to listen.

"Korr, Varanin. Location is overwatch at the top of the Valley's main temple. Orbital monitors asked me to check out an unknown landing. I'm seeing...two people, not together, both bound for the Valley. Both young, both male, one human and one Nautolan. The human fits the description of Graxin Rade, a Padawan who's apparently gotten clearance to be in this area, though the brief didn't say why. The Nautolan -- no idea." She'd run into a Nautolan or two at the Academies, but telling them apart -- that was another story. "Monitor Cresh said he landed in a Republic fighter. Might be nothing, might be everything."
[member="Darth Odium"]

Psychometry made tracking the nautolan not impossible. Kiffar blood boiled within her, the sparks to a greater rage. Everything she touched to track the nautolan exposed her to his master. Everything was dark. Tainted. It stuck to her essence like a growing tar.

Her original purpose and employment was forgotten. She wanted one thing now: to end him.

Mocha skin, painted and smeared with a darker shade of ash and mud to blend in, shifted along the Korriban valley. She sited along the bow, pulling the arrow of midnight black taught against the string. Toned-muscled tensed as the line brushed her lips.


The arrow released, headed toward the back of the nautolan's tentacled head.

Her tunnel-vision would probably be her undoing.

[member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Arumi Zy"] [member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Ryan Korr"]

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[member="Quinn Vos"] [member="Darth Odium"]

A Rock.

There was no way for Graxin to know that his position had reported, and if he had, it would not have mattered. His hunt was not for a being, but the ship itself. His purpose something of curiosity and not malevolence. This made the sense of shock that flowed through his senses even more paramount. It was dark and foreboding, not unlike the general feeling of Korriban itself, but different in its own way. It was stronger, and underlying, a sense of chaos to follow.

The Sith's mark on this world would always be present, but the mix of personas tugging at the edge of his consciousness now was tangible. Something was going to happen, or had already happened. Graxin reached instinctively for the comm link at his belt, only to find nothing but warm leather where metal should have been. He cursed his own lack of preparation, and strode on toward what he presumed to be a ravine.

The twin cylinders of metal and leather hanging from his hips felt like nothing more than added weight when he made his final approach. The sand made marching a tiring feat, and the heat was aided by that sense of anxiety and dread that hung over Graxin like a thick blanket. He tried to hide his signature in the force, but such talents were not his strong suit. Praying that the ability had worked (and it likely had not) Graxin crept behind a rock near the ship.

He eyed an unfamiliar figure. Green skin, and big eyes, utterly alien. Any other details were lost to him as an arrow formed from seemingly nothing and arced toward the stranger.

He did not know the figure, nor did he know his species or allegiance, but the recent Jedi teachings that the bathrobe brigade had crammed into his skull kicked in. He stood up from his hiding place, held out both hands, and did his very best to send the arrow off course. His skills with telekinesis were well developed, but his success was largely uncertain. The object was moving fast, after all.

[member="Quinn Vos"] [member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Arumi Zy"] [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Ket Vistas"]
"Rade?" Ryan's teeth ground so loudly it would be a wonder if the comms didn't pick it up. "Good copy, Varanin. I'll move into the Valley and hold position. Let's see where this goes. Over and out."

Brows drawn together in thought, he clicked the comlink off and clipped it back onto his belt. He didn't care what the security clearance said, Padawans didn't just get leave to waltz around a planet containing the tombs of five thousand year old Dark Lords. Varanin was a special case due to her previous position as a Master prior to her severance from the Force. The assumption that he trusted her would be incorrect. He found difficulty placing faith in the woman who'd lead an entire Empire of Sith to conquer nearly half the galaxy, even if it had all been a secret mission from the Council to undermine the Sith. The Fringe Confederacy was not without its faults either, but he supposed neither was the Republic. She'd complied with the Force Severance as penance for her crimes. Did that warrant trust?

Korr closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. How could a Jedi not believe in redemption?

Shaking his head, Ryan kept walking through the ravine. The light breath of wind against his skin and the steady crunch of his boots upon the sand were the only sounds to great his ears. A malicious, dry heat steadily sapped at his strength, seeking to wring him of moisture as one would a wet towel. Blast Korriban and blast these mysterious padawans and desert-going nautolans. He emerged from the ravine and strode into the enormous Valley of the Dark Lords.

Rays of sunlight glinted off yet more sand and rocks, though enormous statues rose high into the sky and cast long shadows upon the valley floor. Their malevolent gaze radiated a lingering evil. The Dark Side pervaded this planet, making Korr's skin crawl. Yet within the Darkness he felt something stirring.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

@Odium [member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Quinn Vos"] [member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Arumi Zy"]

Zion Krayt

Once he had brought the Sith Knight that was known as Graxin Rade to the Jedi Temple on Ossus to meet with the Grandmaster, she had determined that the former Sith would become the temporary charge of Zaren Bouqi, that was until the Sith proved himself to become the Jedi Knight that he was willing to become. A few weeks later when he had gone to seek out the Sith, he was gone. When he had checked his quarters things seemed as if they were missing but he disregarded that and continued towards the hangar bay.

When he arrived, there was a ship leaving just as he arrived, and he felt a familiar presence in it. At that point, Zaren felt confused. He didn't understand how one could come to the Jedi on their own free will, and then try their best to make their leaving be as quiet as possible. From that point on, he knew what he had to do, and he got into his own starship and followed after Graxin's. Things weren't going to be pretty when he got to him.

When his ship had dropped out of hyperspace over Korriban he frowned, his sensors told him that there was a ship heading into the atmosphere and he followed after it. It could only be [member="Graxin Rade"] he had determined and his starship pierced the atmosphere like an arrowhead intending to follow close behind it. He landed his ship nearby, but out of sight of Graxin's ship and continued on after the Sith. He made sure his presence within the Force was hidden completely and he continued. I'll bring him back crawling if I have to. With fists clenched, he did his best to stalk his soon to be prey in silence.

The planet reeked of the Dark Side, it sapped his power he was certain. There were abilities that he knew wouldn't help him upon this planet. Not as well as they would anyway. At several points in his journey as he trudged through the sand, he felt as if he was sinking further into the planet's burning embrace, but that was only the Bogan nature weighing down upon him. He was so unused to so much power all at once that he was unsure as to how to proceed, but he'd continue forwards.

When he finally set his gaze upon Graxin, his fists clenched as he doubled his pace and stopped behind the Sith Knight. "Graxin." He said darkly, his tone clearly not pleased as he shrugged his hood off of his head.
[member="Darth Odium"] [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Ashin Varanin"]
[member="Quinn Vos"]

A cigarette filled his lips as he began the long treck back towards his ship, which was stowed near the temple, obscured from view by a camo lining over it. He could sense the others around him, he could sense the darkness and he could sense the light. Always fighting, always bickering like children who had nothing better to do then to fight over ancient dogma and beliefs. He had little concern over the squabbles of religious zealots but something did draw his attention. It was feint, it was slight and it felt,,,, light, yet familiar.

Was it enough to pique his interest? To gather his attention into a long enough focus that he would have to investigate. Perhaps so, he at the very least needed to see what this signature was or more precise who it was. It felt like a presence he had not felt in a very long time, one that he thought had been snuffed out of existence and one that had garnered his respect.

Darth Odium

[member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Quinn Vos"] [member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Arumi Zy"]

Odium could feel them, at least some of them, as they turned their attention toward him he could sense the darker emotions grow. It was a talent that made him strong, the ability to fuel his strength with the emotions of others and he could feel anger, frustration and more.

In his mind's eye he visualized the landscape and the distance to the force cave he would need to enter to avoid more direct scrutiny. It would not be easy and his failure to get landing clearance was a slip that he would not soon forget if he survived.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Ket had that sensation of danger and rounded just in time to see an arrow from an unknown attacker streak at him. The arrow was pushed off course by the man he'd noticed in the valley a relatively short distance away.

Ket had two choices find the attacker and try and defeat it or run to his objective. He was a good combatant and as a duelist he could hild his own quite well but his goal was of a greater sort. He drew on the force as the eddies of destiny began to swirl around several individuals in the area and he began leaping across the rocks toward the caves near the tombs.

He leapt only twice before rocks beneath his feet gave way and he found himself clinging to the edge of a small newly opened crevasse. He had three choices, wait for help, climb out and back into line of sight, or fall in and hope it led to somewhere he could find refuge.
[member="Ashin Varanin"][member="Quinn Vos"][member="Graxin Rade"][member="Ryan Korr"][member="Zaren Bouqi"][member="Arumi Zy"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Ket Vistas"] [member="Arumi Zy"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Graxin Rade"] [member="Quinn Vos"]
"Wait one, Korr. We've got more contacts. There's someone under cover firing arrows at the Nautolan. Nautolan's running for the Valley, Rade is protecting him, Jedi Knight Bishop is on site, focusing on Rade. Nautolan should be here in a couple minutes, the rate he's going. Looks like he's making for the caves -- now he's tripped into a crevasse about five minutes north of you."

A faint presence tickled at the back of her mind, and she pulled out a pocket scope to look down another way. A bald figure, relatively familiar, was approaching the Temple on foot.

"Korr, we've got trouble. Arumi Zy is heading for the temple from the east. He was a Sith Lord, and a vicious one, then the Senate's Dark Side attack dog. I don't think he's with the Republic anymore. Watch yourself."

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[member="Zaren Bouqi"]

Graxin's perceived stealth was all for naught. he had thought the Jedi would be slow to catch on--that he would have a day or so to simply look around. This idea proved itself false as a familiar voice almost made Graxin tumble over. It seemed the arrow had been diverted, and he quickly went down into a crouch behind the rocks once more.

"Bishop." He mumbled in greeting. Whatever was happening here would have to wait until the issue with his keeper were resolved. He turned partway, brow set, lips curled into an unhappy frown. Hopefully, their position was still unknown, though the likelihood of such was relatively slow.

"It's good to see you...doing well? I hear Korriban's sand is good for the you sense what I sense? Something is wrong, I think, maybe. Could be wrong."
[member="Ashin Varanin"] [member="Darth Odium"] [member="Ket Vistas"] [member="Quinn Vos"]

Zion Krayt

The Jedi Knight simply waited for his charge to cease speaking. He continued to speak so that he could try to alleviate the tension the area by making a... Joke? If anything, it made the situation even more tense, at least upon Zaren's part. It was true, there was something going on upon the planet and he clenched and unclenched his fists as he took a moment to think about what it was he was sensing, and he shook his head.

The dark helmet that encased Zaren's head focused upon the Sith in front of him and then he spoke. "I will deal with you later. For now, we will figure out what is going on." He walked towards him and crouched behind the rock, and latching onto his arm, pulled him down behind the rock as well. "Explain to me the situation." He wasn't speaking as Zaren, or even Bishop. Since [member="Graxin Rade"] had disobeyed his orders and had left the Temple without Zaren's supervision, he had adopted the almost condescending instructor's voice.

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