Danger Arceneau
The Widow
As a result of the direct seizing of Corporate Assets of several SSB Members by the Republic Clone Army.
"Yes, that is exactly what I want." would come the coo of Danger Arceneau herself. Without further ado, the posted bounty would go blitzing the various bounty boards. A tap of a finger would send the data forth. Now the entire galaxy would know; one can't stop the signal.
Name of Bounty: The Galactic Republic Clone Army and any allies that would seize Corporate Assets of companies within the Southern System Business Bazaar Network.
Any property seized by the republic is to be recaptured and given back to their rightful owner. Defense of employees of independent companies is paramount.
Name of Contractor: Arceneau Trade Company
Bounty Price: Pay out monies proportional to the number and degree of employees and assets damaged, captured, seized, or otherwise neutralized for the Republic Clone Army. Credits and Technology within the conglomerate of Arceneau Trade Company are subject as payment.
Feel free to negotiate terms, otherwise bounty take is as follows below.
On hold pending information, currently being verified.
Payouts will not be given in cases of substantial collateral damage or inhumane methods.
- 12% on monetary take when bounty payoffs include both significant money and Salvaging Rights.
- 10% on monetary take when bounty payoffs are mainly or solely monetary.
- 10%, as agreed between ATC and the hunter in good faith, on non-monetary take when bounty payoffs are mainly or solely non-monetary.
Condition: Alive or Dead - Assets damaged, captured, seized, or otherwise neutralized.
Additional Info:
This is a bounty to damage, capture, seize or otherwise neutralize the Republic Clone Army by Spaarti Creations @Patricia Susan Gartner,
AEL owner @Ostanes has graciously added the following:
As a prize as well, set whatever parameters you see fit to qualify, but our top Staff Alchemists will personally oversee the creation of custom unique alchemical weapons, sithspawn pets, armor, or whatever someone desires (within reason) if they perform well enough in your eyes.