Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corporate Warfare Against the Republic Clone Army


As a result of the direct seizing of Corporate Assets of several SSB Members by the Republic Clone Army.

"Yes, that is exactly what I want." would come the coo of Danger Arceneau herself. Without further ado, the posted bounty would go blitzing the various bounty boards. A tap of a finger would send the data forth. Now the entire galaxy would know; one can't stop the signal.


Name of Bounty: The Galactic Republic Clone Army and any allies that would seize Corporate Assets of companies within the Southern System Business Bazaar Network. Spaarti Creations facilities are to be seized. On hold pending new information, currently being verified.

Any property seized by the republic is to be recaptured and given back to their rightful owner. Defense of employees of independent companies is paramount.

Name of Contractor: Arceneau Trade Company

Bounty Price: Pay out monies proportional to the number and degree of employees and assets damaged, captured, seized, or otherwise neutralized for the Republic Clone Army. Credits and Technology within the conglomerate of Arceneau Trade Company are subject as payment.

Feel free to negotiate terms, otherwise bounty take is as follows below.

Pay out monies proportional to the number and degree of employees and assets damaged, captured, seized, or otherwise neutralized for Spaarti Creations [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] clone Republic Army and cloning facilities with any current Republic clones. SALVAGE RIGHTS included
On hold pending information, currently being verified.

Payouts will not be given in cases of substantial collateral damage or inhumane methods.

  • 12% on monetary take when bounty payoffs include both significant money and Salvaging Rights.
  • 10% on monetary take when bounty payoffs are mainly or solely monetary.
  • 10%, as agreed between ATC and the hunter in good faith, on non-monetary take when bounty payoffs are mainly or solely non-monetary.

Condition: Alive or Dead - Assets damaged, captured, seized, or otherwise neutralized.

Additional Info:

This is a bounty to damage, capture, seize or otherwise neutralize the Republic Clone Army by Spaarti Creations @Patricia Susan Gartner, to include any Spaarti Creation factory and production site Cartao Yuuzhan'tar & Oberon and within Republic Territory. On hold pending information, currently being verified.

AEL owner @Ostanes has graciously added the following:

As a prize as well, set whatever parameters you see fit to qualify, but our top Staff Alchemists will personally oversee the creation of custom unique alchemical weapons, sithspawn pets, armor, or whatever someone desires (within reason) if they perform well enough in your eyes.
A simple wave would be sent out by Akure Executive Interstellar, sent to [member="Danger Arceneau"] . Solidarity was important in troubling times like these, after all. Even if Ostanes, in all his many faces, was a bit disgruntled this would mean he was going to miss his favorite Opera being performed in the Core later this week. Though, by that time, the Republic might have lost that planet too, for all he knew...

"Mademoiselle Arceneau -

Please feel free to add whatever incentives Akure Executive can provide in whatever way you see fit. Be it increase in credit pay-out, product offerings (please contact us in this regard so we can make sure to have it moved from storage!), or whatever you wish. We will not stand by to see our friends suffer alone.

As a prize as well, set whatever parameters you see fit to qualify, but our top Staff Alchemists will personally oversee the creation of custom unique alchemical weapons, sithspawn pets, armor, or whatever someone desires (within reason) if they perform well enough in your eyes.

We should meet, I have some ideas for that lovely spider-shell silk product you've been sitting on... And I promise, I won't try to steal you away from your man.

-Uriel Escria.
Chief Executive Operating Officer
Akure Executive Interstellar"
"Bring the elder ink young one"

A large parchment lay bare upon the king of Atrisia this fine evening, he despised the lack of flare and charm in holograms and voice messages, instead he decided to write a letter with his own handwriting and use the ink made from the blood of the Atrisian Elders who defied his rule. A crystal vase with black and red liquid was placed to his right and he held the large metal prod use by the old Atrisian Kings before him.

To Miss Arceneau

A cordial greetings to you from the imperial palace first and foremost and may the wisdom and power of his majesty the Emperor of the One Sith bless you. It is with great regret that i hear the news upon my holonet this day and see the tyrannical oppression of the republic which i have staunchly fought against since my days as an acolyte and servant in my order. Let it be known that all of Atrisia and her holdings have declared a day of solemn solidarity alongside you and your employees with what has occurred, which is nothing less than an act of terrorism and oppression that i shall not stand idly by and stay silent about.

There may be much difference between a king and a corporate head but the endless work for the betterment of the lives of those who work under us is always something we share. The armies of Atrisia are with you, the blades of the Jar'Kai sing with the wind at their backs awaiting the call to war, as this letter is written with the blood of my fallen enemies...

I anxiously await the chance to write the next one with the blood of yours.

Sincerely yours.
Lord Mythos, Sith Magnus of Atrisia.

The Parchment was henceforth sealed imperial Atrisian standard and sent via private transportation to the recipient.

[member="Danger Arceneau"]


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
I'd be interested in doing a team up if there's anyone out there who wants to help field test some really, really pretty new toys in the process. Gertrude is getting lonely, and I've half a mind to make her a playmate.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

So I just woke up to get ready for work, and I'm reading up on what happened here and what I've said is "leave corporate assets alone, you don't want to pick a fight with Cira." From like the first time this plot point was brought up. I have no idea why Gen would push through with it without letting me know, but this is without my knowledge. While I do not care what happens to the clone army I'd appreciate it if you guys left my company alone. I have been strongly against touching others stuff and I'm sorry about what went down.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] - It's her/Danger's call... But ICly? You tied yourself where you tied yourself. So those IC actions have consequences ICly when the one you're allied with goes off their rocker... OOC intents and wants aside. I feel for you, but dems da breaks, so the kids say.

My recommendation? Do more than an OOC apology and not changing a thing ICly... Post in one of the two main IC threads where companies are backing out, distance yourself or decry those actions and ask this there. You're asking for IC exceptions/exemptions, OOCly... If you really disagree, i'd strongly encourage you to put your money where your mouth is, metaphorically speaking. Pull an Order 66 or such.

Really you have the power. With everyone else pulling out, the Republic needs you, and not you them....

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

I don't want to spoil the event, but this wasn't supposed to be a plot point within it. After the event is over I can 100% guarantee you that your assets are all going to be returned, and the republic will still be the republic. However, I understand where we are sitting at in IC terms I'm just OOCly asking that the event be allowed to work itself out, and from someone whose had a rough week just please leave my company be. You can kill all the clones you want in this story arc but I can guarantee the way the story is set this is all taken care of.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] - All i'm saying is OOC is OOC and IC is IC.... You want this to go off the way you say you are? You approach people before you pull stunts like this. Work it out and warn them, get things a head-nod and a stamp of approval. It's just the polite and proper thing to do.

You didn't.... And now this is happening. Good luck, and sorry about things.

EDIT: And again, if Danger says chill on your assets, we all should all chill.... But she's the point on this effort.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

I just said that this wasn't supposed to be a plot point and this happened without my knowledge. I would of gladly of given you guys a heads up if I knew it was going to happen. But I'll let it be up to danger or anyone else that wants to attack, all I'm going to say is that within the event Patricia's return will happen, don't want to spoil anything but it's going to be great :)

So for anyone wanting to do this bounty I'm asking please leave Spaarti Creations out of it. Otherwise I'll see you guys when the event starts up tomorrow I believe

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
Clan Rekali considers Spaarti's role in these events to be ambiguous. We will likely be taking action against the army, but not against the company unless necessary.
James hates governments that seize control and crush the little man..... expect blood. Lots of blood. Anyone on the other side is a walking carcass. Consider all of Justice Shipping engaged in its first real all-out war. ;)

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