Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Corre, Corre

Fiolette wasn't entirely sure what it was that she was going to be doing. What she did know was that Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis had requested that she see them. She was sure the report of her showing up on Anoat had made its way around. She arrived in a white leather jacket, with a gray colored top it mirrored her old uniform. Beneath it a simple black t-shirt, and a pair of leather pants. Cigarra between her fingers, and sunglasses hung off her black shirt as she was escorted into the temple? Palace? Palace, she determined by the looks of it. The choice of venue was certainly opulent almost as if it had been chosen for a distinct purpose. Fiolette couldn't shake the feeling that something was afoot. As she was escorted into an office, that was a massive library or at least possessed one.

"My lord," greeted Fiolette with a respectful bow, she pushed loose strands of red hair out of her face. "You wished to see me, you mentioned that you had a few schematics for me to go over?" Why she was chosen was... a mystery, there were now capable officers who could examine these details surely. Perhaps it was a matter of trust, or maybe Carnifex was going to build a super weapon. "Where is your uncle? Forgive the familiarity, I was told that he would be here as well." She wasn't sure if she was supposed to sit or not, combat boots crossed the opulent floors toward the Dark Lord himself. "Mind if I light up?" She gestured to her cigarra, it had been a welcome habit since her return, the way it soothed her nerves especially.



The office was spacious, a wide floor plan bordered by tier platforms where rows upon rows of holobooks, flimsiplast tomes, and datacrons sat neatly on broad shelves. Darth Carnifex sat at a desk made of chiseled stone, a remnant of a wall that had been pried loose from the old Jedi Temple that had once existed on Coruscant; the very same temple the One Sith burned and demolished to make way for their own Sith Temple. Some of the Jedi inscriptions still remained, a memento to what had once been.

Behind the Dark Lord was a sprawling mosaic of scenes and characters depicted through a primarily metaphorical art style, one that took a great emphasis on sharp, angular lines. The symbolism was evident for any who knew their history, especially that of the Sith. The Dark Lord reveled in the history of His forebearers, and went to great lengths to decorate His domain with their icons and tapestries. Even on His desk, Fiolette would see various trinkets and baubles hearkening back to the ancient days of the early Sith.

"I am pleased that you have come, Lord Admiral." The Dark Lord's voice was velvety and hypnotic, a deep rumbling bass that welled up through the Galidraani's bones. "There is a particular schematic I desire you to lend your expertise towards. Lord Prazutis will be delivering it shortly, I can sense him near." The familiarity with which the Lord Admiral spoke was forgiven, she had at the very least earned the right. Her desire to smoke was also approved, for while the Dark Lord Himself did not partake in such things; it mattered little that Fiolette did.

Carnifex steepled His fingers, watching both Fiolette and the door simultaneously.




In his wake the world stopped, crowds parted and hearts stopped dead in their tracks. There was all the inevitability of fate in his walk, supreme confidence in one who reigned over everything around him. Even through the tightest security checkpoints in any one of their palace's, none would dare stand in his way. As the Shadow Hand passed through the halls many fell to their knees in absolute fealty, others slammed fists to their chest while even more still thrust their hands skyward in the iron fisted salute eager to show their devotion to the Kainate. The Red Guard were everywhere in their sleek plate, crimson cloaks clasped on their shoulders they enforced order, and where they stopped the black armored Crownguard began. "The realm beyond poses a unique opportunity once you peer beyond the curtain." The Mortarch said as he turned a corner and proceeded down a long hallway, deep in the royal residence for the Zambrano Family and its retainers.

The walls were a deep black marble with matching gold trim reminiscent of the grandiose residence in their former seat of power Vain Hollow. The walls were covered with beautiful murals, mosaics carved into the very stone itself depicting scenes on one side of the Sith Order, and the other of House Zambrano itself. They were united through the display as it climbed like a spider's web through the ceiling, marrying the two designs. Some may gleam the history from one side or the other, only a certain few would comprehend the whole. "Before you make your decision allow me to present you with the material so far, I believe your unique expertise can help. I understand the misgivings you've had in the past. But I do believe you will find the results most...interesting." The silver tongued voice of the Lord of Lies, the Great Deceiver was of a nature compared to mesmerizing, hypnotic even by many. It was what drew so many into his world where they would never return.

"My nephew is waiting with the results just through here." The giant added as he finally reached a door at the end of the hallway, he pulled it open with the slightest wave of his hand, and swept inside ensuring his bulk covered the entirety of the door, before he would lead the Lady of Secrets within and step off to the side once they crossed the threshold.

"We've had this discussion before, Braxus," would come the no doubt expected reply from the companion walking beside the Mortarch. It had been a game of theirs since the incident on Asation. He would offer her the opportunity to assist with the research upon the contained Lotek'k and its offspring, and each time she would decline. It had been one of the very few experiments that she had felt was a mistake, but she did appreciate the game as every time it was always a new presentation. A new data set that would tug at her resolve before she inevitably turned it aside.

She had been through these halls so many times over the decades that she had learned to ignore the opulence and the constant guards and their fealty, focused on their conversation as they weaved their way to Kaine's office. Half of her mind still admired the mosaic work of the Sith history and that of House Zambrano, and she always seemed to catch some new detail that was added by the artisans that served the Zambranos. Still... there was a nagging feeling that something else was up though.

"And while I am happy to look over the research data, I'm not interested in..." her voice would trail off as they stepped into the office, and amethyst eyes would first see the seated Kaine behind the desk, and then her... then Fiolette. "...what is this?"

The same feelings from Anoat would well up rapidly: the joy of seeing someone she thought forever gone back among the living and the extreme anger and hurt she had suffered at her hands and actions. She would whirl to look at Braxus, but the larger man had been strategic in his positioning once she stepped over the threshold into the office. She couldn't leave without going through him.

She would turn back to Kaine and... Fiolette, eyes hardening in suspicion.

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis
When Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex mentioned that he was having Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis bring up the schematics. Fiolette had no idea that he meant her ex-wife, Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf and while sure, Fiolette did take perhaps more joy than she should have out of their last encouter at Anoat. The Galidraani didn't exactly think that she'd be facing her again, and she whirled on her own accord. The Dark Lord of the Sith blocked the other door, pushing her lips to the side she turned back on her heels. "I see," she acknowledged and looked at Taeli then at the Dark Lord's uncle, a rather formidable man himself. She exhaled hard and took in another breath. Fio placed her hands on her hips, "Carnifex, Prazutis." She greeted them, not that she hadn't but this was more... more related to that feeling she had. She had one 'pulled over her eyes' so to speak. "I am going to hazard, a rather, educational guess that the schematics you mentioned just happened to be my ex-wife."

It didn't take much brilliance to deduce that, "although, I cannot imagine as to why." Actually she could, it would certainly be in the favor of a particular subfaction to bring them, them being her and her ex-wife together. The two women hadn't seen each other in thirty, forty years, and the last they had left off. Fiolette took off with two of their three children and left behind divorce papers. "You do understand that while I have crawled my way back from the Nether. I do recall that I was the one who wanted a divorce, and I did so without so much as a word to her. I blindsided her, I imagine anyway with such papers."

Fio dared to look Taeli in the eyes, her own azure gaze locked onto those amethyst orbs. There was so much swhirling behind it, and if she hadn't already been able to feel it. The sensation on her skin told her everything, and no, it wasn't the fun sort of sensation they had in mind when they initially tattooed each other. Fiolette's heart pounded against her chest and she could feel her blood pressure rise. She supposed that part was the good thing, it meant more of her was coming together. If there was ever a time to light up her cigarra, it was now, so Fiolette brought it up to her lips. Flicking her thumb up toward the cigarra, she took in a long drag. Feeling the burn of the addictive nicotine curl through her lungs, she released the smoke from her lips and nostrils. "Do you have any idea the kind of pain I have caused?" It was an accuastion toward both the men in the room.



"Your perception is unerring, Lady Yvarro."

The Dark Lord rose, His shadow falling across both Fiolette and Taeli alike. In the past the two had been formidable and inseparable, but had grown apart for reasons the Dark Lord had never truly bothered to grasp. The meaning mattered little, the reuniting was more important than the cause. Once, He'd ministered their union and became godfather to their children, a position He still held in relation to Taeli's half at the very least.

"Pain," rumbled Carnifex, "Is the catalyst for evolution, the scalpel of creation. Through such agony are certain truths revealed." He walked around the side of the desk, coming to stand closer to both Fiolette and Taeli. "And it is these truths that define us, my dears. The pain and ecstasy of rebirth, it's beauty and it's horror, marks you in a way known only to those who have likewise suffered the apotheosis. It changes your perception irrevocably, you can no longer be among those who have yet to taste death's bite."

His eyes shifted from Fiolette to Taeli. "The pain of betrayal resonates deep as well, does it not? It's truths are etched upon the heart and the mind. Through such agony are we bound, invisibly tethered." His mouth curled into a demure smile, but within it held the potential for viciousness and cruelty.

"How did your heart and mind respond, Lady Raaf?"

Fiolette exhaled hard, and felt heat rising up the back of her neck. The dark cog in her chest churned unnecessarily due to the rise in emotion, and so she looked around. Walked really, her gait ever so slightly off from what it had been. When she found a seat, the Admiral rested herself. Whatever it was Taeli had to say she could not fault her. However uncomfortable it would be was necessary it was the sort of conversation that they should've had over thirty years ago. Yet here they were, with two dark lords on either side ensuring that they talked this through.

What a laugh some people would have if they knew. Fio winced slightly a hand over her chest, she cleared her throat and again exhaled. "Right, yes, of course." She acknowledged what Kaine had said although she comprehended little of it. Something about pain, and renewal, beauty and horror of it all. "Please," Fiolette said with a motion of her hand, her voice as sincere and genuine as ever. Her attention solely on Taeli's, her azure gaze softening as she waited for whatever it was Taeli had to say.

The glare she would shoot Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , the Black Iron Tyrant, the Butcher King, one of the Dark Lords of the Sith, would typically have sent anyone running to hide on a nondescript planet in the Unknown Regions. Even He had expressed unease when her irritation flared, and she made a pointed effort to avoid the gaze of... the gaze of Fiolette as she took a seat on the far side of the office. Arms crossed, she listened with her intensity only increasing as Kaine spoke of the catalyst of evolution and growth being pain.

She had thought those Holonet lessons he had been watching on psychology had been a lark, a way to relive some of his oldest days as Minister of Intelligence of the Sith. A time when he hadn't been a Sith Lord, a time when she would have been blissfully unaware of anything besides essays and exams. Clearly, he had been taking those lessons to heart.

"As I recall, when... the incident occurred, you offered me the chance to become immortal and be stripped of all feeling," she remarked quietly, eyes narrowed still towards one of the most fearsome beings in the galaxy. Actually, her gaze would also be shared towards Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis as well for assisting in this effort. "The same process we had to rectify for you."

The comment would be pointed, direct, to show that she was unmoved by his little speech as she turned her full attention towards her... towards Fiolette. Every single emotion would be surging and churning, and all of it would be felt through their bond. But her eyes would be hard as she regarded the woman that caused her such pain and heartache, in contrast to the softness in the blue eyes she met.

"I've thought about what I might say to you... for decades now." Her hands would grip the arms of her chair, tightening to the point the wood started to protest and crack along hidden grains. "Decades of thoughts of what I might do to you. Decades to craft the perfect speech. Decades of heartache and pain."

Hands would tighten further, and the arms of the chair would visibly crack. For those within the Force, they would be able to feel the barely restrained power that was threatening to be unleashed to absolutely devastate the office and the woman that had hurt her so much.

"But first and foremost... Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro , I want to know why. Why you shattered this family? Why you did something that you knew, after everything I told you about my sisters, absolutely knew would hurt me the most."

Amethyst was quickly shifting to amber along the edges.

Fiolette sat there, tip of her tongue against one of her incisors as she watched Taeli. How wrong was it that she thought her ex-wife looked incredible in this moment? To hear her, see her, watch her in full emotion, huh. Fiolette thought, she does have an emotional range beyond that of a teaspoon. Her thumb ran casually cross her finger tips. One elbow on the arm of the chair the other just in her lap, one foot propped up on the seat of the chair. Red hair just haphazardly on her shoulders, lazily Fiolette pushed it back as she adjusted her sunglasses to rest against her shirt. Fiolette had to exhale, and exhale hard as she felt the resurgence of energy, through their bond. It was quite frankly intoxicating to her, however Taeli was getting dangerously too close.

"First," began Fiolette with a quiet, too sultry for the moment voice, "you will want to take," she paused as she let her words hang in the air. Her blue eyes staring deep into the depths of the amethyst storm that swirled in Taeli's eyes. "A few steps back." Fiolette's lips had gone dry as she cleared her throat. "This is not for my sake but rather yours, I will absolutely answer your question." Both feet down on the ground, Fiolette sat up straight, "what I have to say will make little difference, for as they say, hindsight is twenty, twenty."

"Forty years ago, we were in the thick of war," this need not be spoken but Fiolette wanted to set the stage, "and I was torn, torn between my love for you and the plight of my fellow Imperials. I needed you more than I ever had, but you weren't home. You were gone, quite a lot actually, and so our bed grew cold." Fiolette scoffed as regret crept into her voice. "I had become jealous, jealous that I was not your priority, infuriated that Aerys saw nothing of you, and yet Nerralyn did."

"I absolutely set out to hurt you, and I did so because I perceived that I had been wounded first. You had fired the first shot unknowingly, and I was a coward for not confronting you with what was on my heart." Fiolette kept her gaze locked on Taeli. "You wonder what was that first shot, the first shot was the moment you chose the Sith Empire over us. At least in my mind you had done so, and yes I understood what we were up against."

"I knew full well what we as a nation were up against, but it seemed to me that you were not interested in what our marriage was up against. Did I want you to retire, yes? I wanted the both of us to retire so that I no longer had to deal with my conflicted feelings. I wanted the both of us to run away with our children. I wanted you to choose me, for bloody sakes Taeli. Darth Avacyn chose her wife and family over the war, why couldn't you? Why could you have not done the same? It was all I wanted, I wouldn't have cared if you had gone back when it was over." Fiolette tore her tear filled gaze away from Taeli, and took a moment to breathe.

The woman returned her attention to her ex wife, and continued to speak. "So yes, I did the one thing I knew that would be irreparable, and I broke our family. In the mind of the woman you knew forty years ago, she felt she had no other choice. Her wife had already chosen the Empire over their marriage, over their love." Fiolette exhaled and pushed her hair out of her face with one hand. "Now, as to my earlier warning, should you, specifically you, Taeli Raaf. Touch me, you'll find yourself in the Netherworld. As this was part of the deal, you see."

"I brokered a deal with Netherworld entities... A deal that would enable me to come back to you, to do what I'm doing now. Apologize to you, but in exchange, I am forever tied to my ship, the Warspite. My soul is bound to her you see, and my heart... well." Fiolette fished the pendant out from around her neck. "Is right here," she held it up, and the steady sounds of a heart beat could be heard from it. The glow on the pendant continued to suggest its otherworldly creation. Fiolette with her other hand lowered her shirt to show the Netherworld's infernal mechanism, "this keeps me going these days."

"My duty is to collect the souls of the dead and ferry them into the Netherworld, and you," Fiolette remarked plainly as she toyed with the pendant in her hand. "You are to be the keeper of the pendant, but on the caveat that I can never touch you. I can see you, but never will I ever feel your touch." A bitter sweet smile appeared on Fiolette's face, "and so, as a woman who has carried her regrets and carried them well. I will have all of eternity to think of my actions, such as they were."

If anything, the first words out of Fiolette's mouth only served to incense her even further. She did not need to touch Fiolette to tear her apart, to wrench every thought and memory from her mind, to demand the answer she DESERVED for what she had done. How DARE she suggests that she take a few steps back and not touch her? What nonsense could she possible say that it would be for her benefit and not Fiolette's?

But out of respect for the continued integrity of Kaine's office, she refrained from launching the strike she really really really wanted to unleash upon her... upon Fiolette. Even then, the emotions would be spiking in her anger and the dark side would be writhing and contorting around the office as the true reach of her power was glimpsed.

She would let her talk though. She would let her explain her thought processes, her feelings. The anger remained heightened though as Fiolette talked, pouring out words that should have been said forty years ago. The admission that she had outright set out to hurt her as she did threatened to flare the remaining amethyst in her eyes to full amber and beyond, that Fiolette had deliberately chosen to break their family out of spite and jealousy, out of the belief that...

It was tempered by the admission of how she had returned.

She was completely silent as the pendant containing the heart was revealed, at the terms of this deal she had made with Netherworld entities. Perhaps she and the entities she had bargained with thought it was a just penance for all the pain she caused Taeli. Perhaps it was truly an apology that had been needed. Perhaps the anger was masking other feelings still, even though it was rightfully felt and justified.

Her voice would start low, quiet, a whisper, "I always came back. After every battle, after every Dark Council meeting, after every trip away for research or business. I always came back. When I was injured on Mygeeto, I stayed on Genesia for you and the children. When Bastion was about to fall, I made sure all of our assets were safe. That all of the people on the estate were able to leave if they wanted. Every battle. Every event during that war. I. Always. Came. Back."

Her voice was dripping with the contained fury, the suppressed pain that had flared into life again when Fiolette had reappeared on Anoat... and the feelings that still existed.

"I... am not Kaalia. I never was, and never would be. I could not be content with playing house. I was not raised to be that way, even before I was recruited by Balaya into the One Sith. My adoptive parents instilled a drive for success, for knowledge, one that would not and cannot ever be sated. You knew that when you first met me. You knew that from the intelligence reports you would have received in the First Order even as I played Jedi. I didn't choose the Empire over us. I chose to fight, to continue fighting, to continue experimenting, to continue gaining power because it was the only way to keep them safe. To keep Nerralyn safe. To keep Aerys safe. To keep Iaacen safe. I am a villain of this galaxy to many for what I have done, for what I have helped wrought, and did you really think that disappearing onto some peaceful paradise world without a care in the world would have meant the hunters would not have come eventually? That Jedi or rogue Sith wanting to make a name for themselves would not find us? That bounty hunters would not attack those we held precious to draw me out for the bounty on my head?"

She shook her head.

"The same Imperials you held sympathies towards, that birthed the conflict within you, where are they now? Warlords scrounging for scraps or serving a mad Moff that calls himself Emperor or once again under the yoke of a Sith. But besides all of that, your choices didn't just hurt me. I could live with it. I had family wrenched away from me twice before, a third time would reopen the old wounds and hurt for... even now the pain remains. But I could live with it."

Her fists would clench again, and this time, the dark side power coursing through her would shatter the arms of her chair completely. She would have to buy Kaine a new chair.

"What angers me so much, Fiolette, is what you did to Nerralyn. What you did to Aerys. What you did to Iaacen. You stole them away from each other. You stole a girl's best friend away from her, her little sister. You stole away the baby brother she always wanted after... Australis stole the life of the first. You want to apologize... you start with them."

Her eyes would shift to the pendant in Fiolette's hands, to the shapely neck it was around, to the infernal machinery that had replaced her heart in her sentence. A flash of green and black smoke would fill her hand as a datapad appeared, one that Fiolette would recognize as from the lawyers she had retained for her actions. The lawyers that Fiolette might have encountered in the Netherworld once Taeli got ahold of them in the intervening years.

She tossed the datapad to Fiolette, the image still frozen on the document she sent her. It would still, to this day, be missing a signature.

"You have forty years of penance, but not to the Netherworld or to whatever entities you bargained with this time. You have forty years of penance to ME you need to work off. To your wife. To your children. And I intend to collect, regardless of what devils or demons you dealt with."

The anger was still there, but there had something in their relationship before. They had not liked to share, and Taeli refused to share the sentence, the judgment, of Fiolette with any other entity.

Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis
Admittedly the power coursing through the room, from Taeli alone was, intoxicating. Fiolette hadn't felt that kind of energy in a long, long time and with a renewed connection to the Force. Her own azure gaze became tempered, a darker more ominous ember flickered in her eyes only to be sapped away by an unholy ethereal green. Fiolette felt her tongue press up against the back of the top of her teeth, she chewed on her inner lip and just stared at Taeli. Nostrils flared as she kept her bearings, relaxed a moment later as the old military training kicked in. There was not a single moment where Fiolette would flinch.

Her teeth were grounded against one another, Fiolette had heard this all before she had known of it. All Fiolette could do was think back to the moments where she woke up to find Taeli not in their bed but in the library. The moments where Taeli wasn't home at all, and there was an empty bedside. Nothing and no one to hold onto, and even when Taeli came back as she so declared that she had. The woman she called her wife wasn't all there, her mind was still in her labs, still somewhere else and not where Fiolette needed her to be. She wanted to shake her head, and wanted so much to interrupt her but she didn't. It was an insult that Fiolette wasn't even considered in the equation, that she was somehow incapable of helping her ex-wife defend their home, their children.

Arms of the chair shattered, and Fiolette didn't even look at them and instead she placed both her feet on the ground. She looked at Taeli with disgust for a woman who felt so robbed of her children, she did nothing to look for them. Nothing to seek them out, for a woman of such power, she had turned her back on Aerys and Iaacen. If the shoe had been on the other foot, Fiolette would have gone to the ends of the galaxy to get them regardless of what she had been told. It seemed Taeli had been content to allow their children to remain apart. Fiolette didn't eyeball the tablet, she had an idea of what was on it though and so when her estranged wife was done. The Admiral stood to her feet, mere centimeters away from the Sith she loved. There was a low, unnatural growl to her voice, "and yet you weren't really home, were you?" The accusation stood with the others that had been flung around so far.

Fiolette's piercing azure gaze mirrored the storm in Taeli's eyes, ember and azure, "do you have any idea what it's like to look into your eyes and find that you are not there?" The tone of her voice shifted even as the unnatural growl faded, "to wake up and find you gone, if I was lucky, you were in the library and I could coax you to bed." Fiolette swallowed her emotions and pushed them down, "what it was like to need you, and not have you?" And now the audacity to say that she had come back. Come back as what? "You may have come home, but you were not always present." Fiolette didn't step back rather she continued. "While you could say the same of me, I dare you to do so. When was I not attentive to your needs? When had I not placed you first, and how dare you, how bloody dare you. Sit here and tell me, you were doing this to protect our family. How fucking dare you."

The military voice had taken over, it was clear, it was projected and firm in its tone. Her arms remained at her side either on her hips or behind her back, she knew to maintain her distance even if this was awfully close.

"I was your wife!" She cried she held onto her emotions still doing her best to keep them in check even if the tears threatened to fall, "and I was more than capable of helping to defend our home, our children, and those we held dear. So do not for a moment use that against me." Fiolette was insulted by the very sentence her honor had been insulted. "That I would not have been capable of defending you, or our family. Of all the accusations I could live with, that is not one of them." Fiolette paused and took a step back, the heel of her boot cracking the tablet that had fallen to the floor. "If you were so concerned for your children, you would have fetched them, and do not sit here and pretend that you do not know where I would have taken them. At any time you could've seen them, visited them, you could've fought for them. Yet you remained as you always had with your books, and with Nerralyn. Your gifted child." Fiolette scoffed and ran a hand through her hair, with a sigh and an exhale, the Galidraani added.

"For what it's worth, Taeli. I never looked at any record where you were concerned in the First Order. Not even when we started our partnership, I was never privy to them, they were matters for the Knights of Ren. So anything and everything I knew of you, I learned from you, but I suppose that would have required some insight." Fiolette still loved Taeli, why she wasn't entirely sure at the moment except that she knew that she had to push through this, that Taeli had to push through it. Whatever needed to be said had to be done right there, they had to get it out.

Fiolette's other boot further crushed the tablet as she took another step back. As she let her emotions go, she let the hot tears that had been threatening to fall, run their course. "I crawled through the depths of the Netherworld, with nothing but your marks on my skin. I toiled, rotted, watched as my flesh was burnt from my very bones. I have stolen, I have killed and bargained my way to this moment, you want your penance then you will have to fight for it, just as you should have fought for us."

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There was something... alluring to seeing the normally tight-knit Admiral so emotional. Oh, they had certainly been passionate before, but there had always been that instinct in her wife to keep that military bearing about herself. Never show weakness. Tough upper lip and bear it. To see that mask cracked, to see that...

But still, her anger flared at the accusations, sending out a fresh wave of dark energy to ripple through the office. How dare she think that she didn't look for them? How DARE she thinks she would ever abandon her family if she had any say in the matter! She didn't even realize that hadn't been spoken aloud, that it had been passed across the bond trying to reassert herself. It didn't even pass through her mind. All she felt was the anger, the pain, the hurt, the loss.

And how dare Fiolette declare that she hadn't been there. She had always returned. Yes, she typically had something on her mind. Yes, she had been embroiled in a project that promised to have galaxy-altering implications. But she had always seen to Fiolette's needs too. And she had left the fight, decided to just while away her days on an island away from the galaxy. Pursuing whatever little hobby or interest came to her.

"You knew I can't turn my brain off, I just can't," she whispered, pain and guilt in her voice. It was partly excuse, partly admission that yes, Fiolette did have a point. Between her upbringing on Lorrd and just her natural proclivity... her brain just could not stop working on the next project, the next data set.

The accusations stung, but she held her ground, walking up to within a few inches of Fiolette in her anger. She would not back down now, the Corellian in her was well and truly roused. The stubbornness digging in, entrenching. A small part of her brain, the part that could be fully analytical even in life and death struggles, recognized that this conversation was something that should have been done all those years ago.

"How dare you think I never looked for them and you?" she hissed as the anger returned, swelling in her chest in an uncomfortable twist. "How karking dare you. I scoured the galaxy for any whisper of your whereabouts. My agents were everywhere, trying to find Aerys and Iaacen. I couldn't even find them through the Force and I scryed for years, hoping to catch just a hint of them in the currents. Whatever you did to hide them, congratulations, you succeeded and caused me nothing but anguish for all those years. I didn't even know they were alive."

There would be the hint of tears, whether they were born of anger or pain or both would be for her to feel. They bubbled up, unable to be contained...

"And YOU LEFT!" she finally yelled, her throat constricting, the tears starting to slip. The dam broken as the walls and bookcases started to shudder and shift slightly, shaking at the energies she was releasing. "Left me to fight a war on my own. Left me in an empty house with just a note. Left me..." her throat constricted further, the tears from forty years ago falling. Her voice would come out as a whisper, strained by pain, "You say you struggled to claw your way out of the Netherworld, that it was agony to rebuild yourself enough to return her. That I need to fight for the penance as I should have fought for us."

A beat.

"Then so do you. You should have fought for us too. You should have brought all of this up decades ago, instead of bottling it up. You should have told me that you were feeling that way. You should have said something instead of shattering a family a second time by choosing the coward's way out of it."

It was a low blow, she knew that, but it was the truth. Fiolette had slunk off in the middle of the proverbial night, only leaving a note to confront Taeli when she and Nerralyn came back to Genesia... to an empty house.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Fiolette Yvarro Fiolette Yvarro Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis
Fiolette scoffed with malice, the laughter that unfurled from her lips reflecting as much. "Of course you can't, you can't turn off that mind of yours." She'd say beautiful, but Fiolette was doubling down on her anger instead. As Taeli stood up to her, Fio felt the control of her own powers begin to loosen as decay set into the wood and furniture around them. She felt Taeli's anger, even Taeli's thoughts would betray her, but then, so would Fio's.

"Me?" Oh, this was rich. "How dare I? Taeli, they were left with my family on Dosuun! What in the bloody hell do you mean? I had no magics, or even the Force all those years ago. If they were hidden from you, it was simply because you refused to look for them."

She hadn't a clue what Taeli was on about in that regard. "What the kriff? How do you not know that they were alive? Taeli, they're part of you! Even Aerys! You've always been—" Fio stopped and unclenched her fists, then clenched them again. She squeezed her eyes tight and then opened them to find that Taeli had not moved anywhere. Instead, Fio felt and noticed the crack in Taeli's proverbial armor.

"I did leave. I left because you wouldn't bloody listen!" Fio shouted right back at her. "Because you were not there, you may have been home, but you were not present. You were always stuck in some project, some book, something that was not me, and not your children—except Nerralyn, your pet. You bloody left Aerys to rot and fend for herself. Kassandra Distorth paid more mind to your own daughter than you did. Do you know what that's like?" The decay around them continued to grow, seeping into the walls of the office.

Fio looked down at the floor and realized what was happening. She took a step back, wiped her tears, and told her estranged wife plainly, "I tried, Taeli Rae Raaf. I bloody tried. You left me in silence each time I wanted to talk about what I was feeling. You had far more important things than myself or your children." She repeated this because if there was even the slightest chance of reconciliation, things had to change. "You knew the moment you climbed into bed with me that I would not stand to be second to anything or anyone. I had always put you first, you, Taeli."

The regret, the heartache of forty years came to bear. "But you could never do the same, not for me, not for Aerys, so I assumed you wouldn't do the same for your son." Fio's voice had grown quiet. "There had been only so much I could take. I knew what I was getting into with you, but for fuck's sake." Fio looked at her wife with a pained expression. "How long were you going to sit there and ignore our relationship? How long would you have had me wait? Am I some desperate acolyte seeking your attention? No. I was your wife. You took a vow, I took a vow, but it didn't seem to bloody matter to you."

"So yes, I left you to fight a war on your own, because quite frankly, you were already doing it." Fio swallowed her pride and confessed, "I could have made a greater effort, sure, but that should not have been the case, it takes two people to make a marriage work. Consider that, will you?" She was done yelling because it was clear her wife still didn't quite get it.

Fio chewed on her lower lip and sighed. "Look around you. Do you know how fortunate you are? I am here, in front of you." She took another step forward. "Taeli, I cherished being your wife. Look at where we are and look at where we started." She paced her breathing to keep it all at bay, damn it all. The tears ran hot down her face. "I cannot pretend to know the challenges you faced or the worlds that you continue to create and erase in your mind."

"But Taeli, you should know, all I ever wanted was you. You were enough, and I just wish you had let me be part of your narrative. To know that I would have done everything in my power to protect us, to protect our children, our family," her voice had become so soft as the anguish of the last four decades overflowed through her words. "But you, in your mind, your beautiful mind, did not allow for me to join that narrative."

Fio looked over toward the dark lords who had brought them together and then back at Taeli's amethyst gaze. "If there's going to be anything of a second chance, things have to change, Taeli."


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