Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corrupt a wish

Ravi Savak

Inactive Character
You get one. But it's just a cardboard box that says "TIME MACHINE" on it, written in crayon.

I wish for a million tax-free working dollars

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
Wish granted. You are president for all of 12 seconds before an assassin shoots and kills you, your reign being the record setter for shortest time served as a head of state in history, beating the previous record of 45 minutes.

I wish to break a world record.
Granted. You break the world record for the largest tumor removed. Previously the largest tumor was 24 kilos, or 56 pounds, since you're really going to shatter this record it has to weigh at least 30 kilos. Your body is shattered in the process.

I wish to be an International Arms Dealer who escapes authorities and assassins.

Darth Armyss

Nobleman, Sith, and Womanizer
You escape authorities and assassins, only to die when your getaway car gets T-boned by a drunk driver.

I wish to have real force powers irl.

Atlas Kane

You have the Force, but no idea how to use it and you end up not even noticing you have it.

I wish I had a million-billion-quadrillion-zillion dollars.
You have a TARDIS, but you don't have the key.

I wish I was a living timelord that wasn't trapped, hunted by daleks- or anything else, and that wasn't driven insane by the time vortex.
It isin't, now. *five seconds later* Now it is.

I wish to have a legion of Daleks completely loyal to me that are immune to all damage, and only obey my commands.
They do. They now complain about your breath.

I wish for a working Nubian yaught in real life, with no damaged or malfuncitoning parts, and a how-to manual to drive it. As well as unlimited fuel, and materials for repair.

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