Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corruption[Kwenn Space Station]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
The message from the Commenori Receiver was picked up. Kay's pilot took the Free Lady straight towards the vessel without a moment's notice. One of the hanger bays opened up and swallow the small ship as it flew inside, thrusters kicked in to guide it gently down.

Once the landing ramp was down, Kay quickly walked down it. Whether [member="Boo Chiyo"] was going to depart with her was anyone's guess. The kid might just rather play one of his games in the guest quarters. Regardless, she was in a hurry to meet up with [member="Veiere Arenais"] . "Where is my husband? Take me to him please."

It was easy for her to get lost on these types of vessels. Most of the corridors looked the same, so it was good to have an escort to lead her. There was no doubt in her mind that Veiere knew that she was safely on board, both due in part to their connection, as well as through messages sent by the crew to the bridge. Kay figured that that was where her dear husband was.

This whole event was such a mess and she blamed herself for part of it. [member="Mythos"] ' ways were far more extreme than she had remembered. But he was a changed man, his experience of dying and somehow coming back had thwarted his abilities to think rationally. Hopefully she could ammend that in the future. There was no doubt that he was going to have to pay for his mistakes and his lack of control.

And that would happen once all of this was rectified.

Kay soon reached the bridge where Veiere stood along with Vikras and other crew members. It was there that she heard of the Immortal jumping into hyperspace, leaving a gaping hole at Kwenn Station in it's wake.

Hopefully the list of casualties was small....

[member="Aver Brand"] [member="Slevin Thawne"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Mythos"] [member="Cedric Grayson"] [member="Ryan Korr"]
Grand Admiral of the CSA: Vikras Ansion
Naval Vessel: Commenori Receiver - Super Carrier

The vaccuum of space enveloped the Immortal, the hyper-drive successful in creating a warp field around the massive vessel of war soon pulled the veil around it and disappeared into nothingness, the place where it had left in it's wake almost snapping back to real space. Everything aboard the bridge fell silent, heads turning to look towards the viewing platform for which the Kwenn Space-station loomed ahead of them, the port side for which the Immortal had been docked against, torn asunder, debris and bodies of the poor souls that had been within reach of the sudden force were being consumed into the blanket of darkness that surrounded all things. From their position upon the Bridge, those that were falling victim to this atrocity looked little more than specks at such a distance and yet through the Force itself, Veiere could feel their fear, their pain and anguish before the sudden silence that left an emptiness in the place where the souls of innocent men and women had once danced upon the physical veil.

Veiere's gaze dropped slowly, the presence of [member="Lady Kay"] reaching the Bridge was of small comfort in the face of such a depression and affront to the natural cycle of the Force; he wishing she hadn't the sight to look upon what all stood clearly in front of them. The Immortal was a grand vessel, it would be difficult to be controlled by so few and yet this Criminal Cell had bested them here; the attack against Kwenn Station had been unpredictable and come with little warning. The intervention of a vessel the size of the Immortal had been thrown into the Frey with little justification and the presence of the Receiver only added to it at the threat to the Queen's life aboard that death trap for which Veiere was well relieved she had managed to get clear of.

"Vikras...-Contact Kwenn, inform them of the status of the space station. Request Immediate medical and emergency services on site...-And someone get eyes on [member="Darlyn Excron"]" his words came heavily, his gaze being forced to pull away from the front of the bridge to glance back over his shoulder to his wife that was gradually closing in towards him. With a shake of his head, heavy brows and the tension amidst his jaw, the expression he offered her lacked anything positive for the mess they were going to have to clean up here.

[member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Slevin Thawne"] | [member="Darlyn Excron"] | [member="Mythos"] | [member="Cedric Grayson"] | [member="Ryan Korr"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay couldn't help but stare at the damage inflicted upon Kwenn Station. Corridors and rooms that were once safely tucked away from the vacuum of space were exposed. Debris of various sizes floated everywhere. But what struck her most was the sinking feeling of the tragic loss of life that had occurred. There was no need for it to end this way. It was the result of a series of mistakes that probably could have been avoided.

She approached the side of her husband, holding his gaze for a moment with her own sorrowful expression, before looking once again at the damage not far from where they floated in space in relative safety. Kay clasped her hands in front of her with her head slightly lowered. "Vikras...please inform Kwenn as well that we will be paying and supplying the reconstruction efforts, as well as compensation for the lives lost and medical costs incurred." The CSA may be part owner of Kwenn Station, but right now she felt as though they were responsible for it. If the criminal element hadn't of been there, she was sure that this would never of happened. But it did.

This wouldn't be the first time that [member="Veiere Arenais"] had pretty much come to her rescue and come to clean up after her messes. Was she losing her touch? Losing her affectiveness of leading their people properly? Perhaps she shouldn't act on instinct anymore. She had people to help her, people to offer their advice and opinions. Kay just needed to learn to not be so headstrong and listen to them.

Hopefully [member="Darlyn Excron"] got out of there okay. And [member="Mythos"] . She had no idea where the two of them had ended up.

[member="Aver Brand"] [member="Slevin Thawne"] [member="Cedric Grayson"] [member="Ryan Korr"]
Nyseth violently bounced off several pipes. He looked up just the moment that a blue lightsaber slashed at his visor. Sparks flew. The display on the visor cracked. A distorted Blue Screen of Death could be seen flashing.

Then, [member="Mythos"] smashed Nyseth’s head into a tube. More cracks formed. The screen died.

No movement from Nyseth followed. No sign of consciousness. No sign of life, too.



Rachael fell down the shaft. Even after the artificial gravity ceased to work where she was, the speed she had built up slammed her through a vent and into a kitchen on another floor.

The vent decelerated Rachael enough to where she just floated several feet from the kitchen floor. Even with just the emergency lights, she could tell that there was no one else nearby.

Still coughing from the gas used on her earlier, Rachael pushed herself toward the exit sign – intent on continuing her escape.
Location: Final Level
Objective: Link up and Engage
Mythos was sweating but this was a mere warm up for what was to come. He didin't know it though. He did not know what was coming straight for him yet.

Mythos did not mis a beat in his movement, he was Warforged, he moved in combat like someone who knew nothing else but war. As his lightsaber connected and his enemy was neutralized he grabbed the back of his jacket and planted his feet square on the durasteel tubes then looked up.

Lucky, he thought... a hatch to the surface. His Troops moved to that position, they had already set a parameter. With a mighty jump he grabbed himself and [member="Nyseth"] then blasted the hatch clean with a single swing of his blue lightsaber. Surrounded on all sides by the troops of the fringe he placed Nyseth down and checked for a pulse... no sign of life. "Sithspit.." he cursed, a curse commonly used by members of the rebel alliance in the days of the One Sith, he used it very rarely and never cause he meant to.

Calmly he gave the hand sign for medic assistance and like a flash they were on him. What would become of him, life or death, was now in the hands of the medics and [member="Darlyn Excron"]. "Excron i need you here, you have a tag" Mythos said into his earcom. His mission was not to kill Nyseth, he was going to join Mythos in jail... he would appreciate the company but there was nothing he could do for him. He wasn't a healer or a medic... he was a destroyer.

No time to think about that now, no time to plan for his extended stay in a Commenori cell... he had more bad guys to catch. Around the corner was the club owned by [member="The Prince"], information lead to suspicion of it being a brothel. If Mythos could get a hold of a worker or someone higher up in the establishment... he would not need to make them talk.

He strode through the people, the sea of organics as he called them, the way [member="Ultimatum"] called them parted way like a prophet in a sea before his ignited lightsaber as he floated in anti gravity through them ominously.

Their fear... it brought back his stamina and as he reached the door of the establishment his breath became rhythmic and steady once more.

Death was at their doorstep and the armed guards that the prince had left there with specific instructions to deny entrence to even bringers of law stared the Sith Lord down. Oh how he relished this moment. Their guns shook in their hands, the darkness around them like a silk gown added to the terror Mythos brought into their lives.

"Turn the lights back on, turn everything back on" He said. His last command. Gradually everything began to be powered on, minute by minute the artificial gravity began to take power. Mythos dug his claws into their minds using the skills [member="Sage Bane"] had taught him oh so long ago. They thought of shooting... he could see that but he pulled their fingers from the trigger wells.

Their fears, their lives, their memories and dreams unfolded before him. They could sense it too, he would give them a chance after he made it abundantly clear who exactly stood before them.

The thugs saw his life unfold before their eyes but a very specific series of events. They saw Mythos fight [member="Darth Ophidia"] in Iridonia, they saw the haunting image of @Darth Phyrrus assault him as a beast in an illusion, they saw him strike and fight [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] then take on a Wall of Light, they Saw Atrisia and [member="Darth Mephirium"], his power and the storm, They saw [member="Darth Erebos"] and Shawken in all its glory and as they fought each other in brutal fashion almost every standard week. They saw Gor'Kai, a beast created by [member="Darth Prazutis"], a beast so disgusting and abominable even Mythos himself warned himself not to face it unless it was absolutely necessary. [member="Jericho"] and him fighting in Midvinter, Kind Adas...

Then they saw Hell. Chaos itself as it tortured him and the moment when he returned. They knew now it was not a jedi, a guard, a member of the Commenori forces or a policeman... They stood before Lord Mythos the Sith Lord who beat death and ruled the Necropolis of Ankhypt.

Then... something happened. The illusion stopped. Mythos sensed something and it broke his concentration.

[member="Ryan Korr"] and [member="Cedric Grayson"] were coming for him and although he did not know who it was coming his enhanced force sense began flaring up like a nasty rash. He was being hunted by something... that's all he knew and that was more than enough to throw him into a state of conflict and violence again in full force.

With yellow eyes he turned to the guards and gave them one chance. "Run..."

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Slevin Thawne"] [member="Aver Brand"]
"I don't think there's enough Sith Lords here for a storm," Cedric mumbled as they continued through Kwenn's lower levels. The chaos had been expected, though it was not as horrid as Cedric had expected. It seemed the Commenori were not too keen on rioting - at least not yet.

"I sssmell sssomething funny," Gorn's raspy voice hissed through the comm. There was something malignant in the air, and it wasn't the station's darkness. It smelled of sulfur and dry heat; a scent that Gorn had come to recognize all too well indeed. "We're getting close. Your Sssithy is using hisss magicsss." A hand came to rest at his sidearm, and his lips curled back to reveal rows of thorny white teeth. He wasn't one to consume dead sentients, but something about that smell made his stomach grumble.

Perhaps they would make an exception.

The speeders came to a halt outside one of the clubs that dotted Kwenn's nightscape. It was here that the smell was the strongest. Gorn muttered a curse under his breath and tumbled out of the vehicle with as much grace as a drunken wookie.

Cedric was not so eager. He stepped off the speeder and found himself frozen in place. Mythos' presence was a familiar one; it brought about memories from a time long since passed. He almost felt like his father, but where Cyril had always carried a spot of love and compassion in his heart, Mythos felt bereft of any.

The Sith Lord's figure stuck out amidst the bright lights of the police speeders. Policemen and security guards were arrayed in front of the Sith Lord blocking his path. Some turned to flee. Others remained.

Cedric stepped forward, the cyan light of his weapon hissing to life as he siddled up to the guards. Gorn stayed by the speeder, though his rifle was trained on Mythos' chest.

"I'll try to talk him down first Ryan," Cedric murmured to his ally as he drew within speaking distance of the Sith Lord.

The youth offered his father's friend a thin smile. "How have you returned from the abyss Mythos?"

[member="Ryan Korr"], [member="Mythos"]

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