Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cortosis Contracts

Larkoon kept his terrifying glare, hiding his confusion underneath. Creepy? This guy? The young Zabarak didn't feel like he was alienating anyone. Well, this could be from the fact the boy only knew rage and despair in his emotions, due to training his whole life. Slowly the short acolyte looked to [member="Cross Ikon"]' direction, pausing for a second. "Hmph.." The boy growled under his voice. He shuts his eyes and folds his arms. Everyone is filled with such 'feelings'. It was hard for the adolescent to understand.

"I merely wish to make conversation with her...I will not cause any harm..." Larkoon retorted to both men in his icy, eerie voice. A darkness continued to drift from this boy like s lingering shadow.
[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Razz Michaels"]
[member="Keturah X"]
[member="Breanna Volsh"]
[member="Silara Vantai"]

Razz Michaels

Razz looked at the boy.

"If you wish to converse, you should try a less menacing manor." Razz said while smiling.

Zane walked off to find somthing to do.

Razz looked at Stardust then to Larkoon.

He noticed Sin had walked off, probably to finish something.
A knock at the door Bree peeked around to see who it was but she did not really know this face, and before she could say anything Rex had sent him on his way. Well.

He had something important to say his whole demeanor had changed she listened to him closely. So. He didn't want to have children with her because they weren't married he wanted to sleep with her but not have children with her. It wasn't even that she wanted to get married right now, and he was asking her thoughts, but tender hearted she was and took all of this to mean something else all together.

And he wanted to adopt one of his squad, the one named Kaia. She wasn't sure what to say at the moment. She wanted to make sure she said what she felt. He didn't know how much longer he would be around. This was sounding more and more like all this was temporary.

She swallowed, "If you feel that this is something you must do Rex, then you should do it" She was glad that he was asking her but it sounded like he had already decided. She smiled though and touched his arm, "I'm sure you'll be a good father Rex"

[member="Tiberius Rex"]
Keturah smiled and waved a little at the holo-projected image of Cross. When her father asked her if she truly liked the man's hair, she nodded. "Red's a pretty color. Not as pretty as yellow, but still." And then, her father addressed the Zabrak boy who was currently standing beside her. She looked between the two as they spoke a few words. When Romeo left, she turned her bright amber-gold eyes to the Zabrak. "Sorry about that. My dad's really formal. Not to mention protective." She smiled a little, and patted a place on the floor next to her. "My name's Keturah. You don't have to call me 'Lady' though. It's too weird."
[member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"]
[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Razz Michaels"]
[member="Silara Vantai"]
[member="Tiberius Rex"]
[member="Breanna Volsh"]
"Alright, Ogen. Mark intercept course with the Hazard and follow them. I don't know where we're going."

"Kay. Should you be saying that when the channel is still open?"

I turned and jumped up as I realized that Keturah and Larkoon couls still see me.

"Oh. Ha. Uhm, where are we going, Ket?"

[member="Keturah X"] [member="Razz Michaels"] [member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"]
Larkoon places his hand over his chin with a raised eye brow. He could not for the life of him figure out what made him so intimidating. After all, he was raised to become what he is today, so it's perfectly normal to him. After a another small pause, he begins to speak in his cool voice. "....Keturah...I am Larkoon..I hail from dathomir...." The young boy remained standing up with both arms behind his back. His archaic saber hilt dangled on his belt's left side.

It did not seem like Larkoon was acknowledging what the older men in the room was saying, but in reality, mental notes are taken! Although, the proud sith child would never admit it. "You are [member="The Shadow King"] 's daughter...?"

That was interesting. Was she his biological child? If so, why can't he feel how strong she is in the force? Perhaps the child is overthinking. The boy's crimson pupil'd, white iris'd eyes dagger into [member="Keturah X"] for a few seconds.

"Do you have any sort of talent..?"
[member="Razz Michaels"]
[member="Keturah X"]
[member="Silara Vantai"]
Keturah studied Larkoon curiously. "Well, I'm not his biological daughter actually. He adopted me a little bit after I joined the Empire." She held up her holo-computer at his next question. "Let's just say I'm.... Infamous...... For my tech skills." She replied. Her eyes wandered to the tattoos on his white skin. "Your tattoos are beautiful. So ornate....."
she turned her attention to Cross. "Dad was kind of secretive about this, actually. He hasn't revealed the location to us personally. But the Nav Officer has the coordinates. I'll send them to you, if you want."
[member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"]
[member="Cross Ikon"]
"Thanks, Ketty Cat. Don't come onto that Zabrak too hard..."

I spun away from the comm and deactivated it.

"Ogen, why are you grinning at me?"

"You're such a prick, you know?"

"I need to keep those frakking teens on their toes, man."

[member="Keturah X"] [member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"] [member="Razz Michaels"]
[member="Keturah X"]

"They are my ceremonial tribal markings...Something I received right after my fifth birthday..." His dark glare peers onto the ground as the horrifying memories showed up in his head. After a small twitch of the eye, the boy snaps to. He clears his throat and Looks to the red-headed humanoid being through the window of the other room. It was [member="Cross Ikon"]! What's that wacky guy up to?

Larkoon turns his head slightly, so that the older gentlemen showed up in the corner of his eye.

"What is Cross doing in there..?
For her answer technically being a yes, it was not all that relieving for him. True he wanted to adopt Kaia as his daughter but he really cared for Bree and didn't want this being a deep seeded resentment towards him or Kaia. "Cyar'ika, this is your decision are very special to me and if I go through with this adoption I want you to be a part of Kaia's life. She will need a mother after all and I am probably not the most nurturing person out there" he tried cracking a small joke to ease the tension unsure if it would work or not. He took her hand in his "I'm not saying that I don't want to marry you because I I said on the night we first meant, I'm in this for the long haul and one day I would love to have our own children. Nothing more would bring me greater joy, I just hope they get their looks from their mother and not me" he slightly smiled and placed his other hand gently on her cheek.

"I feel Kaia needs us right now, she never really had caring parents like we did and I think we can be that for her. I can't do this by myself, I need your help if I am to adopt her" Rex had a bit of desperation in his voice which was rare for him but a lot hinged on her answer. He felt terrible putting this much pressure on her but he didn't see any other way "I know this is a lot of pressure on you and I am sorry but if needed I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you with a smile on my face because that means I get to spend the rest of my life with you".

[member="Breanna Volsh"]

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Kaia finishes her meal still blankly staring at the wall thoughts of random things enter her mind like tattoos " Man I really want a tattoo.." she mumbles to herself before fidgeting with her helmet for a second she gets up and puts her tray by the cleaning table and walks out into the hallway passing by the others mumbling something about guns and such as she walks she pulls the knife out of her boot and seeing that there isn't anyone around her she begins to dash through the hallway using the knife to scratch the metal walls to be funny giggling with each step she dashes for a while leaving a big long scratch mark on the walls leading to the Hangar before stopping and heading inside to look at the ships that rest inside the landing zone.
[member="Tiberius Rex"]

She could hear it in his voice that hint of this is bigger than that. Bree tried very hard not to project her emotions onto Rex. She leaned into his hand as he touched her cheek, closing her eyes savoring this moment. She gradually opened her eyes she moved her hand to where she touch lay hers on top of his gently.

Bree hesitated to say the words her shoulders dropped slightly, "what if we don't do good job? what if we make things worse for her?" Bree looked at Rex yes they both came from great homes and they both wanted each other, and children. And his reassurance to her that that was still what he wanted helped to allay her fears about them, but what about Kaia. Love was hard enough between two people. Bree always wanted what Rex wanted but this was different, and it was scary.

More scary than him saying he wouldn't be around.

Razz Michaels

Razz decided being on the bridge was boring, he stepped out and walked the many halls, he passed the mess hall and continued to walk.

He looked to the wall, there were scratches on it.

"Hmm I didn't know the Shadow King likes to mess up his own ship." Razz said.

He continued to follow the scratches until he reached the hangar.

The was so busy paying attention to the scratches that he didn't notice a girl in front of him.

He walked into her.

"My deepest apologies madam." Razz bowed, when he came up, he smiled.

"My name is Razz Michaels, it is nice to meet you."

[member="Kaia Brin"]
[member="Breanna Volsh"]

Bree had voiced some of his concerns and in all honesty Rex didn't have all the answers but he felt deep down inside that this was the right thing to do. "Breanna I don't know the answer to your questions...and I have the same fears as you." he paused for a moment. "But if we care for Kaia as much as we care for each other I know she will be in good hands, I think she needs us more than we need her. She has no one in this life, we at least have each other". This was the biggest decision in Rex's life and he did not take it lightly, he had mulled over this for the past couple of weeks. He had wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer trying his best to calm her fears, if her pheromones were affecting him he couldn't tell. Yes he was nervous, yes he was scared, but he held steadfast in his gut feeling that this was the right thing to do.

Kaia Brin

Professional Cry Baby
Kaia backs up a bit from the man in front of her slowly putting her knife back in her boot before shaking his hand "Hi I'm Kaia Brin part of carnage squad" she sighed "Not like that means anything to anyone but me" she mumbles before looking back up at him "Was there something you needed?" .

[member="Razz Michaels"]
[member="Tiberius Rex"]

She was in his arms where it was safe she thought about taking on this huge responsibility for another life. She buried her face into his shoulder. The problem with being a zeltron is that they are hopelessly romantic and Bree was just that a romantic, bringing a child into their relationship would mean splitting up their time together she was also a little selfish when it came to Rex.

She thought really hard on his question, putting aside many things that may seem trivial to some. If she were this girl would she want someone to take her in, to show her kindness. Bree knew the answer to that, it was yes.

So how hard would it be to open a place in their lives for a child who either one of them could have been.

This was why they balanced one another when she was emotional he was rational. She pulled back from his shoulder and looked into his eyes. She caressed his cheek now, "Ok Rex but I can't say I won't get jealous" she smiled. She knew she could, but who knew what could happen tomorrow. "I just don't want to lose our time together Rex, just in case as you say, you don't come home tomorrow" What would she do, if he did not come home tomorrow. She wouldn't think about that right now.
Removing his clothes in his cabin, he put on a more fancy robe with red accent. He sighed, and rubbed his chin.
Pressing a button on his wrist activated a com to the ship. "[member="stardust"] bring us down when we are there." He said, and made his way out the room, and into the bridge where he saw that [member="Razz Michaels"] had left and [member="Keturah X"] was still along with [member="Larkoon Darkmat'r"] he shook his head and continued to his chair.
[member="Tiberius Rex"] [member="Breanna Volsh"] [member="The Onyx"] [member="Cross Ikon"]
[member="Breanna Volsh"]

Rex smiled "thank you cyar'ika, I knew you would understand" he gently kissed her forehead. For the moment he was content to stay there with her but he knew that he had a job to do. "Don't worry gorgeous we will still get plenty of time together...keep in mind that she will still have her own separate room...and we still have our quarters all to ourselves" he said with a twinkle in his eye and a devilish grin.
When the Duchess dropped out of lightspeed at the given coordinates, I hit the comm again. Once again checking with the Hazard.

"So, am I sitting pretty on the Duchess again, or am I firing something up and coming down to the planet to meet with you guys? Just wanna know if I can relax or not, Romeo."

[member="The Shadow King"] [member='stardust'] [member='Razz Michaels']

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