Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coruscant Connections and Vigilante Voyages (PM for invite)

As Stephanie asked if I was ready I smiled. "Can't wait to get me home can you?" Smiling I asked, "Do you want to drive or shall I?" Leaning against her my left arm snaked around her waist and I gave her ass a gently playful squeeze before leaning my head against her shoulder. If she chose to drive I'd be quite comfortable just enjoying the physical closeness of her. I was ready to get out of my clothes and embrace my more....carnal side...

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
"I will drive." She said smiling and climbing in liking the squeeze she got. It set her nerves on alert. She loved any closeness, I guess you would call her a hopeless romantic. She was in love with being in love and love itself, she loved all things lovey dovey. She would then start the engine and drive back to her apartment where she would lead the girl inside

As Stephanie drove I leaned into her wrapping my arm around her waist and snuggling into her shoulder. The time passed quickly and before long we were back at her apartment where Stephanie grabbed my hand and gently dragged me inside. Mmmm she's being agressive I thought before letting myself be dragged in. It was night out and as we entered her apartment I snaked my hands back around her waist and gave her ass another gentle squeeze with both hands pulling her against me. Biting the left corner of my lip I smiled at her while giving her my best innocent look.

Then with my right hand still on her ass I moved my left arm up behind her shoulder hooking it behind her neck and pulling her even closer against me I whispered in her right ear. "Remember what I said about not biting? I lied just a bit about that." Then looking into her eyes I kissed her and held there for a full five seconds before pulling back and archin my neck around to gently nip and then gently bite the left side of her neck before planting a kiss there. Pulling back away I looked into her eyes and saw her pupils dilated and could sense the lust coursing through her. Gods and Goddesses! I'd made the first move but now it was her turn and I was a bit nervous as to how she'd respond to my primal side I had just bit her neck after all...

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
As she would have her ass squeezed Steph would let out a low purr. She would love the closeness to her, as she was pulled closer and heard the whisper in her ear she would smile. She had somewhat of a fetish with biting. As she was bit then kissed on the neck it would set her nerves on edge. She felt her molecules speeding up and she would become warm. Her pupils would dilated and she would balancing on one leg wrap the other around the womans waist she would then go down and nip the womans lip after kissing her

Feeling Stephanie wrap her leg around my waist and then her nip my lips I simply lifted her up with both arms my hands holding her ass and kissed her again this time gently biting her lips. Squeezing her ass as I held her I kissed down the side of her neck and once again bit down slightly harder this time before kissing her neck again. I had the feeling that her neck would have marks and I smiled a bit at that thought. I could feel Stephanie wrap her hands behind my neck and I let out a throaty moan at the sheer closeness of her.

Steph, where's your room? I gasped out as I felt her return the favor of gently biting my neck. I was all sorts of turned on right now and I was about ready to just rip her clothes off right here with The Force. I could feel her sucking along my neck and then she bit down again. Digging my fingers in as I squeezed her ass I repeated desperately. Steph, your room?!

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
As she was lifted up Steph would wrap her other leg around the woman and moan a bit. As she would be bit again she would fall even further in love with the woman. As she would gasp at this and return the favor more gently knowing she would have marks on her neck she didnt want them on Celiana though. She wouldn't hear it the first time but the second she would point to the back of the house hoping she would be carried there

I saw Stephanie gesture towards the back of her house and then once again loose herself in the pleasure. Carrying her towards her room I pulled her against me and as she continued nipping at my neck dug my fingers into her back arching my back and moaning loudly at what she was doing. Pushing the door open I looked into her eyes and gave her a primal, lust filled look as the door shut I turned and felt Stephanie push her weight against me and I fell backwards onto her bed. Gods and Goddesses! I wondered what I'd unleashed before I felt Stephanie kiss me again and begin once more gently biting my neck. Cupping her ass with my free hand I dug my fingers into her ass and back as she continued driving me wild...

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
Stephanie would continue nipping the womans neck as she felt a breeze from the bottom of her dress. As she was carried she would love being close to her and the squeezing of her ass would turn her on even more. As the door was opened and she was pulled closer she would kiss the spot that she had been nipping. As she saw the look in the womans eyes she would moan loudly. She would then press forward with all of her body weight on the woman s they fell steph loved the feeling. The fingers dug into her ass made her want more pain.

I felt desire coming off of Stephanie like a wave and for a bit of pain. I didn't want to hurt her and as much as this was driving me wild I desperately wanted her to be the one to one to push me over. Shifting my body weight I rolled and came to rest on top of Stephanie as she began to rise I pushed her back against her bed and after she fell back I gently craned her neck to the side and bit down harder than I had yet as my left hand squeezed her ass digging my nails into her soft flesh as I trailed kisses down the side of her neck and as I came towards her shoulder I bit down firmly. I could feel her hand gliding along my back as her other hand had made its way onto my firm ass and began kneading and squeezing.

Biting down a bit harder on her shoulder I moaned into her skin as I began to utterly lose myself in pleasure. Sweat was drenching my shirt and as I gasped out at her torturously slow movements I wanted her to simply shred my clothes and lose ourselves in pleasure from each other...

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
Stephanie would yelp as her shoulder is bit. She loved it , she could feel the imprint of the womans teeth on her shoulder even when she had pulled back. Stephanie would like the dominance that was being shown from Celiana and then she was bit again firmer this time, she would moan loudly as this happened. She would love it, she would move her hands down the womans back and to her beautiful ass, she would squeeze tightly and as she was bit the last time she would feel blood coming from it but she didnt care. She would lean forward and kiss the woman feeling the nails digging into her ass. She would then squeeze tighter on the girls ass until it was her whole strength

Without even thinking about it I'd broken skin and tasted Stephanie's blood against my lips touching my fingers to the broken skin I channeled The Force and stiched the skin back together. My clothes were drenched with sweat and with a flick of thought I closed door with The Force. Looking down into Stephanie's lust-glazed eyes I said, "I think it's about time we both took clothes out of the equation love." With another flick of thought I shut off the lights and let the night lights of Coruscant light her room as I stripped out of my clothing and embraced Stephanie once again....

*Fade To Black*
Stephanie's eyes would flicker open and she would look around noting the clothes on the floor and the lipstick on her neck and shoulder and then she would finally put everything together when she saw Celiana in her bed still nude. She wouldnt bother putting clothes on before crawling onto the bed and gently nipping her neck just enough to wake her "Good morning sleeping beauty." She would say before getting up and grabbing some underwear and a bra for herself along with some clothes.

I felt the nip on my neck and my eyes flicked open to see Stephanie. "Mmmmm last night was wonderful love." I saw her going to grab some clothes and I snatched her hand pulling her back onto the bed with me. Looking at her shoulder I saw the bite marks I'd put there and was instantly filled with guilt. Pulling her close against me I said, "I'm sorry about your shoulder. I...I didn't mean to draw blood Stephanie." Biting my lip I ran my fingers over her shoulder and placed gentle kisses down her neck to her shoulder before just pulling her against my bare flesh and leaning my cheek against her shoulder.

I would've been content to lay here with her all day but I had the feeling that breakfast was in order. So I wrapped myself in a short blanket and tried dragging myself out of bed but I was just loving being snuggled against Stephanie too much... I wondered was this right? This utter bliss I felt was wonderful....If so I could definitely get used to this...

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
As Steph was pulled back it took her by surprise she would fall into bed with the woman and as she whispered in Steph's ear Stephanies shoulder would hurt a bit "It's fine hun." She would say being held close. As the woman wrapped the short blanket around herself Steph would walk up behind her and grip her ass. "So I have clothes that would fit you if you want"

Letting out a squeak as Stephanie grabbed my ass I smiled. She also mentioned clothes if I needed them. Nodding I said "that'd be great actually..." Looking at Stephanie I said, "So since you've had me in your home I really want to take you out to my house and show you around Voss. Seems fair right? Did I mention there are hot-springs and clothing is optional?" Wrapping the sheet around my nude body I walked over behind Stephanie and kissed her neck gently before giving it a light nip. Then I whispered in her ear, "I could always just kidnap you ya know?"

Wrapping my left arm around her waist I snuggled against her as I held the sheet in place with my right hand. It was official I decided I'd be taking Stephanie out to Voss. I desperately needed the normalcy of waking up to someone I loved and cared about...

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
Stephanie would stand up and grab a bra and panties for herself and since she didn't figure they would be the same size she didn't bother with grabbing come for Celiana but then she would be held tight against the sheet "I think a kidnapping would be fun but I will go willingly with you." she would say before grabbing this for herself and then turn and grab several options for her lover. "Which one?" X X X

As Stephanie offered me some clothes I immediately caught the the plain shorts and sleeveless top which looked super cute. She also said she'd go willingly with me.....that was an enticing thought in itself. Pulling on the clothes I said , "So then breakfast at your place or on my ship on the way to Voss?" I let the question hang there for a bit. I made some mean pancakes and bacon. The way I made eggs was at this point an art form too. I'd parked on a landing platform several stories down but if she wanted to do breakfast here I could agree to that too. Grabbing my discarded clothes off the floor I tossed them in with my armor and gear waiting to hear if Stephanie could be persuaded to take a small vacation and traveling breakfast...

I hoped she'd choose the travelling breakfast personally...

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
Stephanie would look at her and smile "I say your ship." She would say smiling finishing getting herself dressed. "How long are we going there for?" She would ask wondering how many changes of clothes she would need to bring on this trip. She always liked being prepared for anything. She knew she would more likely not be nude most of the time once there

A grin came on my face then as Stephanie said, "I say your ship. How long will we be gone for?" Chuckling I said, "How long has yet to be determined. But a swimsuit is a must as well as comfy clothes and if you're worried about how many clothes then don't I have plenty to choose from dollface." Walking into Stephanie's living room I pulled out my datapad and remotely started up my ship ordering it to simply hover outside her apartment with the boarding ramp down with a course plotted for Voss. There was a blip indicating acknowledgement and I knew it'd be here in under ten minutes.

I'd start breakfast up when we boarded and turning to Stephanie I asked, "Ever been off-world love?" With my clothes and gear secured I was just waiting for The Cherry Blossom to pull up...

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
Steph would Quickly grab her sexiest swimsuit as well as some comfortable clothes then came to the front room double checking everything. Making sure the door was locked and the lights were off and the house was somewhat clean. Once she had done this she would come to the womans side. She would then answer "No I have never left Coruscant ever." She would say smiling. She made sure she had at least 3 bras on her for they were not near the same sized bust


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