Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coruscant Connections and Vigilante Voyages (PM for invite)

I sensed Stephanie's presence behind me and off to the right. Quieting the raging storm in my mind I thought of the tingling sensation I got when I got a simple smile from Master Rasu then I ferreted the emotion and feeling away in my mind. Making up my mind to speak with Master DragonsFlame I rose from my seated position and grabbing my cream colored outer cloak I turned on my heel and walked over towards Stephanie. The nimbus of emerald and aqua electricity had ceased surrounding me but had returned to mere sparks dancing across the surface of my forearms. Hopefully I wouldn't shock Stephanie when I touched her again. Static shocks were a pain but I realized she'd probably at least see the sparks dancing across my skin.

As I reached the cushioned loungechair where Stephanie was sitting in just a white lace thong and white sports bra I disciplined my mind and draped my cream colored outer cloak around her bare shoulders before gently kissing her cheek. Taking a seat next to her I felt as though there was something she wanted to ask me but I simply sat next to her while she munched on her food...

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
"Where did these marks come from?" She would ask pointing to all regions of her body save for those she already knew why they were there. She would await an answer. She would take her loves hand and run it down her leg which had been freshly shaven

The question caught me slightly off guard. I knew the marks from my nails on her ass and back. Then there was her neck and shoulder I'd bit. The sucking marks from the syrup on her stomach and sucking it out of her bellybutton. Also her breasts and nipples that I'd left light bite marks on. Looking at her I said, "All the marks on your body I put there love. Though I'm sorry if I hurt you doing so..." The feeling of her smooth legs was intoxicating and I loved running my hands over her bare skin. Pulling my cloak over her body I snuggled up against her...

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
"You did not I was just wondering how I got them." She would say continuing to rub the girls hand down her leg. As the woman wrapped her in her cloak steph would smile and kiss the woman trying to imagine how she got every mark

As Stephanie kissed me I was suddenly very glad I was clothed. I let her keep moving my hand agaisnt her leg before she got up and I playfully swatted her bubble butt. "Get back inside Stephanie. You should still be sleeping love besides I was about to fix lunch..." Pushing her towards the front door I walked behind her admiring her curves as I did...

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
Steph would smile as her ass was smacked she would then head back into the house. She would head back to the bedroom. SHe would then strip her bra and panties off before laying back down on the silk sheets. She would clothes her eyes and fall asleep. She believed Celiana was right

As Stephanie stripped out of her bra and panties I was in the kitchen heating up a skillet. As the skillet was heating up I slipped out of my boots and socks and padded into my room barefoot. Looking over Stephanie's nude body I pulled the silk sheet and down blankets over her body and tucking her in I gently kissed her neck and cheek before padding back into the kitchen. Pulling butter, milk, fresh limes, seasonings from the garden and fish I'd caught from my refrigerator. Slicing some butter off the stick I lowered the heat and popped it in the pan along with another generous slice. As the butter melted I poured a bit of the milk into the skillet along with a few squirts of lime juice.

As the mixture heated up I seasoned the fish and placed it in the mixture to cook while I poured myself some iced caf and doctored it up with coconut creamer. Hopefully Stephanie liked fish....

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
Stephanie had never actually had fish, on Coruscant it wasn't commonplace to have fish. As she lay there she would dream, she saw her last day in the orphanage. The day her sister had been adopted, it was on this day she decided she couldn't do it anymore. She would have snuck out in the middle of the night. She then saw glimpses of her time on the streets. She was filthy and she was sick.

I sensed that thought Stephanie was asleep something was...wrong. Pulling out the bed section on my couch in the living room I fluffled the pillows and walked back into my room Stephanie was well and truly asleep but I heard her muttering no a few times. Deciding to comfort her I projected comforting waves of Force energy into her body and as she was still asleep I lifted her, cocoon of sheets and all and carried her into the living room by the kitchen. I was being motherly and protective I supposed laying her back down on my couch's bed extension I started up the fireplace and let it warm up Stephanie and my house too. It was getting a bit colder on Voss and I wanted to be nice and toasty.

Walking back over to the stove I turned on my oven and grabbing some eggs and flour I cracked the eggs into a bowl before whisking them and poured a bit of flour with seasonings in another bowl. Pulling out some sliced squash I began dipping the slices into the egg before powdering them with the flour mix. I'd been heating another pan and then I placed the mix coated slices of squash into the pan and began frying them. Kicking on the fan to suck away the smoke and everything else I looked over at Stephanie and gently smiled she looked adorable laying there sprawled about. Walking back over I pulled the covers back over her softly kissing her forehead and then her cheek before going to grab my iced caf...

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
The calming waves would help for a moment but just as soon as she was sat back down she would return to the dreams. As she kept seeing this she would start to get the shakes in her sleep and she would toss and turn. Her body ultimately would have gotten sick from being outside in just her bra and panties but she didn't know this yet

Everything had finished cooking at this point and moving the fish and fried squash onto two different plates I put them in the microwave to keep them warm. Pouring the creamy lime sauce into a small container I also put it in the microwave. Then flipping the heat off I shrugged out of my outer tunic clad only in the cream colored thin inner cloak. Unwrapping Stephanie's cocoon I snuggled in next to her and felt her forehead which was a bit warm. Probably caught a cold from being out in just her bra and panties... Sighing I snuggled up against her bare skin and wrapped my arms around her bare breasts and began tracing gentle circles over her toned tummy. At least I was here to take care of her....

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
Steph would snuggle up to the woman and continue to shake pretty violently still seeing her worst memories. She would stay asleep and snuggled. She would then see the one time she had to save the day at her job, men would have broken in and take the place holding the people inside hostage. Steph had her hands tied behind her back, but she would bend her back to a severe angle and gotten her arms in front of her. She would then take the man who had herself and her coworkers hostage. She would then get to her gear, luckily her coworkers were mostly unconscious for this or she would have been exposed. She would continue to shake still freezing

Feeling Stephanie shake against me was unbearable. I felt like she was trapped in a dream and she'd started shivering againt me. Wrapping her nude body in my cloak and the blankets I got up holding her against me and walked over next to the fireplace where I sat with her bundled up bare skin against my thin inner tunic. I begn humming a very dark tune Arja had taught me when I'd trained under her I hoped Stephanie would wake up soon though because I didn't have the experience needed to dreamwalk and guide someone back. Continuing to sing the tune I cuddled up agaisnt Stephanie and waited....

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
Steph would continue to shake still stuck in her dream. She saw her worst memories repeating themselves over and over again, she would stay like that for another 10 minutes after being moved to in front of the fireplace. She would then begin to stir, her dreams tried to pull her back in but she fought them and suddenly she opened her eyes which were bloodshot. She heard the woman sing and her eyelids grew heavy again

I saw Stephanie's eyes fluttering open and begin to shut again so as terrible as I felt about it I slapped the side of her face. I didn't want her returning to whatever hell she'd been in. "Stephanie, can you hear me? Come on love wake up, come back to me..." Hugging her and bringing her bare chest against me I kissed her forehead and then her cheek before gently pressing my lips against hers...

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
Stephanie's bloodshot eyes would flutter open once more this time she would fight harder keeping them open. She would still shake like crazy and tears would well up in her eyes as she sat there. She would cry for a long time just being held. She would nod to the earlier question that had been posed

At this point I felt no particular need to remain clothed though I knew enough to know about being sick to know Stephanie was. Stripping out of my remaning clothes I wrapped my cloak back around my nude body and walked into my kitchen grabbing some chicken and vegetable broth and pouring it in a large bowl and heated it up along with grabbing a pitcher of iced tea and two glasses. Levitating the glasses I brought the bowl of broth and the pitcher of tea over. Setting the tea down on the end table along with the glasses I brought the broth over to Stephanie and shrugging out of my cloak I snuggled up against her naked body. Wrapping us up together I kissed the side of her neck and said, "Stephanie drink this. Come on doll..."

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
Steph would continue to cry and shake, she would feel sick as hell right about now. As the woman stripped and wrapped her cloak around Steph it would help a little bit, but not a lot. As the woman walked off Steph had to keep fighting to stay awake. It wasn't easy but she managed. She would like the feeling of the woman snuggling against her naked body but even that wasn't enough to make her feel better. She would sip a bit of the broth then she would stare into the flames still crying and shaking violently

Wrapping my arms around Stephanie I held her as I she cried and shook. It was awful to feel helpless and just be powerless to help her. Pulling her against me I wasn't sure what to do other than just hold her... Whispering in her ear I said, "If you need to sleep then sleep Stephanie, I'll be here I'm not leaving you." Leaning back in front of the fireplace I felt her lean back against my bare skin her head resting agaisnt my bare breasts. If she did fall asleep hopefully my heartbeat would help her find her way back...

[member="Stephanie Brown"]
Steph would try to stop the shaking but it would be no use. She would only be able to slow the shaking, she would wipe her tears just for more to take their place. She would lean back on the woman's breasts and she would try to slow her breathing. She would be able to but would still be shaking although not violently anymore. She would listen to the woman's heart beat and try to get her breathing in time with that hoping it would help her find her way back


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