Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish Coruscant Hustle OOC Sign Up


Watch your own head, Mr. Maou Maou , before you lose it.

The Coruscanti Mafia, better known as "The Family", will be defending its territory against all enemies. The roots of The Black Oak have burrowed deep into the Coruscant Underworld, and cannot be excised by any man or beast. I call upon my Caporegime, and my soldiers! We shall fight from the shadows, as we do best!

Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree Jade Solus Skirae Jade Solus Skirae Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek R RAV Ket Van-Derveld Ket Van-Derveld Arturo Arturo Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus

Reave Reave
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"The Family" Humph. The only gang that matters on Coruscant is the Yokai. Watch your head クソガキ

Also signing in for the family, maybe I spoke too soon about not starting a war.


(My mother was amazing! Those are fighting words! Prepare for battle!)

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