The Cyan Blade
Sorry for the delay... I have had a rough days at work, but I am catching up with posts today.
Auraya Irath-Ur
Vexander noticed that she didn't break concentration throughout the exercise, nevertheless; she did receive a few hits with the training saber when he unleashed his attack at her.
For a moment, Vex thought that he was actually too rough on her for just proceeding to this level all of a sudden... but then he remember that it was only natural to fail when training... the most important thing is to learn from those failures and not to make them in the middle of an actual battle.
The man lowered his lightsaber a bit as Raya stepped back to recover herself... and as she did, Vex just smiled and try to use a few words to comfort her on her great attempt.
"Do not worry Raya, take all the time you need" Vexander kept his lightsaber on mostly because it was built to remain ignated as long as it was in his hand "You did quite well, you kept concentration and did your best to take on the blows and continue" The bearded man didn't move at all, he just looked at her and with the same cheerful demeanor he continued "This is the closest you'll get from a battle against a darksider, or during a firefight where blaster come raining down on all sides. I am quite confident this won't happen when that time comes... afterall; when that happens... your connection to the Force tights up and you'll perceive it's assistance tenfold" What the same said was true... he knew for a fact that when things seemed worst, the Force would flow in great lenghts aiding the Jedi... perhaps it was the fact that she was in no real danger or something, but either way; this would prepare her mind and body for that influx in the Force.
The man took a deep breath through the nose, recovering himself as well after the flurry of attacks "Take your time Raya. Let your muscles regain their strenght but, in the meantime... tell me, how did you feel during the first attack and in the second? What was so different from one another?