Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corvus Raaf

I'll drink to that...


[member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Xenia Nastassia"]

Kyla Foy

[member="Corvus Raaf"] Even if an ego boost is bad if they see it like that. Corvus I will give you the biggest Ego boost ever!!!
or something like that....awful grammar, I think

PS. I will post tonight.
[member="Darth Ferus"]
They forbid attachments to keep powerful force dynasties from springing up.

And unless you know how I could possibly conceive a child with my biology in relation to hers, I do think we're safe from that.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Braith Achlys said:
They forbid attachments to keep powerful force dynasties from springing up.

The Jedi Code is designed to stop attachments to stop the flow of powerful emotions that lead to the darkside of the force. This is perfectly explained and shown in all three of the prologues. Obi-Wan cares greatly for his Master, when his Master is killed he skirts the line of the darkside to avenge him. Anakin loves his mother, when she dies he slaughters an entire Tusken Tribe. When Anakin loves Padme he begins to fear for her death and thus...well falls to the darkside and becomes one of the worst Sith ever.

Attachment is forbidden by the code because attachment inevitably breeds powerful and uncontrollable emotion, said emotions lead to the darkside. This is a theme throughout the prequel trilogy.

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

When Yoda says this he leaves out what causes that fear, but that cause is revealed by Anakin, by Obi-Wan, and many others who have fallen(or nearly have).
Alric Kuhn said:

The Jedi Code is designed to stop attachments to stop the flow of powerful emotions that lead to the darkside of the force. This is perfectly explained and shown in all three of the prologues. Obi-Wan cares greatly for his Master, when his Master is killed he skirts the line of the darkside to avenge him. Anakin loves his mother, when she dies he slaughters an entire Tusken Tribe. When Anakin loves Padme he begins to fear for her death and thus...well falls to the darkside and becomes one of the worst Sith ever.

Attachment is forbidden by the code because attachment inevitably breeds powerful and uncontrollable emotion, said emotions lead to the darkside. This is a theme throughout the prequel trilogy.

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

When Yoda says this he leaves out what causes that fear, but that cause is revealed by Anakin, by Obi-Wan, and many others who have fallen(or nearly have).
Jedi do not marry (with some exceptions), in order to avoid attachment and—according to Vergere—so as not to create dynasties of those strong in the Force. However, in many periods of the Order's history, such as the era prior to Exar Kun and in Luke Skywalker's reformed Jedi Order, marriage was not forbidden. That being said, celibacy was enforced in many periods of the Order's history.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Braith Achlys"]

The only person whoever says that is Vergere, who is actively attempting to manipulate(like she always does). Also just look at the rest of the quote;

Jedi do not marry (with some exceptions), in order to avoid attachment and—according to Vergere—so as not to create dynasties of those strong in the Force.
The theme is incredibly clear throughout the prequel trilogy and is displayed throughout the films many times as well as in dozens of other instances in lesser canon, including comics, novels, SWTOR, and other places. Perhaps not creating dynasty's was part of it, but it would have been a very very small part. The ultimate reason for the rule was to stop attachments, which breed emotions. Not to stop the making of babies, otherwise it would've been "Don't kark."

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