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Approved Location Cosmina Academy for Practitioners

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Name: Cosmina Academy

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Intent: To create a learning setting for characters that are Crinan Practitioners, as well as expand the locations on Crina.

Classification: Academy for Practitioners (Crinan Force users) in the art of magic, combat, literary arts, history, and philosophy.

Location: On Crina, near the city of Ecaterina, a larger city set along a major river source, the Academy sits right on the river's edge beyond the city, and faces the rising sun.

Affiliation: The Imperial Remnant, though it is not directly interfered with by them.

Description: The most renown and premiere place of learning on Crina, the Cosmina Academy, named so after the mother of Crina's most historic figure and first queen, very much exudes the aura of wisdom and grandiose is was created to inspire. It is a place where the force users of Crina, Practitioners who actually believe it is magic and have followed such teaching for all of Crina's history, are invited and brought to learn how to wield their powers.

It is considered a privilege and an honor for people to study at Cosmina, so few refuse, and as Practitioners have been highly valued and revered none would force their matters upon them. Those who take courses at Cosmina will learn to wield their magic (force powers) to control such abilities like manipulation over the elements (air, earth, fire water) through spells, as well as gravitic (actually telekinesis), mental intrusion (illusions and telepathy), and strength enhancement.

The Academy is replete with an indoors greenhouse/garden facility, three student dorms, three reinforced and stocked training auditoriums, two large atrium in both the front and back of the main structure, an aquatic facility set into the river, twelve classrooms, an expansive archive/library room, a pair of mechanical bays/workshops where students can learn crafting, and a generator room to power the shield generator, a feature exclusive to both the Cosmina Academy and Royal Palace.

  • A shield generator powered on site. While it was considered to be effective at deterring small Crinan fleets that may attempt to subjugate the Academy during the Civil War, it is lacking by modern galactic standards and would fall after sustained bombardment after a short time. The Academy itself has no other defensive measures beyond the prowess of the Practitioners and apprentices.
  • While no number is particularly discernible, Cosmina on average through history normally has had around 128 students and 36 faculty on campus. All Practitioners either fully accomplished or in learning. While not explicitly a military force, an attack on the Academy would likely run afoul the senior staff and faculty acting as on grounds security.

History: The Cosmina Academy was first created shortly after Lady Crina put an end to the first, and considered only, major conflict on the planet. As Practitioners were beginning to be treated less and less as threats and unnatural freaks on the world that had devolved somewhat from the original colonists knowledge, and soon now looked upon and revered as heroes, sages, and gifted individuals. Their once closed off and close knit community became more open, and those with the gift to use magic (the force) and become Practitioners as well started stepping forward if they were aware as they no longer felt threatened to be seen with such power anymore.

They soon began forming a place of learning where the community of Practitioners once resided, a small town at the time cropping up as people became comfortable with the Practitioners new acceptance. That town would become known as Ecaterina, as the Pure City, and not long after that once Crina had fully established her control over the world she issued an order that an Academy be erected that could house all Practitioners and provide them with a place to hone, practice, and learn their arts.

She named it after her mother, Cosmina, and it became known soon after where those lucky enough to be gifted to become Practitioners would receive the highest education one could find on Crina, as well as a safe haven where they could master their talents under the guidance of the previous generation. So long as peace reigned over Crina it was a quiet Academy, though it drew attention from all over the world as more Practitioners would arrive, as well as people who wished to settle in Ecaterina nearby.

Practitioners who studied at Cosmina would eventually take prestigious positions at other academies, or as watchers over towns and act as protector during natural disasters, plague, or even crime sprees. They'd become advisers to governors and nobles and work to keep Crina safe, and very few would rise up to cause problems themselves and were normally dealt with by Cosmina's watchful gaze.

Once the Civil War began though Practitioners began to become split and issues arose. There were those who followed the ideals of the Royalists, those who believed in the cause of the rebellion, and those who believed Practitioners were above such mundane issues and should focus on following the path of magic alone. In perhaps what was considered the one time both sides could come together the rebels and royals came to the agreement that Cosmina would remain independent of the war effort, and that those who were neutral would stay in command of the curriculum and allow Practitioners to follow their own futures.

Links: Crina, St. Tiberius Academy
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