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Could a droid use the Force?

If I recall from reading the books, Darth Vader's use of the Force was actually reduced and inhibited because of his mechanical body. Even though he was still flesh and blood. It was why he couldn't use Force Lightning.

A real droid wouldn't have a chance.
the less organic you are, the lesser your control of the Force can be. Examples being Lumiya and Vader as they couldn't wield the Force at the full level they could have normally if they hadn't suffered the injuries that reduced them to cyborgs. A full droid body would leave a being with hardly any connection to the Force because they would be mostly mechanical and not have much in the way of living tissue or connection to life.
[member="Lanax Grayson"] You make an interesting point about the force golems. I feel like they are sort of a gray area. They're allowed to "use" the force to the extent of how they were created.

For instance, a "droid" force golem could probably "use" the force to pick itself back up after bits of it are taken off.

However, in all other cases, seeming as droids are not alive, no they can't use the force. I really don't like arguments that try to reason that they can. I find that "exceptional" cases of specific droid sensitivity can be okay, but not a huge fan really.

For instance, a droid force golem made out of force attuned crystals could have a significant presence in the force, and some force related abilities specific to its artificially created nature through the force, but it would lack any control whatsoever.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
A creature must be a living organism to use the force, shards are included in this. No droid, no matter what is done to it, would ever be able to use the force in any concept as a droid cannot perceive nor understand something that does not touch them. They are permanent non-force users.
My thought on how this would be possible is for an AI, humanoid droid to develop a catalyst within it. One that can harness the Firce which is living itself by midoclorians. So say something logical is made to hold midaclorians harnessed from a fallen force user it could create the force because they are living. My thoughts also turn towards R2D2 who possibly had the Firce. Not abilities, but that droid got "lucky" so many times that it cannot be pure luck and the Force was with him.

Most of the reasons that have been given to say no to the Force being in a droid are books and books aren't canon, anyone could write a book and say whatever they like. As to Vader, he was also injured and in his 60s and if he used lightning he would get it turned back on him and hurt himself which is seen in the last movie. Movies suggest droids could have the force through R2D2 and 3CPO. Books are no longer canon and last I checked we are not pure canon here or grey Jedi would not exist as that is purely a video game concept.
If the force could be controlled by droids, the seperatists would have destroyed the Republic army with some time and training. If grevious couldn't use the force, no droid can. Unless you're like Darth Vader like others have said. Yes, he was weakened but he trained as a Jedi Knight before his unfortunate disablement.

Edison Bulkhead

From "Star Wars: The Wrath of Darth Maul" by Ryder Windham:

“Master Sidious, I meant…can a droid use the Force?”
Sidious chuckled. “No, boy. The droid is just a machine. Machines can’t use the Force.”
[member="Isley Verd"]

But they could be harnesses from a deciesed, willing donor....

[member="Edison Bulkhead"]

I say this as gentle as possible, a book can be written by anyone and it is not Canon it is EU so that does not work here.

[member="Ceska Starshield"][member="Ren Sumazaki"][member="Emilia Marean"][member="Zambrano the Hutt"][member="Darth Arcanix"][member="Darth Ferus"]

Now let's change the question, could a droid use an imitation of the force? For example force lighting, lighting cannon. Force push, pull and telekenesis, could be te use of magnetic fields. Ideas, many ideas.

Edison Bulkhead

So your question isn't "Can a droid use the Force?" It's a statement of "I want a droid to be able to use the Force, agree with me and show me how it's possible."
Anybody can shoot a movie too. Just because it didn't come from the golden brain of George Lucas doesn't make it less valid. Nor did Lucas ever directly address the issue in the films, so using the films to defend why it should be allowed is rather moot, in my opinion. Pointing to the "luck" of R2D2, that does not imply that R2 was using the force. Simply because one cannot feel it surrounding them does not mean it doesn't guide them. Han Solo is a perfect example of this, and he has plenty of quotes to his name for "verification."

If midichlorians were to be harvested, the question then would be: is the imitation of life also life? Mass Effect spent three extraordinarily long games trying to answer this question and I don't think they reached a proper consensus either (c wut i did thur?). I personally have a difficult time recognizing droids as being "intelligent" because, in the end, they run based on a program. Programs are not adaptable to changing environments. Adaptability is fundamental to life. Droids that show "intelligence," perhaps like C3P0 or R2D2, are extremely rare and quite random cases. Programming a droid with this kind of adaptability (in the universe created by Lucas) is something I can't reconcile.

Can droids use Force abilities? No, see above reasoning why they can use the Force. But can they use imitations of Force abilities? Possible. I imagine that Force push is rather akin to many sonic-type weaponry. Force pull could be interpreted as some kind of tractor beam. Force Lightning, well anything electronic naturally generates electricity. Discovering how to properly harness it would be difficult but probably not impossible.

I think there are plenty of other clever solutions to uncovering the problems put forth here than trying to logically sift through the moral implications of whether or not droids are alive.
[member="Lanax Grayson"]

I'm sure there's technology that can imitate some force abilities such as electric for example like you mentioned. But to be able to imitate moving objects around magically probably isn't possible.
I can help you Develop the tech for the force imitation items if you want to. That actually sounds like a great idea to me. I have to admit Jori you provide a very good argument about sentience but what of HRD like myself? I'm the ultimate imitation of life.

Also no Droids can't use the force. Like ever.
But that also has its own upsides. [member="Jorj Kell"]

[member="Lanax Grayson"]
[member="Jorj Kell"]

That is a powerful and thought provoking answer.

[member="Edison Bulkhead"]

No, it was just your first post was very off putting. Nuff said is very, "question answered now let's stop talking about it." I made this for discussion not to just get something answered.

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