Je'gan nodded. "Then I think we've found a solution, for the moderate term at any rate. Lord Fidelis, thank you for your time.
"Now, Councilors," he said after @[member="Arumi Zy"] had left, with or without final words, "we come to the issue of Matsu Ike. Apart from a few irregularities, her incarceration has gone more or less as intended. She has had time to consider her guilt, but I still seriously doubt she regrets her actions in any substantive way, certainly not enough to make a different decision if she had the chance to do her actions over.
"By Republic law, she's a war criminal and a murderer. Lord Fidelis had the advantage of never having been a Jedi Master; Matsu Ike has risen farther, and thus is more accountable for her actions.
"I propose the Revan solution. Transfer of her accumulated knowledge to a holocron, erasure of her memory. Reduce her to Padawan and let her learn again. Before arrogance twisted her into a monster, she was of value. As far as the Republic is concerned, Matsu Ike will remain in the Pit indefinitely; that should keep protestors off our front steps. I'm sure we all remember the public relations disaster outside her trial, to the point where Jedi had difficulty operating or receiving support on some Republic member worlds. The entire galaxy is watching, and the Republic won't settle for anything less than justice, and thus I propose the lie."
@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Darron Wraith"]