Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers

- Intent: There are many kinds of good steel. There should also be many kinds of good durasteel.
- Image Source: Andrea Riccardi
- Permissions: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: Gallofree Transports
- Affiliation: Open market. Nothing would please me more than for CP90 to become a commonly used hullmetal.
- Model: CP90 durasteel
- Modularity: No
- Production: Minor
- Material: A durasteel variant
- Classification: Alloy
- Weight: Heavy
- Color: Comparable to blued steel
- Resistances:
- Energy: Very High
- Kinetic: Extreme
- Lightsabers: Very Low
- Other:
- Sonic: Very Low
- EMP/Ion: None
- Acid: Low
- Corrosion: Very Low
- On a scale of hardness and toughness, CP90 rates a notch below standard durasteel for hardness, but much higher for toughness.
- Outstanding toughness and tensile strength.
- Best-in-class kinetic weapon resistance.
- Very high energy weapon resistance.
- Suitable only for minor-production vessels and lower.
- Less hard than standard durasteel.
- Doesn't hold an edge terribly well.
- Useless against lightsabers.
- Rusts if you so much as look at it wrong. Corrosion resistance, including acid/caustic resistance, generally terrible. Best used for the exterior of starships that don't spend much time in atmosphere. DO NOT use CP90 in the pressurized parts of a ship (e.g. hallways) unless you want to see quite a bit of unsightly rust and even degraded integrity.
Ah, durasteel. The only things more ubiquitous than durasteel are Zambrano heirs, CIS leadership supermodels, and Sithspawn in bikinis. The standard durasteel formula hasn't changed much, if at all, since the 400-Year Darkness. Sensing an unfilled niche, Gallofree Transports subcontracted the development of a specialized durasteel variant for the outer hulls of starships. It worked out so well that they and their contractor firms put it to the open market rather than keeping its use proprietary.
CP90 is less hard than standard durasteel, but significantly tougher and possessed of better tensile strength. A ship built from CP90 will scar up more easily than many other ships, but is generally more resilient, especially against impacts and kinetic weapons. In moments when other hullmetals would crack or even shatter, CP90 bends and deforms fractionally better, which may pop rivets and warp deck plates but will leave the ship more or less flyable.
CP90 does one thing and does it well. It is, however, a terrible choice for blades, edged tools, facilities, ground vehicles, air vehicles, or any object or surface that spends significant time in an atmosphere.