Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crash landing in the jungle! (Nova Valhalla Federation- Merc guild/Open)

I nodded at Nomad for a second, then kept on firing, blasting through a swarm that was climbing the piece of wreckage in front of me.

"People do stupid things... Breeding Rakghouls is one of them."

I drew my knife and stabbed one that got too close.

"This bunch is impressive... And stupid."

[member="Nomad Crimson"] [member="Harrip"] [member="RC 212 "] [member="Meanken"]
Nomad activated his comlink. "Seconds, can you fly 'Final Voyage' down here?" a short second of static later a response came through. A metalic voice spoke:
"I am sorry but I do not have the programming required to fly a ship"
"Don't you have access to flight guides!?" he asked franticly as he shot a few more Rakghouls.
"Yes, however that is theory and as you know theory does not always convert into -"

Nomad shut his comlink off. 'Seconds' could talk for hours on a tiny piece of information.
"Looks like I can't help" he said, endlessly firing bolts into the creatures. He placed another clip into his blaster and started again.

[member="Cross Ikon"]
[Member="RC 212"]
Sy' ran as fast as his already somewhat worn legs would carry him. He let loose a few more shots, making sure to hit his targets. He knew that a warning shot was useless against these things.

He noticed at least three figures firing on the beasts, obviously they were allies. He waved with his left hand to show he was not an enemy; as he moved in towards them. He remembered to not face his back towards the enemy and turned quickly and began walking backwards towards the group. Whatever these things were, there were a lot of them. He shot another one in the chest, barely taking time to see that it was dead before aiming at another.

"So! Aside from the ship crashing and these beasts attacking, what have I missed?" He tried to keep his tone light to avoid revealing his intense discomfort with the current situation.

[member="Nomad Crimson"]
[member="Cross Ikon"]
@RC 212
@Nomad [member="Crimson"]
[member="Cross Ikon"]

"Not too much!" Rc said, smashing another rakghoul to a bloody pulp between his fists. They reached the crashed ship and he kicked the door open. Well if it was a door. More of a side hatch but still it flung open and Rc turned back around levelling his Railgun and letting loose another projectile into the mass, separating limbs from torsos with pure kinetic power.

"Get in we can hold them off from here!"
Eldoc groggy as all get out was cutting down rakghols with his light saber and a sith blade. He was twirling them around, dicing through their bodies with ease. Using the force to increase his speed and strength. It was a fun fight, He enjoyed something as easy as a dance of death with mindless beasts. He hoped someone would eventully find him but for now he enjoyed the dance. the great thing was even a parry ended with a cut off limb. The pile of rakghols were building and he jumped into another space, ready to start another pile. He was having fun after all.
Harrip found himself in a jungle, another jungle. He couldn't tell where, he couldn't remember much. He saw red, his hands moved to wipe away the color but more red had dirtied his hands. His sense told him it was blood, human by taste. Blast it! Who did he kill? His head whipped around, throwing blood away from his head. He could see now at least... now he wished he could not....

Before him lay a bloody corpse, if it could be called that. It appeared to be what archeologists would dig up from a grave, just a mass of jumbled bones and organic tissue. Harrip felt like throwing up right there and then, but his stomach was no longer capable of that. He wondered who the man or woman had been, if he or she had had family.

Blast Blast Blast Blast Blast!!!!!​
This Blasted Rakghoul mind was too much yet again!​
He moved out of the clearing trying to wipe as much blood off as possible on the leaves of the trees. He could feel the blood everywhere, he wondered just how many people he had killed to attain such a state. His mind felt another urge to be sick, but nothing could happen. Suddenly, he realized there was a noise in the background that was not natural. It sounded like something running through the trees. His hearing could tell that it was a heavy creature and that it was running as fast as it could. It ran just as fast as ....... a Rakghoul.... Oh, no.........

He intercepted the beast and jumped on it from a tree. It struggled underneath Harrip's grasp, but Harrip was just as strong if not stronger than the beast. He grabbed by the throat and hissed at it. Seeing that it was in a defenseless position, the Rakghoul fell silent and started whining. Harrip hissed at it again, remembering how to communicate after all the years was not easy. But, having been a Rakghoul and among Rakghouls for much longer made it all too easy. He hissed some more and let loose some guttural sounds. At first the Rakghoul continued whimpering, but then it began communicating back.

It spoke of a gathering, a feast, an attack, a great metal ship, fire, blood, screams. Harrip knew what that meant. They had founds some survivors and they were going to kill them, overrun them before long. Harrip growled at the creature beneath him and the Rakghoul responded by trying to shy away. Harrip stood and grabbed the beast. He held it for a moment, suspended above the ground by the throat. He let loose another growl before tossing the beast against a tree. He heard a crack and knew that the Rakghoul would not harm anyone for some time.

He let his instincts guide him towards the ship where all the other Rakghouls were headed. His only hope was that he would make it in time.

@RC 212
@Sy' Q. Lant
[member="Nomad Crimson"]
[member="Cross Ikon"]
[member="Eldoc Quasat"]
[member=RC 212]

Chaff followed the boss into the ship, still firing his gun as he took position inside.

"So much for that pirate stash, eh?"
Sy' followed Chaff into the ship, firing once more before ducking inside and reloading. He swept the inside of the ship holding his gun level. He didn't see any other openings and so he aimed back at the door. He kept his finger off the trigger just in case. In a moment he could easily pull the trigger so he did not fear a Rakghoul coming through.

"I would guess so."

[member="Eldoc Quasat"]
@RC 212
[member="Cross Ikon"]
[member="Nomad Crimson"]

Puppet Kyrios

(OOC: Sorry for coming in so late!)

Asteria had been thrown from one side of the ship to the other when it crashed, and now had her legs pinned under a piece of debris, great way to spend an hour hearing fighting outside and hoping her fellow soldiers were winning so she didn't have to die by whatever they were fighting. She tried messaging [member="RC 212 "]and calling out, but her comm was smashed and she could only choke on dust.

@Sy' Q. Lant [member="Meanken"] [member="Eldoc Quasat"] [member="Nomad Crimson"] [member="Cross Ikon"]
I heard a familiar woman's voice. Of course it wasn't Rikki. She hadn't jumped in on this little escapade. But it was someone... Ah, it was Asteria. I stopped shooting, and called back to her.

"You there, Asteria? Our comms are out."

I began walking towards the wreckage of our ship, blasting Raks out of my way as I went.

"Stuck somewhere, A-Star?"

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]
"Are you insane!?" Chaff yelled after Cross. "Get the hell back in the ship, you ain't gonna do her any good getting eaten by these things!"

[member="Cross Ikon"]
I grinned back at Chaff, and stabbed another Rak through the neck.

"Who said I was getting eaten? I'm gonna go get her. Shoot these ugly bastards off my back, would ya?"

[member="Meanken"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"]
Chaff rolled his eyes, not that anyone could see that.

"Ya, ya, I got ya back. If you get bitten, I'm telling ya I told you so before I cap ya!"

[member="Cross Ikon"]

Puppet Kyrios

Well at least someone could hear Asteria, so she tried to call out, "[member="Cross Ikon"]? I'm in the ship's tail, my legs are stuck, otherwise I'd already be shooting whatever's out there with you guys."

[member="Meanken"] @Sy' Q. Lant [member="Eldoc Quasat"] @RC 212
Oh, in the tail. The tail looked like crap, for sure.

"Alright, I'm coming, Star. Just try to get your legs away from the edges. There's a chance I might have to blast my way through it."

I looked back at Chaff, and scoffed.

"Just shoot, you ray of fucking sunshine."

[member="Meanken"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

Puppet Kyrios

"Okay, Cross. Just don't shoot me." Asteria laughed without humor, she was to bored and scared to care.

[member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Meanken"]
I grimaced as I saw the sheet of metal.

"Okay, I'm gonna start. Stay still and tell me if I do hit you."

I started firing high-powered blasts into the metal, blasting large groups of holes like buckshot.

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

Puppet Kyrios

Asteria kept as still as possible, trying to overcome the wave of unconsciousness raging towards her brain

[member="Cross Ikon"]
Eldoc fought his way towards the rest of the wreckage, his saber lit up and carving up rakghoul after ghoul. It was bad, It was a good thing he had armor. He made his way to the rest of them. "So what about this is an easy mission did I miss? How are we going to get out of here?" He asked
Harrip felt that he was near, his instincts telling him that a battle was ahead and that the Rakghouls were attempting to feast. He could feel the smell in air beginning to play with his mind. He felt as if he couldn't think straight, his brain slowly devolving into the beast which he was cursed to be part of. It burned in his mind that this needed to be stopped, yet he could do little. He was losing control, slowly and yet all too fast. He needed to stop, he needed to get out of there. But his body was drawn to the smell, the aroma of sweat, blood, and fear.

His mind was hidden in fog, he couldn't see straight. Then his eyes opened, he was a Rakghoul. He was made for this. So he would kill and slaughter for he was a Rakghoul!

As he charged into the clearing, a roar was emitted from his throat. The roar was such that it caused all the Rakghouls to pause for a single moment before continuing. It was the sign of dominance, and with that came strength to those Rakghouls. Now they had a leader, now they would fight harder and stronger.

[member="Eldoc Quasat"]
[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]
[member="Cross Ikon"]
@RC 212

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