Seva Geroux
Lady Jedi
As the pod opened – and she was very glad the door still worked – Seva held onto Alicio's arm for balance (and maybe some emotional support, too). Salty, misty air met them and made her skin sting where there were small cuts or abrasions she hadn't noticed until just then. If not for their current situation, the beach landscape might have been nice. Still, she had a feeling that this was not the vacation that Alicio had had in mind.
"We did," Seva said, almost just to confirm it aloud for herself.
Her gaze shifted over her shoulder to the smoking pod. From outside, it was evident just how bad the crash was – it was much worse from this angle. Seva cringed slightly and turned away.
Seva took a moment to take in their surroundings. There was thick tropical foliage that lined the beach, and rocky cliffs above. A quick glance towards the darkening sky made her want to run for cover. "We ought to look for somewhere to stay," Seva said, her voice a bit distant, like she was thinking of booking a luxury hotel suite. But really, it was all she could do to keep it together.
"At least," she said, sighing. "For tonight."
It was her hope that help would arrive by morning, but that possibility felt… far away.
"We did," Seva said, almost just to confirm it aloud for herself.
Her gaze shifted over her shoulder to the smoking pod. From outside, it was evident just how bad the crash was – it was much worse from this angle. Seva cringed slightly and turned away.
Seva took a moment to take in their surroundings. There was thick tropical foliage that lined the beach, and rocky cliffs above. A quick glance towards the darkening sky made her want to run for cover. "We ought to look for somewhere to stay," Seva said, her voice a bit distant, like she was thinking of booking a luxury hotel suite. But really, it was all she could do to keep it together.
"At least," she said, sighing. "For tonight."
It was her hope that help would arrive by morning, but that possibility felt… far away.