Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Crazy Rich Jedi

Xian Xiao Xian Xiao

Noriko listened to her and had a look of serenity on her face as the girl first mirrored her and then started to really feel the lesson. Here they could do something quick and easy before arriving to gauge what she knew. "Good, now from where you are do not make a move.. allow the movements of my body to alert you. It is subtle, a shifting of the air that wraps around each of us." She moved slowly, carefully with her footwork and spoke using the force so her voice rebounded and came around the bubble to make it seem like she was in a dozen directions and location at the same time. "The lightest of breezes dances above the silence of the area, let it become a wind that tells you where your opponent is."|
Tilting her head to the side, the teen listened to what Noriko was saying. Freezing in place when she was instructed to Xian continued to just listen. Wrinkling her eyebrows down slightly in focus, the sound of the bouncing voice confused her. There was just so much of the Force she didn't know, the thought of having this ability too surprised her.

However, the request given to listen to the air currents was going to be an easy task. Her control of that particular element was her strength and she would use it. In this instance, she was probably too confident and maybe even a bit cocky. That was the young teen in her though and just a part of who she was.

Tipping her head the other direction, she listened to the movement of Noriko and smiled as she pointed the tip of the lightsaber at her again.

"You're right there!"

Hoping this was accurate, she still kept her eyes closed and was just as focused as she had been.

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
Xian Xiao Xian Xiao

She was better then expected... might not have the knowledge but she had insstincts which could be good. Noriko knew that there were more then just the one approach to the jedi arts and ways then her family it was just much easier to fall into the looking down upon another. She nodded her head standing there a little ways off from the blades direction... same general side and way but not precise. "Close very close, maybe a few inches to right and you would have been right on." THe jedi was there and she crossed her arms remaining there until she could think about what next to do with the lesson and a grin played across her lips before she was moving in and holding her saber staff out and deactivated she adjusted where Xian was pointing. "Remember to if you are going to point not to drop your guard. You don't want to lose a limb if you are in a fight or smack into something else. Your hair can also be an issue if you are preforming twists and flips but that is more preference."
She was young and not as accurate when she thought she pointed at Noriko. That seemed fine though since this was all new and the girl was still learning. Though she probably did better than expected. Mentally shrugging, she altered where she was pointing and was now facing the other woman.

Opening her eyes, she ended up just blinking them at Noriko.

"What do you mean? We're not fighting. Why can't I let my guard down here?"

In fact, Xian did not really understand fighting, stances, guard, and anything else dealing with lightsabers. She was still pretty new to the Jedi.

"My hair? Do you think it's better to keep it short? Or tie it up?"

Her eyes lit up and she nodded.

"That would be so cool! It would be like a dance!"

Until she learned more about the use of the lightsaber, she didn't think she would be doing much jumping, flipping, or rolling around.

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
Looking at Xian Xiao Xian Xiao wwho had different questions as Noriko spoke and moved forward a little. "Well that is a few things so lets answer in order... yes you should always be on your guard... maybe not to danger but the force will alert you not just to danger but also changes in he galaxy. Ripples and echoes that are created by the actions of others and they can influence you or even be influenced by you." She said it but brought a hand up to look at the hair. "Now to your hair.. well I like mine short, it is much easier and doesn't give many people something to grab and hold onto if they want to try and fight you." She offered a motion of her hand and arm to one of the wrap around lounges and sat down. "If you wish to think of it like a dance it is one fo the best ways as you can do a whole lot and it gives a base area to practice."
Listening to the answers with all of her attention, what was said connected in the mind of Xian. Noriko wasn't talking about being on guard around her personally but in general. Chewing on her lower lip, the teen nodded in understanding.

"You mean like meditating?"

That's how one listened to the Force and how things were changing in the Galaxy...right? The Master might be able to pick up on her thoughts and the slight confusion and unspoken question.

Raising a hand to her hair, she lifted up a handful and nodded.

"I think I'll keep it for now. Besides, if I cut it short, you won't be able to see the color quite as well."

Smiling when Noriko said it was fine to think of fighting as a dance, she twirled around in place and took a small bow when she was done.

"So...uh...what now?"

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
Hmm that was a good question.. they had the rest of the trip to do... whatever... if she was hungry or tired. "Well Xian Xiao Xian Xiao that is a good question we got at least several hours so eat, sleep do what you like. I will likeoy get a little food and go back to meditation." She gave a nod of her head though but she stretched out on the lounge. "Though you can also talk if you want to. I want to bring you in and around the galaxy but we are going to have to get you some fo the best equipment and training." There was a smirk on her face when she was there rolling her shoulders. Checking her nails and fingers with little interest but stretching out to position herself so she could sleep/
For a girl that was sort of looking for guidance, Noriko was failing with that at the moment. Not entirely, as she gave Xian the choice of what to do and some options. She also told her what she planned on doing. As a growing teen, the girl was almost always hungry.

"Food sounds wonderful! What do you have?"

Noriko also suggested talking and that was also a good idea. It would give them a chance to get to know each other and she could learn how to communicate with people easier.

"What more is needed for equipment, master?"

A large parcel had already been given to the Padawan and she still held onto the extra lightsaber.

"What color is this? Do they have special meaning?"

Holding the hilt out in front of her, she looked at it but didn't turn it on. To do that would mean she meant to use it and she wasn't ready for that yet.

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
Noriko looked at Xian Xiao Xian Xiao and spoke. "Well I recommend skylar undergarments. It might seem small and strange but when you are walking in the desert having sweat and odor resistance is nice.... I would recommend a stun stick if you are not wanting to use a saber and have a little back up. I have some training gi and well I recommend gravity bindings. good for training and exercise to build up your endurance." She said it but moved towards the galley as the small alcoves opened revealing food and she started the kitchenette while the converter was making the food needed. "I have anything you could want, the jedi found a species that created molecular converters and can alter matter into anything from food to fuel. It is in all of the ships sasori provides." Noriko was making plenty of food though as she set some of the meats and veggies... then potatos and got drinks for them.
Gazing down at the hilt for a moment, the teen clipped it to her belt as she started following Noriko as she spoke. She might not be ready to use it right now but that didn't mean she wouldn't be ready tomorrow. Then again, Xian might not ever feel ready. The thought troubled her for a minute and while she heard what the Master was saying, much of it seemed to go in one ear out of the other. Shaking her head, she came out of her thoughts to pay attention when the subject of food was brought up.

"How do these converters do this?"

Peering into the kitchenette, the smell of the cooking food brought her into the small area. As she stood there some of the words that had previously hit her ears finally registered.

"Speaking of smell and body odor, I think I want to shower and change after eating. Then perhaps we can meditate together. If you want to."

Not looking at all confident when she mentioned meditating together, she hoped that answer was yes.

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
"They break down matter intoraw material and store it.. great for well anything as you can use them to literally build much like you would have with techniques like art of the small over time. Also great for cleaning up as everything can be converted and tweaked a little." She said it with a grin and motioned towards one of the door ways while opening it. "There is two types of showers in there... an ultrasonic which will bget everywhere with no effort and a regular one that recycles the water but it much more relaxing." She said it and was getting the food while going to the counter and opened one of the compartments that was filled with different cans from the food stuffs. "We also have self chilling cans of sweet creams and soups."
It dawned on Xian that even though she had grown up on the streets of Coruscant, she had led an almost sheltered life. Not entirely sheltered but one that hadn't introduced her to the wonders of the Galaxy. Noriko was showing her so many new and interesting things. Part of the girl was feeling overwhelmed and another part was thrilled at learning like this.

Looking through the door the woman opened, she nodded and considered what type of shower to take. That wouldn't need to be decided until after they ate though so it gave the teen a little bit of time to figure out.

Listening to the answer given, her eyes were open and quite interested in knowing how the converters worked.

"Why would somebody want to eat soup cold?"

The question was out before she could even stop it and her mouth closed right away after asking it.

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
"It actually can be a delicacy in some cultures but the soup cans are actually self heating and willl warm up. Then the cans can be used or broken down as containers." NOriko said it looking at Xian Xiao Xian Xiao before she was moving and getting the food for the two of them to eat. There was rice with the meats and veggies as she sat down and some of the energy drinks. To better suit and keep them going before she rolled her shoulders and stretched out. "Sit, eat and relax just enough... if there is anything else you would like to know I am up for answering anything so long as you can tell me how you met my old master Sor-Jan."
The girl wrinkled her nose when Noriko said it was a delicacy in some cultures to have cold soup. What could be done to the containers though was good.

"They can be used to keep credit chips in or other small items. Right?"

Taking a seat at the table, Xian watched the woman get the food together for them. Sniffing the air, one could almost see her mouth-watering. Hearing her stomach growl was a given. When the food was put in front of her, the teen didn't waste any time before digging in.

"This is sooo good!"

Of course, as young as she was, she spoke with food still in her mouth and her words might not have been entirely clear. Her message should be though as the food was almost inhaled.

"We met when I was trying to get warmed up around a fire I started on a cold world. He walked up and joined me."

It really was that simple and totally the truth.

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
Xian Xiao Xian Xiao

She was watchin and looked at it... with a grin on her face when she started to eat herself and set it down. The grand tale of meeting Sor-Jan Xantha was just like hers... she pretty much just had him walk in on her and hey she had a master who was quite skilled but also lazy... he liked letting ehr do things and would focus on his high scores. "Hmm well that is similar to mine... we might need to stage an intervention for him get him someone who he chooses rather then just finds and steals their food. For someone who runs a company have you ever noticed that he is surprisingly cheap and never seems to have credits on him?"
"But he didn't steal my food...I didn't have any. If you think about it when he took me in...I stole his food. I mean I guess that's what happened. Sor-Jan gave me new clothes which I've worn out again, a bed and food. Then he took me a few places. During our time of wandering around, that's when you and met me."

Turning her attention back to her food, Xian listened to what Noriko had to say and her eyebrows came together as she chewed. Waiting until she finished, the teen wasn't entirely a savage. Just much of the time it seemed like she was.

"How can somebody so young have a company?"

She still didn't quite get the concept of different races. Sor-Jan appeared and acted more like her age at times but was actually far older. Still, she was curious about it all.

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
Xian Xiao Xian Xiao

"He might look young but he is much much older.... like old wrinkly man old Xian.. don't let him fool you." She said it with a smirk on her face though while eating and looking at the clothing. "Though you are able to have some clothing, minimal is great but if you only keep one outfit at a time it is really going to get awkward when you get into situations with messes." She looked around though and well she had already offered the clothing so no need for that... no the real fun was going to be what they might be able to do... she was fed, she was going to be clean and clothed... she had the tools and raw talent if not what was there... so they would have to see what they could do and Noriko would have to teach her. "When you finish up and get clean we will meditate until the ship arrives should be a couple of hours and then we will be able to explore."
Blinking her eyes a few times, when Noriko said Sor-Jan was much older than he looked, it seemed as if the teen didn't want to believe her. On the side of things, she also did. He had so much more knowledge than Xian did and it indicated he was most likely much older than he looked and acted.

"How old is he?"

When it was pointed out it was sometimes better to have more clothes than just one set, the Padawan nodded. Before this trip ended, she would find more clothing for herself and remember to keep them clean. For when the others got messy and dirty.

"I'm not sure if I know how to. I mean yeah I can sit there with my eyes closed, but that's not quite the same."

Finishing her food and drink, like a good guest, she cleaned the plate and glass and put them away where they belonged.

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike
Xian Xiao Xian Xiao

She had to think about how to answer that question of Sor-Jan's age it was not an easy question and Xian seemed to take some things she exaggerated more seriously. The jedi master was trying to think about it though while cleaning up and she set them to be cleaned. "Old... like most of our families were even around old... like he can remember some of the early jedi old." She gave a nod as it seemed to be one of the better ideas and then she wa looking at her for meditation. "As for meditating well yes it is sitting normally but there are other versions of it... a skilled jedi can reach a meditative state while moving.. it isn't as hard as some make it out to be but it does require something unique to th individual you could say. Think of something that makes you comfortable, something that relaxes your mind."
As she cleaned up her plate and glass, the girl listened to the answer given by Noriko. Xian wasn't entirely sure if she was being serious or not and decided to trust the woman. Nodding with that look that indicated she didn't believe her totally, she didn't say anything for now.

Leaning against the counter she blinked when Noriko said one could even move while meditating. One just needed to be skilled. Shrugging slightly, she didn't think she would ever be really good anything special. Chewing on her lower lip, she looked thoughtful before she nodded.

"I'm not yet sure what makes me comfortable. There hasn't been much of that in my life."

Answering what came to her mind first, the Padwan colored slightly as she thought maybe it sounded foolish.

"I'd like to try though."

Noriko Ike Noriko Ike

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