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Create Hex Invasions

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Currently there is a huge disparity between the capability of Minor Factions and Major Factions.

Right now, a Minor Faction is able to have a massive effect on the expansion of Major Factions. This is of course represented through Rebellions. A minor Faction is currently able to attack a Major Faction(With unlimited Allies I might add) and take away an entire hex of its territory(It did belong to them briefly, after all before the Rebellion began). This ability however is denied to other Major Factions as under the current rule-set they cannot initiate Rebellions.

This, in my opinion is a massive imbalance. Shouldn't a Major Faction always be capable of doing more damage? Or at least, damage that is on par with a Rebellion. Why would a Rebellion, with logically less resources and manpower, be able to take over an entire hex against a Major Faction when another Major Faction can't? It doesn't make any sense.

Furthermore, there is another disparity in the current system. Right now a Major Faction is able to invade another Major Faction, win that invasion, and gain 2-3 planets at most(due to the way map expansion works). The issue with this is that the losing Major Faction can then turn around, Dom a hex and gain back more territory then they just lost. I find that to be absolutely ludicrous.

So here's my simple suggestion.

Create a Rule-Set for Invasions of Entire Hexes.

Obviously these rules would be dynamic, a bit more complex, and have some base requirements just like Rebellions do, but I think it could;

A. Even the Disparity between Minor and Major Faction Map Effect.
B. Create awesome stories of entire wars instead of just small battles.
C. Make the current Factions on the map more inclined to work with/against one another and thus spur activity.
Sector Wide Campaigns.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
I am surprisingly okay with this. In fact, I think it's a fantastic idea.

My thinking is one of the conditions to initiate a hex invasion is that the hex in question has to be primarily controlled by the defending faction, either that or the two factions have to have a near equal stake. And, of course, winner takes all. If they defending faction wins, they've proven they can successfully defend the entire territory, and thus effectively control it.
Factory Judge
I am going to recommend one rule.

Let's say someone has started up a faction, and own exactly ONE hex. It would absolutely destroy the faction if someone were to invade the entire hex. So a rule that could be put down, is that you have to either own that hex for a set period of time before it can be invaded, or the faction has to own two hexes before the set time to be invaded.

As well, you can't invade an entire hex, if the hex has the Capitol planet within that hex.

Rekali the Hutt


Somethings that could be added are higher post requirements(Say 200 or 250 instead of 100 for example), and owning an entire hex next to the enemy's territory rather than having a planet within a hex's range. I also think that having hex-wide invasions gives more room for thing other than duels. Right now Fleeting is usually a secondary objective, while the ground is a mix between duels and NPCing. Invasions could be set up with one planet where PC's take out PC's, one planet where Generals command armies, one planet/space where Fleets are going at it, one planet where a strike team is trying to nix an important factory/supply line. Gives lots of potential for setting up different RP environments rather than people getting mixed up with "I want to duel people" "But I want to NPC an army", type situations.
Factory Judge
Rekali the Hutt said:
Somethings that could be added are higher post requirements(Say 200 or 250 instead of 100 for example), and owning an entire hex next to the enemy's territory rather than having a planet within a hex's range. I also think that having hex-wide invasions gives more room for thing other than duels. Right now Fleeting is usually a secondary objective, while the ground is a mix between duels and NPCing. Invasions could be set up with one planet where PC's take out PC's, one planet where Generals command armies, one planet/space where Fleets are going at it, one planet where a strike team is trying to nix an important factory/supply line. Gives lots of potential for setting up different RP environments rather than people getting mixed up with "I want to duel people" "But I want to NPC an army", type situations.
Only problem I have with that, and I know other people may voice this as well, is that Invasion threads already can be very confusing due to so many people being in them. Now with having all of these new objectives, that means there would have to at least be Two threads to fill the roles you ask for.

One for Fleets/armies, and the other for PVP battles on the ground. Which can be nice, but will also mean there will be a lot of threads active all at once for one objective. IF IT WORKS! then great awesome. I would love to do both at some point.

If it doesn't then... we will try to find something else.
Bunker-level Normal
[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

If you're a major faction with one hex within invasion range of another major faction, you didn't think this out very well...

That said, I do like the capital hex being immune. Considering both the GA and One Sith managed to capture a capital world and the surrounding territories without this rule, it's certainly possible to achieve with a properly motivated group.

[member="Rekali the Hutt"]

More fleeting would be great. My fighter pilot character is bored as hell.

I support this whole idea.

Rekali the Hutt

[member="Zephyr Carrick"]

Not necessarily. Invasions usually have everyone use headings, for example in Kashyyyk most people are using "Objective: Ally tags: Enemy Tags: Gear:" In a situation like I described you have the same thing except each planet is it's own objective. Coruscant is where the fleeters fleet, tatooine is where the duelists duel, naboo is where the NPCers NPC, etc.
Factory Judge
Captain Jordan said:
If you're a major faction with one hex within invasion range of another major faction, you didn't think this out very well...
Its a no brainer. However, lets say you rebelled against a Major faction as a minor faction. That means you take that hex. What were to happen if it were smack up against the major faction that you just took it from? They could invade you right back, and then have others aid them to kick your can, and take it back. Sure, its what happens in the real world, but let me put it like this.

Major Faction A spends 15 trillion credits to capture a hex. Its rebelled by Minor faction B. The Major Faction then has to spend another 15 trillion to fight them off. However they lose the hex. Now they are going to spend a third time of 15 trillion credits for the exact same hex?

ANd if the second rule was implemented, you can't hex a space that has a capitol planet, and the Minor faction that just got major faction, only has one hex worth, then you can't invade them as a whole hex.

As stated before, High Risk, High reward.

Edit: [member="Rekali the Hutt"], I understand that, I am just putting ideas out just to throw in the hat. I can see where it goes with having them make absolutely sure the tag their posts.
Well-Known Member
[member="Zephyr Carrick"] Actually I'm against any immunity clause for the argument that such a rule-set may entirely eliminate a faction off the map. If you get wiped off the map, that's a good thing. That's something that happens in real life, and should be reflected here.

However, a recently eliminated faction, should be able to dominion a nearby world, highlighting an exodus from their defeated territories. The literal running away with your tail tucked between your legs for being so unfortunate as to be utterly decimated. That way, it shows that they lost only because the other side had some edge you didn't, but they still have enough momentum and membership to continue being a major faction.

OR - Option 2:

Make it so that a Hex Invasion always leaves one planet unclaimed, so that if the winning faction wants to own the entire hex, they initiate a normal invasion of that remainder. That last invasion thread will become the cap-stone that solidify's their dominance in the region, or become an ember of hope for the defending faction if they ward them off after facing massive defeat.

Essentially, a two part invasion. The first part to determine who inevitably gets the edge, and the second part acting as the last stand.
I'll take one "let's make Invasions way more brutal and powerful" for 500, please, Alex. I support this. Currently, we do not have a way of keeping up with T3 Dominions.

I do disagree with Isley, however.

Capital hexes are immune to Rebellions. The same should go for hex invasions. This would easily solve the "new factions getting rekt" problem.

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