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Creating A Powerful Force Imbued Crystal

Valashu Elahad said:
Not sure if my understanding of the temperature is incorrect, as it has been a while since i researched it, but being at absolute zero does not entirely equate out to utter ceasing of inertia. As is, it does indeed bring all momentum down to the slowest possible, to an extent that zero Kelvin (abs zero) is known to be impossible to reach, through any number of steps, means, etcetera.
Temperature is not a measure of how "hot or cold" something is, temperature is a measure of the movement of molecules/atoms/particles and zero degrees kelvin denotes a complete "zero" movement. While it is true that it is physically impossible for anything to actually reach zero degrees kelvin (because you would have to make everything across all of existence reach that temperature first in order to stop outside forces from raising its temperature), that is still what zero kelvin is. It should also be noted that inertia is not the same as momentum. They are two separate things. Inertia is the resistance of matter to movement (mass) and momentum is mass in motion.

Zero degrees kelvin is zero momentum, which doesn't necessarily have anything to do with inertia.
How about we agree to disagree? Yes?

Anyways, I will help this queen with these crystals. They look really interesting to say in the least, and if they should come out as what I have been told. *Not spoiling anything cus I might be in on this* I really want to see this happen.


Well-Known Member

Could find more, but they are online based, and thus easily edited by unknowable schmucks.

For example, all molecular motion does not cease at absolute zero (molecules vibrate with what is called zero-point energy), but no energy from molecular motion (that is, heat energy) is available for transfer to other systems, and it is therefore correct to say that the energy at absolute zero is minimal.
Inertia is a description of a state of motion or rest, as well as descriptive for a lack of energy for motion (as you said), etcetera. At this point, I feel its a perfect choice of wording. Alongside momentum which is again an analogous phrasing for this description.

Sorry I'm linking lame examples, but its 5 in the morning, been up for a long while, and am having tremendous issues with WiFi. The end result is, everything that bears energy has some form of movement. This isn't removed at any known, or theorized, temperature as that would be destroying energy which is fundamentally impossible.
[member="Valashu Elahad"] [member="Braith Achlys"]

Absolute Zero will not be allowed on any weapon that is used in a PVP setting. Absolute Zero in its simplest terms means nearly all molecular motion ceases.

Now if you want a complex answer I can give it to you. Though I might be missing some things so forgive me its almost midnight and I just worked like a 14 hour shift :3

Absolute Zero is the lowest limit on the thermodynamic temperature scale, easily enough the temperature for "Absolute Zero" is as follows:

  • -273.15 Celsius
  • -459.67 Fahrenheit.
  • 0 Kelvin
  • 0 Rankine
The term Absolute Zero comes from the use of the Kelvin scale which is a unit of measure for temperature based on the absolute scale, which is why its called absolute zero etc etc (fun fact kids). The scale uses Zero as its null point, a temperature at which all thermal motion ceases. Now you may ask, Spencer, what is Thermal Motion? Well thermal motion is quite easy, its base is from the kinetic theory of gases, which describes gas as a large number of submicroscopic particles (atoms or molecules) all of which are in constant motion, its random and rapid.

This is important because, living things especially need energy and that energy is present with the molecules moving within cells. That's how they reproduce etc etc. Now if you expose these molecules and atoms which are inside of cells to "Absolute Zero" they stop moving, thus the core action of life stops. No cell reproduction etc etc, on a grander scale, you can't breath, you essentially just stop.

My issue with absolute zero crystals is the following. We're going to get a bit bigger here. We're going to take the human body, not just focusing on the little itty bitty atoms etc. Just the whole human body and freezing temperatures. I'm assuming most of us here are from the states so I guess I'll be nice and use the American way of temperature.

So freezing is 32F right? Well that's when water freezes, in all actuality you're dead before you actually "freeze to death" which is WAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY warmer than absolute zero, like hundreds of degrees warmer. Your body is has two built in mechanisms to protect itself form the cold.

1) Vasoconstriction: This is when the body tries to insulate itself by moving blood from t he skin and outer extremities like fingers and toes, and moves it to the core - where all your vital organs are. You can live without fingers and toes, but you can't live without all your vital organs like your heart, lungs, stomach, liver etc etc.

2) Shivering: Movement generates heat (which we learned about with energy and how the molecules bounce around!!!) so to warm yourself up your body shivers to try and keep you moving.

So back to the point of where you die before you actually freeze, I'm just going to bullet it.

  • At 91 degrees you experience amnesia
  • At 82 degrees you lose consciousness
  • Below 70 degrees you have profound hypothermia and you're going to die.
Fun Fact: The record for the lowest body temperature in an adult and has survived is 56.8 degrees F.

Of course there is more but remember the number for Absolute Zero on the Fahrenheit Scale? Yep, -459.67F, imagine being thrust into that ? Instant death of everything that hits absolute zero.

So here's the TL;DR: Anything that would freeze at absolute zero would be breaking one of the rules about killing another person's character, could also break the rule of destroying planetary objects etc etc. So the answer is no on the absolute zero. I can get more into depth about thermodynamics, but I think I've bored you enough already.

And LOL I didn't even touch inertia.
[member="Spencer Varanin"]​


Well-Known Member
[member="Spencer Varanin"]

Yup. That's all about right. Basically what I was saying, minus the fact of instantaneous freezing on all levels.

However, in the sci-fi setting we inhabit, I look at it more like flash cryogen freezing, so no insta-death.

However, that in the long run was my advice being given so far, that it will need major limitations on what is able to be done, on any level.

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