In the void. Observational deck, of the Obscurity.
Darth Vazela's meeting with Venom Tartarus.
Just as the galaxies most renowned Sith Alchemists and dark figures converged, as Velok and Valik finished their recreation of the Dark Staff...
Darth Vazela's eyes were focused on the dark expanse ahead of him, arms rested on the throne that he had created, via warping the molecular structure of the durasteel floor of the Obscurity's observational deck and subsequently lifting and raising a new form of metal, which formed into the unnatural architectural look of the seat he was currently sat upon. The dark side of the Force was palpable in the eerie setting found on board the Attrition-class Star Destroyer. It was the headquarters of one of the only true Sith Lords in the galaxy, save for the pretenders who could only hope to rule over an Empire as he did.
The foot steps of the approaching Venom Tartarus was beginning to pull him away from his stupor. The Sith Knight had arrived on board his flagship to meet with him, in order to discuss him becoming the ruler of Metalorn, the site of the most recent conflict between Jedi and Sith; Republic and Empire. There was an uprising on the horizon on the munitions world, for Republic insurrectionists had been left behind by the Empire's greatest nemesis. These rebellious curs required attention. Perhaps Venom would be the source of that attention...
Vazela's stupor ended quite suddenly. He felt himself get to his feet, his jet black, darkened robes that hung off his frame like liquid black fall about him and drag on the sleek, dark floor beneath him. He finished his approach to the transparisteel screen ahead, mere inches from it. All his eyes saw were black, an empty expanse devoid of anything. But he knew there were entities, mysteries and happenings beyond what he saw; and although the physical realm betrayed nothing, his saw further, beyond the darkness and into the source of the disturbance that had brought him to his feet.
The source of the disturbance was that of a powerful entity, risen from the depths of obscurity and back into the open to those Force-sensitives who were paying attention. Fear managed to creep into the Sith Lord for the first time in decades. Only one known entity that he knew, his deceased Sith Master Darth Ayra, had managed to bring the emotion he despised to the surface. "Impossible... You are dead," he murmured to himself. It couldn't possibly be Ayra. It was something else.
What was it?