Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Credit Worm Workshop

Kanollic II Vethres
Chief Inspector
of House Vethres

Post Number:


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam imperdiet aliquam blandit. Nam dapibus interdum quam et finibus. Phasellus dictum, erat at suscipit sollicitudin, massa metus placerat odio, sit amet lacinia sapien diam ut metus. Aliquam rhoncus mi eget arcu placerat, ut convallis ex cursus. Aenean fermentum diam sed justo viverra venenatis. Etiam efficitur vehicula massa, sed pretium dui rutrum vel. Proin elit justo, posuere aliquet egestas ac, vestibulum eu ligula. Donec turpis ex, sollicitudin non sapien non, consectetur volutpat lectus. Donec id pretium metus. Integer rutrum risus vel pulvinar fringilla.

Sed convallis, leo et rhoncus ullamcorper, tortor lacus suscipit justo, eu elementum libero ex vel felis. Aenean sit amet arcu a enim porta placerat eget non lacus. Maecenas nunc dui, lobortis vitae pellentesque ac, facilisis eget odio. Vestibulum sed vestibulum purus. Proin nec orci eu orci fringilla finibus id sit amet arcu. Donec finibus orci metus, sit amet laoreet mauris vehicula et. Pellentesque sapien nulla, luctus id tempus id, rutrum et ipsum. Pellentesque nec rhoncus lectus, nec fermentum lacus.

Mauris feugiat, metus quis rhoncus congue, nisi orci malesuada metus, vel fringilla urna sem id nibh. Quisque bibendum nulla at dolor gravida, eleifend mattis quam commodo. Fusce eget aliquam turpis, at mollis quam. Sed sit amet lacus non elit tincidunt auctor nec id purus. Phasellus bibendum eu velit non vestibulum. Nulla malesuada convallis convallis. Quisque nec bibendum ligula. Suspendisse condimentum dapibus eros non porta. Praesent commodo id orci quis posuere. In eleifend leo a velit sagittis porttitor.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam imperdiet aliquam blandit. Nam dapibus interdum quam et finibus. Phasellus dictum, erat at suscipit sollicitudin, massa metus placerat odio, sit amet lacinia sapien diam ut metus. Aliquam rhoncus mi eget arcu placerat, ut convallis ex cursus. Aenean fermentum diam sed justo viverra venenatis. Etiam efficitur vehicula massa, sed pretium dui rutrum vel. Proin elit justo, posuere aliquet egestas ac, vestibulum eu ligula. Donec turpis ex, sollicitudin non sapien non, consectetur volutpat lectus. Donec id pretium metus. Integer rutrum risus vel pulvinar fringilla.

Sed convallis, leo et rhoncus ullamcorper, tortor lacus suscipit justo, eu elementum libero ex vel felis. Aenean sit amet arcu a enim porta placerat eget non lacus. Maecenas nunc dui, lobortis vitae pellentesque ac, facilisis eget odio. Vestibulum sed vestibulum purus. Proin nec orci eu orci fringilla finibus id sit amet arcu. Donec finibus orci metus, sit amet laoreet mauris vehicula et. Pellentesque sapien nulla, luctus id tempus id, rutrum et ipsum. Pellentesque nec rhoncus lectus, nec fermentum lacus.

Mauris feugiat, metus quis rhoncus congue, nisi orci malesuada metus, vel fringilla urna sem id nibh. Quisque bibendum nulla at dolor gravida, eleifend mattis quam commodo. Fusce eget aliquam turpis, at mollis quam. Sed sit amet lacus non elit tincidunt auctor nec id purus. Phasellus bibendum eu velit non vestibulum. Nulla malesuada convallis convallis. Quisque nec bibendum ligula. Suspendisse condimentum dapibus eros non porta. Praesent commodo id orci quis posuere. In eleifend leo a velit sagittis porttitor.
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Kanollic II Vethres

MusicKung Fu Panda Epic
AliasesThat Old Boomer
Lucky Shot
Stormtrooper (Formerly)
Personality TraitsAdaptable
Education TraitsAccountable Boomer
Rank(s)Chief Inspector
Faction(s)The Empire
The Inspectorate
LanguagesGalactic Basic
High Gothic
Force SensitiveNo
Character AlignmentNeutral Neutral

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    Chapter I


    The Vethres Bloodline has always served underneath the Imperial Banner beginning with Admiral Elkard Vethres of the Ancient Galactic Republic and then the Galactic Empire underneath the reign of Emperor Palpatine. Although his service to the imperial cause was cut short when the Battle of Endor happened and his star destroyer was destroyed in the ensuing battle. His legacy was carried on by his son Elkard Vethres II who promptly joined the Pentastar Alignment underneath Grand Moff Ardus Kaine and shifted his loyalty to the Imperial Remnant underneath Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon.

    Fighting in many battles underneath the banner of the Imperial Remnant; Elkard was shocked by the death of Pellaeon and the subsequent rise of the Fel Dynasty over the true empire. Serving alongside the Emperor Jagged Fel until suffering from a critical wound by a bounty hunter that finally ended his life in service of the empire. His son Kallonic Vethres took over as Head and moved the entire dynasty to the Fortress World of Bastion to serve underneath Roan Fel until his disposal by Darth Krayt and the rise of his sith empire over the galaxy. Kallonic followed the Empire in Exile as they sought to reestablish themselves.

    After the following wars and other galactic events; Kallonic Vethres would have a son of his own called Friedrich Vethres who joined others during the Open Rebellion against the Sith Empire and was present at the signing of the 'Declaration of Defiance' and the following battles with dethroned the Sith Empire from Bastion. Kallonic Vethres had passed away during this time leading to Friedrich at only 32 years old to assume the mantle as head of the family. Although his reign had come to a close due to being killed during the Yinchorri Crisis at only 40 years old. Friedrich's Son Althaus Vethres came to power and lead the family through the Age of Resistance until finally being killed himself during the Battle of Csilla.

    Kallonic II Vethres would be born during the signing of the Bastion Accords and would grow up rather quickly during the Age of Retribution. Joining the military within the Stormtrooper Corps as was natural with his family; Kallonic was saddened by the death of Imperator Iveric Tavlar and wondered what the future of the imperial cause would be. Although this moment of weakness would be relieved when Emperor Ruik Fel came to power and was apart of the pealtry force that defended the Galactic Alliance Capital of Coruscant from the Brotherhood of the Maw. Although came back bloodied and badly wounded which was then treated by bacta before returning to active duty to defend the Imperial Capital of Nirauan.

    Kollonic was then apart of the Battle of Casus but suffered another wound and was pulled from activate service. Kollonic no longer serving within the Imperial Military would join the Imperial Inspectorate and begin climbing the ranks during the Reign of Emperor Fel until finally achieving the top position within the Imperial Inspectorate of the Chief Inspector.

    'Those who get behind the Imperial Cause need to understand the core tenets of it otherwise you have no true loyalty."

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Aschwin Cassirer Vethres

MusicObi Wan vs Vader Theme
AliasesThe Makashi Templar
Shield of Bal Talmshaa
Class(es)Imperial Knight
Templar School
AgeMiddle Aged
Personality TraitsAdaptable
Education TraitsMiddle Aged Wizard
Faction(s)The Empire
Imperial Knights
LanguagesGalactic Basic
High Gothic
Force SensitiveYes
Character AlignmentNeutral Good

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    Chapter I


    The Imperial Vethres Bloodline can trace their origin back to the Ancient Galactic Republic and the First Galactic Empire underneath Supreme Chancellor Palpatine then Emperor Palpatine respectfully. Born out of wedlock between Rear Admiral Kanollic II Vethres of the Sith Empire and Ya'Yoma Garrl Vethres on the the Sith Capital of Bastion. The Young Aschwin was surrounded by his brothers growing up with grew into a powerful family bond that is unshakeable. They followed their father during the open rebellion against the Sith Empire and were present at the signing of the 'Declaration of Defiance' which after many battles dethroned the sith from Bastion and became the capital of the Empire.

    His brother 'Cardia Vethres' always dreamed of flying a starfighter when he was young and was give a chance to fulfill this dream during the Yinchorri Crisis between the Empire and the Galactic Alliance. Although his life was tragically cut short during the crisis being killed while flying a TIE Fighter. His other brother 'Yor Vethres' joined the Military Engineering Corps as he was always inventing things despite the disapproval of their father. Although once again his life was cut short during the Battle of Csilla where he was killed by the Brotherhood of the Maw. Aschwin along with his brother 'Gotthard Vethres' became the last surviving heirs to the Imperial Vethres Bloodline and their father was harsher on them due to him not wanting them to die also and leave him with nothing.

    Aschwin's force sensitivity was discovered and he became accepted into the Imperial Knights during the signing of the Bastion Accords and began training within the Templar School. Training to become a savage bladesman able to combat the most powerful foes on the battlefield. Reaching the rank of Knight Errant and quickly becoming promoted to Knight in service to the Imperator Iveric Tavlar during the 'Age of Retribution' which saw the Imperator's death and the rise of Emperor Rurik Fel. His father was demoted from Rear Admiral within the Imperial Navy to the stormtrooper corps for yet mysterious reasons and Aschwin was furious although calmed himself and remained devoted to the force.

    His father was sent with the small Imperial Force to the Battle of Coruscant and visited him during his bacta treatments before following his father during the Battle of Nirauan as the empire emerged victorious. Saving his father's life during the Battle of Casus by dragging him back to the Imperial Lines to be treated for grave injuries. Watching proudly as his father rose through the ranks of the Imperial Inspectorate to Chief Inspector and became Moff of Bal Talmshaa. Aschwin was given the title of 'Shield of Bal Talmshaa' and carry's on serving the Imperial Knights to expand the influence and power of the Vethres Bloodline.

    "We must follow the will of the force through even the darkest of temptations."

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    Kanollic II Vethres Father - Moff of Bal Talmshaa



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Kanollic II Vethres
Chief Inspector
Patriarch of House Vethres
Moff of Bal Talmshaa

Post Number:


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dictum est id ex faucibus posuere. Fusce sit amet laoreet enim. Donec a interdum nulla. Quisque eu arcu nec elit malesuada euismod. Donec venenatis sem ante, vitae egestas nisi rutrum molestie. Cras iaculis aliquam quam, in sodales tellus hendrerit sed. Quisque at nisi mauris.

Fusce posuere metus vitae venenatis tempor. Nullam nec dui bibendum, ultricies eros nec, lacinia urna. Nunc nulla libero, mollis vitae tincidunt nec, bibendum aliquet neque. Praesent elementum leo vel nibh ornare, nec tempor ligula luctus. Suspendisse pretium felis quis est tempor rutrum. Nulla porttitor accumsan turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis vel convallis tortor, a semper lectus. Donec facilisis ipsum justo, eu congue ex hendrerit at. Phasellus sodales consequat nisl, in dignissim nisl vestibulum vel. In sagittis ligula sit amet elit ultrices, quis eleifend justo ornare. Donec aliquam in libero nec ultricies. Mauris ultrices auctor fermentum. Fusce quis condimentum nisi, vitae congue mauris.

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Kohlhaase Zos Gotthard
Senator of Foerost

    • Aliases & Nicknames:
      • Kohlhaase Zos Gotthard
      • Senator Gotthard
      • The Senile Senator
    • Species:
      • Human
    • Homeworld:
      • Foerost
    • Gender:
      • Male
    • Age:
      • 92 Years Old
    • Height:
      • 5'9"
    • Weight:
      • 170 lbs
    • Hair:
      • White Hair
    • Eyes:
      • Brown Eyes
    • Skin:
      • White
    • Languages:
      • Galactic Standard Basic
      • Huttese
      • Various Others
    • Force Sensitive:
      • No

  • Kohlhaase Rudo Gotthard was born on Foerost to Delvo Rudo Gotthard and Muggi Suu within the family's homestead on the planet. Being the last of eight offspring that his parents had made him realize that he would not inherit anything from the family once his parents passed away. Hearing the tales of his great great grandfather Melvin Gotthard who worked as a technician within the Alliance to Restore the Republic made him aspire to become just like him in protecting the galaxy from the evils of authoritarianism. Joining up with a local political party on the planet and advocating for major reforms to the planetary government. He would be sent to jail for "Unlawful Disturbances" for 7 years which although harsh and cruel allowed him to make friends with many of the inmates. Getting out of prison at the age of 27. He would leave the planet to head to the University of Coruscant to study criminal law.

    Saying goodbye to his family and moving to the Alliance Capital of Coruscant to become a lawyer; and graduating from the university within little time. He would become an intern at a local law firm 'Ted Buckson Law Office' within the Underworld. Becoming accustomed to his employers shady defense practices which involved intimidating witnesses and fabricating evidences. He would rise through the ranks of the firm until eventually leaving it due to creative differences. Starting his own legal firm called "Gotthard's Law Firm" and having many clients from the criminal cartel to rich playboys whom had gotten on the wrong side of the law. His quick thinking and smooth talking allowed him to set many hard criminals free without much justice for the victim's families. Having many enemies within the trade, he barely survived an assassination attempt by a disgruntled uncle of one of the many families.

    Finding that being a criminal lawyer would get himself killed pretty quickly, Gotthard would move back to his home planet becoming a barber. While doing one of his routine hair cuts on a fellow near human; he would watch a campaign ad by the then current incumbent senator of Foerost. Finding himself disgusted with the greedy and corporate ways of the senator, Gotthard gathered enough credits to begin his own political campaign although his chances of actually winning were slim to none. Although he suddenly had very powerful backers in the form of Foerost Shipyards and other corporate companies on the world. Propelling him forward to victory with 70% of the vote.

    Becoming the Senator of Foerost; he would serve within the Galactic Senate for many years using his quick wit and sharp mind to compromise with all political parties to get bills passed and onto the floor. Although supposedly his once great mind has begun to slip and waver with many gafs reported and many believe him to be nothing but a senile fool that somehow keeps getting reelected to the position no matter how many opponents are more qualified than him. Gotthard uses this false idea of his abilities to make his opponents within the senate underestimate him.

    'A fool can become a genius just by wearing different clothes."

    • Criminal Defense Attorney
      • Having worked as an attorney for many years before becoming a senator. He has an extensive knowledge of both corporate and criminal law to get himself ahead of his opponents. Although his semi-senile mind has started to crumble his effectiveness as one.
    • Mastermind behind the Act
      • Gotthard is not as crazy and fully senile as he might seem at a glance; it is all all one giant act to convince others that he is of little harm and force people to underestimate him. Allowing him to do things behind the scene to push certain bills or policies that might benefit foerost the most.

    • Considerably Old
      • Gotthard is considerably old and requires a cane to support himself when walking.
    • Senile for the most part
      • While Gotthard is considerably smart on one side of his brain his other side has become partially senile which actually helps sell the act on being a harmless old fool who despite his supposed incompetence still gets elected for the senatorship.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dictum est id ex faucibus posuere. Fusce sit amet laoreet enim. Donec a interdum nulla. Quisque eu arcu nec elit malesuada euismod. Donec venenatis sem ante, vitae egestas nisi rutrum molestie. Cras iaculis aliquam quam, in sodales tellus hendrerit sed. Quisque at nisi mauris.

Fusce posuere metus vitae venenatis tempor. Nullam nec dui bibendum, ultricies eros nec, lacinia urna. Nunc nulla libero, mollis vitae tincidunt nec, bibendum aliquet neque. Praesent elementum leo vel nibh ornare, nec tempor ligula luctus. Suspendisse pretium felis quis est tempor rutrum. Nulla porttitor accumsan turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis vel convallis tortor, a semper lectus. Donec facilisis ipsum justo, eu congue ex hendrerit at. Phasellus sodales consequat nisl, in dignissim nisl vestibulum vel. In sagittis ligula sit amet elit ultrices, quis eleifend justo ornare. Donec aliquam in libero nec ultricies. Mauris ultrices auctor fermentum. Fusce quis condimentum nisi, vitae congue mauris.

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Grogzenn the Crusher

Aliases & NicknamesGrogzenn the Crusher
Rock Giant of the Maw
Eyes:Glowing Orange
Skin:Black Rock
Force Sensitive:No
FactionBrotherhood of the Maw

  • PLHM9nU.png

    Kohlhaase Rudo Gotthard was born on Foerost to Delvo Rudo Gotthard and Muggi Suu within the family's homestead on the planet. Being the last of eight offspring that his parents had made him realize that he would not inherit anything from the family once his parents passed away. Hearing the tales of his great great grandfather Melvin Gotthard who worked as a technician within the Alliance to Restore the Republic made him aspire to become just like him in protecting the galaxy from the evils of authoritarianism. Joining up with a local political party on the planet and advocating for major reforms to the planetary government. He would be sent to jail for "Unlawful Disturbances" for 7 years which although harsh and cruel allowed him to make friends with many of the inmates. Getting out of prison at the age of 27. He would leave the planet to head to the University of Coruscant to study criminal law.

    Saying goodbye to his family and moving to the Alliance Capital of Coruscant to become a lawyer; and graduating from the university within little time. He would become an intern at a local law firm 'Ted Buckson Law Office' within the Underworld. Becoming accustomed to his employers shady defense practices which involved intimidating witnesses and fabricating evidences. He would rise through the ranks of the firm until eventually leaving it due to creative differences. Starting his own legal firm called "Gotthard's Law Firm" and having many clients from the criminal cartel to rich playboys whom had gotten on the wrong side of the law. His quick thinking and smooth talking allowed him to set many hard criminals free without much justice for the victim's families. Having many enemies within the trade, he barely survived an assassination attempt by a disgruntled uncle of one of the many families.

    Finding that being a criminal lawyer would get himself killed pretty quickly, Gotthard would move back to his home planet becoming a barber. While doing one of his routine hair cuts on a fellow near human; he would watch a campaign ad by the then current incumbent senator of Foerost. Finding himself disgusted with the greedy and corporate ways of the senator, Gotthard gathered enough credits to begin his own political campaign although his chances of actually winning were slim to none. Although he suddenly had very powerful backers in the form of Foerost Shipyards and other corporate companies on the world. Propelling him forward to victory with 70% of the vote.

    Becoming the Senator of Foerost; he would serve within the Galactic Senate for many years using his quick wit and sharp mind to compromise with all political parties to get bills passed and onto the floor. Although supposedly his once great mind has begun to slip and waver with many gafs reported and many believe him to be nothing but a senile fool that somehow keeps getting reelected to the position no matter how many opponents are more qualified than him. Gotthard uses this false idea of his abilities to make his opponents within the senate underestimate him.

    'A fool can become a genius just by wearing different clothes."


    • Criminal Defense Attorney
      • Having worked as an attorney for many years before becoming a senator. He has an extensive knowledge of both corporate and criminal law to get himself ahead of his opponents. Although his semi-senile mind has started to crumble his effectiveness as one.
    • Mastermind behind the Act
      • Gotthard is not as crazy and fully senile as he might seem at a glance; it is all all one giant act to convince others that he is of little harm and force people to underestimate him. Allowing him to do things behind the scene to push certain bills or policies that might benefit foerost the most.


    • Considerably Old
      • Gotthard is considerably old and requires a cane to support himself when walking.
    • Senile for the most part
      • While Gotthard is considerably smart on one side of his brain his other side has become partially senile which actually helps sell the act on being a harmless old fool who despite his supposed incompetence still gets elected for the senatorship.

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AliasHuang Shoushan
Imperial Dragon Knight
Master Shoushan [Formerly]
Class(es)Imperial Knight
Cleric School
BirthplaceThe Dragon Constellation
Personality TraitsCalm
Education TraitsAncient Warrior Monk
Rank (S)Knight
Jedi Master [Formerly]
Factions (S)The Empire
Imperial Knights
New Jedi Order [Formerly]
SpeciesExalted Storm Dragon
LanguagesGalactic Basic, Mando'a, High Galactic, Huttese
Force SensitiveYes
Character AlignmentNeutral Good

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    Chapter I

    The Exalted Storm Dragon known as Huang Shoushan was born on the Dragon Constellation within the Opal Sector of the Galaxy. Being one of the rare offspring that survived the process of procreation between two Exalted Storm Dragons Parents. His dragonoid parents would send him away from the nest at a relatively young age to live amongst the human population that made up the planet. Although they had to seek approval from the most powerful Exalted Storm Dragon known as the Heavenly Emperor and ruler of the planet. Shoushan would assume a humanoid form to better blend in with his adopted parents within the City of Zongmen; the Capital City of the Dragon Constellation.

    Surrounded by love and affection allowed Huang to grow up as a normal child and attend the local schools, although his superior intelligence compared to the rest of the children within the school made some jealous but they would not dare strike out against Huang due to his protection detail provided by the Heavenly Emperor himself for unknown reasons to the populace. Spending much of his days within the library of the school to acquire as much knowledge as possible while gathering a small circle of friends. The New Jedi Order sent a representative to the school to interact with the Young Huang due to him exposing his force powers while trying to solve a problem. Jedi Master Regil Rei would find the young boy intriguing and asked for permission from his adopted parents to bring him back to the Jedi Temple.

    His adopted parents would agree with the Jedi Master's request and the Young Huang would board the jedi's starship and begin making his journey back to the New Jedi Order Main Temple. Taken before the Council of the Order, Jedi Master Rei would explain to them that if left unchecked the young boy powers would be used by the sith for their own purposes. The Council debated for several days before allowing the young huang to become a padawan to Master Rei. Rei and Huang would begin training in several forms of lightsaber combat to find the one most suited for his individual taste. Huang selected the Third Form of Lightsaber Combat which was the most defensive form of Soresu. Finding that his storm dragon blood would allow him to make up for the weaknesses of the form overall when compared to the other more aggressive forms.

    Several years would go by as Master Rei would watch proudly as the young Huang had completed the ceremony to become a Full Fledged Jedi Knight. Although this joy was short lived as Master Rei would be slain during a mission by a sith lord. Huang was overcome with grieve but decided to stay with the New Jedi Order for some time until achieving the rank of Jedi Master. Master Huang would train several students over the course of his lifetime and many of them become accomplished jedi within their own right. While meditating within his chambers, he foresaw the emergence of a powerful splinter faction rising up against the Sith Empire in the form of the 'New Imperial Order' underneath Irveric Tavlar.

    Leaving the New Jedi Order because of this vision, Huang would transitioned from a Jedi Master to a Knight-Cleric underneath the Empire. He would personally train Aschwin Vethres in lightsaber combat due to Kanollic II Vethres being a friend of his from a long time ago. Although he was less able than he used to be; Huang is still a formidable force on the battlefield to this day.

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    Tells the tale of Huang as a Knight-Cleric for the Empire
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    Tells the tale of Huang's journey through the galaxy
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    Kanollic II Vethres Moff of Bal Talmshaa - Close Friend
    Aschwin Vethres Imperial Knight - Student
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AliasAbeodan Tyiskore Charidot
Senior Advisor to Moff Vethres
Admiral of the 400th Talmshaa Fleet
Class(es)Imperial Admiral
AgeMiddle Aged
Personality TraitsCalm
Education TraitsBy the Book Officer
Rank (S)Admiral
Factions (S)The Empire
The Imperial Navy
LanguagesGalactic Basic, Mando'a, High Galactic, Huttese
Force SensitiveNo
Character AlignmentLawful Evil

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    Chapter I

    Abeodan was born rather unceremoniously to an Imperial Engineer Thomas Charidot and his wayway Mistress Huno Juzo on the Imperial Capital of Bastion. With his father constantly away on various star destroyers handling repairs and maintenance. His mother would constantly abuse him when her lover was not around to defend him. He would spend many nights within his bedchamber longing to join the stars like his father and to escape his abusive mother. He would finally get his chance when he reached the appropriate age to join the Imperial Navy Academy.

    Although becoming quite a nuisance for the Academy's Staff but graduated within a few years with full honors and a recommendation to join the ranks of the ever expanding Imperial Navy. Having taken the Officer Program he was assigned the rank of Ensign and placed upon the Star Destroyer 'Resurgency' underneath the command of Admiral Tokken. He was mainly used to handle the day to day task that other officers would find repulsive and lower than themselves. Abeodan didn't mind this kind of work due to him having made connections with the other officers on board the ship and the respect from the Stormtroopers stationed on board.

    The 'Resurgency' was later ambushed by a well organized pirate fleet and was mostly destroyed if not for the brave actions of Ensign Charidot who personally took command of the vessel once all other officers were out of commission and safely made it back to port. He received the rank of Captain and was placed in charge of the 'Resurgency II' an upgraded star destroyer named after his previous charge who had to be scrapped due to intensive hull damage. Captain Charidot would be assigned to the newly formed fleet underneath Kanollic II Vethres; the Moff of Bal Talmshaa.

    Becoming a member of the Moff's Inner Circle and becoming his Chief Advisor. Abeodan would become a Full Fledged Admiral once working underneath the Moff for a considerable number of years. While Moff Kanollic II Vethres was the leader of the fleet; he had operational authority granted to move the fleet into battle should the empire require it.

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    Tells the tale of Abeodan as an Admiral
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    Tells the tale of Abeodan's other adventures
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    Kanollic II Vethres Moff of Bal Talmshaa - Superior
    Aschwin Vethres Imperial Knight - Friendly Relation
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dictum est id ex faucibus posuere. Fusce sit amet laoreet enim. Donec a interdum nulla. Quisque eu arcu nec elit malesuada euismod.

Donec venenatis sem ante, vitae egestas nisi rutrum molestie. Cras iaculis aliquam quam, in sodales tellus hendrerit sed. Quisque at nisi mauris.

Fusce posuere metus vitae venenatis tempor. Nullam nec dui bibendum, ultricies eros nec, lacinia urna. Nunc nulla libero, mollis vitae tincidunt nec, bibendum aliquet neque. Praesent elementum leo vel nibh ornare, nec tempor ligula luctus.

Suspendisse pretium felis quis est tempor rutrum. Nulla porttitor accumsan turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis vel convallis tortor, a semper lectus. Donec facilisis ipsum justo, eu congue ex hendrerit at. Phasellus sodales consequat nisl, in dignissim nisl vestibulum vel. In sagittis ligula sit amet elit ultrices, quis eleifend justo ornare. Donec aliquam in libero nec ultricies. Mauris ultrices auctor fermentum. Fusce quis condimentum nisi, vitae congue mauris.

Pellaeon III Class Star Destroyer
  • Current Flagship:
    • NIV Resurgency II
      • OS: 100%
  • Class Ships:
    • NIV Dispatcher
      • OS: 100%
    • NIV Trident
      • OS: 100%
    • NIV Kraken
      • OS: 100%
New Imperial I Class Star Destroyer
  • NIV Impulse
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Pioneer
    • OS: 100%
Praefect-Class Star Destroyer
  • NIV Herald
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Berserker
    • OS: 100%
Stalwart-Class Carrier
  • NIV Intruder
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Paramount
    • OS: 100%
Escolta-Class Frigate
  • NIV Mercenary
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Siren
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Torment
    • OS: 100%
EF 96 Nebulon A Escort Frigate
  • NIV Glory
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Persuiter
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Eternity
    • OS: 100%
TXS Vandal Class Corvette
  • NIV Challenger
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Messenger
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Deceptor
    • OS: 100%

Last edited:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dictum est id ex faucibus posuere. Fusce sit amet laoreet enim. Donec a interdum nulla. Quisque eu arcu nec elit malesuada euismod.

Donec venenatis sem ante, vitae egestas nisi rutrum molestie. Cras iaculis aliquam quam, in sodales tellus hendrerit sed. Quisque at nisi mauris.

Fusce posuere metus vitae venenatis tempor. Nullam nec dui bibendum, ultricies eros nec, lacinia urna. Nunc nulla libero, mollis vitae tincidunt nec, bibendum aliquet neque. Praesent elementum leo vel nibh ornare, nec tempor ligula luctus.

Suspendisse pretium felis quis est tempor rutrum. Nulla porttitor accumsan turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis vel convallis tortor, a semper lectus. Donec facilisis ipsum justo, eu congue ex hendrerit at. Phasellus sodales consequat nisl, in dignissim nisl vestibulum vel. In sagittis ligula sit amet elit ultrices, quis eleifend justo ornare. Donec aliquam in libero nec ultricies. Mauris ultrices auctor fermentum. Fusce quis condimentum nisi, vitae congue mauris.

Pellaeon III Class Star Destroyer
  • Current Flagship:
    • NIV Resurgency II
      • OS: 100%
  • Class Ships:
    • NIV Dispatcher
      • OS: 100%
    • NIV Trident
      • OS: 100%
    • NIV Kraken
      • OS: 100%
New Imperial I Class Star Destroyer
  • NIV Impulse
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Pioneer
    • OS: 100%
Praefect-Class Star Destroyer
  • NIV Herald
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Berserker
    • OS: 100%
Stalwart-Class Carrier
  • NIV Intruder
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Paramount
    • OS: 100%
Escolta-Class Frigate
  • NIV Mercenary
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Siren
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Torment
    • OS: 100%
EF 96 Nebulon A Escort Frigate
  • NIV Glory
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Persuiter
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Eternity
    • OS: 100%
TXS Vandal Class Corvette
  • NIV Challenger
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Messenger
    • OS: 100%
  • NIV Deceptor
    • OS: 100%

Last edited:




From the Battle of New Alderaan to the Conflict at Ilum; the Empire and the Alliance slide even deeper into full blown war. Although the Empire had failed to win the battle at Ilum; the successful test of the superweapon against the enemy has risen morale across the board. From the Lowest Stormtrooper to the Highest Imperial Knight have sworn even more fealty to the Empire's righteous cause of order and stability.

The Alliance have proven itself during the conflict through sheer tenacity that they could stand against the Assembled Might of the Imperial Navy underneath Grand Moff Ignacious Korvan. With the majority of the Imperial Forces occupied during Operation SCIMITAR. Imperial High Command has issued orders for a new operation to begin. Operation ENERGIZE a move designed to decapitate the alliance with one fell swoop through the might of the Imperial Aramda. Before the operation can fully take front and center though.

The Imperial Laboratories have designed an experimental Power Generator called the ANAXAL. Designed to give the Imperial Navy unparalleled engine power and weaponry boosting capabilities to strike a finishing blow to the Alliance's Main Defense in the form of the Alliance Navy. The World of Aargonar was selected to house the Final Prototype within Fortress Metri. It's protection charged to ADMIRAL ABEODAN CHARIDOT of the 400th Talmshaa Fleet.

However the eyes of the alliance have never shifted from Imperial Space; and Intelligence Operatives have leaked the information about the Prototype being housed to the Alliance. Although it will not be easy due to the garrison's willing too fight to the last man to protect a vital part of OPERATION ENERGIZE

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400th Talmshaa Fleet

Pellaeon III Class Star Destroyer

NIV Resurgency II [100 | 100 ]
NIV Dispatcher [100 | 100 ]
NIV Trident [100 | 100 ]
NIV Kraken [100 | 100 ]

New Imperial I Class Star Destroyer

NIV Impulse [100 | 100 ]
NIV Pioneer [100 | 100 ]

Praefect Class Star Destroyer

NIV Herald [100 | 100 ]
NIV Berserker [100 | 100 ]

Stalwart Class Carrier

NIV Intruder [100 | 100 ]
NIV Paramount [100 | 100 ]
Escolta Class Frigate

NIV Mercenary [100 | 100 ]
NIV Siren [100 | 100 ]
NIV Torment [100 | 100 ]

EF 96 Nebulon A Escort Frigate

NIV Glory [100 | 100 ]
NIV Persuiter [100 | 100 ]
NIV Eternity [100 | 100 ]

TXS Vandal Class Corvette

NIV Challenger [100 | 100 ]
NIV Messenger [100 | 100 ]
NIV Deceptor [100 | 100 ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dictum est id ex faucibus posuere. Fusce sit amet laoreet enim. Donec a interdum nulla. Quisque eu arcu nec elit malesuada euismod.

Donec venenatis sem ante, vitae egestas nisi rutrum molestie. Cras iaculis aliquam quam, in sodales tellus hendrerit sed. Quisque at nisi mauris.

Fusce posuere metus vitae venenatis tempor. Nullam nec dui bibendum, ultricies eros nec, lacinia urna. Nunc nulla libero, mollis vitae tincidunt nec, bibendum aliquet neque. Praesent elementum leo vel nibh ornare, nec tempor ligula luctus.

Suspendisse pretium felis quis est tempor rutrum. Nulla porttitor accumsan turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis vel convallis tortor, a semper lectus. Donec facilisis ipsum justo, eu congue ex hendrerit at. Phasellus sodales consequat nisl, in dignissim nisl vestibulum vel. In sagittis ligula sit amet elit ultrices, quis eleifend justo ornare. Donec aliquam in libero nec ultricies. Mauris ultrices auctor fermentum. Fusce quis condimentum nisi, vitae congue mauris.

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AliasAbeodan Tyiskore Charidot
Senior Advisor to Moff Vethres
Admiral of the 400th Talmshaa Fleet
Class(es)Imperial Admiral
AgeMiddle Aged
Personality TraitsCalm
Education TraitsBy the Book Officer
Rank (S)Admiral
Factions (S)The Empire
The Imperial Navy
LanguagesGalactic Basic, Mando'a, High Galactic, Huttese
Force SensitiveNo
Character AlignmentLawful Evil

  • X5Yx2PB.png

    Chapter I

    Abeodan was born rather unceremoniously to an Imperial Engineer Thomas Charidot and his wayway Mistress Huno Juzo on the Imperial Capital of Bastion. With his father constantly away on various star destroyers handling repairs and maintenance. His mother would constantly abuse him when her lover was not around to defend him. He would spend many nights within his bedchamber longing to join the stars like his father and to escape his abusive mother. He would finally get his chance when he reached the appropriate age to join the Imperial Navy Academy.

    Although becoming quite a nuisance for the Academy's Staff but graduated within a few years with full honors and a recommendation to join the ranks of the ever expanding Imperial Navy. Having taken the Officer Program he was assigned the rank of Ensign and placed upon the Star Destroyer 'Resurgency' underneath the command of Admiral Tokken. He was mainly used to handle the day to day task that other officers would find repulsive and lower than themselves. Abeodan didn't mind this kind of work due to him having made connections with the other officers on board the ship and the respect from the Stormtroopers stationed on board.

    The 'Resurgency' was later ambushed by a well organized pirate fleet and was mostly destroyed if not for the brave actions of Ensign Charidot who personally took command of the vessel once all other officers were out of commission and safely made it back to port. He received the rank of Captain and was placed in charge of the 'Resurgency II' an upgraded star destroyer named after his previous charge who had to be scrapped due to intensive hull damage. Captain Charidot would be assigned to the newly formed fleet underneath Kanollic II Vethres; the Moff of Bal Talmshaa.

    Becoming a member of the Moff's Inner Circle and becoming his Chief Advisor. Abeodan would become a Full Fledged Admiral once working underneath the Moff for a considerable number of years. While Moff Kanollic II Vethres was the leader of the fleet; he had operational authority granted to move the fleet into battle should the empire require it.

  • 207B9820-CDF8-4DF8-A656-104CF7560353.png

  • X5Yx2PB.png

    Tells the tale of Abeodan as an Admiral
    Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder


    Tells the tale of Abeodan's other adventures
    Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder

  • X5Yx2PB.png

    Kanollic II Vethres Moff of Bal Talmshaa - Superior
    Aschwin Vethres Imperial Knight - Friendly Relation
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From the Battle of New Alderaan to the Conflict at Ilum; the Empire and the Alliance slide even deeper into full blown war. Although the Empire had failed to win the battle at Ilum; the successful test of the superweapon against the enemy has risen morale across the board. From the Lowest Stormtrooper to the Highest Imperial Knight have sworn even more fealty to the Empire's righteous cause of order and stability.

The Alliance have proven itself during the conflict through sheer tenacity that they could stand against the Assembled Might of the Imperial Navy underneath Grand Moff Ignacious Korvan. With the majority of the Imperial Forces occupied during Operation SCIMITAR. Imperial High Command has issued orders for a new operation to begin. Operation ENERGIZE a move designed to decapitate the alliance with one fell swoop through the might of the Imperial Aramda. Before the operation can fully take front and center though.

The Imperial Laboratories have designed an experimental Power Generator called the ANAXAL. Designed to give the Imperial Navy unparalleled engine power and weaponry boosting capabilities to strike a finishing blow to the Alliance's Main Defense in the form of the Alliance Navy. The World of Aargonar was selected to house the Final Prototype within Fortress Metri. It's protection charged to ADMIRAL ABEODAN CHARIDOT of the 400th Talmshaa Fleet.

However the eyes of the alliance have never shifted from Imperial Space; and Intelligence Operatives have leaked the information about the Prototype being housed to the Alliance. Although it will not be easy due to the garrison's willing too fight to the last man to protect a vital part of OPERATION ENERGIZE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean dictum est id ex faucibus posuere. Fusce sit amet laoreet enim. Donec a interdum nulla. Quisque eu arcu nec elit malesuada euismod.

Donec venenatis sem ante, vitae egestas nisi rutrum molestie. Cras iaculis aliquam quam, in sodales tellus hendrerit sed. Quisque at nisi mauris.

Fusce posuere metus vitae venenatis tempor. Nullam nec dui bibendum, ultricies eros nec, lacinia urna. Nunc nulla libero, mollis vitae tincidunt nec, bibendum aliquet neque. Praesent elementum leo vel nibh ornare, nec tempor ligula luctus.

Suspendisse pretium felis quis est tempor rutrum. Nulla porttitor accumsan turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis vel convallis tortor, a semper lectus. Donec facilisis ipsum justo, eu congue ex hendrerit at. Phasellus sodales consequat nisl, in dignissim nisl vestibulum vel. In sagittis ligula sit amet elit ultrices, quis eleifend justo ornare. Donec aliquam in libero nec ultricies. Mauris ultrices auctor fermentum. Fusce quis condimentum nisi, vitae congue mauris.

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A Second Great Hyperspace War Story
The Fate of Corulag



During a critical vote within the senate on an economic sanctions bill against the 'EMPIRE' the senatorial delegation of Corulag withdrew from the senate in protest of the bill. However with the loss of their voice within the senate has made the common people fly into an uproar and are calling for Senator 'KOHLHAASE GOTTHARD' to step down from his position due to incompetence.

The Sovereign Government of Corulag known as the House of Citizens have refused to recall the senator from his position due to fears of a warmongering senator taking his place. The people were outraged at the government's decision finding it not within the best interests of the common people they are supposed to represent. A planet wide protest has turned deadly with government officials being taken hostage and publicly executed on the holonet.

The Corulag Guard has been called in to defend the House of Citizens from the violence but it is a losing battle. The Corulag Militant Wing has amassed a large amount of supporters from the common people with a promise to expunge 'Gotthard' from his position through any means necessary. However a dark shadow hides underneath the Militant Wing in the form of the Renegade Mawite Tribe known as the "TECHNO MAGORUM'

Having blockaded himself within the Corulag Senatorial Palace within the Capital City of Curamelle; Senator Gotthard sends a desperate plea for help.

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Due to the recent mawite uprising on Corulag put down by the Chancellor Auteme and a few other brave souls. The Senator of the Corulag System Kohlhaase Gotthard has fled the world to Anaxes for a brief pit stop before traveling to the Capital City of Coruscant to brief the senate on the fate of his world and a desperate plea for aid from the Galactic Alliance to relief the suffering of families.

Meanwhile the EMPIRE has launched "OPERATION CHARIOT' a move designed to strike at the very heart of the Alliance in the form of the Senate. Looking to capitalized on the distractions on the Maw Front and the Cold War. The EMPIRE makes a gamble to secure Corulag for themselves by forcefully kidnapping the Senator of Corulag and replacing him with a Replica to advance their agenda in front of the Senate.

However the Empire is not willing to risk another military engagement at this time due to OPERATION SCIMITAR taking focus. Therefore a call has been sent out to the galaxy's infamous to capture Senator Gotthard during his brief rest on Anaxes and bring him into Imperial Space. While the ISB send a replacement GOTTHARD to the Capital City of Coruscant in his stead before the Senate.

No operation can stay a secret as Alliance Operatives have intercepted a brief coded message from Bastion to the Bounty Hunter Known as Karkosuchus to begin the operation. Fearing for the repercussions of allowing Senators to be attacked without consequences. Additional protection has been assigned to protect the senile senator from harm.

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AliasArchibald III Gular Vethres
Secretary of COMPNOR
Personality TraitsIntelligent
Education TraitsBookworm Secretary
Rank (S)COMPNOR Secretary
Factions (S)The Empire
LanguagesGalactic Basic, Huttese
Force SensitiveNo
Character AlignmentLawful Good

  • X5Yx2PB.png

    Born on the Imperial Capital of Bastion; Archibald III is the son of Colonel Archibald II Vethres and Hygama. His father was a kind and gentle soul and allowed Young Archibald the chance to follow his dreams without ridicule from him or his wife. Although stressing the importance that they always had to live up to the great name established by Admiral Elkard Vethres who was the Founder of their Bloodline and had served as an Admiral within the Ancient Galactic Republic. Wanting to become a military engineer within the Imperial Armed Forces; Young Archibald would begin working extremely hard to pass the entrance exams into the Academy.

    His personality was friendly and kind which drew a lot of criticism from the Academy Staff who wanted only the best and most ruthless for the empire. Although having considerable intelligence he made little friends amongst the other students and preferred to work within the Library. Becoming quite the bookworm but managed through determination and grit to graduate and enter into the Imperial Engineering Corps.

    Being assigned to the 'NIV Saint Gérard' as the lead engineer for the vessel which caused him to develop quite the fascination with starships. Although an accident on board the vessel caused his arm to be badly burned and he lost control of most of his fingers in his left hand. Disgraced over his disfigurement and knowing that his career within the Engineering Corps was officially over. Archibald III joined the ranks of COMPNOR to avoid being assigned into the Stormtrooper Corps. Working his way up through the ranks over a lengthy period of time.

    He found that COMPNOR was his place to be within the empire and this was reaffirmed when he was promoted to 'Secretary' by his Cousin Kanollic II Vethres a member of the Select Committee and one of the five commissioners. Some might find this title disgraceful and only fit for woman but Archibald knows the power of information around COMPNOR and his position allows him to review documents that might otherwise be sealed from the common people.

    Archibald III has been informed that should his Cousins' heir fails to live up to Kanollic's II expectations that he will become heir to the Vethres Bloodline and have dominion over Bal Talmshaa.


  • X5Yx2PB.png

    Tells the tale of Archibald III in service of the empire
    Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder


    Tells the tale of Archibald III other adventures
    Placeholder | Placeholder | Placeholder

  • X5Yx2PB.png

    Kanollic II Vethres COMPNOR Commissioner [Cousin]
    Aschwin Vethres Imperial Knight [First Cousin Once Removed]
    Abeodan Charidot Admiral [Close Friend]
    Huang ShoushanImperial Knight [Semi-Friend]
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AliasHuang Shoushan
Imperial Dragon Knight
Master Shoushan [Formerly]
Class(es)Imperial Knight
Cleric School
BirthplaceThe Dragon Constellation
Personality TraitsCalm
Education TraitsAncient Warrior Monk
Rank (S)Knight
Jedi Master [Formerly]
Factions (S)The Empire
Imperial Knights
New Jedi Order [Formerly]
SpeciesExalted Storm Dragon
LanguagesGalactic Basic, Mando'a, High Galactic, Huttese
Force SensitiveYes
Character AlignmentNeutral Good

  • X5Yx2PB.png

    Chapter I

    The Exalted Storm Dragon known as Huang Shoushan was born on the Dragon Constellation within the Opal Sector of the Galaxy. Being one of the rare offspring that survived the process of procreation between two Exalted Storm Dragons Parents. His dragonoid parents would send him away from the nest at a relatively young age to live amongst the human population that made up the planet. Although they had to seek approval from the most powerful Exalted Storm Dragon known as the Heavenly Emperor and ruler of the planet. Shoushan would assume a humanoid form to better blend in with his adopted parents within the City of Zongmen; the Capital City of the Dragon Constellation.

    Surrounded by love and affection allowed Huang to grow up as a normal child and attend the local schools, although his superior intelligence compared to the rest of the children within the school made some jealous but they would not dare strike out against Huang due to his protection detail provided by the Heavenly Emperor himself for unknown reasons to the populace. Spending much of his days within the library of the school to acquire as much knowledge as possible while gathering a small circle of friends. The New Jedi Order sent a representative to the school to interact with the Young Huang due to him exposing his force powers while trying to solve a problem. Jedi Master Regil Rei would find the young boy intriguing and asked for permission from his adopted parents to bring him back to the Jedi Temple.

    His adopted parents would agree with the Jedi Master's request and the Young Huang would board the jedi's starship and begin making his journey back to the New Jedi Order Main Temple. Taken before the Council of the Order, Jedi Master Rei would explain to them that if left unchecked the young boy powers would be used by the sith for their own purposes. The Council debated for several days before allowing the young huang to become a padawan to Master Rei. Rei and Huang would begin training in several forms of lightsaber combat to find the one most suited for his individual taste. Huang selected the Third Form of Lightsaber Combat which was the most defensive form of Soresu. Finding that his storm dragon blood would allow him to make up for the weaknesses of the form overall when compared to the other more aggressive forms.

    Several years would go by as Master Rei would watch proudly as the young Huang had completed the ceremony to become a Full Fledged Jedi Knight. Although this joy was short lived as Master Rei would be slain during a mission by a sith lord. Huang was overcome with grieve but decided to stay with the New Jedi Order for some time until achieving the rank of Jedi Master. Master Huang would train several students over the course of his lifetime and many of them become accomplished jedi within their own right. While meditating within his chambers, he foresaw the emergence of a powerful splinter faction rising up against the Sith Empire in the form of the 'New Imperial Order' underneath Irveric Tavlar.

    Leaving the New Jedi Order because of this vision, Huang would transitioned from a Jedi Master to a Knight-Cleric underneath the Empire. He would personally train Aschwin Vethres in lightsaber combat due to Kanollic II Vethres being a friend of his from a long time ago. Although he was less able than he used to be; Huang is still a formidable force on the battlefield to this day.

  • AED64FF7-211B-4A84-9876-B30A7539ECBE.png

  • X5Yx2PB.png

    Tells the tale of Huang as a Knight-Cleric for the Empire
    Operation Scimitar | An Age of Strife Story - Pt. 2 | Placeholder | Placeholder


    Tells the tale of Huang's journey through the galaxy
    Visions of the Past & Future | Placeholder | Placeholder

  • X5Yx2PB.png

    Kanollic II Vethres Moff of Bal Talmshaa - Close Friend
    Aschwin Vethres Imperial Knight - Student
    Abeodan Charidot Admiral - Friend
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Name: Raimond Brodeur Parron

Fleet Commander
Imperial Commodore (Former)
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 170 Ibs
Age: 63 Years Old
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Brown
Force Sensitive: No
Homeworld: Irmenu


Raimond was born within the Kingdom of Garoua on the Planet of Irmenu to his father Duke Reinhold IV and Dutchess Meina Parron. From birth the Young Parron would understand the workings of winds and tides and to map the shallow seas around the home islands. Attending a prestigious school for the Aristocracy within the Capital City and having joined the Sailing Club as a way to escape the harsh life of a Nobleman's Son. He would graduate from the school without a short period of time and accepted a position as a boatswain within the Irmenu Imperial Fleet patrolling the seas for pirates and rescuing people in distress.

During a battle with a Pirate Fleet near to his home island, Parron came into contact with a blaster which was unknown to him from the only spaceport connected into the wider galaxy. Wanting to find out more information he went to the only organization that knew more than the Aristocracy in the form of the Imperius. Although they gave him no answers and bid him farewell from their halls. Unsatisfied with their lack of transparency.

Parron would sneak on board a vessel landing within the Spaceport and see the wider galaxy before him. For his efforts the Imperius branded him a traitor and his own family disowned him as a result. Having no one left to turn to and having been discovered as a stowaway, Parron would be forced to work for the vessel's crew as a cleaning boy which would have been humiliating to anyone else among the Nobles back on his homeworld. But he found the work quiet and peaceful, slowly learning more about the galaxy as the vessel traveled through the stars.

The Vessel would run afoul of the Imperial Navy and was destroyed as a result. Parron was given the opportunity to enter into the Imperial Naval Academy and passed in record time. Being assigned upon the NIV Ronduce until it was decommissioned. Parron would rise up the ranks of the Imperial Navy until reaching Commodore. Eventually retiring from active service to purchase a small cargo vessel called the "Winda" and a small crew to staff it. Taking his new found ship across the galaxy.

After many years of working as a independent cargo ship and surviving countless pirate attacks, Parron would retire the aging vessel after being given the chance to lead a Privateer Fleet. Dubbing his fleet the "99th Rancor Fleet" upon receiving his commission and began working for whomever would pay him.

  • Skills

  • Threads


  • Relationships
    Ozzmo the Hutt
    Hutt Space Consortium
    Financier of Fleet

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