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Crew Members Wanted: The Bluehawk

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
Alright so Bluehawks is now a open faction. Anyone can join.

Thanks @[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""]Sirella Valkner for approving the ship. We can now recruit without limits.
I see that you need 'an extra crew member' of no specified talents.

As a drifter I could fill this role for you for as long as you're having exciting adventures. I might drift away if the industry goes stale for a while and the action dries up though. Then again its a bunch of mercenaries and other types of contractors, so this would be normal, yes?

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister

We are always on the move. You can join. It is now open to the public now that we have a larger ship.

Make sure you read all the threads on the page as well.

Rekali the Hutt

@[member="Vitor Imperiuse"]

I would heed the words Jaxton spoke to Wolan Tsomcren as well.

Serana Onyx

The Shadow's Sister
@[member="Darron Wraith"]

Well Onyx is being hunted by the entire Sith Order and almost every bounty hunter that wants to make a small fortune. Jedi can't be much harder.
On the contrary ...

Sith are fickle creatures by nature. Bounty hunters are easily misdirected.

True Jedi are steadfast in such things to a fault. They'll blindly follow 'righteous goals' despite the cost to their order or others.

I'd personally recommend leaving the order rather than keeping up the dual lifestyle. Its much better to pursue Sith or Dark Jedi teachings for a rogue anyway. The skillset will be better for adventuring.

Besides Vitor is possessed, and Wolan is a little aggressive for Jedi ways. The descent is already right around the corner. :p

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