Aithne Charr
Heir of Fire
Now, this is a simple idea i am proposing, and the reason that it is even being made is for one reason. I had a real problem with the fact the entire invasion ended with the destruction of the Jedi temple and not of a battle on the city planet itself. As such i have had a real hard time believing that the thousands upon thousands if not millions of republic loyalists and soldiers themselves would simply lay down and surrender to a outsider force that threatened to upturn their entire lives. Now before i get a One Sith member coming in here and going "But we spent all this time making life good on coruscant." I understand that, but i need you understand that even if only 1% of the people remained loyal to the republic, and the fact that troops would not simply surrender because the jedi fell, you would still be dealing with 10 Billion people on a planet with 1 trillion people.
My point is simply this, im making this as a sort of thing that ICly would make sense to be there, as you are still invaders on a planet that has been home to the republic for thousands of years. So of course there are resistance fighters on the planet and i hope others find the wanting to help me out with this idea.
My point is simply this, im making this as a sort of thing that ICly would make sense to be there, as you are still invaders on a planet that has been home to the republic for thousands of years. So of course there are resistance fighters on the planet and i hope others find the wanting to help me out with this idea.