Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Crimson Connection

Objective: Early Morning Practice
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

The early morning sun cast a gentle glow over the Jedi Temple's training yards, painting the dew-kissed grass in shades of gold. Anneliese, a Padawan Learner --with fiery red hair that matched her spirited heart, was already deep into her training. Her golden lightsaber hummed softly as she moved through her own personal kata, each motion executed precisely and fluidly. The air was cool and crisp -- Anneliese's determination burning deep within her, never once allowing her to waver. She relished these quiet moments before the Temple awoke, finding solace the rhythm of her practice -- it was the one place she often felt she belonged... where things made sense and came together. As Anneliese continued her training, the first rays of sunlight began to peek over the horizon, casting long shadows across the yard -- her body stopping as she disengaged her lightsaber, bending slightly over, beads of sweat moving gently down her forehead and off the end of her nose.

Clipping the lightsaber onto her belt, she walked over to her bag, grabbing her water canteen as she sipped on the water, occasionally spitting some of it out -- so as not to cause any cramping from greedily chugging it down. Looking up and towards the beautiful morning sky, she closed her eyes, her red and orange curls ablaze like fire in the morning sun -- she spoke aloud, softly. "Thank you Ashla for today -- thank you for the breath that I draw and thank you for your life force flowing through my veins. Help me to never take today for granted." Bowing her head slightly she smiled as she sat down her bottle, grabbed her towel and gently wiped her face down. Walking towards the area she'd been in, Anneliese hopped across a small garden area of sand and stones in the training yards and knelt gently in the middle of it. Bringing her hands together, much like someone praying as she began to reach out and feel the force.

"I am the force, and the force is me. All things start and end with it..." Concentrating, seeking and willing -- five of the baseball sized stones around Anneliese began to lift up and levitate in the air around her in a circular motion. Breathing in, and out she concentrated on her breath -- allowing it to be like a light that expanded in her mind every time she took a breath -- she had to focused, she had to master this. Her body quivered as the stones continued to move gracefully around her -- anyone passing by, especially the older Masters would simply smile, their hearts warmed by her fervent practicing every morning... but to other Padawans... sometimes Anneliese came across as, well -- extra. This often created a slight rift, but it was not out of her trying to impress anyone, no rather it was out of a deep desire to persevere, to become a knight, to help make a difference. She deeply yearned to be available to help those that needed her, and she knew the only way that would happen, was if she was wholly committed and prepared for anything that might come her way.


The early morning light spilled like liquid gold over the Jedi Temple's training yards, casting gentle hues across the dew-kissed grass. Roman Vossari, a Padawan just a little shy of his Knighthood, wandered through the peaceful grounds, his hands clasped behind his back, a light breeze ruffling his long amber hair. He had risen early, hoping to meditate beneath the ancient trees that lined the courtyard, but the rich hum of the Force remained elusive, leaving him restless.

As he meandered past the familiar training yards, the sound of a lightsaber's hum pierced the tranquility of the morning. It was a warm, melodious tone that resonated with determination and purpose. Drawn to the sound, Roman's curiosity piqued, he stepped closer, his eyes scanning the yard.

There, against a backdrop of blooming gardens, was a solitary figure. The rays of the sun caught her fiery red hair, creating an aura around her like the flickering flames of a campfire. She moved with fluid grace, each motion performed with the precision that only comes from dedicated practice. Roman's heart thrummed with admiration, he had never seen anyone so entirely immersed in their training.

He leaned against one of the wooden posts at the edge of the training yard, entranced by her movements. The golden lightsaber whirred elegantly through the air, its energy merging with the natural beauty of the moment. Roman thought of his own training as strenuous and dedicated. Watching her, he felt an inexplicable pull to find out more about her, someone who seemed more dedicated to her craft than even he was.

As she finished her kata, Roman noticed her stop and bend slightly, beads of sweat emphasizing the intensity of her training. His breath caught in his throat; she was a vision of determination, one who endlessly pursued mastery without hesitation. He marveled at the way she seemed to squeeze every drop of potential from the serene morning.

With a graceful, almost deliberate act, she knelt amidst a circle of stones, bringing her hands together as if in prayer. He felt a wave of energy radiate from her, as she reached out to touch the Force. Roman blinked, entirely captivated, as stones began to levitate effortlessly around her. She was alive with it, her fervor and intention creating a beautiful dance as the stones spun gracefully in a circle.

Most of the other Padawans would have classified her dedicated display as overzealous, perhaps even 'extra.' Roman was different, to him, her serenity and fervent passion cut through the noise of everyday distractions. She inspired him in ways he had yet to articulate, a feeling that surged within, prompting him to step closer.

"Impressive." he murmured, a gentle voice threaded with admiration. He hadn't intended to speak aloud, yet his breathless awe surrendered him in that moment. As if pulled by an unseen tether, Roman took a few steps forward, his heart racing with determined boldness.


Objective: Early Morning Training
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Caught up in her training -- Anneliese had not been paying any particular attention to her surroundings, but in the midst of her deep concentration a voice pierced the morning air, crisp and clear in the air which caused her to break concentration, the rocks, which had been suspended in the air prior dropped straight down. Standing up slowly, her fist clenched just slightly -- she turned around in frustration, all intents to scold the one whom interrupted and broke her concentration, but, as she turned she paused, her already red face flushing more.

"Impressive." he murmured, a gentle voice threaded with admiration. He hadn't intended to speak aloud, yet his breathless awe surrendered him in that moment. As if pulled by an unseen tether, Roman took a few steps forward, his heart racing with determined boldness.

She'd seen him several times in passing throughout the Order. She'd attended several classes with him as well -- and on several occasions she'd been guilty of allowing her gaze to linger for far too long. He was tall, well built, his hair -- his hair almost mimicked her own, but never did he wear it messy, no -- it was always pulled neatly back. His eyes, her emerald eyes met with his blue eyes, she feared if she'd looked for too long, the two blue orbs would pierce to her very heart and soul. Realizing now, she'd stood in front of him, staring at him now awkwardly for a short period of time, flustered now by her own lack of manners, she batted her eyes and looked away as she shifted her stance, and hopped gently across the stones to bridge the gap between the two. As she stood now only a few feet apart -- the sunlight filled her hair, the ball of fire now standing dead in front of him, the difference in their height now evidently apparent and her head titled upwards, her eyes fixed on him almost as if challenging him, but she spoke, her soft voice breaking the silence. "Thank you -- I think I've seen you around the Enclave... its Roman right? I'm not sure if you know me, but I'm Anneliese. I'm sorry if I took up any area you needed -- I'm not really used to others being up at this hour..." What she'd really meant to say was, she trained this early to keep all the chatter down so she didn't have to deal with snide comments. Her posture never once relaxed, her eyes never breaking contact with his -- and her scent now entwining with his, a delicate - earthy tone. "Might I ask what brings you here so early? If I'm not being too forward?" She groaned inwardly -- no, being forward was ogling him when you first saw him she thought inwardly, her mind trying to push down and out her own internal chatter.



As Anneliese turned, the flush on her cheeks like a sunrise, Roman's heart raced. He'd noticed her before, caught glimpses of her in the Enclave, but never as close as this. Her determined resilience, mixed with a delicate beauty, ignited a spark of curiosity within him. The way her emerald eyes held his gaze seemed to charge the air, a silent challenge that made the atmosphere around them crackle with energy.

"Anneliese." He had practiced her name in his mind as she spoke. A symphony of syllables, drawn from the finest well of creation. It rolled off his tongue effortlessly, as if it belonged to him. "Yes, it's Roman. Roman Vossari," he replied, a hint of a smile ghosting over his lips. He took a step closer, intrigued by this fiery spirit before him.

"Actually, I appreciate the ambiance of you practicing here... your focus is admirable," he said, his voice calm and smooth, each phrase deliberate and measured, as if he were shaping the air the same way she shaped the rocks. "I sometimes come at dawn to escape the chatter, to find solace in the early hours. It's rare I see someone pushing their limits at this hour."

He watched her shift her posture slightly, an endearing mixture of confidence and uncertainty. The earthy scent wafting from her, mingling with the crisp morning air, intertwined with notes of ambition and passion, created a sensation that was intoxicating. He could sense the intensity of her training, her desire to excel, and something deeper, a longing to possibly connect beyond the rigidity of their daily lives.

"Not to sound overly inquisitive," he continued, slowing his speech as he searched for the right words, "but what are you working on? Your control over the rocks." His eyes glinted, a curiosity hidden beneath his interest. "You wield your craft with a finesse that is quite captivating."


Objective: Early Morning Training
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

The way her name rolled off his tongue and out his lips made her already fatigued legs go weak — her sun-kissed, freckled face blushing once again. As Roman continued to talk, her eyes traced the body lines around his mouth to his neck, all the while admiring the way in which he spoke. It was well thought out, fluid, and captivating — everything about him pulled anyone and her especially in this moment into him, it commanded respect and authority.

His compliment on him having watched her train caught her off guard — Roman, was different than she’d thought he would be. She knew he was pretty face, and for fething much was for sure as her eyes stared intently into his sapphire eyes — but, unlike the rest of her class, he wasn’t shying away from what he felt like to be someone that excelled in an area, he wasn’t accusing her of being a show off, or a know it all, he was treating her with respect, as an equal. Her hand came upwards, pulling on an unruly lock of hair, twirling it in her hand. “Thanks Roman — granted I wasn’t aware you were watching, but what you had the pleasure of seeing was several months of work simply paying off…” That was the cold hard truth. Ever since she’d been picked as Val’s apprentice, she’d worked tirelessly at honing her skills, and even before that she did so… so in reality, it was more like years of training.

Smiling at his question, yes it was inquisitive, but welcomed — her lips forming into a soft and contagious smile, a bout of laughter ringing into the air her hand came up virtually on its own accord, landing softly onto his forearm, and then, mortified by her actions, it came quickly back down as she internally threw a bucket of cold water onto her mind. “What I was doing? That was the question right? I — I was focusing on maintaining longevity in utilizing the force. The way I’ve learned it, we may command the force, but it is thought a symbiotic relationship, neither one forcing the other. However… it’s like any muscle, if you fail to train it and develop it… it atrophies, stays in a weakened state. I have to work on intentionally developing this muscle, so that when someone needs me, I can rise to the occasion.” Her statement was resolute, and the passion translated in her whole being as she spoke.


Roman's sapphire eyes sparkled as he took in every facet of her passion, a hint of admiration evident in his calm demeanor. He leaned slightly closer, allowing the warmth of her presence to envelop him. The fleeting touch of her hand on his forearm lingered in his mind, igniting a subtle spark of connection between them. He appreciated such honesty, the way her freckled cheeks glowed with enthusiasm, and he could almost hear the fervor thrumming beneath her words.

"Anneliese," he began, his voice low and steady, wrapping around her name like a soft melody, "you're really remarkable, you know that?" he said, his voice smooth and steady, inviting her to open up even more. "It takes a lot of dedication to recognize the force not just as a power, but as a partnership. I see that commitment in you, especially when you talk about your training."

He leaned in a little closer, allowing the space between them to feel more intimate, more personal. "I've seen plenty of people approach their abilities with bravado, thinking strength is the only thing that matters. But what you said, it's about nurturing that bond, making sure both sides grow together. That's… wise, to say the least."

His gaze held hers, and he allowed a smile to break through, the corners of his mouth lifting effortlessly. "And just so you know, I consider myself fortunate to have caught a glimpse of you honing that skill. You're not just impressive because of your talents, but also the passion that fuels them. It's inspiring."

He could feel the atmosphere shift, a blend of warmth and anticipation swirling around them. "You mentioned atrophy, it's a real risk if we don't stay focused. But I'd say at this rate, you're on a path that few dare to tread. If you ever need someone to train with or just to talk about it all, I'm right here."

Roman's tone remained calm and open, encouraging her to relax into the moment, to feel seen and appreciated. He let the silence settle between them for a heartbeat, the air charged with unspoken possibilities.

"Actually," he rolled up his sleeves, revealing toned forearms that hinted at the disciplined training he had endured. With deliberate grace, he leaned forward, tying back his hair with a simple, yet elegant leather tie. As he secured the strand, the sun caught the glint of his hair, transforming it into a shimmering waterfall of crimson. The act was not merely practical but a performance in itself, a blend of elegance and strength that he had perfected over the years.

With his hair tied back, Roman's features became more pronounced; his sharp jawline and high cheekbones framed a smile that hinted at mischief and confidence. "Will you show me something now? A part of your kata... I'd love to the opportunity to see you in action some more."


Objective: Early Morning Training
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Her heart fluttered and did a back-flip as he closed the small gap that was between the two -- his words showering her in praises, her face flushing as she listened, her body betraying her as she smiled yet again, mirroring his own . "I appreciate that Roman... but I've never aimed to be anything more than what I am. There were times I doubted myself, times I wished I wasn't me -- but in the end, I've come to learn who I am, is beautiful. Whether my path in the force intersects with a million people or just one, I know Ashla will use me for her higher purpose and I'm ok with that." She spoke of the force in an older sense, as Ashla... and the way she revered it was sacred, and reverent.

Her mouth went slightly slack as she watched Roman fix himself. Her eyes tracing the defined arms, and back up to his jawline. His hair, which she loved -- partially because it complimented her own fiery red hair just further caused the butterflies in her stomach to form. It wasn't for lack of self control, but just like any other young lady in her age group, she was just as prone to infatuation as anyone else... and she'd definitely been one to admire Roman from afar... and just the mere privilege she was getting, the alone time, the attention caused her pulse to quicken... and here now -- he was asking her to show him her kata, to impart some of her knowledge onto him. Lost in thought and once again realizing she'd allowed her eyes and mind to wander, she looked up at him, realizing he was waiting for her answer she spoke. "Uh -- yeah, I'd love to show you my form... I, uh-- just follow my movements then?"

Slowly moving past Roman, her hair flowing around her once again in the morning light like a wildfire she went back towards the opening. She was, nimble, athletically built, and the skin exposed every except her tank top was sun-kissed and tanned evenly. Taking her stance, spacing her feet evenly apart, she pulled her lightsaber loose from her belt and awaited Roman to take his spot, a few feet from her. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath in and spoke as she exhaled. "Let your breath expand in your chest... and close your eyes. As you breath in and out, allow your breath, which is the light -- expand and fill your mind until nothing else exists... and then, through the force, feel the ebb and flow which is the undercurrent. Don't fight it, but rather... allow it to flow through you... and let it guide you." With that she took a few more breaths in and out until -- Anneliese began to go through a series of flourishes, foot work, and lightsabre work -- she knew if anyone was able to do this, to reach out and follow... she knew Roman could, and as she did this, a warmth -- a pit in her stomach formed as she practiced with him. It was... an intimate moment, it was something special to Anneliese, he had made her feel special and she couldn't help but smile as she moved gracefully around the field with him next to her.



As Anneliese moved gracefully through the kata, Roman couldn't help but be captivated by her every motion. Each flourish seemed to weave an enchanting tapestry in the air, and he found himself lost in the rhythm of her movements. Her words lingered in his mind, a soothing melody as her breath became a metronome, guiding him through the flow of the Force.

He found himself admiring her strength, not just in her technique, but in her spirit. The way she articulated her relationship with the Force, referring to it as Ashla, resonated deeply within him. She held a reverence that he had rarely encountered, and it made him want to know her even more. He wanted to understand the core of what made Anneliese who she was, the beautiful soul who stood before him.

Roman focused intently on her stance, mirroring her movements, toe-to-toe, as they danced through the exercise together. He could feel the energy surrounding them, a symbiotic connection growing stronger with every breath he took. With each turn of her body, he noticed the way her hair caught the light, radiating warmth and life. It struck him how lucky he was to share this moment with her, to have her trust him enough to share such an intimate part of her.

"Breathe." he whispered softly, echoing her earlier words, giving his own breath an echo of the calm she emanated. "Feel the Force flowing through you."

He mirrored her movements, striving to find the grace she possessed. It wasn't easy, he could feel the difference in their training. Anneliese's movements were fluid and intrinsically connected to the rhythm of the Force, while he felt a bit clumsy, a tad out of sync. But rather than frustration, he felt determination. This was her space, her artistry, and he would make every effort to honor it.

As they transitioned into a series of footwork, he found himself drawn to her smile, an expression that lit up her face, putting a spark in her jade eyes. It was contagious, and he couldn't help but return it. Each glance they shared felt like a recognition, a conversation deeper than words. For every step she took, he aimed to meet her, to rise to the occasion, even as the butterflies in his stomach mirrored the fervor of their dance.

With a bit of confidence, he attempted to match her flourish, pushing himself to remember the strength behind the movements. "Anneliese, you make this look effortless." he said, breathless but earnest.

His words hung in the air, mingling with the soft breeze as he continued to follow her lead. He felt that he was getting better, not just in the moves, but in understanding her. A sudden connection between them wove tighter as they moved in tandem.

The sun began to rise higher, illuminating the two of them, and in that moment, Roman realized that this practice was so much more than training, it was an affirmation that he was alive, fully, intentionally alive, standing right there beside her in the gentle embrace of the morning's warmth. And as she led them into the next series of movements, he made sure to etch this moment into his memory, capturing the essence of her spirit right alongside his own.

"I appreciate you sharing this with me." he said, the words rolling off his tongue with a shimmering sincerity.


Objective: Early Morning Training
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Breath hitched, and sweat glistening off her skin, Anneliese deactivated her lightsaber, clipping it to her belt. He had done amazing — truth be told, his own grasp and understanding of the force and how Ashla ebbed and flowed only caused her to gain all the more respect for from Roman, but it also gave her more want and cause to share the things she’d learned and developed over the years. Looking to him now, she simply cast another genuine smile and spoke, wiping some of the sweat off her brow. “ You say it looks effortless, when in reality it’s hard to relinquish control… but the last thing I can show you… that I have come to learn, and has helped to save my life even, is this. When you begin to master flexing that muscle, and then begin to build that muscle… you are able to call upon the might of that power. Through the force, I am all things.”

Turning around and walking towards a bit of ground, not far from where they stood which was raised, exposing stone, Anneliese stood in front of it, taking up a fighters stance. Breathing in, and out — Anneliese began to channel the force once again — like a stone thrown in the pond, the movement of her body, and the action was quick and happened in a split second. Her foot stepping forward allowed her to pivot, turning her body, her fist coming out and striking the rock face, a cry escaping out and forth from her lips out of sheer excitement. “Chaa!!!!”

Stepping back now, and facing Roman, the rock face where she’d struck, just seconds ago now had a visible crack running wildly in opposite directions. The young woman in front of Roman was nothing short of a stick of dynamite. While some people were neutral prodigies, she was a natural genius of sheer will and effort, a natural force to be reckoned with. She had found a way in her independent studies to enhance not just her own speed but her physical strength which was shown in her demonstration on the rock wall — to be hit by something of that magnitude as a fleshly being would not be a good on any level, especially if you were on the opposite end of that punch. “On our own, we are capable as people of amazing and horrifying things. With the force? — even more amplified. I’ve always tried to use my mind to think outside the box — what could you do if you pushed the boundaries of what you thought impossible? Because with the force, I am all things… and all things can be possible.” She walked towards him, a smile plastered on her face. “To be honest Roman, it’s me that should be thanking you… you kinda made my day getting to do this with you — it’s not often I get to do a training date… er- practice.” Her face lit up red, her face clearly mortified with herself at the slip in words.


Breath still steadying from her powerful demonstration, Roman ran a hand through his tousled hair, letting it break free from its tied up knot. He wiped the sweat from his brow as he regarded Anneliese with a mix of admiration and intrigue.

"That was…" he said examining the crack, allowing the corners of his lips to twitch into a small smile as he stepped closer to her. "Remind me to never get on your bad side." His voice was calm, yet infused with enthusiasm. "You know, I think you just single-handedly redefined what I believed was possible with a punch," he said, his eyes dancing playfully.

Letting a moment of silence fall as he listened to her, he shifted into a more comfortable position. "Training date, huh?" he teased, raising an eyebrow playfully. "I must admit then, it's the first time I've been on one of those. Next time, I'll bring the holo-projector and we can watch some romantic Jedi dramas," he teased, his voice light but inquisitive. He noted the flush that crept across her cheeks, finding it endearing. There was something about her that made him want to unravel her layers, discover the more profound thoughts that lay behind her laughter.

Roman found himself wiping the sweat off his forehead with his own shirt, revealing the toned muscles beneath the fabric. It wasn't something he usually did around others, but the casual atmosphere made him feel comfortable. He offered her a lopsided grin, his playful side coming to the forefront.

He gestured toward a nearby grove of trees, the shade inviting them to take a break from the sun. "Let's sit for a bit, I could use a breather after all that. Plus, I want to hear more about how you've honed these incredible skills of yours."

Once they settled on a cool patch of grass, Roman turned to her, curiosity igniting. "So, what's your story, Anneliese? How did you become this… force of nature? Did you always know you wanted to be a Jedi?"

He leaned back on his hands, genuinely interested as her eyes sparkled at the question. Roman appeared relaxed, he had known most Padawans of the New Jedi Order, or at least he tried to know everyone he could. Yet, she had somehow slipped through the cracks of his attention, he was eager to learn about the woman who had managed to make training feel like something special.

He leaned back slightly, gazing up at the wisping clouds above, his thoughts swirling with excitement about where this burgeoning connection could lead.


Objective: Post Training-Chatter
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Anneliese couldn't stop grinning as she watched the surprise creep across his face -- she had managed to impress him, which mind you was part of what she'd hope to achieve... but still, it was nice to hear it. However, turn about was a very fair thing -- and what he said next caused her heart to stop and flutter. He poked back at her, chided about the 'romance' of it, and even goading back about doing a picnic next time. She couldn't hide her face, her cheeks flushed hot red, the bridge of freckles hidden in the heat as she just simply nodded her head and followed quietly behind him, to flustered to speak.

Sitting down in the shade, Anni put her things down softly in the grass. Grabbing her towel, she patted her forehead and neck down and rummaged through her bag, pulling out a small clear pouch of dried meats, something she religiously kept on her at all times. Taking a nibble of a strip of one, she offered Roman some if that was something that appealed to him. Her eyes lingered on him as he stared off into the clouds -- the light delicately landing on him through the bare spots of the tree... her eyes tracing the soft lines of his jawline. Looking up at the sky, as he did, her voice broke the silence that had landed since they sat down. "Well... sure.I guess its not a secret. Where do I begin? I... was adopted by the Sliver Rest. I grew up on Kashyyyk, it was home. Someone -- not sure if it was my Mother or Father... but someone dropped me off at the doorstep as an infant... but, don't feel sorry for me, its just unfortunately apart of my story. So... lets see, when I was an infant, the Masters of the Order always liked to tell stories about how they learned I was different." She paused, a giggle escaping her lips, the joke obviously not said yet. "I am, Gurlanin, my true home planet is a place called Qiilura. I am... a shapeshifter, but, not like into anything, just a specific shape." She paused and looked sideways as she pulled her knees up towards her chest, knowing this was typically where most people shied away from her. "I can phase into a wolf, you can imagine the Masters surprise on Kashyyyk when there little ball of joy shifted into a menacing wolf."

Taking a brief pause once again, allowing the information to settle in, she continued. "As far as what makes me who I am, I'm not sure how I would explain it. My whole life, I've felt different... never feeling like I belonged anywhere." She took a nibble of her dried meat and continued. "I transferred to the NJO, gained my Master and I've just been working towards my Knighthood in a brief nutshell." She looked back up towards the sky, her free hand digging into the grass as she sprawled her legs out. "Honing my skills? When it comes to being in nature -- training outdoors, i feel connected, like some part of me is fulfilled -- and its out here where I've done all I can to connect to my Mother in the Force, Ashla. I am her daughter, her child and the more I come to know her, the stronger I am."


Roman listened intently as Anneliese poured her heart out, his expression softening with each revelation she shared. The gentle wind rustled the leaves above them, casting a choir of shadows on the ground as he found the right words to respond.

"Anneliese," he began, carefully choosing his words, "Thank you for trusting me with your story. That… that can't be easy to share." He shifted slightly on the grassy patch, his back straightening a little against the slight discomfort of the rough ground beneath him. "It's incredible how your journey has shaped you, and I can't imagine the challenges you've faced. But I see strength in you, in the way you embrace who you are. Being a Gurlanin, a shapeshifter, it's a unique gift, you are special."

He paused, allowing her words to settle between them. "I can only relate my own experiences a fraction of the way, but I've spent a lot of time trying to find where I belong too. It's easy to feel lost, but it sounds like you've found a piece of it out here in nature," he said, his gaze drifting up to meet hers, sincerity etched on his face.

He nudged her shoulder gently, a playful grin creeping onto his lips. "I know we've only just started getting to know each other, but I want you to know that I'm here for you. No matter what or how different you feel, you're not alone in this. I'll be right here cheering you on." He paused, allowing the weight of his promise to settle between them. "You just have to promise you'll remember little old Roman when you are running the show... sitting confidently on the council."

He picked a blade of grass and began absently twisting it between his fingers, his gaze flicking from the clouds back to her. He turned and took a piece of dried meat from her pouch, offering her a teasing grin. "How about it? Does this make me an honorary member of the wolf pack?"

Roman lay back down into the grass, surrendering himself to the embrace of the world around him. The blades tickled the nape of his neck, soft and welcoming, while a delicate sun bathed him in warmth, painting his skin with a gentle glow. He closed his eyes, letting the serene light seep into his mind.


Objective: Post Training Talk
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

A loud chortle escaped her lips as she lightly tapped Roman's shoulder, her laughter filling the area beneath the trees where they sat, Anneliese laying onto her back, sprawled out in the grass as one hand grabbed her stomach, and the other covering her mouth. "Yeah -- I'll try my best to remember all the little people that made me such a success." The sunlight persisted through the tree, coming down and kissing her sprawled out form, peppered rays of sunlight dancing on her bare, freckled bits of skin - uncovered by her tank-top. Her canines prominent in her laughter as her hair fell and laid gently on her shoulders and chest -- this was Anni. Warm, Kind, Gentle, Love -- there was nothing about her that wasn't authentic or made excuses for what or who she was.

Honorary pack member? Biting her lip, she stared over at Roman, a pit forming in her stomach as she looked at him.

"Promise to not freak out?..." She sat up, her whole demeanor having changed. Reaching across and looking in her bag, she pulled out a set of clothing, verbally noting something to herself and then standing up. Staring at Roman, she held her hand out, motioning that he wait there as she walked a few feet away. "Again... please, just... don't freak out. Ok?" As she said that -- Anneliese gave one more good look around the yard -- "Good... there's no one.". Taking a deep breath -- she mentally prepped herself. Annelieses candor normally extended to more than just her words, in fact, it involved her whole being -- but, in this instance, did she have a slight crush on Roman?.... Oh you bet. Was he a boy -- feth yes he was... and she was about to be slightly immodest in front of him -- there is a first for everything.

Looking at him, one more time, she took a deep breath. Without hesitating, Anneliese pulled her shirt off, which still left her sport bra on. Focusing intently on her breathing, her chest began rising and falling faster now within just a span of seconds -- she could feel the fever setting in. Gritting her teeth, her canines clamping down on each other, her feet spread apart further as steam began to rise off her body and in the blink of an eye -- the sound of fabric tearing, bones shifting echoed out in the air as a guttural growl tore and broke free from her -- a wolf now standing in front of Roman -- with the display that showed that she was truly every bit of a apex predator. With her hackles raised and her teeth barred and another low rumble erupted into the air from her throat -- her jaws snapping shut like durasteel clamps and her claws raking into the ground as she shook her body violently from the rebirth she'd just undergone. However -- letting a slight whimper free from her snout, she walked over and sat right in front of Roman.

She sat with an almost ordained grace. Her full height coming to around four foot tall... the young lady now looking every bit predator she could be. Her fur in this form, like her hair was a beautiful amber and scarlett mixture... but even in that lupine form, those green eyes where still her color. Teeth that could crush steel, and claws that would rend duracreet -- Anneliese playfully turned her head slightly to the side her voice reaching into the mind of Roman. << Regret asking to be an honorary pack member yet? Your doing good so far by not freaking out... I mean, freak in all you want... just keep the screaming to a minimum. >> Her prodding tone was clearly evident as she had clearly put on the 'big scary' wolf display for kicks and giggles.


Roman was still processing the laughter that had just filled the air like music when Anneliese suddenly shifted gears. The quick change in her demeanor pulled him from the warmth of their shared moment, his heart racing with a mix of confusion and anticipation. He watched as she rifled through her bag with an intensity he'd never seen before, and the pit in his stomach swelled with curiosity.

"Promise to not freak out?..."

Her serious tone cut through the lightheartedness that had enveloped them moments ago. Roman nodded slowly, though the anxious fluttering in his chest suggested he couldn't quite guarantee his calm demeanor. What was going on? A multitude of questions tangled themselves in his mind, but he kept them at bay as he watched Anneliese step away.

Then, it happened. With a swift motion, she stripped off her shirt, revealing her sports bra beneath, and the air around them shifted palpably. There was something primal, something electric about that moment, and Roman found himself staring in disbelief as Anneliese began to transform.

He had read about shapeshifters, of course--everyone knew about them in passing-- but this was unlike anything he'd ever experienced. The sound of ripping fabric and cracking bones filled his senses, horror mingling with fascination. When the glowing shape of a magnificent wolf stood before him, Roman's heart dropped at the stunning sight of her amber and scarlet fur, a living creature that seemed to embody wild beauty.

But even in this fearsome form, that unmistakable shade of green in her eyes remained, echoing Anneliese's spirit. His breath caught in his throat as she sat before him, the tension of the moment almost unbearable.

He felt the mental nudge from her voice, a ripple across the very fabric of his thoughts. Was he supposed to reply? Roman blinked several times, attempting to comprehend the enormity of what he was seeing. The fear dissipated slightly, replaced by a rush of bravado he didn't know he had.

"Anneliese?" he thought tentatively. "Are you… is this really you?"

It sounded ridiculous to be asking the question, it was clear as day that this majestic creature was indeed Anneliese. But a part of him couldn't fully shake off the thrilling fear of her new form, all strength and elegance.

He leaned forward slightly, awestruck. "You're… beautiful. I mean, in this form, you're incredible." The words spilled out before he could stop them, reckless yet honest, embodying the rush of adrenaline coursing through him.

"Can you talk to me like this, too? Or is it all… thoughts? This is wild!"

Fingers shaking a little, he found himself wanting to reach out, to touch her fur, though he hesitated, wary of it being rude. A small bit of dread danced, a primal warning in the fringes of his mind but the curiosity soothed it away.

He wanted to comprehend what this meant, not just for her but for them. "Is it painful?" he thought, unsure if the change caused any physical pain, it sure looked like it could.


Objective: Post Morning Training
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Anneliese sat calmly in the grass, her lupine form not hinting at any of her typical emotions -- I mean, she was a wolf, not like she'd be smiling right now. As Roman grappled and came to terms in his own mind about what had just transpired, she reached out again, answering one of his questions. << To answer one of your questions, no -- I cannot speak aloud in this form, but -- my telepathic abilities can range over a span of several miles amongst my own species -- it helps us to hunt, seek and find. >>

Her breathing was steady, the wind picking up slightly as it ruffled her coat -- she closed her eyes as she leaned forward and allowed his hand to touch her soft fur. If there was one thing she excelled at naturally, it was being a wolf -- now granted, it was in her nature, she never felt more at home in her own skin then when she phased. There was nothing but primal, sheer instinct and will when in it, life just made sense in this form.

Opening her eyes once again she continued to talk telepathically in his mind. << At first -- it was excuriating. My first phase happened vividly when the fever set in. I was young... no older than 6. The healers were researching my sickness when all I know, a pain overtook my whole body. It felt like something had lit me on fire. The next thing I knew, the medical bay was torn up, the staff in the corner terrified. This was when I knew I was different... when things became different for me. >>

Something caused her snout to wrinkle, a small sneeze being let off as she shook her head. << There are several things I'm capable of doing in this form... how I know, is hard to explain. Something inside of me... just, knows. Call it an instinct -- but when I'm in this form, I feel closer to my forefathers, to the bloodline I'm apart of. I was left with a journal... supposedly my Mothers. I've read a few pages, but -- I just cant ever seem to open it. I'm afraid I'll find something I don't like and I've never visited my home world -- again, I'm afraid of what I might find. >> Lifting up now, coming to her full height, she stood at almost four foot -- her weight dispersed evenly, her body toned and muscular in this form, the body of a true apex predator. Looking off into the distance, inwardly retreating as she shyly asked him the following question. << Would you... like to hop on my back... and go for a ride? >> Well -- that was an awkward question to ask.


Roman sat back on his heels, taking in the magnitude of what Anneliese had shared. It wasn't just that she could phase into a magnificent wolf, but the depth of her emotions and struggles resonated with him in ways he couldn't have expected. He was still grappling with the enormity of their situation, his heart racing with a mixture of awe and uncertainty.

"Wow." he thought, surprised by the ease in which he could communicate with her now, "that sounds... intense. I can't imagine what it must have been like for you as a child." He hesitated as he contemplated her offer. The idea of hopping onto the back of this stunning creature, this being who had just bared her soul to him, felt surreal. But there was also something exhilarating about it, something that stirred a sense of adventure deep within him. "You want me to ride you?"

"I mean, of course, but I don't want to impose or--"
he stammered in his mind, feeling a little nervous. But Anneliese's presence, even in her wolf form, exuded a calm confidence that soothed his worries.

After a moment's contemplation, Roman made his decision. "Yes, I'd love to go for a ride." he thought, excitement bubbling up within him. "It sounds amazing."

Carefully, he approached her, feeling a mixture of reverence and thrill as he moved closer to her. He marveled at how the sunlight danced across her dark fur, highlighting each sinewy muscle, each ripple of her powerful body. "How do I…?"

Sliding onto the ground beside her, he tentatively reached out, his fingers brushing against her soft coat before he positioned himself to mount her back. "Okay, here goes nothing." he murmured in his mind, steeling himself for the experience.

Once settled atop her strong frame, Roman felt a rush of exhilaration. Nestled there, he could feel the warmth radiating from her body, the steady rhythm of her breathing. "This is… amazing." he thought, adjusting his grip as he took one last deep breath.

Roman took a deep breath, the scent of the grass and earth filling his lungs, grounding him as he let his fears dissipate.


Objective: Morning Hike
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

As Roman contemplated on what he wanted to do, but in the end came to the decision -- he wanted too. Anneliese stood facing off into the distance as her snout lifted into the air, her nose twitching as she sniffed the air -- her hidden spring was about a mile or so out from where they were currently at, the smell, the scent was a dead give away... she knew exactly where it was at by heart -- and she knew, that would be a good spot to go. As Roman began to grab at her fur, she leaned in towards him to help him hoist himself up and onto her. His weight was welcomed, good -- comforting. Walking over, she leaned her head down, biting her satchel as she lifted up, tossing it backwards knowing he'd catch it -- it had her spare clothing in it, because if she phased back without it -- Roman would be turning as red as his hair was with a all natural Anneliese baring all.

Turning and facing the treeline Anneliese shivered, her muscles all tightening like a clock-spring. << Hang on little fire ant. >> Grinning inwardly, Anneliese couldn't resist what followed. Her lungs inhaling deeply she let a force imbued growl that shook the very air -- the sound tearing at the air violently as her claws dug in the ground, her teeth bearing and her snout chomping shut as they accelerated forward at a violent rate. The wind would whip in her coat, as she felt Roman hanging on -- Anneliese focusing on the force that flowed through the body, essentially making a saddle bond to Roman to help keep him from falling off. Zigging and zagging in the woods she hopped from rock to rock, expertly weaving in and out of tree's, always being careful to ensure that nothing would harm Roman.

Expertly handling the terrain, they moved at breakneck pace. This was freedom, this was Anneliese, this was Gurlanin Strong. Coming to a halt, on a large hilltop that overlooked the small creek below, and having cleared a mile in just a mere minutes, she reared her head back as a howl escaped her muzzle -- she was clearly enjoying this. Trotting down towards the creek bed, Anneliese spoke in his mind once again. << I always find solace in the woods...>> She paused as they continued along the bank, following up and towards a enclosing, which would open up into a natural wellspring, hidden away in a cove. << You are... the first person I've brought to this spring... its my secret place, where I go to when I feel lost, sad or angry. >>


As Roman held tightly to Anneliese's fur, the world around him transformed into a blur of greens, browns, and sunlight filtered through the canopy above. The rhythmic pounding of her claws against the earth was a fierce, exhilarating drumbeat that matched the wild thrumming of his heart. He felt the power coursing through her, an ancient force that danced beneath her fur, connecting them in a way that felt both foreign and strangely comforting.

Every twist and turn, every leap over rocks and dips in the terrain, sent a rush of adrenaline through him, and he couldn't help but let out a laugh, a sound both joyful and triumphant, echoing through the trees like a sweet melody. The scent of pine mingled with the rich loamy soil, invigorating him with every breath he took. The thrill of the ride heightened his awareness; it was as if he was part of something larger, something primal.

The laughter faded into a sense of wonder as they reached the hilltop. Anneliese reared her head back and released a howl that reverberated in Roman's chest, a sound that spoke of freedom and happiness. It echoed in the forest, drawing birds from their perches and sending them spiraling into the sky. Roman couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement, or maybe a little fear?

When they descended towards the creek, Anneliese's thoughts flowed into him, and he felt a deeper connection with her. "I always find solace in the woods…" The words resonated within him, invoking a sense of peace that matched the surroundings. He watched the sunlight dance off the surface of the water, sparkling like gems scattered across a rich blue canvas.

As they followed the bank, the roar of the creek grew louder, weaving through the peaceful sounds of the woods. The air was thick with vitality, life was everywhere around him. Roman couldn't shake the thought of how it felt right to be here, a part of this world that belonged so intimately to Anneliese.

"You are... the first person I've brought to this spring… it's my secret place, where I go when I feel lost, sad or angry." Her words struck a chord deep within him, touching on an understanding that ran deeper than he could articulate.

As they continued their march, the trees began to thin, revealing a hidden enclave that opened up into the wellspring. Roman's breath caught in his throat at the sight that lay before him. The water glimmered like liquid crystal, surrounded by soft moss and smooth stones that created a natural sanctuary. Rays of sunlight streamed down, illuminating the spot as if it were a temple dedicated solely to their presence.

It was beautiful. He felt like he had stepped into a dream, one that had been crafted by nature itself just for them. His exhilaration shifted to awe, the world had narrowed down to this moment, this place, where nature embraced them and held them close. With every step Anneliese took towards the water, Roman's heart swelled with gratitude, a silent promise to cherish this space and the bond they shared.

Without thinking, he slid off Anneliese's back, the cool, damp earth grounding him as he took in the scene. Water cascaded over smooth rocks, glistening with promise. A desire surged within him, a longing to feel the water against his skin, the refreshing chill that could wash away the remnants of his worries. With a glance over his shoulder at Anneliese, he couldn't hold back his excitement. He kicked off his boots, rolling up his pant legs, and placed his feet firmly in the cool water.

He glanced back at Anneliese, and for a moment, it felt like they were both standing on the precipice of something beautiful, a deeper connection forged in this sacred place. "This… this is incredible." he breathed, his heart swelling with awe. "Thank you for bringing me here."


She watched Roman as he took in everything Mother Ashla's green world had to offer -- silently admiring his first time in the cove, remembering what it'd been like for her when she first came here... only it hadn't been out of enjoyment, she'd been crying that day, phased and ran until her legs were wore plum out and just happened to stumble onto this place. Grabbing the bag that had fallen upon Roman's dismount, she carefully picked it up with her teeth and moved it to the dry banks away from the water line. Sitting there, staring at Roman she pondered what she should do. She could phase back, and enjoy a dip in the waters with him, but she didn't want to be overly exposed in front of Roman. She was a young lady, with her own wanton desires as a fleshly being, but by no means was she improper. << Roman >> She spoke out through the force and into his mind. << I need to phase back, but I won't exactly be modest... could you close your eyes until I get somewhat modest? >>

The sound of bones, sinew and joints reshifting and reforming would fill the air once again as she sat in a knelt position, dripping with sweat -- her breath hitched and her body left bare. The pros to phasing? -- a bunch, the cons? She was left completely naked -- and she hated that. Reaching quickly in her bag, she slipped on her spare sports bra, a pair of undergarments and pair of simple shorts. Pulling her unruly hair into a sloppy pony tail, she ran full bore towards the water, tagging Roman midway until she dove into the deeper end, only to reappear shortly from its depths letting out a loud, victorious cry into the grove which echoed. "Come on! The water feels great!" A giggle of sheer, unfiltered joy escaping her lips.

Allowing her body to relax, she floated onto her back gazing up towards the canopy, her hand coming up as she moved her fingers in and out blocking the small rays of sunlight. "Sometimes when I'm alone here -- I scream as loud as I can because no one is around to tell me otherwise, whether its because I'm happy or angry. Sometimes I cry too..." She paused, letting a light scoff come out from her lips. "Not sure why I'm telling you this... " She bit her lower lip as her eyes glanced over at Roman. It wasn't his hair -- it wasn't his body... it wasn't any of those things, for a while she'd noticed him from afar. He seemed different, he seemed genuine. He was all those things -- compassionate, caring, thoughtful, smart -- and feth, an all around gorgeous person. "I know I seem strong... but I do..." Her voice quivered slightly as she felt the sting of tears threatening to break free. "I do cry -- a lot.I have nobody -- I am alone. There's only one me!" She let and audible, yet snarky laugh escape. " I mean right? How many of my species do you see? Truth is... I want to visit my homeworld -- but I'm afraid Roman... I want to know why my parents didn't want me... I want to be wanted. I want to not feel this, and I don't know why I do... I'm sorry..." A sob escaped her lips. God's she was so stupid. She'd just met him today and just started to talk to him -- internally, beating herself up, "stupid.. stupid... stupid... just stop it...".


Roman took a moment, standing at the water's edge as Anneliese gracefully moved to phase back. He felt a rush of warmth flood over him, not just from the sun filtering through the trees but from the unexpected connection that sparked in the air between them. As she spoke to him through the force, his heart thrummed in his chest. Closing his eyes as she requested and turning around so that she could trust him, he couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed by the sudden intimacy of the moment.

His mind wandered back to the lush colors of the cove, the vivid greens and blues surrounding him as he listened to the sounds of the water, the trees He was astounded by her courage, the way she let him into her place, and he cherished the moment, vowing to honor her wish of modesty.

After a few minutes, he felt the silence stretch and the gentle splashes of water teasing the shore. He opened his eyes just in time to see her dive into the water. She emerged with a triumphant cry, and he couldn't help but smile at the sight. She was radiant and carefree, and it made his heart swell.

"Alright then!" he called out, his voice laced with laughter as he quickly pulled off his shirt. He didn't want to be outdone by her exuberance, not when she looked so alive. Stripping down to his boxers, he dashed after her, the warmth of the sun and coolness of the water intertwining delightfully on his skin.

Once he joined her in the water, Roman let the coolness envelop him, invigorating and exhilarating all at once. He watched her float on her back, her hair spilling around her like a halo, and his smile faltered only slightly as he noted her vulnerability beneath her bravado. "It really does feel incredible!" he exclaimed.

As she spoke about her emotions, Roman's expression shifted to one of understanding. "Anneliese," he ventured softly, his gaze steady and sincere. "You're so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. You're here, sharing this with me, and I can see you, really see you. You're not alone."

He swam closer, his heart beating a little faster as he lowered his voice, wanting to shield her from questioning gazes within the depths of her own mind. "You deserve to feel wanted, to feel loved. Just remember, I'm here." He swam farther around her. "And if you ever find yourself ready to explore your past, I'm here to support you."

With that, Roman dove beneath the surface, swimming playfully toward Anneliese, breaking the weight of those heavy thoughts with a charm undiluted, just being who he was. He surfaced beside her, water dripping down his face as he met her gaze, and for a moment it felt as if the world beyond the cove ceased to exist, leaving just the two of them and the healing embrace of the cove.

There was a brief silence between them, the sounds of the water lapping gently against them filling the void, the air thick with unspoken sentiments.

"Let's embrace this moment,"
he grinned, darting toward her again, "and scream as loud as we can!"

With a breath drawn deep into his lungs, he threw his head back and unleashed a wild, carefree shout, his voice echoing through the cove. "AAAAAAAHHHHH!"


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