Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Crimson Connection

What if what she found she wouldn't like? What if there was something dark and sinister in her past -- something that was somehow in her blood too? There were so many unknowns that she didn't know, and everytime she thought about it, she couldn't breath, it was like the air was somehow taken from her lungs and all that was left was this pit of despair.

Electricity. Warmth.

Her heart stopped as Roman emerged in the water right next to her, water dripping delicately off his face, his blue eyes locked with her emerald ones, their breath beginning to intertwine, a small gasp escaping from her mouth as she float there -- everything around them seemed to blur out of sight as she stared at him, feeling like a exposed nerve. Nothing she'd said, showed or did ran him off, he accepted her for all that she was -- and somehow in just a period of mere hours, something kindled deep in her heart that sparked a fire.

Not one to be caught off guard, she was surprised when a scream burst forth from him -- echoing loudly in the cove. Smiling at him, she inhaled, shakily and dug deep, closing her eyes, bellowing out her own. "AaaaAAaaahhhhhHHH!" Her voice intertwining with his, reverberating off the walls and surroundings. A soft giggle escaped from her lips as she stared at him once again. Treading water silently for a moment, she spoke, her voice breaking the silence. "Hey Roman?" Her heart beating wildly as she pushed through her nerves, her legs which were treading water, slowly kicking and moving her body right in front of Roman -- all she needed was twenty seconds of courage, so she went for it. "I've -- uh, so I'm pretty sure I've got this big crush on you... and I can't seem to get a handle on it... so..." She raised her hand up slightly, motioning grabbing a handle as she leaned her head forward and kissed his cheek, drawing back, praying to Ashla she hadn't been too forward. She'd never once told another boy she 'liked' them let alone kiss one -- in fact, most boys thought she was a bit too... strong willed or 'odd' -- but she didn't feel that with him, and hoped for the best.


Roman couldn't help but laugh, his own voice still echoing off the rocky walls of the cove, tinged with excitement. It felt exhilarating, screaming together, releasing whatever fears and doubts were lurking beneath the surface, if only for that glorious moment. There was something liberating about it, like they were casting away the weight of their pasts into the depths of the water, and all that was left was the bright present.

The way Anneliese had looked at him, vulnerable yet fierce, made something shift within him. The connection they shared started to feel more electric, something that sparked every time their eyes met or their skin brushed. He could see the conflict in her, a battle of courage versus uncertainty, and instead of pushing her away, he felt an indescribable urge to draw her closer.

Then she moved in, her hand reaching up and brushing against his cheek, and he held his breath. The kiss surprised him, not that he was unaccustomed to affection, but the tenderness and boldness of it caught him off guard. It was soft and sweet, far different than the boisterous laughter and playful screams they had just shared. Warmth spread through him as he felt the corners of his mouth twitch up into a smile.

The world around them faded away, leaving just the two of them suspended in the moment, a serene cove, the calm waters cradling them, and the soft whisper of the breeze caressing their skin. Her confession hung in the air, palpable and sweet, igniting something sudden and fierce. They had only just spent the morning together, yet he found himself exhilarated. How could he had not have noticed this fiery girl before?

He blinked, momentarily stunned, unsure of how to respond. Anneliese was different from anyone he had ever met. There was strength in her stillness, a quiet intensity that matched the turbulence in her eyes, one that hinted at uncharted depths beneath her surface. He wanted to know more about her, to explore those depths, to understand the shadows that thrummed just below her exterior.

In a heartbeat, Roman leaned forward, his gaze locking with hers, a playful grin on his lips. He closed the distance between them, planting an unexpected peck on her other cheek, a reverse of what she'd just done, a small gesture that felt significant. It was a pledge, an invitation, saying without words that he wanted to uncover the layers of her, and more importantly, he wanted her to know he was there for her.

"Maybe we should start with this crush." he said, his voice dipping low, teasing but earnest. "And see where it takes us. Some Jedi Rom-Coms maybe?" He looked upon her hoping to see the flicker of surprise in her emerald eyes, edging closer, letting the connection they shared linger, a delicate dance on the edge of uncertainty.


Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

What was this feeling she felt — warmth spreading across her cheek as he reciprocated the innocent kiss she’d given with one of his own, a solitary and soft gasp escaping her lips. “By Ashla…” Her mind spoke softly as he dove right in not only exchanging a kiss for a kiss, but acknowledging her feelings and accepting them. Her eyes stared deeply into his, the young lady at a complete loss for words for once during this whole excursion.

Biting her lip, her cheeks flushed, she spoke, her voice soft, shaking but her heart full and overflowing, the urge to cry tears of joy being pushed to the best of her ability as a tear rolled down her cheek. “I would like that very much Roman.” A wholesome, and hearty belly laugh escaping her mouth as her hand came up, tears breaking free. He didn’t make her feel alone, she didn’t feel different around him — it was something she’d seen, something she’d yearned for and yet here they were, fixing to enter a relationship where they not only grow from, but learn from each other and walk with each other in the difficult times, sharing a level of intimacy most never got the privilege to share and show others. It was an adventure that was ready to unfold before her eyes, and she felt so privileged that he’d wanted to be with her.

Sniffling once more — doing her best to compose herself, her hands coming up and slicking her wet hair back, she tread water in silence until she grinned, spacing the distance by a few inches and splashed him with water, her giggle intoxicatingly filling the air as she defiantly challenging him. “Catch me if you can.” With that, she took off into the water, moving up towards the shallows as she ran in the water, her soft and tanned skin now seen as she came up out of the water, egging him on in her game of tag.


The warmth of the sun enveloped them, the gentle waves rippling around their bodies as Roman's heart raced in tandem with Anneliese's laughter. The moment they had shared hung in the air like a breathless promise, her voice still echoing in his mind. It was surreal, an enchanting whirlwind of emotions that turned the world around them into a soft blur, every detail fading away until there was just the two of them, lost in this connection.

He couldn't help but smile at her, the way her cheeks flushed a deep rose as she spoke. "I would like that very much Roman." That laughter, light and full, as if it could encapsulate all the joy in the galaxy. Her sincerity had struck him, and as he watched the tears of happiness spring to her eyes, a feeling deeper than he had ever known filled his chest. She was vulnerable, yet radiant, an unyielding spirit shimmering beneath the surface of her joy.

Just as he was about to voice his thoughts, she nudged the boundaries of seriousness with a mischievous grin, splashing water in his direction. It was an invitation, a challenge, and he knew he could never resist the lighthearted thrill of a chase. "Catch me if you can." she declared, her laughter ringing like music in the air, vibrant and alive, each note awakening the spirit within him.

Roman splashed after her, his own laughter blending with hers as he lunged forward, the water shimmering around them with each movement. He could see the way her hair danced around her shoulders and the sunlight kissed her skin, transforming her into an ethereal vision. Chasing her felt more like dancing with the universe than a mere game of tag, a celebration of this newfound connection.

"Hey, you're not getting away that easily!"
He couldn't resist the banter, his competitive spirit ignited. Every splash and ripple in the water brought them closer, and the distance between them shrank as they raced to the shore. Their laughter filled the air, echoing like joyous bells ringing out against the backdrop of the vibrant shoreline.

When he finally bridged the gap, he scooped her up in his arms, spinning her in a circle before settling them both down. "Got you!" he said, grinning down at her, water glistening in her hair, eyes shimmering with delight. It was a victory that felt sweet not just for the chase, but for the connection they had established.

He felt an unyielding urge to share everything with her, to nurture this blossoming bond, to explore every uncharted territory together. The path ahead was uncertain, filled with challenges and joy alike, but he would face them with her.


Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

A squeal escaped her lips as Roman chased after her, the contagious laughter pouring from her as she tried her hardest to outrun him but just as she thought she'd gained the lead, she felt his arms scoop her up with virtual ease as he spun them around, and sat them both on the warm and most sand near the banks. She felt weightless, unbound and free. Reaching her arms up and wrapping them around his neck, she couldn't help but to bask in the moment, leaning her head into the nook of his shoulder and collar bone. Their flesh touched, her bare skin and his -- the feeling electric as she wiggled her toes into the warmth the sand held.

Looking up, and into Roman's eyes, her face flushed from the skin-to-skin contact she spoke. "It was... and unexpectedly good day today." Speaking with a 'as-a-matter-a-fact" type tone... because it was the honest-to-ashla truth, she would never have in a million eons expected, the boy -- she'd admired from afar, to stumble into her training session -- for her to end up confessing her feelings for him, and not only that, but to confess how she felt deep down about a lot of things... and to top it all off, he reciprocated those feelings? It was the best she'd felt in a long time, and she selfishly did not want this day to end but knew it would. However, this brought another thought to mind -- what sort of adventure was she in store for? Getting to know him, intimately -- his fears, his doubts, his strengths, his desires? She couldn't hold back the smile that stretched painfully from cheek to cheek, her hand coming up and running her fingers through his red, gorgeous damp locks of hair.

The physical touch aspect, Anneliese inwardly thought, she loved. Being this close, calling him hers -- if there was such a thing was... something she'd always wondered about, and found it to be something deep down, she'd yearned for. "You were the piece that was missing. I'm thinking... there's going to be some pretty fun adventures to be had." Without realizing it, speaking her thoughts aloud as she grew more comfortable in his lap still. Taking a breath and letting out a content sigh, her hand tracing his distinct jaw line -- time in her eyes seeming to slow down and stop -- her eyes intently studying all the little details and nuances of his body, she spoke again, her voice sounding as if almost lost in thought. "Roman... tell me about you. Here I went on a ramble and divulged the 'secret' things... but, what about you." She paused as her eyes locked with his, seeking, searching, urging. "I want to learn everything there is to know about you... if you'll let me."


Roman chuckled softly, the warm sand hugging their bodies as he felt the weight of her gaze. Anneliese was radiant, her excitement palpable in the air, and the way she looked at him made his heart race in a way he never thought possible. He had always seen her from afar, never really taking the chance on meeting someone knew, but today had changed everything. He was glad he couldn't sleep this morning, gathering the courage to be curious and speak to her. Roman had now only wished he had known her sooner. They had crossed a threshold and stepped into something magical, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the unexpected turns their lives had taken.

"Anneliese." he began, a gentle smile forming as he brushed his fingers through his damp hair, mirroring her affection. "I feel the same way. Today has been… well, surprising doesn't really begin to describe it." His voice carried a hint of vulnerability, and he could see the impact of his words in her eyes, shining with encouragement.

Looking out at the shimmering waters of the lake, Roman took a moment to collect his thoughts. He had spent far too long hiding behind walls, guarded by his own fears and insecurities. Now, with Anneliese nestled comfortably against him, he felt a rush of courage he had never experienced before. He wanted to share with her, the real him, not just the mask he wore in public.

"Alright." he said taking her hand into his and turning his focus back to her, his expression serious yet warm. "I'll tell you about me, but I warn you, I may not be as interesting as you think. I mean, I can't shift into anything as powerful and beautiful as you can." He chuckled, trying to diffuse the uneasiness of him letting his guard down. He breathed deeply, finding his rhythm. "I've always loved exploring the forest. There's a place not far from my home on Serenno, a little clearing next to a stream. I used to go there to escape... to think. It's peaceful. Sometimes I used to imagine turning it into a hideaway, a place where I could be myself."

His voice softened, a hint of shyness creeping in. "I love my parents, but they put too much pressure on me growing up." he confessed, his gaze steady on hers. "Always worried about goals and accomplishments, trying to push a version of me that they thought best suited the advancement of the family. I've been wearing a mask all of my life... Lord Roman Vossari."

"But being with you… it feels different. I don't have to wear a mask. With you, I can just be Roman."
he wrapped his arms around her a little tighter.

He reached up, brushing a lock of hair from her face, his thumb gently tracing her cheek. "I want to share my world with you, the messy bits too. I'm not just Roman, the noble boy everyone knows; I'm also Roman, who loves stargazing, who gets lost in books, and who worries if he'll ever be enough. I want you to see all of it."

His voice softened as he gazed into her eyes, filled with wonder and sincerity. "You opened up to me today in ways I never thought possible, and I would love to return that trust."

In truth, he didn't know if he had said too much, if this was something she even wanted to hear. No one really had ever asked him about himself, from his experience it was all surface level. Roman could be a very charismatic guy, but that often could be the mask her wore. He looked further into her emerald eyes, hoping she wasn't already bored with him.


Anneliese listened to Roman speak, intently, her hand moving to his as she traced the backside of it, picturing a little Roman near his stream -- imagining, dreaming, and lost in thought. But as he began to speak on his parents, she could hear his voice shift and take on another tone, one of vulnerability... one of pain, frustration and indifference. Even before having ever actually speaking to Roman -- Anneliese had never once thought him to be stuck up, or better than anyone, just the opposite in fact. She'd always pegged him to be a deep thinker, kind, intelligent and thoughtful. Moving his hand onto the bare skin on her thigh, she held it in hers, staring now at him and speaking. "Hey -- I see you. You hear me? I don't see some "Lord", I see Roman."

Listening to him continue on, about what he actually liked, her cheeks stretched into a full smile -- her mind envisioning a starlit date, gazing at the heavens together, naming constellations and just talking, enjoying each others presence -- a lingering touch. Then she pictured him and her curled up, cuddling somewhere comfortable in the Archives, in the upper stairs, reading -- not necessarily saying anything, but again, enjoying each others presence.

Inhaling, then letting a small content sigh escape her lips, she let out another sound, a content 'hmmm". "You'll never have to be anything more than who you really are -- and that'll always be enough to me. For always and forever, and thank you for sharing all of that with me." Looking up just slightly, she leaned forward and nuzzled her nose and forehead against the side of his face. "We'd better start heading back before any of the Masters begin to wonder how they lost two of their Padawans." A playful and mischievous tone dancing in her words.

Shifting carefully off his lap, her hand out to help him up, she looked at him -- the day had to come to an end eventually, and it had definitely been a good day. Moving over and grabbing her rucksack, she pulled out a simple pair of leggings, slipping them on and throwing a loose, shirt on she'd kept in her bag. "Don't suppose we could... hold hands... on the way back?" She asked, her hand going up and fiddling with her hair, the question feeling more embarrassing than it should have been.


Roman took a moment to appreciate the warmth of Anneliese's hand against his, feeling the residual softness from where she had traced her fingers over his own. The gentle stir of emotions inside him conflicted with the weight of his thoughts. He had shared so much about his family, his past, and the vulnerability in his tone had startled him. But Anneliese had met that admission with kindness, her eyes searching for something deeper, as if she could see the hidden corners of his heart.

"Yeah, I hear you." he replied softly, his voice still slightly unsteady. Though he felt exposed, a flicker of warmth ignited in his chest. Anneliese was becoming his refuge.

As she suggested it was time to head back, a playful light danced in her eyes, beckoning Roman away from his spiraling worries. He couldn't help but smile at her tone, that mischievous energy that made every shared moment feel like a secret rendezvous against the backdrop of the vast, intricate galaxy.

He watched as she rose from his lap, her movements fluid, and he admired the way she donned her leggings and loose shirt. He leaned back, hands pressed against the ground, momentarily dumbfounded by her beauty. The sight of her vibrant spirit made his heart race.

Roman cleared his throat, shaking off the lingering weight of emotional exposure. "I'm not sure I can remember the way back... It was all a blur." he said with a teasing smirk, as he struggled to rise, still a bit dazed from their conversation.

"Because if you're counting on me to lead the way…" he added, trailing off as he scratched the back of his head, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. He hesitated momentarily before nodding toward her, inviting her to take charge. "I think it might be better if you steer us back, my capable navigator."

At her shy request for a handhold for the walk back, his heart skipped. He felt a warmth bloom across his cheeks, an effect he hadn't anticipated. It shouldn't have felt so profound, yet it did, holding her hand was a simple gesture and yet felt monumental in its significance.

"Of course." he said, his voice a touch more confident than he felt. He reached out for her hand, interlacing his fingers with hers, the sensation igniting sparks of connection that sent ripples of excitement coursing through him.

Together, they began the journey back, Anneliese leading the way through the path she'd taken earlier. Roman glanced down at their joined hands, his heart racing a little faster. They moved in sync, their steps aligning, and with every glance she threw over her shoulder, he found himself lost in her joy. Her laughter, like the tinkling of wind-chimes in a summer breeze, filled the air with an enchanting melody that wove into the overarching silence of the forest.


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