Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Crimson Echoes of the Past

Objective: Investigate Homeworld - Qiilura
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Anneliese sat in the floor of her room, adorned with a tight fitting, tan v-neck shirt and a pair of shorts that came up midway onto her thighs, her bare feet exposed to the carpet and her hair pulled in a sloppy bun. Her vibrant emerald eyes were tired from all the reading she'd done, her mothers journal laying in the floor open, pages, pictures, and maps all lay sprawled out on the floor. Her hands in her hair rubbed softly as she did her best to rid herself of the headache that'd managed to form, a question, nagging at the back of her mind. She'd managed to find a set of coordinates, which she presumed to be where her Mother lived on this planet... but there were just so many unknowns. Lifting her head up, looking back across the floor, she knew in her heart -- she wouldn't find rest ever on this unless she faced the shadow this cast over her head on.

Looking up to her view clock, she noted the time -- Roman would be on his way over right now, they were supposed to be going out to the gardens tonight to stargaze. A soft smile formed on her lips as she hugged her knees up and against her chest, butterflies forming in the pit of her stomach. --They saw each other each day in passing, during mealtimes, but it had been a week or longer since they'd had a rather surprising day together and shared their feelings with one another, had... time alone. However, she also understood the reality, they both had duties they had to fulfill... but the memory of his touch burned in her mind, made her yearn and pine for him in her heart -- she wanted his presence, his company -- like a thirsty man in need of water.

Stretching her legs back out, her body protesting, sore from the no-holds sparring match she'd had with Jedi Knight Samuel Creed just days prior, a sparring match in which had sent her on a one way trip to the Healer... had yielded several results. First and foremost, fear no longer held power in her mind, but rather, she welcomed it as a teacher-- and she would no longer allow it to shut her down, but rather, awaken her. Secondly -- this, home world, needing to know the past situation... was no different than her avoiding fear -- at the end of the day, it'd still be there, still looming over her shoulder, she had to confront this situation head on... but like Creed said, she needed to harness understanding from her experiences. She understood the gravity of going to a home world with very little known information about it -- it was downright dangerous and stupid, especially going alone... but what if... what if she asked someone? They could do a low orbit reconnaissance of Qiilura, gather data and metrics, and verify the coordinates from the journal. If everything checked out fine, they could even launch a probe to further verify life, or lack thereof. Her eyes began to flash, it was possible... her ship was hers -- bought and paid for by the money she'd earned doing several, jobs for the Order over the span of years, but it was equipped with a homing beacon, had several days worth of rations in it... so if anything were to happen, the Order would be notified immediately -- and -- if they put in for a weekend pass for this excursion, they'd have permission to go, yet again acting as another safety. The Order's responsibility was to the protection and growth of the Order -- but they never outright coddled the Padawans, so she knew, she could get this request granted.

She let out a small groan as he massaged her stiff shoulders... shifting her body to lay on the floor as she sprawled out and stared at the ceiling. "Ashla... grant me clarity on what I need to do."


As Roman approached Anneliese's door, he noticed the distinct stillness in the air, a kind of tension that hung softly yet heavily. He had spent the better part of the day immersed in training, sweat and fatigue mingling as he sparred under the critical eyes of his instructors. Yet, amidst the exhaustion, he felt a thrill at the thought of seeing her again. It had been the only thing he had been thinking of all day. Anneliese had been preoccupied with something for days now, and he missed her laugh and bright spirit.

Roman paused outside Anneliese's room, the faint glow of the evening sun spilling through the door's crack. The sweet scent of flowers wafted from the small bouquet he held, freshly picked and carefully curated for her, a mixture of wild daisies and vibrant bluebells, their colors brightening the soft light around him. He adjusted the floral arrangement, his heart fluttering with anticipation and a hint of nervousness.

With a light knock, he entered the room, taking in the sight of Anneliese sprawled on the carpet, surrounded by her journal and a chaotic array of pages and maps. She looked so fragile in that moment, a little worn and weary, her vibrant emerald eyes dulled slightly by fatigue. He could see the hints of a headache painting her features, and it tugged at something deep within him.

"Anneliese..." he greeted softly, his voice barely above a whisper. He stepped inside, letting the door gently click shut behind him. "I brought you something." He held the bouquet out, his fingers brushing lightly against the bright petals, hoping they might bring a bit of cheer to her day.

He shifted his weight to sit beside her, subtly closing the space between them. "You've been gone for a bit." he said, concern threading through his voice. "I was beginning to think you'd run off to some far-off world without me." He chuckled lightly, trying to lighten the atmosphere despite knowing how much she longed for answers about her past.

"Are you okay?" he finally asked, the smile fading slightly as he took in the weariness that creased her brow. "You look… tired." Roman brushed a loose strand of hair from her face, his fingers lingering just a moment longer than necessary. All the times they locked eyes during training or brushed hands as they passed in the hall seemed so vivid in his memory, fueling the warmth blossoming between them. Just the simple act of touching her felt like electricity.

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Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Anneliese heard the knock on her door, and then it opening and closing with a soft hiss. The floral scent filling her senses as Roman approached her -- her heart thrumming with a flutter that formed the butterflies that often danced when in his presence. A smile formed, soft, and warm as she looked up from the floor at the flowers. "They are pretty, and I love them -- thank you Roman." As he sat down next to her and began to bridge the gap of space between them she shifted around and sat up, and his hand came to her face, moving the stray unruly strands of hair that seemed to have a mind of their own out from her eyes -- his touch sending waves of electricity down her body. Grabbing the bouquet of flowers, she sat them gently on the table next to them. Bringing her hand up and holding his to her cheek she closed her eyes as a soft and content sigh broke free from her lips. "I'm fine -- I'm sorry if I worried you. Master Creed and I ending up sparring after our class a few days ago -- and, well... I ended up having to check into the infirmary, so the Head Healer gave me an excuse for the last couple of days to rest from my classes." She looked at him, giving him a reassuring look. "I would say not to worry, but I know that's not going to be the case -- but rest assured, I asked for it." She paused and emphasized what she'd just said. "I mean -- I literally asked to spar with him knowing I'd get the fire beat outta me." What could she say? She was a stubborn girl -- a glutton for punishment, and sometimes, you just had to get the chit beat outta ya to learn a lesson -- and it wouldn't have been the first time Anneliese took the 'long way' to get through a lesson.

She shifted, her body clearly still sore as she began to further elaborate. "Master Creed and I got to talking -- and to sum things up, there was something I've been shouldering for a while now, but after our match? The weight is gone -- I feel... better." She began to elaborate about when she was younger, having faced another force user, one that knew the darkside -- and the difficult fight that ensued, which led to her killing a dark sided apprentice... it had weighed on her, making her think that the heightened sense of battle, the fear she'd felt was a defect, a problem -- when in reality it was a lesson to be honed. Fear would no longer shut her down -- but instead, she'd use it to awaken her, and hone her. Speaking of fear -- doing what she'd wanted to do from the first moment he'd set those blue eyes on her -- Anneliese leaned in, her heart beating hard, her stomach pitted -- and her lips met with his for the very first time as she drew him into a fervent kiss. Releasing from his lips, her breath uneven and hitched she spoke, her normal, mischievous and bubbly tone present. "I've wanted to do that since I told you that I liked you... and your the only one I would want to share that with.." She bit her lower lip as she leaned in, rubbing her nose gently against his and pecking his lips one more time, warmth filling her entire body. "I promise, I'm fine -- now that your here... better than fine now."

Raising an eyebrow at him, rolling her shoulders as she let a small groan out from the stiffness in her body that persisted. "Now -- as far as leaving you to run off to some world? Never.... because clearly -- you'd be tagging along on that particular mission, if I wanted to go to a far off world -- say... my home planet Qiilura?" She paused, gauging his reaction -- absolutely no hint of her joking in her tone, but one more as "matter-of-fact" noted in her tone.

Padawan Roman sat close beside Anneliese, taking in her radiant smile, which brought warmth to his heart like the first rays of dawn after a long night. He studied her, flipping back and forth between admiration and concern as she spoke of her encounter with Master Creed, their sparring match, and the burden she had been carrying. He could see the determination in her eyes, the way they sparkled with a newfound clarity -- but there was also an undeniable hint of pain etched into her features.

When she mentioned the "fire beat outta" her, Roman couldn't help but furrow his brow, anxiously contemplating the cost of such lessons. He respected her stubbornness, it was one of the traits that he admired most about her. But the thought of Anneliese getting hurt sent a ripple of unease through him. "I just... I wish you wouldn't have to push yourself that hard." he murmured softly, his voice cautious and warm. He closed his eyes for a moment, willing to understand that this was her path to growth, even when it worried him.

Yet, when she leaned in and kissed him, all doubt slipped from his mind like grains of sand through his fingers. The world around them melted away, and the kiss ignited a spark deep within him -- a feeling that was both exhilarating and grounding. It felt right. As she pulled back, cheeks flushed and breathless, he held her gaze, a mixture of admiration and amusement dancing in his own blue eyes. "You caught me off guard there." he chuckled softly, his heart still racing. "But honestly, I've wanted to share that moment too. I wasn't sure how long I'd have to wait." he added lightly, his mischievous grin returning.

The idea of her being better now, feeling lighter after confronting her fears, made him realize the depth of his own feelings for her. He wanted nothing more than to be by her side, to explore every facet of her life, including her home planet, Qiilura. "Wherever you want to go, Anneliese... to Qiilura or beyond, I will follow you." There was a resoluteness in his voice, resolute yet gentle, a promise woven into every word. "I'm with you, and nothing could tear me away from that. Adventures await us, and I want to share every moment with you."

He reached out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering for just a heartbeat longer than necessary. "But please, let's just keep these intense sparring matches to a minimum for a while, alright?" He chuckled lightly, wanting to ease the seriousness that had clouded their previous discussion. "I don't want to make a habit of finding you in the infirmary." With that, he drew her closer, kissing her forehead. He wrapped an arm around her, wishing to shield her from any harm that might come, even as they prepared to embark on the adventure of a lifetime together.

"When do we leave?"


Objective: Explore the Past
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Listening to Roman, but her mind slipping back deep into thought as her hand came up, her hand moving to her mouth as she nibbled at her thumb. "Oh no worries there -- I'll tone down my natural intensity for just a lil while." Staring at the maps, the scribblings and the journal, she reached across and picked up a datapad. "Everything is in here for my request to the council. It gives coordinates, who I'll be with -- you naturally, and the length of time in which we'll be gone. I've simply put the request down as a 'Request of Absence for Personal Pursuit" -- I put us down for five days. Its roughly a day getting there and back... the rest of the time is for data gathering... and a possible field excursion." Her tone was unsure... but truth be told, she was unsure.

Reaching across the floor, and grabbing her Mothers journal she began to talk. "It was pretty vague actually -- a lot of entries about moving around frequently, not finding good logdings, being pregnant with me... but hardly any mentions of the rest of my family back on Qiilura... except this entry... right, here."

Entry Log: New Moon
The council has determined there will be a breach on the capital village tomorrow during the New Moon. I've tried talking to Father about leaving... but him and Bane refuse to back down, Aron say's I'm just being dramatic... but they all say the same thing -- that if the capital is breached, it ends here, once and for all. I've made my mind up, I'm not sticking around. She means more to me than anything -- she is the last I have of him and I must ensure she is safe. Father... Mother, Brothers... I love you all and know that I do this with a heavy heart. Maybe one day I can make up for this slight, for not sticking around... but sometimes you have to do what's best for yourself -- I'll come back and bring Anneliese -- for she is the chain that'll break it all... she is the favor of Ashla, an oath, that the light prevails against the dark.

Looking at Roman she rubbed her temples. "There is honestly not much after this journal entry... its, its like she just dropped off the radar. Whatever happened -- happened on that day." She sighed as she threw the journal back down, shifting slightly in the floor, coming up to her knees and then unexpectedly swinging her leg over Roman and straddling his body, resting comfortably facing him in his lap as she layed her head down on his chest wrapping her arms around his waist and holding onto him "I know I said I was up for stargazing... but is there anyway we can just submit the request and you stay with me until I go to sleep? I don't want to be alone right now." His presence was like a dream-catcher -- keeping all the nightmares and unknowns at bay. Breathing in his scent she closed her eyes, soaking in his calming energy.

Roman smiled softly, his fingers brushing gently through her hair as she settled against him. The warmth of her presence was a balm, soothing the uncertainty that had edged into her voice. He could feel the tension in her body, the weight of her thoughts pressing down like a heavy cloak.

"Of course, Anneliese." he said, his voice low and steady. "We can submit the request right away." He held the datapad in his hands, glancing at the meticulously laid out plans and coordinates. They had to be thorough and careful, but more than that, she had to feel assured that they would navigate this journey together, whatever it may hold.

He leaned back against the wall, pulling her closer as he tilted his head to catch a glimpse of her face. "You're not alone in this." he reassured her, his thumb brushing over the back of her hand. "I'll stay right here with you until you fall asleep. Right after we submit this request, we can just… talk. About anything you want or nothing at all."

Roman could sense the turmoil within her, the doubts, the fears of the unknown that every journey brought. Yet, he also felt the strength underlying it all, that fierce determination to seek out the truth and understand her past.

"Alright." he said, after a few moments scanning over the request. "The request is submitted. We wait for their response. Now, I'm all yours." He nestled back against the wall, pulling her close and wrapping an arm around her shoulders, their heartbeat synchronized in the quiet room.

Encouraged by her fleeting smile, he gently pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Just close your eyes for now. We have all the time in the galaxy to explore everything else." He felt her breath gradually become steadier as he continued to weave gentle words of comfort, creating a cocoon of safety around them.

As she snuggled deeper into his embrace, her breath soft and even against his chest, he carefully picked up the journal. He flipped through the pages, his fingers tracing the faded ink, the weight of her mother's words settling upon him. He began to read, skimming through the entries before focusing on the one that had shaken Anneliese so deeply.

He continued to read, silently, gleaning any insight into her past, trying to put together the fragments of a life shrouded in mystery. He wanted to understand the weight she carried, the burden of her lineage, and the legacy she might one day inherit.


It had been a restful sleep for Anneliese, most of her night having been snuggled into Roman -- she woke up on her couch, a blanket draped over her body. Next to her, the soft breathing of Roman, her mother's journal on his lap, he'd apparently done some light reading himself last night. Reaching over, she ran her fingers through his soft red locks, admiring how peaceful he appeared while sleeping -- tracing the lines of his face, his lips. He wasn't just a boy she liked, well -- that's naturally how it started, but the support he offered? The way he made her feel? It was honest to Ashla love at first sight. Speaking up, knowing he was asleep, she spoke softly, her voice just barely above a whisper. "I know I said I just had a crush on you... but, I think it might be more than that, I think i might... love you, and I don't expect you to return those words... but I just need to say it." Smiling contently, she noticed a faint chime and blinking on her holopad. Getting up off the couch, her heavy footsteps hitting the floor, grabbing her pad, her eyes beamed -- they had approved the request. "Roman! Roman wake up! They approved it!"

Running her hands through her hair, and pulling her hair up into a sloppy bun, she knelt down, gently moving his shoulder. "Roman, they approved the request. How long would it take for you to gather your stuff?" With that, Anneliese stood back up, her laser focus keeping her on task as she started to grab her already packed bags and things, her hand coming up as her white gold, ornate lightsaber came up and flew to her hand, fluidly clipping it to her belt as she grabbed her cloak. "I'll meet you at the shuttle bay -- I'll start going through the preflight sequences and start getting it ready for launch. Meet me there in an hour or so?"

With that, they both would go their separate ways, temporarily.

--- Shuttle Bay ---

Anneliese stared intently on her ship console, her Voidhuntress-class Elite Starfighter. It was roomy enough for her to live in during missions or outings, but as of lately, it hadn't seen much use since becoming Valery Noble's apprentice. Putting a communication device in her ear, she spoke aloud in the ship AI. "NEBULA -- How are we doing on all prelaunch checks?" A chime rang throughout the ship, and a computerized female voice spoke. "Good morning Annie -- all systems checks are in optimal range -- fuel, navigation, life support, hyper-drive and communications all are in recommended ranges. Would you like me to begin the final launch sequence?" Annie shook her head, waving her hands around as she smiled. "No NEBULA, thank you, we are waiting for one more occupant to accompany us on this mission. Do you have the coordinates plugged in as well?" Again, the computerized voice chimed in. "Yes -- destination is in the Mid-Rim sector -- coordinates 00397 by 0994, Planet Qiilura -- Are we traveling to your homeworld Annie?." She grinned, never getting tired of talking with her onboard AI -- it may not be a flesh and blood individual, but NEBULA was her friend, and she loved her. "Yes -- and we will be collecting a lot of data, make sure probes are ready. Also, thanks NEB -- I'll let you know once were good for take off -- I'm just wanting on Roman." As she spoke his name, her heart raced just slightly, NEBULA's voice chiming back in. "Annie, I have detected an elevation in your heart level with the word associated with Roman. Are you in need of medical care?" Anneliese's eyes widened -- her head shaking back and forth. "NO NEB! I'm fine -- and please... keep that information regarding the word association to yourself." Flustered by her computers diligence, never thinking she'd be embarrassed by an AI, she went back to what she was doing, moving to and from each station, holopad in hand, at this point waiting on Roman. It was almost time to begin their adventure and she was glad he was coming.


As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the windows of Anneliese's room, Roman remained lost in the depths of his dreams. In his mind's eye, he envisioned a lush landscape, a vibrant world blooming with life and possibility, his future. It was a future he shared with Anneliese, filled with shared laughter, the comfort of her presence, and the validation of their bond. They stood strong together against the backdrop of star-filled skies, wielding their lightsabers, united in purpose.

In the dream, they faced off against a dark force that threatened their existence, but it felt invigorating, exhilarating. Anneliese moved with grace, striking down their enemies with precision, while he provided cover and support. The energy between them was palpable -- they were invincible, inseparable. Roman could feel the warmth in his heart, knowing that what they had was more than just a fleeting crush. It was a connection steeped in camaraderie and affection, a promise of what was yet to come.

But that serene vision was abruptly interrupted by the sound of rustling and hurried footsteps. As if washed in a wave of reality, he opened his eyes to the living room's familiar surroundings. Anneliese was a whirlwind, her figure darting around, grabbing bags and supplies as if the world was about to end. His initial confusion transformed into a dazed realization of the situation. Glancing down, he noticed the journal he had been reading lay open beside him, pages fluttering with the movement of the air around them.

Swallowing down the remnants of sleep, Roman blinked a few times, trying to clear the haziness of the dream from his mind. "What's going on?" he muttered, his voice thick with remnants of slumber. He felt a bit sore from sleeping so still next to her, but the excitement in Anneliese's voice pulled him out of his daze.

"Leave?" The words processed in his brain like molasses, but exhilaration soon washed over him. "Oh! Right! The shuttle!" He pushed himself off the floor, determination bubbling up inside him. "Of course, give me just a few."

With surprising agility for someone who had just stirred from sleep, he sprang to his feet, his heart racing with the shared thrill. She always had a way of igniting that fire within him, transforming uncertainty into purpose. He took a moment to shake off the drowsiness and stretch his limbs, feeling the urge to draw strength from the bond they shared.

"I'll gather my things!" Roman called over the sound of her hustle, his voice gaining more clarity. "I'll meet you in the shuttle bay."


Roman approached the Starfighter with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. He could see Anneliese through the cockpit window, a vibrant energy radiating from her as she prepped the ship for their upcoming mission. He adjusted his grip on the oversized duffel bag slung over his shoulder, a result of his habit of overpacking -- better to be prepared for anything, he reasoned, than to find himself stranded on an unfamiliar world with nothing but the clothes on his back.

"Hey!" he called, stepping up the ramp and into the ship, his mind racing with possibilities of what awaited them on Qiilura. He dropped his bag onto the floor with a soft thud, the sound echoing in the confined space. Glancing around, he was struck again by the sleek design of the ship, the impressive array of technology that hummed softly around him.

"Are you all set?" he asked, his heart fluttering as he caught a glimpse of her smile. He could feel a strange mix of camaraderie and a nagging feeling that there was more to his emotions than he admitted. Shaking off the thought, he moved to help her with the final preparations.

"I might've brought a few extra things." he said sheepishly, rummaging through his bag to retrieve a seemingly endless assortment of items: a multi-tool, several holobooks, a selection of snacks he had scavenged from the mess hall, and a first aid kit. "You never know, right?"

He worked diligently, stowing away the more ridiculous items while NEBULA's voice chimed in with nonchalant observations about weight limits and cargo efficiency. "Hi NEBULA. I'm Roman." he called out into the void of the shuttle as if to introduce himself.

As they organized the shuttle, he couldn't help but steal glances at Anneliese, her focused expression and the way her fingers danced over the controls entranced him. The AI called her "Annie" and he found himself secretly enchanted by the nickname. It felt warm and familiar, evoking a sense of closeness he didn't entirely understand.

With a quick final check of his packed items, ensuring he had not only his Jedi gear but also the snacks he'd tucked away. Roman took a step toward the cockpit. "Ready when you are, Captain Annie." a goofy salute following suit.


Objective: Explore Qiilura
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Annie heard Roman's footsteps long before she heard his voice break the air in the ship. Her eyes lighting up at his sight she giggled at the sight of his preparedness -- you could never go wrong in bringing more than you might need, because if you fail to prepare, you are preparing to fail -- or so she felt. Listening to NEBULA chime in about the efficiency of his 'cargo' that he'd brought on board, her eyebrows furred slightly. "Nebula -- be nice, he's our guest." Yet as she spoke, her AI chimed back, in a rather sassy tone. "Just a guest Annie? According to my sensor readings your body temperature has risen two degrees and your heart rate has elevated rather significantly in the presence of... just a guest. But if you insist, allow me to haul anything you deem necessary. My pleasure as always." Anneliese looked mortified as she stared blankly, flabbergasted at her AI's remark. Shyly looking to Roman, her face flushed at Nebula's comment. "You'll have to pardon her... she's, spirited to say the least. But it's why I love her so."

Listening to Roman remark on the 'Captian Annie' remark, she just grinned at him. "Aye, and you’re my first mate. Take your station Mr. Vossari -- we launch into the unknown!" Giggling, simply because she couldn't help herself she took her spot in the cockpit, which seated two. Buckling into her seat she exhaled loudly. "Coordinates are punched in...." She paused, a anxiety creeping up and forming a pit in her belly. "This is it... this is really it. I mean, we’re about to go... to my homeworld, to Qiilura." The realization of this quest now setting in upon her -- this whole time, her body ramped up on adrenaline, not really allowing the gravity of this to set in. "I guess we better go before I chicken out." Inhaling deeply, and shaking her nerves off, she pressed a button which allowed the ramp to raise as the ship began to hum alive. "Nebula -- we are good to go. This is Padawan Anneliese Kaohal, and Padawan Roman Vossari. Flight control, are we clear for take off?" A palpable silence hung in the air as they awaited a response — static breaking over their comms, a reply back chiming in. :: “Flight control to Padawan Kaohal and Vossari -- codes check out and you've been cleared for take off. See you in a week, be safe and may the force be with you." :: Punching a few more controls and pushing lever's forward, the ship would begin to lurch forwards as they accelerated towards the hangar bay doors.

Accelerating out of the bay doors of the Prosperity and into space, the ship floated freely as she stared out into the vast expanse that was space. Looking over at Roman, her hand came over and she held his hand, her nervousness clearly apparent. “Let’s do this. Nebula, engage the Hyperdrives.” A chime rang throughout the cockpit as the hyperdrive hummed to life, the ship moving and beginning to accelerate, the stars blurring by and blurring into a bright light as they entered the hyperspace lane. Unbuckling from her seat, she turned and jumped over into Romans seat, sitting in his lap as she ran her hands into his hair, bringing her nose to his, and gently placing a kiss on his lips…. Her breath hitched slightly, the effect he had on her, she spoke softly. “Thank you… for being with me.” Thinking about the trip ahead, she smiled at him. “Not sure what we’ll face — but I’m excited I get this time with you.”

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As the stars rushed past them in vibrant streaks of light, Roman felt a rush of exhilaration and nerves intertwine within him. He couldn't help but smile at Anneliese as she settled in his lap, the warmth of her body against his igniting something deep inside. Her playful touch and proximity sent his heart racing like a hyperdrive engaged for the first time.

"Careful now Captain, i'm just your First Mate right?" he said slyly looking into her eyes as she leaned closer, their noses almost touching. "I'm glad I'm here with you too." He squeezed her hand, feeling the intensity of their shared adventure washing over them. "This is going to be an unforgettable journey."

But as they floated through hyperspace, the teasing voice of NEBULA pulled Roman from the moment they were sharing. "Padawan Vossari," the AI announced in her uniquely sassy tone, "I must remind you that there are numerous protocols regarding appropriate conduct within a starship. If you wish to continue in such close proximity with the Captain, I can only recommend ensuring you don't distract her from her duties."

Roman's face turned crimson, a mix of embarrassment and amusement as he stammered, "Uh, Nebula, is… is it a problem if--" he hesitated, glancing at Anneliese. "If I, uh, kiss her--like this?"

"Just a guest?"
NEBULA chimed back, her tone dripping with mirth. "Your heart rate is spiking, Captain. I believe your emotions have taken command of your rational faculties. In the unlikely event of an emergency, I recommend you focus on that 'just a guest' aspect."

Roman laughed, a nervous chuckle that echoed off the ship's walls. "I don't think she likes me."

"Hey, Nebula,"
Roman began, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "you've been flying with Annie for a while now, right? Tell me something embarrassing about her?"

Nebula replied, "While I'm more than happy to accommodate Padawan Kaohal's whims, I must admit that her penchant for singing off-key while navigating through hyperspace is less than thrilling for my auditory sensors. I suspect Captain Annie has a hauntingly beautiful voice hidden within, but she chooses to gift me with sound waves that resemble malfunctioning servos instead."

Roman chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into?"

"Next on my list,"
Nebula continued, maintaining her sassy demeanor, "Anneliese has a particularly horrific shade of lipstick she bought years ago. If you want embarrassing, ask her to try it on. Or maybe you should Padawan Vossari? -- It's quite blue."

Roman's eyes widened in amusement. "I don't think you want to see that NEBULA!"

Nebula resumed her playful tone, "And let's not forget the time she mistook her datapad for a holopad and ended up displaying her very special collection of drawings -- which included sketches of a certain Padawan who is just a guest."

He shook his head, knowing that with Nebula around, their trip would be anything but dull. "At least as long as we have NEBULA around, this trip will never be dull." Roman kissed Anneliese's forehead gently, their adventure starting to feel less daunting.


Objective: Explore Qiilura
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Her face was bright red, mortified beyond belief as Nebula continued with an onslaught of brutally honest stories, doing her very best to get back at Annie for not telling her prior to the mission that the guest she was bringing was Roman — the one she’d fawned over and spoke to Nebula about freely. Burying her face in her hands, she thought to herself… “who knew AI’s could hold a grudge?….”, but just as she thought it couldn’t get any worse, the unspeakable happened. Her computerized voice chimed back in, speaking with scientific factuality. “Please keep in mind that I am equipped with fire suppression systems should things become too heated between the two of you. Would you like me to remind you of how most sentient life forms procreate?” Her head shot up, her emerald green eyes almost in tears. “Nebula! Please for the love of Ashla stop.” Becoming silent for almost a moment, she chimed in one last time. “My apologies Annie, I meant no harm — but in all fairness you programmed me to be as honest as possible, unless sentient life was in eminent danger. Would you like to change this setting?” Lowering her head down once again, wanting to hide from Roman — she shook her head and groaned, the damn computer wasn’t lying about that either. “No Nebula — that will be all….”

Looking up towards Roman, her cheeks flushed red, she simply shot him an extremely nervous smile. “I told you… she can be spirited.” Standing up, she walked over towards the back to the ship, sitting on the couch, thinking on the comments Nebula had said about on board fire suppression systems — another groan mentally ringing through her head. Reaching down and pulling out a satchel, she pulled out the maps and the journals that she’d been studying for the last several months. Waiting for Roman to join her, she began to point towards a set of coordinates on the map. “This is where we’ll be landing, this is the city the journal entries speak of. I figure we can send a few probes to survey the surface and do a few low level reconnaissance runs… if it looks clear, I mean honestly looks clear — we can land and do a investigation, but at any time, if anything feels — off, we call it off. Agreed?” Nebula, who was always listening chimed in as Anneliese finished, with a factual as a matter of fact tone, doing her best to reassure her, because after all — Nebula was essentially the third man in their team for this trip — and Annie trusted her explicitly. “As you already know Annie, but just to reassure Mr. Vossari, my astrometric probes are equipped with highly sophisticated sensor technology. Should there be any life on the planet, it will give immediate read outs alerting you to any possible threats indications. Once on the surface, your two way communications devices not only as as locator signals but provide me with realtime readouts on your life signs. Furthermore if needed, I can preform an extraction, pinpointed to your exact location.”

Thinking on her approach of the surface, while biting her thumb she stared at the pages, reciting the names that she’d begun to memorize. “Artemis, that’s my grandfather — Julia is my grandmother. Bane and Aron, those are my Uncles. Valera… that was my mother’s name. These are the names that frequent the journal entries, and I managed to figure out the relation in how she spoke about them in several entries. I’m hoping to find a picture of some kind… just, something, anything...” Leaning back, and staring up at the ceiling of the ship she sighed. It was going to be a long flight — it was like being a kid again, and having to wait up all night for some big event that wasn’t until the morning. But looking over at Roman, her heart fluttering, she cast a soft smile at him… it didn’t matter what she felt, it didn’t matter how big the mountain in front of her — he brought everything down to size. Those sapphire eyes, those long red locks, and the prominent muscular features and lines she traced much like a map — she was beginning to know and become familiar with the terrain that was his body. “I know I keep saying this, but thank you — you didn’t have to come, but you did. You’ll never know how much that means to me.”

She lay sprawled back on the couch, her simple clothing hugging her figure, defining every line, every curve on her body as her hair lay gently over her shoulders — her soft emerald eyes staring only at him — her hand place softly over her stomach. “You gonna join me on the couch or stay over there? I don’t bite… much.” Saying the last bit in a hush, an ornery smile delicately curling up on the sides of her lips, a soft giggle escaping her lips coming from her belly.

Roman felt a warmth bloom in his chest as he watched Anneliese. She looked radiant, even amidst the chaos Nebula had just unleashed. He tried to suppress a grin at the absurdity of the situation -- Anneliese, mortified, and this AI blissfully unaware of the social rules it was breaking. But then again, Nebula's bluntness somehow felt like a welcome distraction from the nerves that had been building within him since they had embarked on this mission.

He stood from his place, glancing back at the controls before making his way over to the lounge area. "Agreed." he said, trusting in her well thought plan. The way Anneliese's emerald eyes sparkled when she spoke about her family history made it impossible for him to think of anything else. She was passionate, determined, and as much as Nebula's commentary could be embarrassing, he admired the foothold she had on this search for her roots.

"Of course I came. You know I would follow you to the ends of the galaxy." he replied. There was a depth in his tone, a promised loyalty to the girl sitting before him.

When she spread out on the couch, her figure hugging the fabric in the most inviting way, he felt that familiar flutter in his chest. She was surrounded by the comforting light of the ship's interior, it made her look otherworldly, almost ethereal, like the stars they traveled beneath. Her playful invitation brought a smirk to his lips, and he felt a rush of confidence.

As he crossed the short distance to her, he felt the weight of the world ease off his shoulders. "You don't bite, huh?" he teased back with mock seriousness, letting his body relax as he sank beside her on the couch, inches apart yet feeling an electrifying pull toward her. He turned slightly, propping himself up with an elbow as he leaned into her space, the atmosphere shifting to something undeniably intimate.

"Lucky for you, I'm not afraid of a little biting." he replied, a glint of mischief in his eyes as he allowed the moment to stretch, to breathe. The ship's gentle hum faded into the background as he warmed to her presence more tangibly, the tension of the mission dying down, bit by bit.

Roman watched her, his expression softening as she nestled into the cushions. He could read the threads of her thoughts reflected in her features, the excitement and apprehension swirling like galaxies. "I really admire how willing you are to dig into your past, Anneliese." he said, inching closer now, feeling the comfort of the space they shared wrapping around him like a blanket. "That's a rare kind of bravery."

Unable to resist, he inched even closer, letting their skin brush together, a physical connection that brought a rush of warmth to the air. Roman reveled in the knowledge that this was the calm before their exploration began, a precious moment of tranquility that would soon be interrupted by the unpredictability of the unknown.

He lowered himself closer, his heart fluttering wildly as he felt the heat of her body beneath him, the chemistry between them palpable. "Whatever we find--whatever it means for you--I'll be here." His voice softened, almost a whisper, as if they were sharing a secret in this vast expanse of space, just two souls navigating uncharted territory. With a teasing glint in his sapphire eyes, he leaned in, a hint of mischief dancing on his lips, ready to tease out all the layers of this intriguing girl before him, knowing full well that this was only the beginning of their adventure together--both on the mission and in the unspoken connection building between them.


Objective: Travel to Qiilura l Explore Qiilura
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

As his weight rested into the couch, her body shifting in unison as he leaned in to her, the comment lingering in the air “I’m not afraid of a little biting…” her heart thrummed harder within her chest as her hand came over, grabbing at the fabric that was his shirt, her soft emerald eyes peering down. Was it wrong to want, to long for his touch as much as she did? Every time they kissed, the restraint she had to put up not to push harder… but she couldn’t help it, everything about him, his mind, his heart, his body — everything about him drew her deeper. Biting her lower lip like she did unconsciously when she was unsure of herself, her eyes came back to his as he yet still bridged the gap that was between them, their warm breath mixing together… her head buzzing, he was absolutely intoxicating to her… because something deeper, unbeknownst to her drew her to him, tethered them, made her feel like he was somehow now apart of her very being.

Hearing him speak about her bravery, she gave a soft smile, her hand tracing the lines of wrinkled fabric on his shirt. “Maybe some things are better left buried in the past — maybe me digging up the past is selfish, because I’m too weak to accept what is…” It was how she felt — because there were too many unknowns. She knew she’d hoped to find information on her family, but she also hoped to find information on her race… anything, something. “I try to be brave Roman — but there are a lot of times I’m terrified — but then I go back to my first statement. I’m more terrified of not having tried then what lies ahead. I want to finally bury this weight, this burden I’ve carried my whole life… and I want to move on.” She stared at him — eyes scanning his features, her now hand gripping his shirt — Her hand locked onto his shirt, almost as if somehow if she let go, she'd somehow loose him. She knew what lie ahead in the future… or, she hoped. He was her future, she wanted him to be her life — the order, her friends… she had so much ahead of her, but first, she had to overcome this hurdle.

Their skin brushed together once more, her skin vividly warm in comparison to Romans. She looked up at him, a word, something she couldn’t quite say yet out of uncertainty — her hand coming to the side of his cheek — until as always, her restraint slipped — Annie bringing her lips to meet with his, locking together and kissing him fervently. As she broke the lock she had on his lips her breath was heavy, hitched — her head coming down shyly as she closed her eyes holding onto him — once again stopping herself from pushing harder, her forehead coming to rest against his — maybe Nebula was right, maybe the fire suppression system was a good fail safe, her mind smiling inwardly at this thought. “Roman — can you tell me more about you? I know you’ve told me some things… but, what was your childhood like? I bet you were absolutely adorable. What sort of adventures did you take? What sort of trouble did you get into? I want to know…. Everything about you, and I never want to stop learning about you.”

As Anneliese gazed up at him with those sparkling emerald eyes, Roman felt the weight of her emotions, the gravitational pull of her vulnerability. He could sense her turmoil beneath the surface, the passion and fear intertwining within her heart. Leaning closer, he brushed his fingers lightly against her cheek, letting the warmth of her skin seep into him.

"Anneliese, you are so far from weak." he said softly. He cherished these moments, the way their lives intersected like stars in a vast galaxy, illuminating the darkness of their separate pasts. "You're braver than you realize, and your journey matters. I understand the weight of what you carry."

Her vulnerability shone through even as she struggled with her insecurities, and Roman's heart ached to comfort her. He took a deep breath, searching for the right way to share a piece of himself. "I don't talk about my childhood much, mostly because it's… complicated. I was privileged, you know? To most, I shouldn't complain. But privilege comes with its own set of burdens."

He paused, the memories flooding back unwanted yet familiar. His home on Serenno had been grand, built on tradition and expectations. "My parents, they meant well. They thought they were safeguarding our family's legacy, but in their way, they were… strict. There was a lot of pressure to erase the stains of our past, to right the wrongs they felt haunted us."

"My father, when he spoke,"
he continued, his gaze distant, "it could feel like a tempest. Some called him verbally abusive, a man trying to mold me into something I wasn't yet ready to be. That kind of expectation can be suffocating." He thought a while longer before adding, "I don't know about adorable, they would call me too hyper... My mom often teased me calling me 'trouble'."

He smiled thinking of his mother, a woman almost opposite of his father. She was warm and kind, but Roman often felt her a victim of his father's ambition as well. "I think my mother would love you... maybe one day she can show you some old photos of me as a kid."

Fingers still entwined with her hair, he felt the tremor of nostalgia as he felt the need to change the subject. "Some days though, I would sneak out into the wilderness surrounding our estate, just to breathe and be free for a moment. The green hills, the stars sparkling above -- another world awaited me there. I used to dream about one day owning a home there… with someone I love. Something small and intimate." His voice softened, the thought of their future blending seamlessly with the contours of his vulnerable past.

He looked at her, his gaze intense, filled with conviction. "Still, there are days when the echoes of my past come back to haunt me. But knowing I have you, that we're making this journey together… it makes me feel like I can bear it all and more. Whatever we both discover as we dig into our histories, we'll face it together. I promise."

With that, Roman's hand found the small of her back, drawing her irresistibly closer. He captured her lips again, this time less hesitant, more possessive, pouring all the warmth and reassurance he felt into the kiss, coaxing her deeper into the moment. They lingered there, caught in a sweet embrace, where time slipped away and the shadows of the past faded into the background.


Objective: Travel to Qiilura I Explore Qiilura I Unlock the Past
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Listening to Roman share his childhood -- she couldn't help but feel sorrow, and anger even -- anger towards anyone that would extinguish the beautiful light that was his soul. The person she saw him to be, now seeing pain behind those soft and caring sapphire eyes, it made her heart cry for him -- Anneliese gently kissing the side of his cheek as he continued his story, her nose gently brushing against his skin. As he finished, his words beginning to taper off, she took both of her hands, cupping his face gently, her eyes lovingly locking with his. "I love who you are -- and I only wished I would have met you sooner. We would have snuck off and out together... to your, secret place, where we would of had all sorts of adventures together -- but what I can't give you then, I'll give you every bit of now Roman." Speaking his name with passion, with care. "The person I see today in front of me... is capable of such kindness... immeasurable feats and accomplishments, I see it everyday... and someone who --..." What happened next absolute took her breath away. His hand came to the small of her back, and drew her to him -- his greedy want and need as his lips locked with her own caused a frenzy of desire and want as she kissed back, a small moan escaping her mouth as her hands locked into his hair, throwing her head back as she took a deep breath, feeling the soft and caring kisses trail to her neck.

Holding him against her heart, her breath unsteady from the passionate whirlwind he'd given her -- the words that hung in her heart, in her soul -- caught in her throat as her heart pounded wildly -- her voice breaking the small silence. "Roman...." Her breath was uneven, her eyes off towards the distance as she spoke, shy, and nervous, but a courage breaking forth. "The person I see i front of me... is the one I have given my heart too..." The words hung in the air, tear's forming in her eyes. "And...I love you Roman..." He had accepted her for all that she was, mess and all. They had shared -- with no boundaries. When one moved, the other did and something deep within her knew, resonated deeply -- without a shadow of a doubt that she had fallen, and fallen hard for him.

------ Ding ------ Ding ------ Ding ------ Ding ------

Her dreams were sweet. The warmth of Roman's body pressed against her own, the feeling of his lips locked against her own lingering on her mouth. He was all she could dream of this night -- it didn't matter what lie ahead, what mattered was what was now, in this moment... and the profession of love, which she had tried to hold back, had been like a fire in her bones, and she could no longer bear it. Awakening to the sound of the on board navigation system, she drowsily sat up, her eyes doing their best to focus and shake the blissful slumber she'd gotten. Realizing what the sound was, she gently shook Roman as she hurried to the cockpit -- an audible 'hiss' of air being sucked in as tears broke from her eyes, a sob escaping her lips. "We made it..." Another loud sob escaping as her hand came to her mouth, her body trembling. "We made it -- we actually made it." Bringing her hands to her hands to her eyes, she did her best to wipe them away, her infectious giggle escaping from her mouth, for the joy she felt was unbridled. Nebula's voice would chime in, breaking the silence. "Annie -- would you like me to launch the probes to do a preliminary survey of the planets surface?" Nodding her head, and giving a "Yes" that was broken from her crying, the probes would launch from the ship, four in total all heading down the planets atmosphere and into low orbit. "Probes away. Data will be in real-time and will be immediately viewable on the holo-screen."

Moving back and towards the large holo-screen display in the back in the ship, she awaited several minutes before Nebula's voice would chime back in, her thumb nail in her mouth, biting on the nail. "Extrapolating the data.... telemetry incoming.... Coordinates located, Capital City located... visual data loading..." A gasp would break from her mouth as an image would pop up onto the view screen.


"It's... beautiful. Roman... I -- I, words... I can't..." She was at an absolute loss for words, which, for Annie was rare. Trying her best to find and manage what she needed to say, she spoke aloud once again. "Nebula -- is there anything of concern yet on sensors that would indicate threats? Life of any kind? Are there other Gurlanins?" A brief moment passed, her voice speaking up once more. "As you are aware, Gurlanins possess a unique trait that makes conventional sensors unable to detect their presence. Using your unique chemistry make-up I have scanned for and found no local life-signs in the immediate area around the coordinate's given. I recommend a low orbit reconnaissance first, and then landing near the main city. -- where once you and Mr. Voassari are on ground I will run continual scans for immediate life-signs." Nodding her head as she listened, she looked at Roman and asked. "What do you think? It looks abandoned."


He could see the beautiful light of her spirit and how fiercely she defended him, how she embraced every facet of who he was. With sincerity, he spoke of his past, allowing the pain to surface, and with each word, he felt a weight lift as she listened, truly listened, without judgment. When he felt her gentle kiss on his cheek, it sent warmth radiating through him, turning his shared vulnerability into a tender connection. As their gazes locked, he felt a swell of emotion.

"It's just... I've been fighting to hide that boy from everyone, to bury the hurt." Roman revealed, his voice barely more than a whisper. "But every time I'm near you, it feels okay to come out." The corners of his mouth lifted into a soft smile, the kind that spoke of years of unshared dreams and buried hope.

Anneliese's next words were a golden gift, breathing life into those lost dreams. "I love who you are." Her voice was steady, vibrant with emotion. For a second, time hung suspended, the galaxy shrinking down to just the two of them, huddled in the warmth of the ship, warmed by the shared space they inhabited. With the depth of love reflected in her gaze, he felt a rush of longing so independent of any fear he had carried. He leaned forward, pulling her closer, hungry to taste that emotion she had laid bare. Their lips met, soft yet electric, igniting a spark that ignited all his desire.

He drew her body against his, surrendering to the storm that was building between them. As he deepened the kiss, the world around melted away, leaving them suspended in that intoxicating exchange. When they finally broke apart, each breath felt heavy with significance.

"Anneliese." he breathed, struggling to find the right words amidst the whirlwind of feelings swirling in his heart. "You've given me more now than I could have ever imagined then."

Driven by his heart and her admission, he nestled his forehead against hers. "I love you, Anneliese. I don't just love you, I've fallen for you with every piece of who I am. And I know it's not just a passing moment, it's everything I've been yearning for." The deep sincerity in his tone lingered in the space between them, wrapping them in an invisible bond, sealing the promise of what was to come.

He pulled her closer, wrapping her in the embrace that felt like home. Her heartbeat was a melody, and he wanted nothing more than to lose himself in that rhythm. They remained entwined, their foreheads touching as they surrendered to the growing bond between them. Time became meaningless, all that existed was the warmth of each other's bodies and the ethereal connection they shared.

He felt her drift into slumber, her breath softening against his chest, a rhythm that soothed and calmed him in ways he never knew he needed. Roman closed his eyes, allowing sleep to wrap around him like a gentle embrace, safe in the knowledge that he no longer had to tread the world alone.


"What's happening?" he mumbled, his voice raspy with sleep, but his eyes sparkled with curiosity as he pushed himself into a sitting position. He blinked again, his surroundings coming into focus as he tried to shake off the remnants of slumber. There was something different in the air, a heady mix of hope and anticipation. He could see it in the way she moved, the way her eyes sparkled through unshed tears.

He rose from his seat, drawing closer to her, his heart racing not from fear, but from a beautiful anticipation. When the image of the planet graced the screen, awash in vibrant colors, Roman felt an overwhelming sense of wonder flood through him. "It's beautiful." he breathed, his awe echoing her own astonishment. He turned to meet her gaze, longing to see the joy within her eyes.

Roman's fingers brushed against hers, a fleeting connection of reassurance as he steadied himself for whatever was next. "A low orbit reconnaissance first sounds reasonable, see what we can glean from that." he advised, his voice steady. Despite the thrill dancing in the pit of his stomach, he knew they had to be cautious. The prospect of exploring an alien world was intoxicating, yet fraught with danger.

"Let's see what secrets this place holds." he added, a grin breaking through as he let go of her hand so she could take control. "No matter what happens down there, we're in this together."


Objective: Travel to Qiilura I Explore Qiilura I Unlock the Past
Tags: Roman Vossari Roman Vossari

Listening to Roman agree to her plan, and then feeling the reassuring brush of his fingertips she looked at him, taking a deep breath. "Nebula? How are we looking so far?" Waiting a few moments, the computerized female voice chimed in. "Extrapolating data... .... .... .... Data analyzed. No immediate threats deteced. No native life detected -- word of caution. I'm not entirely certain if my sensors are effective at detecting Gurlanin life signs." Anneliese stood there, her arms crossed slightly and her hand once again intently up to her mouth as she nibbled at her thumb. She was aware that Nebula had, by chance, found out one day while she'd phased that her sensors had been unable to track her -- this was how she'd found out she had the natural ability to evade sensors by masking her lifesigns... which meant anyone of her race had the same capability; they would be found only if, they wanted to be found.

Moving into her chair, Anneliese strapped into her harness on and began punching buttons and moving levers as the ship began to gracefully lurch into the lower atmosphere. Fire surrounding the ship as it broke each layer of atmosphere until the cloud banks came, the ship emerging from orbit and now high above in the skies of Qiilura. "Breathable atmosphere detected. Would you like patrol mode to be engaged Annie?" Unbuckling once again, now that they had gotten through most of the turbulence, she stood up and spoke. "Yes Nebula and once everything checks out, set us down immediately in the Capital City." Walking back, gently touching Roman's shoulder she walked over towards the back. The ship didn't offer much in terms of privacy when it came to more than one... unless privacy wasn't an issue. Looking over her shoulder, casting a glace at Roman, she slowly removed her slightly baggy and comfortable shirt, leaving only her bra remaining; the thud of her heart hammering in her chest -- her delicate skin and toned form shown as she reached into a set of drawers and began to adorn her usual Jedi Attire. Casting glances at Roman as she dressed -- there was something... deep within her that no longer wanted to withhold anything from him -- that desired for all boundaries to be blurred and fused together, their confessions of love having been said to one another still lingering in the air -- but she knew, all would happen in good time. Calling her lightsaber to hand, and clipping it to her belt, she slung her rucksack over her shoulders... the feeling of the ship descending further until a gently thud overtook the ship. "Touchdown complete... Annie -- I will keep constant locks on Mr Vossari and you, at any time should you feel the need for immediate evacuation, please use the two-way communicator and signal me. I will continue to run scans and further work on honing sensors to detect native life."

The rear ramp to the ship would hiss, pop and gracefully unlock and lift down, the natural light of the world pouring into the ship. Holding her hand out, and awaiting Roman to grab it -- she would take it, and bravely trek into the unknown.


As they would walk down the ramp and onto native soil, Anneliese suddenly felt small as she looked upon the massive Capital City... her hand slowly slipped out of Roman's as she started straight up at the Elder Tree, whose roots twisted and climbed high into the very heavens. "Mom -- I made it home." Looking all around, only a look of overwhelmed amazement written on her whole demeanor, she peered back at Roman. "I want to stay as long as we can... but I'm worried about Nebula's sensor tracking. There is no guarantee we are alone Roman -- back when I first got my ship -- during a Phase, she discovered conventional sensors could not locate or track me... its something to do with my nature. While in my natural form I was essentially a ghost. Also, there's no guarantee my native species is friendly to off-worlders... so, I think it best we make haste. I think we need to start there -- answers that I seek should be in that very building." Pointing to the massive tree, which had an entrance built at the very bottom. "Mother referenced the Elder Tree frequently... I believe it to have been there home." With that, she would with Roman, carefully begin to make there way towards the Elder Tree.

As Roman sat in the cockpit of their ship, the journey through Qiilura's atmosphere stirred a complex mix of emotions within him. He felt the reassuring vibration of the ship as it transitioned from the vacuum of space to the plush embrace of the planet's atmosphere. Anneliese's presence beside him was both comforting and exhilarating. They had forged a bond that transcended mere friendship, yet the challenges ahead loomed large.

His heart raced just a beat faster when he felt Nebula's cautionary note about Gurlanin life signs. Roman's apprehension flared momentarily as he considered the implications of their mission to unveil Anneliese's heritage -- what if they encountered a people not welcoming to outsiders? However, he pushed the worry aside, bolstered by a resolute sense of confidence as he gazed at Anneliese.

Then came the moment that sent the blood rushing to Roman's cheeks as the two were on the shuttle to the surface, Anneliese began to change. The ship's cramped quarters offered little in the way of privacy, and Roman's instinct was to look away, to afford her that dignity. Though his mind resisted the temptation to steal another glance, he couldn't help but feel drawn to her. The way she moved, the elegance in her form, and the quiet resolve radiating from her was enough to capture his focus, despite his best intentions to remain respectful. The soft thuds of his heart echoed in his ears as she slipped out of her baggy shirt, leaving her in a delicate bra that emphasized her figure, an image forever etched in his memory like a beautiful melody. He focused on the ship's control panel, pretending to adjust the dials and the readouts, though he worried his eyes lingered too long on her silhouette for that brief moment.

"Ahem." Roman cleared his throat, trying his hardest to avert his gaze as he fished for words that escaped him. "I—um, it's almost time to land." he muttered nervously, almost chastising himself for the way his heart fluttered at the sight of her. It was a split-second struggle to maintain composure, but he offered a genuine smile when she turned his way, knowing that behind their shared apprehension lurked a hopeful understanding of what they could be.

When Nebula finally announced their touchdown, Roman felt a swell of excitement pulse through him. As the ramp lowered, sunlight burst into the ship, illuminating the cockpit with a golden glow, and bringing forth the vibrant world waiting outside. He reached for her hand instinctively when she stretched toward him, ready to face whatever lay ahead. Together, they stepped onto the native soil of Qiilura, and Roman marveled at the expansive vista before them. He withdrew his hand when she suddenly turned to face the Elder Tree, drawn into its bounteous wonder, but his heart remained tethered to her as she shared her thoughts.

Whatever uncertainties awaited them, he wasn't about to let fear overshadow their quest. "You're right, Anneliese. I'm with you, every step of the way." he assured her, his voice firm, carrying an unwavering resolve.

As they began their trek toward the Elder Tree, Roman couldn't help but feel the energy coursing around them -- a blend of excitement and trepidation. Anneliese's bravery shone brightly before him, illuminating the path ahead. No matter the challenges they would face, he felt a fierce determination to guard her, to discover the truths hidden in this fragmented world together.


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