Kurenai Yumi
I'm too old for this

OOC Information
Purpose: A versatile and specialized Light-saber
Image Source: http://imgur.com/a/hypu5
Primary Source: NA
Cannon link: NA
Production rp: If needed
Production Information
Manufacture: Kurenai Yumi
Model: NA
Affiliation: Kurenai
Mod-ability: NA
Production: Unique
Material: Velmorite Crystal, Durasteel, Beskar
Weapon Type: light-saber
Hilt size: 30 cm length hilt, 100cm when extended
Blade Length: 65 cm electrify-able area of extended part
Weight: 2.3 kg
Special Features: Velmorite Crystal to give a thin fluid blade, extendable shaft allows for the weapon to be held like a spear/halberd, extendable area can be electrified via and extra switch on the body making it able to parry blows against other sabers.
Strengths and Weaknesses
Extendable End: The extendable end is fast moving allowing for sneak attacks, can be electrified and used against light sabers and makes it easier to add momentum to swings.
Velmorite Crystal: The special crystal in the blade makes the sabre a much more high quality thin, useful against armor with small gaps.
Heavy: The extra material and Beska coating on the extendable part makes the blade slower to swing, on the other hand such wight means it is harder to block and parry.
Length: The weapon is susceptible to being damaged on the end removing the advantage of the extendable area when not electrified, though this does not always damaged the actual saber.
Cortosis: Still being a standard light sabre despite its special function, the blade will short circuit if hit against a substantial amount of cortosis, though it can still be used as a blunt weapon.
Tight spaces; The blade needs a decent amount of room to be used to its full extent, as such tight spaces reduce it to a normal saber.
Slugs: Slugs still pose a problem as trying to deflect them results in molten shards, which can damage the user.
Water: The sliding components mean the blade is not water tight and will short out when submerged.
Kurenai's life was one of adventure and excitement and as such she became well acquainted with with a variety of weapons. To mimic her versatile nature she designed and made a specialized any highly skill required saber to be used in most situations. The blade took inspiration from the saber pike, electro staff and stun baton, weapons she was partial or well use to and merged it into an exotic and specialized hybrid weapon.