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Junction Crisis on Kuat Part I - Sedition | NIO - Euceron GA - Myomar


874 ABY
"War is merely politics, by other means.
Politics is merely economics, by other means."


The war machine turns across the Galaxy once more. The blood of thousands spilt in sacrifice to fend off the depraved hordes of the darkness. However, in conflicts past, the Empire and those devout of the Light had made concessions to set aside the differences of ideology and political beliefs in favor of battling a greater foe. And yet despite the whims and machinations of those in power, the galaxy renowned shipyards of Kuat continued to produce and build remarkable vessels, just as they have done for generations.

This changed after the burning of Coruscant and the sedition of Carlac. In the eyes of the Emperor Rurik Fel, the Galactic Alliance's leadership was compromised and the democratic will of the people was susceptible to reigning in the very scions of the apocalypse the Alliance was bent on fighting just under their nose.

Their sights were set on their once allies and neighbours to the Core, the Galactic Alliance. Taking advantage of the swelling discourse following Coruscant, COMPNOR re-emerged for the first time following the death of Tavlar to plant the seeds of dissent.

While the Empire once found steadfast support in the Core, they now find caution. Fel's decision to abandon the Alliance after Coruscant, when so many Alliance sons and daughters died fighting alongside the NIO during the Third Sith Civil War, has ignited widespread suspicion of Imperialism, fuelled further by the crises at Byss, Jakku and Epoch.

Unable to rely on their once allied, defence of the Alliance borders falls to member planets. Recently pass legislation and additional funding has fuelled the expansion of planetary defence forces, who look the manufacturing worlds to supply their armies and navies.

Kuat finds itself caught between the competing interests of the Empire and Alliance. Lord Regent Julius Loghain had broken from the party lines several times before, instituting a wide range of authoritarian edicts across a world in peril following the deposing of the House of Kuat. The Empire has afforded Kuat exemption from the wide-reaching economic sanctions of the Iron Will edict and offers lucrative to supply the Imperial war machine via Kuat Entralla. Against this, recently announced generous tax concessions are on offer to Alliance corporations who tear up their contracts with other governments and agree to only supply Alliance member worlds. These economic pressures coupled with Kuat's dependence on the credits flowing through the Kuat Drive Yards have created the perfect environment for political intrigue and covert operations.

While the orbital shipyards are vast, Kuat cannot meet the competing manufacturing demands of both the Empire and Alliance. Political and covert forces converge on the industrial world to decide it's fate amid the chaos of the Second Great Hyperspace War.



Sending a small delegation in the stead of Emperor Fel, the Empire sends its contingent to Kuat City to meet with the Lord Regent Julius Loghain to discuss terms of succession from the Galactic Alliance, with the Empire promising its political and military backing to the operation due to Kuat's vital importance to the Empire's war machine, the risk may be great-but so too is the risk of losing access to Kuat Drive Yards.

Meanwhile, the Galactic Alliance have had their suspicions on Loghain since the dawn of Chandra’s Chancellorship. With the senate corruption revealed in the wake of Coruscant’s attack, coupled with the announcement of The Decree of the Iron Will, trade manifests have been heavily monitored for most imperial-leaning planets and Kuat is no exception. Agents of the SIA, intent on maintaining The Alliance’s security, are closely surveilling house Kuat and initial exchanges are flagged and forwarded to central SIA and The Senate.



In preparation for a full-scale secession and insurrection of Kuat from the Galactic Alliance, the Empire sends in a joint task force of Special Warfare operatives, COMPNOR agents and other covert assets to lay the groundwork for rebellion. As such, this involves the distribution of Imperial warfighting materials to the Kuat Regency's Defense Force as well as the hunting down of known dissidents who oppose the rule of Kuat's Regency and would align with the Alliance when the time comes for rebellion. These people are to be arrested or murdered before that time comes.

Boots on the ground security and surveillance from The Galactic Alliance are intolerant of the Regency’s sudden turn to extremities. Agents already placed on Kuat work strategically to bolster the people to protect themselves against the hostilities of their governing house, while calling in for escalated necessity of reinforcements.

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Bodyglove | Vambraces | Tactical Gear | Pistol


Following the mire of chaos that swirled around the investigations and possible insurrection on the newly 'integrated' and more so newly occupied world of Centares still dogged Thane's thoughts when he received his next assignment. In contrary to what occupied the main body of ISB's work- Thane was to leave Imperial space. It wasn't all too uncommon for agents in Field Operations Group to operate outside of Imperial space, several were acting within the space occupied by the rampant Brotherhood of the Maw, the former Chiss Ascendancy and other worlds in the fading shadow of the dead star that was once the Sith Empire.

What was rare- was where Thane would be headed next.

Kuat, Galactic Alliance space. Not only was it beneath the watchful eyes and clutches of the Starbird- it was deep seated in the Core, a strategic and immensely important world- something that had been a sort of fixation for the Imperial government for some time. The Kuat Regency had seen itself in an under the table economic union with the Empire since the earliest days of rebellion toward the Sith and with the Empire's declaration of autarky with Fel's Iron Will- its strategic importance would pull it into the Empire's crosshairs of expansion...but- to even consider a world where Kuat fell under the Iron Sun, it would take the secession of the very planet and its government, something feasible by the means of the maverick Julius Loghain who seized power as the planet's Lord Regent.

With what the Empire hoped to spawn in growing distrust of the Galactic Alliance's regime falling the sacking of Courscant- tonight was forever. The moment to seize for the Empire to ingrain its identity not only in the former influence of the murdered Sith Empire- but the Galaxy itself. An ambition which Thane had been a believer in, invigorated by his split identity with the Chiss Ascendancy being shredded over night in the destruction of Csilla.

His objective was similar to the rest of the covert assets of the Empire being sent to Kuat- find those who would oppose Kuati seceding from the Galactic Alliance and have them arrested or killed in preparation for the system's rebellion from the Galactic Alliance. To set the foundation for the house of cards to follow.

Thane's target must've been one of the higher-profile assets supposed to be taken down by the Imperial special operations. Quintus Verone, executive producer and frontline reporter for the 'Free Core', a news agency which had been ravenously looking into the governmental affairs of the Regency government as well as openly criticizing them on holonet news articles and reports.

To snuff out that seed of chaos was to control the narrative and scope of the operation and attempt at sedition and secession was critical to its success. Perception was reality across the Galaxy and in order to properly execute such a political maneuver- full media control needed to be enacted immediately.
"Remember, no Imperial markings, nothing. This has to piece together as an act done unilaterally by the Kuati Regency. Anyone pulled from their law enforcement database as possibly being opposed to succession, bring them in, do whatever you need to silence them. Media, Alliance, Jedi, and all opposition personnel are on the hit list."
Thane reminded them all in the final minutes of the briefing.

After reaffirming the assignments in the Imperial black site present in the underbelly of Kuat City, Thane set out. Fishing up the intel gathered by the Kuat Regency's Law Enforcement agencies- he set his sights on what was known to be Verone's residence.

An apartment in one of the upper levels of Kuat City- the Queen's District. Fitting for a media personality such as Verone. Overlooking the night life of Kuat City, Thane crawled unto the balcony of the apartment before pulling down the balaclava and lowering down the heads up display goggles and flicking them to night vision. The door slid open with ease but as his foot passed through into the interior of the building, he passed through tripping a proximity sensor unknowingly. Perhaps he should've known better than to expect the journalist wouldn't have these measures in place- but he wanted to be in and out with apprehension a non factor in the pursuit.

First priority- the man himself, second priority- intel, sources, anything that could get a lead on who is privy to the Regency's activities and leaked to the media of them.

With his pistol drawn, he began his search with careful footfalls as the targeting laser of his pistol ran over any object at the end of his sights.

The kitchen and living room- empty.

Standing before the entrance of the bedroom, Thane slowly pressed his finger against the door's switch and let it slide open with its quiet metallic hiss before he aimed down the sights of his pistol at whatever was awaiting him at the other side.

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Julius Loghain Julius Loghain | Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber



It was under tentative agreement that Gat Tambor agreed to fully represent the Empire in the negotiations with the Kuat Regency. But by now, his economic allegiances were difficult to ignore or feint any longer and thus the newly re-instated Director-General of IBED boarded a shuttle for Kuat City, fabricated Trade Federation commerce codes allowing him and the rest of the Imperial delegation passage through the otherwise sealed borders between the Empire and the Alliance.

In the royal palace of the once-vaunted House of Kuat, Tambor entered the meeting room with the idle hover beneath his atmospheric suit before he offered his greeting to his close friend and accomplice, Julius Loghain.

<"It has been far too long my friend...and there could not be better circumstances by which we could meet, if I do say. So it seems the final realization has come that Kuat...hardly will see to its fullest potential and prosperity within an Alliance that is...frankly, heaping its own funeral pyre. The Empire has always valued the relationship with your world will not be long before the Alliance rips apart such a cooperative relationship and eviserates the economic foundation by which your people live and work by...thus, you know the one option left to is not a question of 'if' but when and how. Unfortunately...the clock is ticking. "> Tambor iterates. It was a very tall, nigh infeasible task to set one world against the Alliance.

Certainly Loghain needed certain assurances and guarantees made to him if and when the full-forward movement for succession comes.

Civilian Garb | Partial Imp.Knight Armour Plates | Lightsaber
Tags - Jax Thio Jax Thio
A frayed alliance and a static battlefront gave leave for the bold to make new gains on a different one. Counted in their number, Atticus disembarked from the ship sometime after it landed planetside. With him, troopers in indistinguishable civilian garb, laboring to relieve their vessel of the hover carts laden with equipment. Cases of weapons and ordnance for suspected escalation. Change rarely came without bloodshed.

While the politicians spoke their witty words, cast false smiles, and danced with the legality of all of this, the nefarious bold went to further lengths to ensure contingencies were in place when it all fell through.

Get everything into the warehouse,” he said, urging them on as he turned his gaze on the looming entrance only steps away.

Situated on the edge of the city, they had found the speeders that were left for them by the Secessionists and agents on the ground ahead of time. Prepped to be distributed to groups situated around the city. While certain operatives were tasked with eliminating and otherwise silencing Kuati Loyalists to the Alliance, and voices of dissent against the Empire, Atticus' team, and others like it further embedded themselves for the expected conflict.

An audible ping sounded in his ear, alerting him to imminent danger. Drawing his holo out from his pocket, a glowing display highlighted a security team heading in their direction.

Security? There shouldn't be anyone in this sector.

The additional security must've been undocumented, or the Intel they had was acquired prior to the change. Whatever it was, Atticus did not intend on their operation being uncovered.

"They're outside," said a hoarse voice.

Someone cursed in the warehouse, in the midst of securing one of the last of the crates to their speeder.

"Time to go." Atticus called out as he moved to clamber onto the leading vehicle.

The plan called for ditching the ship they had arrived on. Unmarked, the flight log and systems associated with it were already removed and destroyed. Further coverup of the ships' origins was beyond him and his team. As he raised a hand to give the go ahead, a voice cried out, calling for them to halt. A blaster bolt rang out in answer. He saw it fly through the air before striking the guard in the chest and dropped them flat.

"Go!" He cried out to the driver, and the speeder shot up into motion before it burst through the warehouse's glasteel entrance. Shielding his face from the shards, he watched as the other speeders took off in their wake, splitting off into differing directions. They had their cargo, and their own separate contacts to meet up with. They knew what they had to do, he hoped.

They said that the first day back after a vacation was the hardest. So what would be said about learning that the first day back to the ISB was an assignment venturing into Galactic Alliance space, Iseri wondered. What was beyond ‘hard’? Mortifying?

No matter the discomfort Iseri felt at the news, it mattered little. All someone could do when faced with an unsavory task was to swallow the discontent and get the whole bit of business over with.

What made this bit of business, as it were, that much harder to swallow was that this was no act of internal security, nor an act against the ‘Maw’. This was action against those who had been allies.

Betrayal ought to have just been just another day at the office for the ISB. That didn’t mitigate the worst part about it all.

Betrayal never came from an enemy.


Kuatian Orbital Communications Uplink, Kuat City, Kuat, Galactic Alliance Space. Just after dusk.

Gaining access to somewhere you weren’t supposed to could generally be accomplished in one of two ways. The first way involved blasters, explosives, a lot of noise and a whole lot of people dying for nothing more than being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The second, in this case, only needed forged Scandocs, a stolen uniform, and the entitled, knowledgeable arrogance only a five year veteran of the Equipment Maintenance Crew of the electrical grid could muster.

The man at the front desk of the Communications Uplink could only bluster at what Iseri had told him. That the insulation on the casing of the transformer panel was due for sudden recall, due to the only recently discovered factory defect that caused the units to occasionally burst into flames. It was such an urgent matter that the city had sent technicians to their most important clients after hours to rectify the issue.

Iseri had insisted that someone higher up had spoken with his supervisor and knew all about the issue, and his being here, and that the message had likely been missed because of the Life Day festivities.

The last bit of resistance in the receptionist had been broken when Iseri was more than eager to show him those forged Scandocs, as well as the work order that appeared at the briefest of glances to have all the names and dates in the correct order. In the end, Iseri had been allowed access. What was this poor man supposed to do? Get someone on the comlink that had gone home for the day? It was after hours. Such a feat would have been an accomplishment.

Exactly why had Iseri been sent to the Communications Uplink of Kuat City? Why, to commandeer a strategic piece of infrastructure that would prove invaluable to what was to come. After all, how many battles had been lost because of a communications breakdown? How many had been won because of it?

So, there Iseri was, left to his business after breaching past the lobby, left to wander the halls in search of a lift that would take him to the uplink’s array itself. Where he was to deploy the gizmo that the boys back at the ISB’s quartermaster department had come up with to intercept communications for a fair portion of the city, if not the planet.

The only problem was, finding such a lift was easier said than done. What was Iseri about to do, ask for directions?

Iris Arani Iris Arani

New Imperial Order
Admiral Regent
The Imperial Navy | Prefsbelt Command
Gat Tambor Gat Tambor | Julius Loghain Julius Loghain

Kuat City, and the house of Kuat. Carlyle felt tingles down his spine as he was let into one of the most important planets in the galaxy, let alone one of the most important buildings on that planet. As a student of history, he was just tickled by it. The grandeur of it. He had studied the history intimately, able to pinpoint the various portraits, what Kuati dynasty they hailed from and what era. What rooms held which discussions. Where certain contracts were brokered. It was almost as if for a moment the cold tyrant had disappeared, and was replaced with a bright eyed bookworm from Dosuun.

But it wasn’t his yet. Nor was it the Empires. That much had yet to be organised. Although, Carlyle was certain, with his own pitch, beyond the relationship held between the IBED Chairman and Lord Regent Loghain, he felt the chances of an agreeable turn around in these negotiations to be close at hand. Democracies were weak, and evidently the Galactic Alliances was close to collapse. The repeated Campaigns of the Maw had left them weak, and without Imperial to spill in its defence, their sick and idealistic ‘utopia’ was close to ruin. A rotten house, whose door just needed kicking. And with the potential loss of Kuat, the cost of that kick became a lot cheaper for the Empire.

The Admiral Regent hung back as the IBED and Trade Federation Foreman greeted his old partner. Carlyle's eyes danced around the room, eyeing the furnishings. He could feel even now, his heart fluttering with how momentous this occasion was. This was it. He was here on Kuat, a part of an assembly negotiating the incorporation of this industrial powerhouse into the Empire. His robes on this occasion were ceremonial, but not ostentatious. He wore the white uniform, denoting his position as Grand Admiral. Along with the ceremonial plaque he had earned while under oath to Supreme Leader Ren. The red and obsidian kyber 'Prefsbelt' symbol was stuck to his lapel. And there was no cape. Not today. Instead, grey jodhpurs with black boots, polished to shine. Carlyle was here for purpose, and the prosecute a new diplomatic coups, for not only himself but the Emperor.

Todays meeting stood as a chance not only at glory fore the Empire and his own prestige, but to truly make history once more. A diplomatic manoeuvre such as the one proposed by the parties would be one for the books. Another chapter to be added in the extended annals of Rausgeber. However his daydreaming was cut short as the Skakoan backed away, Carlyle swept in and entered the Lord Regent’s orbit with an extended hand. “Lord Regent Loghain, from one Regent to another,” Carlyle exclaimed with a wry smile, “It is my sincerest pleasure to be here. And also the Empire for granting us an audience with a sovereign of your esteem.” He paused and looked the man in the eye before nodding.

I assure milord; Kuats future under the protection of our Emperor will provide your people a prosperity not seen since the days of Palpatine.” Rausgeber pronounced, "I think men of our thinking," He opened up a little, gesturing to Tambor. A filthy alien, whom nominally Rausgeber would have derided as an opportunistic parasite, but for now was an in with the powerful steward of Kuat, "Of our esteem can do great, if not better things with your people not shackled to the dregs of this, supposed community."

He paused, looked around and then leaned in. It was important, for prying eyes perhaps not to see this. Potentially those who could report to the Alliance. “I assure you milord," Rausgeber rasped close to the man, "Should the Alliance attempt some sort of ill-advised intervention here today. Tomorrow. Or further in the future, to deny Kuat it's chance at glory," He leaned back out, and gave another curt nod. "The Imperial Navy stands ready to intervene and defend Kuati blood. Kuats people. Kuat's sovereignty to determine her own path.”

"My men have crushed one Galactic Alliance." Rausgeber offered with a smirk, "Destroying this one would be a pleasure."

New Imperial Order
Prefsbelt Command: Special Warfare Division
Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea


It was no secret Kuat Drive Yards were arms dealers. That was their nature. Build big, scary ships for the largest wallets. It was how the New Imperial Order had so quickly managed to construct a navy in the early days of the Third Imperial Civil War, through loans and financing their way a small fleet which quickly expanded as their revolution against the Sith took hold. But it was this generation of aged Kuat-manufactured destroyers like the NIV Gammon which provided the perfect cover for Strike Team MALLET on their approach to the large orbital shipyards.

Their target was simple. Assassination. With the rising tensions between the Galactic Alliance and ascendant Empire, there was, at least to Rexus Wenck’s could deduce, a changing in the guard on Kuat. Which was why they were headed there on a modified destroyer. The Gammon which had previously served on a anti-smuggling task force on the periphery of Silver Jedi space had been chosen to carry MALLET on their mission of mayhem. The vessels navigational log had been wiped clean, and Prefsbelt Command, in conjunction with insider contacts within KDY’s corporate office had forged a fake account and contracts to the equally ficticious Commoner Shipping Enterprises. And the Gammon, now the Chivalrous Protector, was to be returned to KDY, under warranty for repairs.

With a skeleton crew of Pa’Deshi and former First Order Security Bureau spooks at the helm, the aim was for the Gammon to dock. But before that, to disembark MALLET close enough to drift toward the gargantuan orbital starship ring. That was the prey lay. Currently causing KDY some trouble in their sector. Specifically three key individuals, trade unionists from the Kuat Brotherhood of the Stevedores, Electricians and Engine Fitters.

Kari Ingram, Union treasurer and chief propagandist. A former engineer, who had become a creative advertiser of the Brotherhood and its cause. Lucio Jarlman, the head of the Brotherhood. The charismatic head of the organisation, who drew the crowds with his speeches at the bully pulpit. And Gaye Struss, the unions chief liaison with KDY. The Brotherhood had a strained relation at best with KDY, although Struss was one of the few with the legal expertise within the organisation to manage to legally negotiate.

With workers in this sector of the ring were striking over increased work quotas, and a lack of pay after several cutbacks. Killing these three would cripple negotiations on the Brotherhoods side, and should the Empire secure Kuats support, allow for Prefsbelt Command to assert leverage over the mega corporation. Of course the the company insiders also explained that the “accidental” death of a few striking workers may in fact balance the scales, and serve as a tacit deterrent for those who sought pay above their station.

Rexus peered out into the ring, and the green below it. This wasn’t exactly his first rodeo space walking, but it was daunting. He took one last breath before sealing himself in. Time was on the clock. While he and his cohort Twigg were safe and secure with about 24 hours worth of oxygen in their DARKSABRE power armour units, it would the members of 4th Squadron, 2nd Platoon, 12th Stossjäger Brigade “The Rapture” who would be at risk.

Right,” as team leader Rexus began to assess the formation, “We do this clean. Quick and easy. Remember to stick away from viewports. Kill. Who we need to kill. And try to keep it tight. Security doesn’t know we’re comin’ but corporate don’t want us whackin’ too much of their lads.” He glanced over to Twigg, who seemed a little deflated at the warning of minimal casualties. "Maintain limited radio contact. Aim for killshots. Head. Lungs. No screaming." Rexus continued the briefing, "Cover corners. Don't let any of these pricks sneak up on us. If we get into an extended firefight, use me and Remus for cover." Rexus commanded, "Should we get pinned. Or captured. Operational secrecy is key. We do not let them know who we are, where we come from." Wenck reached to one of the pouches on his power armour, revealing the poison injector. "No one must know who we are." He let a pregnant pause pass. “We good?”

The lead Stossjäger sergeant immediately saluted, slamming his clenched fist against his pitch black armour. “Of course sir, hail Rausgeber!” There was a chant of the Prefsbelt Greeting which immediately followed; before the lights began glowing green. Covert from the bridge, should Alliance be listening to internal ship comms the operation was go. Show time.

Rexus, taking point with Twigg moved toward the airlock, and began to key in the unsealing sequence. There was a hiss before the group of eight were subsumed into the vacuum. Using small compressors of air the group paddled forward toward the looming shipyard. It was time to crack some heads.


Paper went flying off the desk frantically as Kalie dashed over to the jerry-rigged consol and cranked up the volume. Her eyes were wide, her ears attentive as she began to hear the voices of the delegates of the New Imperial Order beginning to arrive in the grand meeting hall within the House of Kuat. As they began to introduce themselves to Loghain, she hit the record button and the transmission began to be recorded onto the small server that was sitting on top of the desk.


She fumbled her hands across the desk as she grasped for her data pad and frantically looked for a response from M. Nothing yet. She cursed as she tossed the data pad aside and grabbed a pen, jotting down the names of the newest arrivals onto a piece of paper. Better to not have anything that was traceable. Pen and paper could not be hacked.

She had been bunkered down on Kuat for a solid month now… at least… she assumed as much. She had been experiencing some strange gaps in her memory that she wasn’t sure what to do with. How long has she actually been here anyways?

All she knew is that she had been tracking and piecing together Loghain’s communications and meetings for months now… gathering enough evidence that could point to his direct involvement with the NIO. And she had finally gotten the last nail in his coffin a day ago. An audio recording of Julius Loghain Julius Loghain with a representative of the NIO. It was pure gold. And undeniable. It was what she had been looking for for months.

So it had been one day since she had sent an encrypted message to IVI IVI , which included the juicy evidence. She assumed M was putting something together, because she had no support… she was all alone at the moment.

And now the meeting was happening… today… now… was she too late?

She hoped not. She hoped that she could still be able to help the Alliance get ahead of this mess.
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The assignment was easy enough. Just in case, was the term used. A basically unneeded line of defense put in place if the worst happened. Or.. Something. Honestly, Iris had forgotten most of what she'd been told. The reasons behind it, at least. She wasn't going forget the job she'd been given. Watch out over the Orbital Uplink, report anything suspicious, protect the free flow of information and free speech.

Well, the last part she probably made up for herself. Iris wasn't too sure, but she was going to protect free speech anyway!

She wandered through the halls, hands behind her back. And.. Was pretty bored. Honestly, the night had gone by pretty uneventfully. No one was around. Not too surprising, it was Life Day and such, but it still left her bored. Maybe she should paint? No, that'd distract her from the task at hand. Patrol. Keep an eye out. Keep a hand on the holocom to call for reinforcements if she needed it.

But it was looking more and more likely she wasn't going to. Maybe people were just paranoid? The Padawan huffed, a pout on her lips. Yeah, maybe she should just paint something. She'd just reached for her pack when colors invaded the empty floor. Someone had arrived. Curious, her gaze shifted just in time to watch Iseri Tanaka Iseri Tanaka round the corner. She blinked.

No one was supposed to be here, right?

"Hey, uh. Can I help you?"



Hiding in Quintus Verone's apartment.

Thane Thane Phaineve Halseigh Phaineve Halseigh

The War Hogs changed from being a militant group within the Galactic Alliance Defense Force to being a covert force of intelligence specialists, free of any official ties to the faction that once housed them. The Galactic Alliance itself was undergoing its own shift in shape. As far as this Anzellan was concerned, over the years the Hogs just transitioned into a position wherein they were required to complete the tasks that yielded the most results the fastest; driving the shard of glass deep into the body of the enemy and vanishing before the first drop of blood hit the floor. The Second Great Hyperspace War was unforgiving, and required operatives that were idealistic, loyal, willing to sacrifice everything for the Galactic Alliance, and more importantly, for the preservation of democracy in the core. It was time to push back hard, and the tight-knit group of Hogs heeded the call.

With only his personal datapad's screen illuminating his face, the
tiny Mox sat comfortably inside the ventilation pipe above the apartment. He and another member of the War Hogs black ops, Phaineve Halseigh Phaineve Halseigh were tasked to guard the life of one Quintus Verone, executive producer of the news agency "Free Core." The special forces operatives were assigned specifically to protect this valuable asset of the Galactic Alliance, and Mox regarded this assignment as most important. As with all things, he put his own twist on how to perform said task of protection. He was no technological savant, but spent a considerable amount of years as a scrapper, during which he had picked up on a significant amount of tricks. One does not need to invent hyperspace travel to gain an edge in a fight.

The pale green hue projected onto the Anzellan's face suddenly turned a bright crimson, as a silent alarm had been triggered by an unknown intruder on the balcony. Mox, now an established member of the secretive black ops, wasted no time in reporting this to his comrade in his characteristic, broken basic.
– Intruder on balc. Repeat, intruder on balc. Project Murgle starting. Out. – He whispered as he twisted a knob on the side of his bulky datapad, browsing between the pre-deployed surprises hidden around the apartment. The muted proximity scanner minimized on his datapad screen pinged silently as he observed the person close in on the apartment's bedroom area.

Mox leaned over the grates and peered through the slits into the room below to get a glimpse of the enemy, but the capable infiltrator had already passed under him and was out of view – plus, the diminutive assassin did not wish to make any noise by shuffling about. He instead twisted the knob on his customized datapad once again and kicked off his favorite pastime; toying with the enemy. Just as the shadowy invader opened the door to the bedroom, with a click, Mox wirelessly hacks into the apartment's built-in sound system and launches
one of his favorite tunes on full blast. With another click, he remotely turns on the holotable at the centre of the living room that auto-plays an untranslated recording of a Tusken herder explaining the importance of bantha fur trimming, subsequently painting the otherwise dark room with a calm blue light.

Project Murgle is well on its way.
– Phai, this where you come in! – He whispers through the comms again with a smile on his face, hoping that the intruder would be distracted enough by the excessive noise and random chaos that was so much the specialty of the Anzellan.
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V E N O M _ S N A K E
Izoshi Izoshi


Unconventional warfare; a means for war without a nation having any official connections with that war. Hidden behind covert operatives and espionage agents to plant and nurture the seeds of conflict. An area of expertise most operatives from COMPNOR specialized in. Breeding insurgencies to undermine their opponents, even at times of peace.

But peace will no longer maintain for long between Bastion and Coruscant, even a blind man would know once they see it.

A company of Ghost Vipers, Bline’s personal unit since integrating in the New Imperial Order, acted as an official mercenary organization. It was just a front organization to give the New Empire the plausible deniability it needed as various of agents were planted on Kuat. Armor and weapons, all with no ties to the New Imperials as Snake used capital from the Black Fund to supply and arm his men as well as any insurgents they had come to meet and train. Pretending to be a hired security force whilst recruiting individuals sympathizing Imperial politics.

There was more work to do.

Kuat was divided, and open rebellion would erupt sooner or later. There were dissidents in every sector on Kuat with its own planetary military, politics, media, police, and even corporate organizations.

Apart from training guerrilla insurgents, he was going hunting today.

Out in the forests of Kuat, intelligence spotted dissident guerrillas being trained. They had to be silenced and further investigated to see whom was funding, supplying, and training them. The more they learned, the better their chances were to annex Kuat into the Empire.

“No survivors except for any officers.”
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[Kuat City.]
[Captain Phaineve Halseigh - War Hogs - Rebel Alliance]
[Mission: Protect Quintus Verone. Investigate Endangered Officials]
[Partner in Crime:

Monos Monos ]
[ Thane Thane , Let's dance. ]

Metallic soles slammed and slid against dust-covered duracrete, kicking up particles as Phaineve ducked into the alley. Air rushed and altered course upon colliding with the flaps of her coat, the captain breaking into a practiced twist and spinning the barrel of her sidearm to aim toward a rectangle of light. Her fingers tensed around the grip, hovered millimeters from the trigger. The shapes of figures came into being within the mouth of the alley . . . and rushed by as quickly as they'd appeared. She tensed further, and waited. A long minute passed with a startling lack of development before, uneasily, Phaineve removed her index finger from the pistol's trigger and set it against the weapon's guard.

A matter of seconds later, and with a sharp inhale, she holstered the Feverwasp and pivoted to lean against the wall. Inches from the weapon's pocket, Phaineve released the microphone of her commlink and drew the sensor and its cable toward her mouth. She sent another darting glance toward the alley's entrance; her eyes could discern few threats from the sparsely populated street beyond. "{Ladybird-- Mox: Security's off my tail. Proceeding back to target's location.}" The words left her throat as little more than whispers. When her voice finally trailed into silence, a meager click signaled the deactivation of the commlink's microphone. Phaineve drew a heavy breath. She shifted the cable to her left hand, drawing her pistol again with the other, and crept toward the light.

Nothing. The pack of Kuati security officers had vanished down the end of the sidewalk. Relaxing her shoulders, the captain holstered her pistol yet again, tugging at the flanks of her coat to conceal the rest of her equipment. Before setting off, she ran the datafile of her mark through her mind a second time: Quintus Verone, executive producer of the Free Core news network, had built a reputation for speaking against the Kuati Regency on live holonet broadcasts. If the newly formed Rebel Alliance's sources were to be believed, the regency's staff had marked him for a silent execution, lest Verone raise his voice the moment Kuat began its secession from the Galactic Alliance.

The notion still unsettled her. Kuat, the shipbuilding capital of Alliance space, was threatening to cut its ties with the GA and grant their Imperial allies a baffling amount of leverage in increasingly sour diplomatic relations. And, with the might of the Kuati Defense Forces under their umbrella, she feared the day the NIO would be bolstered to sweep through Alliance territory and put the final bloody nail in the coffin of the Bastion Accords.

Phaineve rounded a corner, kicking the ground inches from the curb. Wind rippled across the flaps of her coat, brushing the leather from her sides while the captain swung her leg and dove into a landspeeder. After a brief moment spent pulling up the files pertaining to Verone's residence, her boot slammed into a pedal, and rocketed the speeder down the street.

. . .

Its forward repulsors fired violently, blowing dust ahead of the vehicle until the moment its momentum met a sudden end. Phaineve turned her gaze left; beyond a path of duracrete and hedges were the pristine gates of a towering apartment complex. It was with a shaky breath that she regarded the residence, eyes tracking from its prominent roof, to shuttered windows trailing down the sides of the building, and further toward the ventilation systems at its crown. At last, she stood, lifting the doors of the landspeeder from its port side and falling into a deceptively confident saunter.

All confidence was lost, however, when a chime and a squeaky little voice crept from her comm link.

– Intruder on balc. Repeat, intruder on balc. Project Murgle starting. Out. –

Fething- Her feet kicked against the ground yet again. Phaineve rocketed through the complex's gate, hands clawing out to slam its glistening bars into a pair of humble hedges. They slammed into the shrubbery with a violent clash. But by then, the captain had already crossed the threshold of the building's door, and dove into the lobby's turbolift. Level Twelve. Level Twelve. Her teeth gritted together as the cart began up the shaft.

A pistol clicked into an active state the moment the doors parted in fear.

The throbbing rhythm of a Huttese tune resonated from within Verone's apartment,

Masking the sound of Phaineve overriding the door's security protocols.

Julius Loghain, Lord Regent of Kuat, was hard-pressed from all sides.

He could not admit it to himself but it was his instinct to preserve his own hide and power that drove his actions. And recently, more often than not, these actions were presented both to the public and himself as the interests of the nation. To solidify his influence over his homeworld was the best for his nation.

The Vice Admiral just did not expect that the day to proclaim independence from the Alliance would dawn so soon. His half-sister, Elaine of Kuat, who he had ousted from the throne a decade or so ago was building up influence within the Alliance elite. Monarchist tendencies were on the rise among the populace, either funded by grants from Coruscant or by the staunch loyalists of the old ways. The deliberate bank run of the Kuati Commercial Bank had made him and his followers vulnerable; a number of members of the Kuati Transition Council now held the list of names, including his, as debtors of suspiciously extravagant loans. Corruption had for so long been a tool to satisfy corporate and political interests that it had festered so deep to the point that even Julius had been infected by its fallout.

One of these debtors now also stood in the chamber with him - Gat Tambor.

But the run of the KCB and the rise of monarchists was only one page of the sheet for disaster.

Julius did not want to flip the page.

He had to rip it apart.

Secession was the only way. Backed by the Empire, he would have free reign in eliminating his opposition once and for all.

And then... then there would be peace for our time.

"It has indeed, Director Tambor." the bearded regent nodded, an affirmation to both Skakoan remarks - their last meeting so far ago and that the clock was certainly ticking. "Admiral Rausgeber - it is an honor to finally meet you in person." he returned the offered handshake. So the day had finally come when an Imperial white coat would walk into his meeting room. He had heard of Rausgeber's feats during the Third Imperial Civil War and even before that during his service in the First Order. Much of his tactical thoughts and theories were explored and taught in the Kuati Naval Academy. Ironic for a world part of the Alliance considering this man had been at the forefront of the destruction of the previous Galactic Alliance.

"Please." he waved a gesture with his walking stick for all to sit.

"I extend my gratitude, Admiral Regent." Loghain nodded, "But I am wary of a full Imperial intervention... at least not publically. The narrative our intelligence service has weaved across the social structures of the nation has been that the Alliance is an oppressor. A foreign power, an entity formed of foreign bureaucrats on Coruscant that feed off the blood and sweat of the Kuati while giving nothing in return." he leaned back in his seat, "A classic tale of sovereignty against the overreach of a tyrant." he steepled his fingers, "To introduce another foreign entity so directly, no matter the historical ties between the Empire and Kuat, may be seen not as legitimate change but as a replacement from one intergalactic regime for another."

"A covert approach, perhaps like the current one, is more adequate. But it will certainly need strengthening."

Gat Tambor Gat Tambor Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber


1st post
Objective 2: JOIN OR DIE


NIO: Thane Thane Don Belkora Don Belkora Rika Hiro Rika Hiro Kazimir Tragovic Kazimir Tragovic
Atticus Draco Atticus Draco Iseri Tanaka Iseri Tanaka Rexus Wenck Rexus Wenck Djorn Bline Djorn Bline

Opposition: Iris Arani Iris Arani Monos Monos

Jordi's Loadout

Disruptor Pistol
Kandaran-Durasteel Switchblade
Garotte Wire
Wall-Piercing Vocoder
Burner Datapad
Surveillance-Camera Jammer
X3 Bacta-Patches

High-Powered Slug Sniper-Rifle
Adjustable Bipod
X2 Ammunition Clips
Long-Distance Binoculars
Night-vision/Thermal Goggles
X8 Sticky-Charges
X8 Detonators



<"Scimitar to HQ, confirming first target-acquisition. Early intel incoming.">

<"Aaaaand received, confirming file-integrity.... We're good. Chief's givin' the nod, so proceed - and good luck over there, Scimitar! HQ out!">

'Good.... Boredom can be a killer after all.'

Multiple targets had been offered, but only one would suit for this occasion - and only one seemed to make sense to Jordi. A particularly suspect presence of whom had been blending in poorly with the people of Kuat, an individual that COMPNOR HQ believed wasn't working alone on the planet's surface, meaning Massad was given no choice but to spend more time acquiring his target than he had previously, meaning he would be there for more than just a single day or sooner. As much as this quiet, observational opening-strategy irritated the Kandaran operative, he knew that succeeding in this environment would earn him more than enough bonuses to invest in better equipment, then to send the rest home to his family and still have enough left over in his basic income to live in lavish comfort between target-acquisitions.

Could be worse, could be manning a watchtower in the middle of the desert in Hariden. Still miss the place though.

It was raining when his transport speeder pulled up behind the one that Jordi was tailing, traffic was heavy and likely to stay that way for a good few hours into the night, and the people of Kuat were many, but nothing on this world could distract Massad from his work. Scimitar was here to make his presence felt, but one that very much resembled a ghost or spectral entity of sorts, and though this meant that there would be more detail and risks alike to consider, the Kandaran was all too keen to have a little fun with it as well. His first acquired target was a fat, criminal lowlife who'd chosen to represent a dissident cartel of human-traffickers and spice-smugglers, one such that had to go if the new Kuat was to rise without a bodycount to dictate the angle of their upward post-secession trajectory, especially if Kuat wished to safely become an economic and industrial powerhouse once more.

Taking a right, Massad would continue to follow the red speeder with the first target inside, keeping a respectable distance as the vehicle pulled into a bathhouse parking-lot and then increasing speed as it briefly slipped out of sight in the agent's grey transport. A choice was presenting itself as Jordi parked around the corner; either capture the man and interrogate him in the speeder, or torture him for information in the bathhouse, as both were achievable for a man like Scimitar. Ever light (and quick) on his feet, the Kandaran was very much a poised, cat-like assailant whenever it was needed, and on this occasion, no matter which path he chose, such reflexes would be required to an almost-acutely noticeable extent. Grabbing the rucksack, Jordi chuckled as he slipped his wallet into one of his back trouser-pockets, with mind clearly made on the matter long before the target had even alighted from the red speeder.

'Better than eating take-out in an empty apartment anyway.'


5 minutes later.

'AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! That's good, should keep such jokes in mind when we go downstairs. The women here love good charmers like yourself.... Where'd you say you were from again?'

'Isn't it painfully obvious? I'm a Tetan-born human, amigo. Not exactly something a man like me can escape either, trust me.... I've tried.', Massad lied, flawlessly pulling off the accent and every part as successfully giving the impression that he himself was in a similarly-seedy line of work, but completely hiding the fact his vice-for-sale would very much remain in the realms of powder, ordnance/firearms or murder. Everything else was useless to Jordi, Don and COMPNOR's new strategy at large, for their backs would remain to the wall if they had a hope of keeping the organisation as menacing as ever, and surviving for as long as their services were required. There was no doubt that Belkora had the most dangerous spies and assassins alike snapping at his heels, and though he was miles away, Massad could almost see his Tetan friend with his head in his hands, waiting and praying for success in silence as the Kandaran's own fate danced on a knife's edge in it's own way.

'Ah, the life catching up with you, huh? Fair enough, I know that feeling.... Especially now, treated like an invader on my own homeworld. That's right, I was born and bred here! But the moment my superiors instil distrust towards the empire into me and others like me, my whole world comes tumbling down! Would ya believe it, friend?'

From friendly, amiable smirks and chuckles, to a wide, toothy, menacing grin of the cruellest intent, the not-so-subtle changes in Massad's face let just a little part of his real feelings towards the target become known; not that it would ever matter, nor would it ever change the outcome in any discernible way, Jordi was there to quietly torture the people-trafficker and assassinate him before any guards showed up to bring their own variables to the Kandaran's deathly game of chance. Pulling the switchblade from it's hidden spot in the rolled up towel that rested in the locker he was using at the time, Jordi then lunged for his target and tripped him with blade bared inches away from the man's eyeball, sneering as he harshly (but quietly) said,'Oh, I can quite believe it.... I'm the one the Imperium sent to deal with you, bringing me to make this shit-stain of a world even more unsafe for,"Men", like you henceforth.', slowly edging the blade's tip nearer to the white of his target's right eye.

'Tell me about yourself, and I may have a heart - perhaps enough heart to let you live.'

Another lie, but if it meant retrieving something ultimately more important to his cause than the intel he'd before, it would've seemed that Jordi wasn't in the mood or the right situation to be picky with his intel. The target would most-certainly die one way or the other, but in giving the impression that he in fact represented a contrasting outlook on life and death in general, the Kandaran was hopeful it would still be enough to have his enemy,"Singing like a canary.", leaving no other option but to execute them as soon as their information-well had run dry. As for how long Scimitar had to gain the information he needed however, that quandary would leave Massad with no choice but to gamble his chances and leave such time-wasting predictions to minds of fittingly-mystical origin, especially not when he was so close to getting everything he needed to take the next few steps towards another solid mission-completion.

'Tell me everything, speak into this datapad's recording-mic, and we shall see. Meet me halfway, friend.... Be glad you're dealing with me now, my colleagues - as you'll know fine and well for yourself - are much worse than I ever could be.'
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Writing with: Keiran Varn Keiran Varn ; open to others

He accepted the position as readily as any in the warthogs, yet Zav still found it to be an adjustment. Loyal to the galactic alliance, the War Hogs became necessarily estranged to it. Severing all ties had been needed to carry on the tasks that lay ahead of them, and Zav understood and agreed with them. Still, it had been the first time in his career that he would have to go without open support, knowing that any help would be unlikely if things went sideways. As risky as the operations were bound to be, they were greatly important and Zav would shy away from no opportunity to serve the Alliance he long held loyalty to.

The transition from trooper to operative was a strange one, but Zav was far from unprepared. He'd a fair amount of experience with explosives, be they propelled from the barrel of a launcher or attached to surfaces as demolition charges. Not that explosives would serve much use in the current mission; while Zav packed some just in case, smoke, flashbangs and flares made up the majority of his carried ordinance. Infiltration and stealth were further talents, needed for the grenadier to move into prime firing positions undetected. A secret agent he wasn't, but he sure wasn't a slouch either.

This task was quite a contrast to his past objectives. Zav was a fighter, and had done plenty of that; built a career upon it, even. It wasn't for the taking of like that he was deployed, but for the preservation of it. Quintus Verone was the VIP reported to be at risk; a reporter for the 'Free Core' an outspoken group not shy about making open criticism. A likely target, his demise would be welcomed by the NIO. The rebel alliance simply couldn't have that; not just because it would benefit their enemy, but out of preservation of freedom. A future of silenced voices wasn't one in which Zav wished to dwell.

But where to even start? Zav mused and pondered, but really had no idea. Protection was a new task for him, and he wondered from where the threat might emerge from. Countless hidden spaces and firing sightlines that could be used, that he might have used – but the kept himself in check and remembered that he was thinking gun-first. Surveillance he knew, espionage not so much. There were plenty of other ways to get Quintus, and the assassins weren't likely to be so brazen as to brutally gun the man down. For one it was sloppy, and for another it sure wouldn't make the other guys look good.

Without knowing what to search for, Zav departed the city to check over the exterior. If he was at a disadvantage catching any assassins within, it seemed best to try to catch them before they could even enter. After all the field was territory Zav knew well. In search for signs of anything suspicious, Zav still could not fathom what methods they might employ. Nothing around him looked amiss, though he hadn't a clue what he was searching for. Maybe Keiran had some ideas? The man was young, but he was sharp and held the force on his side. While Zav held experience, it was all in the subject of explosives and the objective wasn't one that could be achieved through demolitions.

Ah, those missions were the fun ones.

"Keiran, any thoughts? I don't notice anything strange, but I gotta tell ya I don't got a kriffing clue what to look for." Zav uttered, sharing his thoughts with his companion.
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Communications Array Uplink, Kuat City
Iris Arani Iris Arani

There wasn’t supposed to be anyone else here. Was all Iseri could ruminate as he rounded the corner and came face to face with that very thing that, as intel had suggested, was supposed to not be standing in the very spot they were.

What took the matter from an inconvenience to problematic was what came to Iseri’s realization. Those robes of theirs could only mean one of two things. The first, that this girl had somehow wandered into a secure facility in their pajamas. A very curious case of sleepwalking, if true. But highly unlikely. The second, and the more likely of the two, was that those robes meant they were…

A Jedi.

Moments like this left little time choice, but it was in these moments that the steepest of consequences often followed. The bag which Iseri carried with him, something that one would only assume contained the tools therein of any technician, carried something along with the expected contents. Various tools, of course. A blaster. For those emergent situations wherein cover was blown and escape unlikely.

Iseri’s hand did indeed reach into the bag, and a moment of hesitation came into being. It lasted not longer than a second or two, sought to be passed off as whatever was being searched for by hand being elusive, as an innocent as possible smile flashed across his lips.

“Ohhh, right. I’m a tech. Here to fix the…”

Whatever reason it was, self preservation, an unwillingness to blast this stranger who couldn’t be older than a teenager, or an unfettered confidence in his own cunning, Iseri did not draw a weapon. It was that forged Scandoc yet again.

It was a ruse that was cracking at the seams, however. Iseri struggled to conjure those well rehearsed words, and flashed the identification far too briefly for there to have been ample time to digest the words upon it, at best matching the picture to the face that held it.

“Transformer. Company recall. You know how it is.”

That stumble left Iseri undeterred in the slightest. Even if doubt about the success of such a venture boiled beneath the surface. This was a Jedi, after all. Was it even possible to beguile one, and for very long? It was a dangerous game. This bluff of his. What could one do in such a case than to go all in with it and hope for the best?

“You wouldn’t know where the lift up to the array is? I forgot to ask the man at the desk. If you could point it out then I'll be along my way..."

New Imperial Order
Admiral Regent
The Imperial Navy | Prefsbelt Command
Gat Tambor Gat Tambor | Julius Loghain Julius Loghain
Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez

Rausgeber took a seat not opposite Loghain, but close to it. So he could examine the man. His eyes met him as he sat, and the youthful Admiral Regent put his hands on the table, tapping them rhythmically as he listened to Kuat's sovereign explain his position. He was not wrong. There would be an issue trying to sell this to the public, considering Loghain had already worked to isolate Kuat from the federalist Republic that was the Alliance, it would be a hard sell becoming even a semi-autonomous region beneath an autocrat. For all its fault, democracy certainly held a charm in the eyes of the common folk. But it was also concerning. His acquiescence tacitly to COMPNOR and the ISB in these matters. Rausgeber watched with a small frown pursing his lips. He eyed Tambor to size if the Skakoan had something to say before interjecting himself. While he understood Loghain's position, he had already prepared for this. It was time to propose an alternative action.

"I understand optically, welcoming an imperial task force at this time would be allowing the Alliance, and your own domestic enemies to paint you as a puppet of our regime." Carlyle conceded, his voice cool and clear. Although that is what Loghain would hopefully become. One dependent on the Empire to back his own machinations. Not that Rausgeber would betray that. "And I agree, and I believe I speak for the Emperor, that provoking an outright conflict with the Empire seen as aggressors would be.... Ill-advised in the realpolitik that is Kuat. But at the same time, I would not personally seek to put all of our stock within the Imperial Security Bureau, with all due respect. This is a delicate act that will require a multi-faceted, exhaustive approach to extent beyond the ambit of the ISB."

"The Bureau of course," Rausgeber conceded, "Will play a part in Kuat's hopefully peaceful departure from the Alliance," The Head of the New Imperial Navy elaborated, "But I believe that there are more peaceful, and dare I say, less risky options which we can avail ourselves to curry favour." He licked his lips, and turned to one of the serving droids, clicking his fingers. "Water, if you will." He commanded in a cold, strict tone. "If the Alliance is a supposed democracy, surely membership of it would be a constitutional right? I think the key to at least the first stage of your people disentangling themselves from the quagmire that is the Alliance, is to talk openly about the necessity of a secession clause within their constitution." Rausgeber began, "It is a conversation I would dare say, must be started in earnest." The Dosuunian continued, "ISB obviously can provide propaganda. I imagine a man of your power on Kuat, could pull some strings in the media. Get the working man fearful of what Kuat could become, if the Maw is allowed to continue to ravage the Deep Core."

The protocol droid leaned behind Rausgeber, and dispatched within a crystalline goblet, clear, frigid water. Crisp and cool. "We can easily, and I'm sure, the honourable Director-General can agree, begin more economic integration. Investment in perhaps security for the shipyard ring," Rausgeber elaborated, pausing briefly to take a sip. Ah. Perfection. "Perhaps the establishment of closer ties between the domestic goods being produced on Nirauan, Mygeeto or Prefsbelt IV. Begin drawing our industrial heartlands together. Marrying them." He added, glass clinking against the table. "Of course we publicise these deals, greatly. Media spreads, posters. People would need to know that the Emperor, myself, the Director-General. We are friends of Kuat. Partners. Investors. We squeeze the Alliance's economic footprint from the planet. Let the people know it is Rurik Fel whom holds your planets purse strings. "

"All the while, I would dare say, we begin a low level mobilisation." This was the fun part, and a smirk curled over his lips. "The people of Kuat clearly do not forget how it prospered as a gem of the First Galactic Empire. They are Imperials first. Democratic nerfs second." Rausgeber continued, "I would dare say, New Imperial Special Forces with ISB adjacent liasons would be ideal for training loyal Kuati militiamen to our cause. Arming them, can be done. I have personally, before arriving here organised shipments to be dispatched within the week. Covertly. Tacitly. And perhaps most importantly, reliable weaponry. So easy even a child could use."

"I consider the last measure I refer to as a.... Contingency. But that would not describe accurately, as I believe it's implementation will become neccessary." Carlyle continued, before sipping again on the glass, before settling it. "The fact of the matter is Lord Regent, the Alliance is more than likely to find out about this meeting. Let alone the subjects we are discussing presently. A conspiracy of the size that we are proposing inevitably springs leaks. They will catch on, undoubtedly. SIA may be stupid. Clumsy even. But you are a controversial figure," Rausgeber coldly informed the man, "I would not be surprised if Coruscant prematurely discovers what we are planning. Ergo, operational secrecy should be a primary objective of our work here today. Media and corporate deals aside." Rausgeber conceded. Taking another sip.

"I consider presently the Galactic Alliance, a dangerous threat. Perhaps dangerous now than they were say four, five years ago. Even when the Emperor dissolved the Bastion Accord." The Admiral Regent informed the Lord Regent, pontificating. "And my analysis would point to this new potency from the fact they are weak. Vulnerable. And they will not let a world of such strategic importance as Kuat fall into our sphere of influence willingly. Not after the Maw's sacking of Jakku. Coruscant and half a dozen other cosmopolitan backwaters." He shook his head, "No. They are wounded. Dying. And will latch themselves to the few worlds of strategic importance left in their sphere." Carlyle mused to his conspirators. "We must concert our efforts to subvert their intelligence apparatus. And the Jedi. We must arm Kuati's. Because once the Chancellor, the masters of this democracy realise what is happening. They will predictably lash out. Overreact. And then we will have the in, for the Empire to intervene openly."

"But it will become then a question of how do we spin it. Does it become a war against an insurgency who seek to undermine the legitimacy of the Galactic Alliance? Or is it the Great Kuati War of Independence?"



Location: Kuat City
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Atticus Draco Atticus Draco (Enemy)

Of all of the factions that Jax has been familiar with, the New Imperial Order has remained a mystery to him. It was strange due to the fact that during the Stygnan campaign, they were the Galatic Alliance's biggest allies. Jax however, never met anyone who hailed from the NIO during the war. It was something he wished he did due to them turning on the Alliance while they were engaging the Brotherhood. It was always best to be aware of one's allies. Even though you want to hope for the best, in the never-ending power struggle one needed a contingency plan in case those allies start to turn.

If there was one thing who Jax didn't trust, it was the Imperials. Their background of being part of the Sith Empire was already sketchy enough, the fact that they've adapted the views of the Galactic Empire rose suspicions to Jax. He really wished he mingled more with the Imperials because it shouldn't come as a surprise that they would've backstabbed them. Then again, what could he have done?

The Jedi Master sensed a disturbance while he was on patrol, looking up he saw a man leading a couple of troopers throughout the city. "You gotta be kidding me," Jax muttered taking out his Lightsaber. "Pretty bold for the NIO to be trying to start something." He began to track the troopers trying to intercept them.


TAGS IN THE MEETING: Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Gat Tambor Gat Tambor Julius Loghain Julius Loghain

Kalie smirked at Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber 's comment about how the Alliance would likely find out about this meeting.

"No Chit." She scoffed as she frantically scribbled important details from the conversation down.

@Caarlyle Rausgeber said:
...SIA may be stupid. Clumsy even...

Kalie lifted her hand with the pencil in it and protruded a certain finger in the direction of the speaker box. "Fuuuk youuuu." She muttered before bringing her hand back down and continuing her scribbles.

She shook her head in awe at what she was hearing. It was going down much sooner than she had anticipated. It was a good thing she was recording... this... conversation…

She looked back up at the server and her eyes widened in horror...

"What the…" It had stopped recording! She had missed most of the meat of their conversation!

"Common!!" She cried out as she slammed the side of the server and pressed the record button for a second time. It started recording again like normal… everything seemed fine…

She peered back behind it at the cabling… everything seemed right…

"You stupid piece of chit…" She said as she glared at the box in inner anguish that such a seemingly simply mishap had occurred during such an important conversation. The stakes were incredibly high, she knew that. This was a once in a career moment… the back-door dealings that would have massive implications on the future of the Alliance. Millions of lives might be lost in the coming years because of what was transpiring in this very moment…

And the Kriffin' machine STOPPED KRIFFIN' RECORDING…


Yes... Kalie was beyond tense. She felt the weight of the moment resting heavily upon her, and she knew that so much was dependent on her getting this right.

She could not afford to fail.

Good thing she had been writing down her own notes... on... paper…


She stared down blankly at her empty hand, the paper completely missing from her grasp.

Her notes were gone…

She lunged forward, desperately scrounging through the rest of the papers trying to find the record…. Finally Kalie released a deep sigh of relief as she discovered it hidden back behind the desk pinned up against the wall.

"How the heck did you get down there?" She asked in bewilderment as she carefully placed it back on top of the desk and continued writing. Something in the back of her mind began to go off like a loud alarm…

She wasn't sure why… or how… or what…

But something was off…

Something was wrong…

With her…
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Her oddly colored eyes lingered on him as he spoke. Though, not looking directly at him. Always scanning around Iseri Tanaka Iseri Tanaka as if she could see something there. Iris could, of course. The colors of the Force that she couldn't look away from even if she tried. Emotion, intention, life and death; all manner of things were revealed to her through the varying shades. Her lips thinned to a frown.

"Why are you lying?"

The question was spoken aloud, a benefit of the doubt. Was he an employee that'd forgotten something? She didn't sense ill will yet, just.. A lie. Her brow furrowed as her gaze continued to trace along the colors around him, watching. Waiting for his answer. Though, she did point down the hallway towards the lifts. Surely he'd at least tell her what he was lying about, right?

Oh, maybe not. As if just remembering that she was here to protect the free flow of information her brow knitted together. Drifting eyes focused, no longer looking at the invisible colors and instead focusing on him directly.

"You're not an enemy, are you?"

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