Asheda Tyr
See somthing you like?
The slight blush and evasive action sparked Ashedas inner tease, there was just something about making people uncomfortable that was fun and exciting. "Ture, ture the lightsabre does seem to push people away, and yes I know about the code and all, as well as it kind of being unprofessional, but does not the Jedi allow relationships now... well some of them, I know the Silvers and Galatic Alliances do, though maybe you need to ware more, alluring clothing, nothing like what I have, but perhaps change around from the robes once in a while".
Her next question those was something Asheda could answer more fully, with a hit of naughtiness to it, "Ha ha, that is an understatement, long before I joined my former Jedi order I was an 'exotic dancer' on Corellia, more of a way to make ends meet then anything, was more the shy type then anything else". That and learning she was force sensitive made her try to not get very physical with her customers, "soon though, I was using my skills in under cover work for the Jedi, and started to like it, being a Jedi probably made me feel more confident in myself and as such since I left and have been doing my own things, lets just say I've boarded my skill set in that regard greatly".
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
Her next question those was something Asheda could answer more fully, with a hit of naughtiness to it, "Ha ha, that is an understatement, long before I joined my former Jedi order I was an 'exotic dancer' on Corellia, more of a way to make ends meet then anything, was more the shy type then anything else". That and learning she was force sensitive made her try to not get very physical with her customers, "soon though, I was using my skills in under cover work for the Jedi, and started to like it, being a Jedi probably made me feel more confident in myself and as such since I left and have been doing my own things, lets just say I've boarded my skill set in that regard greatly".
[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]