Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Crossing Paths

Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | Z240 Revolver [Right Hip] | Kriin Sentinel [Cross-Draw Holster] | Ci426 SlugThrower Scattergun | EL53-Max Knife | Flex-5 Detonite Tape | Flash Grenade
Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

It seemed they had reached an agreement. Tod sat there satisfied with how things had turned out. Even trapped under a catwalk, he had managed to gain the upper hand in the negotiation. Honestly, he hadn't expected his initial offer to go over so smoothly, but he would not be bringing it up.

But his satisfaction waned when she started cutting. Though he didn't think she intended to harm him, Tod still didn't like having a weapon so close to him.

As soon as he was free from the rubble, Tod got to his feet, walking in a slow circle to loosen up his legs. They hurt, but the injuries weren't severe enough to stop him if he needed to move quickly.

He paused, taking the painkiller from his loop and jabbing it into his leg muscle, waiting a moment for it to take effect before tossing the empty syringe onto one of the nearby corpses.

Approaching his new employer, he held out his hand. "Mind giving me my revolver, doll? I've got to prove my worth."

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

"Careful not to overdo the name, luv. I might have you calling me "boss" soon"

There was an air of forced smugness behind that thin smile of hers, but it belied a subtle threat. The negotiations had gone his way, true, but Kaila was still a rising dark lord and she would have to start reminding people sooner or later.

Even so, she would pull the discarded revolver from her belt, flipping it around as not to point it at him whilst handing it over.

Then she summoned her helm back to her hand while looking over their surroundings. The fire at the entrance would need to be put out before too long, and the catwalk meant their only way in and out of the boss' office was now gone. He'd need to get creative if he wanted to get up there, or get her help. The former would make an excellent opportunity to observe his skills more closely, show her a little more of what she'd just bought. The latter however might implicate her in his success and that would, at the very least, be a little jab she could bring up in the future for a laugh.

Though it might be better to get introductions out of the way before observing her newest hire. She'd almost forgotten to get his name.

"Do you have a name, Bounty hunter? Or should I wait for a written job application to find out?"

Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker
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Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | Z240 Revolver [Right Hip] | Kriin Sentinel [Cross-Draw Holster] | Ci426 SlugThrower Scattergun | EL53-Max Knife | Flex-5 Detonite Tape | Flash Grenade
Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

"Sorry, baby, should've negotiated that into the agreement." Tod teased as he took back his revolver. He inspected it closely, checking for any damage or scuffs. Satisfied with his quick inspection, he spun the revolver in his hand before sliding it back into its holster, before slapping the side of the holster to make sure it was secured.

Turning his attention to the room he now had no access to, Tod scanned the wall, looking for a way up. Normally, he would have just placed metal rods to climb, but with his injured arm, that wasn't an option.

Before he could comment, she asked about him. "Name's Todblaz, but you can call me Tod," he replied, turning back to face her. "Does my new employer have a name?" While he wasn't about to admit it, he planned to keep calling her 'doll' or some variation—just his way of doing things, and she'd probably figure that out soon enough.

"Since you busted up my arm, mind giving me a hand up? Seems like fair compensation," Tod said, motioning toward the room.

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Oh my god I should have just stuck with 'Doll', She thought, rolling her eyes.

"Call me Kaila, for now. Not babe... just Kaila or Irons if you're ever in a formal mood" She doubted he ever would, but she'd have to update him on the title later, once she'd finished securing her place as a Darth.

Kaila turned to deal with the fire for a moment, leaving Tod to search for a way up while she minimized the damage. That entry way would need to be cleaned and someone would need to hire an electrician to fix the melted wiring but at least she could direct it outside before it could cause any more damage. Granted it would become a problem for anyone wanting to use that particular stretch of road but... Well, the local professionals could deal with that themselves she supposed.

"Since you busted up my arm, mind giving me a hand up? Seems like fair compensation,"

"Ah!" She hummed, turning around once the entrance was no longer burning down behind them.

"So you do need my help"

"Parasideus," With a snap of her finger the reanimated corpse who had been stranding behind Todblaz suddenly fell limp and lifeless, a strange blue mist leaving it's eyes and returning.

"A little boost couldn't hurt after that fight. Don't want to drop him"

Then, before Tod would have time to object, she would point both her palms at him and reach out with the force, trying to lift him slowly to the top so she could set him down safely in the doorway leading to the boss' office.

"I suggest investing in a grappling hook or something" She called out

Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker


Outfit | Ranger Armor
Equipment | Z240 Revolver [Right Hip] | Kriin Sentinel [Cross-Draw Holster] | Ci426 SlugThrower Scattergun | EL53-Max Knife | Flex-5 Detonite Tape | Flash Grenade
Tag | Kaila Irons Kaila Irons

As Tod listened to her say her name, he responded with a smirk, "Formal, Shmormal, different words for boring." He turned back to the wall, scanning it up and down.

"Don't drop me?" Tod muttered, feeling a sudden lift under his feet. His right arm flailed as he was hoisted upward, struggling to keep his balance. It was an unfamiliar sensation, usually, when he lost his footing, he hit the ground, but now he just kept rising. Reaching the top, he landed awkwardly, stumbling a bit as he regained his composure.

Shaking his head at her suggestion with the grappling hook, he called out to his target. "Hey, boss! Good news! We've cut a deal, so you're getting out of this one. It's your lucky day."

If the man appeared, the distinct sound of leather scraping against metal filled the room as Tod swiftly drew his revolver, firing a shot into the man's chest. The shrapnel round hit with a violent impact, embedding and then ballooning outward as it detonated. Tod walked up to the man, casually firing another round into his head, the brutal action splattering blood across his jeans and the lower hem of his coat.

Returning to the doorway, Tod slid his revolver back into his cross-draw holster, glancing back at his new employer. "Doll, I'll keep things civil this time, please give a little warning before you lift me off my feet, yeah?" He glanced down and added, "But could you do it one more time."

Once back on the ground, Tod asked, "So, when are you gonna introduce me to the rest of your friends?"


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