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Codex Denied Crossroads-8 Shipyard Complex

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BIG Z1776

Baboon with a MAAWS
  • Shipyards Name: Crossroads-8 Shipyards
  • Classification: Surface Shipyards
  • Location: Crossroads-8 (On the ground)
  • Affiliation: Crossroads Defense Industries/Crossroads Republic
  • Population: Crowded
  • Accessibility: Heavily guarded, the airspace is restricted, there are high-security ray shield fences, and the only ways in or out are the workers' entrance and the raw material dock. The airspace is guarded by heavy anti-aircraft defenses, including thirty-two J-32 Heavy Proton Cannon Turrets, a hundred-eighty J-28 Medium Proton Cannon Turrets, and more than eight hundred EM-2500 Paired Repeating Laser Cannon Turrets along with a hundred and twenty "Dart" Surface-to-Air Missile Launchers. There's several divisions of Crossroads troops garrisoning the facility. Most of these defensive weapons are based out of large multi-tiered flak towers which project linked regional shields to protect the facility. All workers and ships are vetted by military intelligence background checks before being allowed entry or hired.
  • Description: Built identically to the Crossroads-30 Shipyard Complex, but the roofs over the slipways are much steeper due to the large amounts of snowfall the facility experiences. The slipways themselves are copied from the design of the Telgorn Shipyard, which is designed to assemble ships, but the Crossroads versions have roofs installed over them and they vary in size but are effectively the same design. The roofs are also heated to melt the snow. The outer perimeter also possesses a very large pair of anti-tank ditches with heated surfaces and they drain out to prevent them from filling in with ice or snow. The ditches have three ray shield fences around the perimeter, with the ditches having a large twenty-foot ray shield fence on the exterior, the middle layer on the ridge between the two ditches, and on the interior. The defenses are built into large towers built on the large mountains overlooking the facility with free fields of fire in every direction, numerous batteries are placed with enfilade fire down the valleys where the shipyards and their manufacturing complexes are located. The majority of the facility has large assembly facilities for starfighters, bombers, dropships, and even components for shipment to their eighty-four frigate-sized slipways. There's also hangars built into the mountains, where their starfighters, bombers, and dropships are stored after completion. There are also testing grounds around the shipyards for new fighters to be test-flown. The facility is patrolled extensively by large numbers of security droids and has a sizeable number of active-duty starfighter squadrons and dropship squadrons. The majority of heavy industry is pre-programmed and done by large machines and the biological workers are more like facilitators and only those who work on the ship assembly (Which is half of them) are doing much heavy physical labor.
  • Production: Has numerous supporting manufacturing facilities building weapons systems, reactors, sensors, thrusters, etc. plus large numbers of warehouses of several sizes. All ships produced in the various CDI Ground-Side Shipbuilding Slipways on the ground. Plus, there are large numbers of factories producing starfighters, bombers, dropships, gunships, droid craft.
    • 30) Class-2
    • 90) Class-1
  • Specialty: Building smaller warships, component parts for larger ships, and large numbers of fighters, bombers, and support craft.
  • Output: It can produce ships and fighters at a rapid rate, although it is below the rate of large yards.
  • Market: These shipyards are the property of the Crossroads Defense Industries, whose first priority is the Crossroads Republic Armed Forces, but can produce ships for third parties when the government gives them clearance.
Defense towers with batteries of EM-2500's, J-28's, and J-32's on them.
Defense pits with "Dart" Surface-to-Air Missile Launchers inside them for protection.
Slipways and their retractable protective roofs.
Triple-layer ray shield defensive perimeter fence and two anti-tank ditches.
Three dozen large hangars, a dozen are for defense fighters.

same style and security protocols as the Crossroads-30 Shipyards Complex. The facility possesses more than thirty-two J-32 Heavy Proton Cannon Turrets, a hundred and eighty J-28 Medium Proton Cannon Turrets, and more than eight hundred automated EM-2500 Paired Repeating Laser Cannon Turrets and has a large garrison of several divisions of CRAF Army troops. All workers have to pass through a military sensor screen in order to enter the facility through several of the facilities. A lethal triple-layer ray shield fence surrounds the facility and is patrolled by military droids 24/7 with a deep anti-tank ditch on the exterior. Each section of the facility has a battalion assigned to guard it, and each company goes on a rotating 12-hour shift. Military intelligence vets workers and all ships that arrive go through similar vetting processes and go through massive ship scanners to pass through to the facility. Large shielded towers with multiple tiers are emplacements for anti-aircraft batteries with interlocking fields of fire and even larger turrets possess full six-turret batteries of J-32 Heavy Proton Cannon Turrets and integrated fire control sensors and targeting computers to control their fire. Each square-inch of the facility is covered by holo-cameras operating in visual, thermal, IR, and UV modes with motion-activated alarms in restricted areas, blind spots found out and filled in thanks to several centuries of security checks and contingency planning. The massive ammunition stockpiles and power cells for their defense batteries are not actually accessible from civilian and worker areas without going outside and passing through ray shield gates around the defense towers and entering the towers themselves and then going underground to the sectioned-off magazines. There are a hundred and twenty "Dart" Surface-to-Air Missile Launchers in circular six-launcher pits. There are a dozen large hangars which hold a half-dozen starfighter wings, a pair of dropship wings, and a pair of bomber wings in each of them, totaling a normal starfighter force of more than two thousand starfighters guarding the massive facility. There are underground seismic sensors, hidden cameras, and linked pillboxes in the mountainous approaches and around the defense batteries for defending the facility. The artillery units of the garrison division also have access to pre-placed fighting pits to put out fire missions and they have underground road networks to move their armored vehicles out of sight from place to another where enemy aircraft or artillery cannot touch them, and have hidden exits for popping up behind potential enemy lines. There are no schematics for these tunnels anywhere on base for potential enemy infiltrators to gain access to the facility layout. Raw material is brought through a life-destroying scanner (Like the one seen in the Clone Wars novella "Shipyards of Doom") to remove the chance of saboteurs sneaking in with material shipments in an effort to bypass security. There's a regional shield generator which protects the facility quite effectively.

Created by the Crossroads Defense Industries for the construction of smaller warships and large numbers of starfighters, bombers, and support craft. It's been a secondary supporting shipyard to larger facilities but it is quite impressive nonetheless, being the primary facility where the Crossroads Republic manufactures its fleets of fighters, bombers, and support craft and tests them in the rigorous conditions of the planet before they are sent off to their new facilities. Some factories aren't actually building new fighters, but rebuild older ones taken from storage or repair damage, both combat and noncombat damage. However, with the new fighters and bombers going into production the factories are pushing their rebuilding priorities back and prioritizing the construction of newer craft.
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Ylla Caeli'runa

BIG Z1776 BIG Z1776

Per the Location Creation rules,
"Space Station, Shipyard, & Starship Locations submitted to the Codex must use an approved Factory submission or a canon model, without significant technical modification". Please either link a Canon Shipyard model under Links or sub a custom one through the Factory.

Ylla Caeli'runa

BIG Z1776 BIG Z1776

Population | Small thing here, Heavily Staffed is not an option under the Shipyard Template. Please change Heavily Staffed to Crowded per the template.
Classification | Please specify that the shipyard is a dry-dock/surface shipyard, if this isn't an orbital shipyard. Technically, this can pass as a shipyard complex without you having to change the template. For this structure to construct ships, it would have to be under the shipyard template. Is your intent to create ships with this structure?
Precedent | Unfortunately, Codex, per the rules, "The Codex will not base judgments on precedents or the approval of prior submissions". I cannot judge based on what another judge has previously ruled on. If you must keep this as a shipyard sub, I will need a shipyard canon/custom, factory approved model linked under Links in order to approve this.
I've included some examples of drydock shipyards that you could use, however, should you choose to use a canon model, you will need to lower the defenses as they aren't appropriate for a single location and cater them to the canon model. Here is a type of Canon shipyard that you could use:

If this isn't what you'd like, then I would suggest either changing the template or taking the shutdown, which is a week from tomorrow, to re-work your shipyard subs so that you aren't rushed to produce edits before the 7th.

This also holds true for the shipyards on Crossroads 9, 15, and 32 (Crossroads-32 Shipyards is being judged by Judah Lesan)

BIG Z1776

Baboon with a MAAWS
Ylla Caeli'runa
For Population: Edit complete

For Classification: Edit complete, and for clarification: For classification I put Planetary Shipyard, is that wrong? I didn't see Surface Shipyard as an option, are they not the same? And yes, I intent to build smaller warships with this complex (It isn't just one slipway, it's the encompassing area on the planet surface. Basically, everything within the perimeter fence is what the submission is trying to cover. It seemed incredibly disingenuous to myself and to the Codex Judges to sub for each building.

For Precedent: I consulted on the Discord and was told that I do indeed have the correct template for my planet/moon-side shipbuilding complexes and that they are to be submitted as locations, not as a starship or technology submission. For the orbital shipyards I've edited and linked the KDY Orbital Array, seeing as that is a good shipyard for that company to emulate as closely as possible to fall within the rules.

In regards to this, and the other surface facilities I am willing to say the design is copied from an orbital shipyard with a link provided as requested and just transplanted to the surface and given a snow-proof roof. Is that acceptable?

Ylla Caeli'runa

BIG Z1776 BIG Z1776 | Judah Lesan Judah Lesan | Srina Talon Srina Talon

Hello, hello! Thank you for the edits you've made at the request of Judah. We appreciate your cooperation with us through this process. We understand that it can be trying and, at times, confusing. But, that's why we're here, to help make your submissions the best that they can be!

First, I'd like to remind you that all commentary in regards to a submission must be kept on the sub itself for record keeping. Just be sure to tag us on the board and we will get to it when we can. Sending DM's through discord to Judges won't speed up the process.

That being said, we do still have edits to make on both the moons of Crossroads and the Shipyards that you've subbed. These edits will be very extensive and will be time consuming. Please keep in mind that all submissions will need to be corrected according to the edits that will be listed should you wish to complete edits for all of your current submissions.

However, before you begin on your edits, we wanted to give you more options on things that you could do that may ease the burden of going through all 30+ subs for both yourself and us as the people who will have to judge these submissions. Should you choose to go forward with the suggested edits, the submissions would need to be edited one by one to have variety and unique flair to avoid burnout of both your and our resident Judges.

Whichever option you choose, we don’t think it’s likely that you will get everything done before the shutdown in 5 days. But, we would like to know what direction you’d like to take this project.

The Codex shuts down on December 7th and will remain closed to new submissions until January 7th of the new year. However, you could request that these submissions be moved to Pre-Codex for the duration of the shutdown to have more time to flesh out your ideas and further differentiate between them to make them unique. Even if you aren’t done editing after the shut down, all you’d need to do is let the judge who asks for an update know that you’d like more time to work on the submissions.


On the flip side, you could request that we archive your current submissions, both moons and shipyards, and essentially return to the drawing board and compact all of these subs into 2 or 3 instead of 30-odd individual subs. Here’s the breakdown of what you’d need to do if you chose this option:

You could accomplish this by submitting a System sub to include Crossroads, the moons that have already been Approved, and list the rest of the moons under the System Features section of the template and flesh them out with their own descriptions, if you’d like.
For the shipyards, we’d suggest submitting a Shipyard model to the Factory using either the Military Space Station template (these are defendable with weapons, Civilian Station are not) or the Civilian Space Station template, similar to this submission. The only difference would be that you would sub yours as a shipyard model for your Minor Faction and set the Model to N/A. Once that is approved, we suggest submitting another Shipyard Location sub in the Codex with the moons that they are located on listed underneath the Location section, linking them back to the Codex System sub that would have all of the moons listed on it.

Whichever option you choose to pursue, it will be time-consuming. We’re hoping that, by giving you the option to simplify your submissions, we’re helping to speed up the process and help you get the results with, likely, less work and strain. Two or three subs is much more achievable and manageable than thirty of them. Once again, if you’d prefer that we move your subs to Pre-Codex, we’ll be happy to do so.

Please let us know your decision once you’ve had time to think things over and we’ll move forward from there!

As always, feel free to reach out by tagging myself or Judah if you need clarification on any part of this message. We’ll be happy to help!

BIG Z1776

Baboon with a MAAWS
Ylla Caeli'runa Judah Lesan Judah Lesan After considering my options I believe it beneficial to place my subs into the pre-codex where, if needed, they can be placed into the archive, whereas retrieving from the archive may be quite a bit harder. Your recommendation to submit a whole system, while appealing, does have a caveat: According to the rules as I understand them, original author-created Systems cannot be added to the Chaos map. Is that correct? If that is not correct then disregard my concerns. But if it is, I would express my concern that I'd like to include Crossroads in the Chaos galaxy map and if it is re-submitted as a system that would mean I'd lose out on that opportunity unless an exception is made (Which is highly unlikely due to the obvious "if we make an exception for this then we make an exception for everyone" argument which is perfectly understandable and I agree).

This is a discussion best had in a private DM on the site between yourself and Judah, not on a sub. Can we open a conversation into this topic so I can work with you guys on coming to satisfactory outcome for all concerned? In the meantime, can my yet-to-be-approved location subs be moved to the Pre-Codex section to unclog the submission section here?

Ylla Caeli'runa

BIG Z1776 BIG Z1776 | Judah Lesan Judah Lesan | Srina Talon Srina Talon

We'd be happy to move your standing subs to Pre-Codex for the duration of the shutdown so that you may work on them, if that’s what you’d prefer to do.

As for the System.

The short answer is no, Systems cannot be added to the map. However, Planets can be added. You could sub a system and link the Crossroads planet sub to it as part of the System Features section and the subsequent moons underneath the planet. Our suggestion for the system is specifically in regards to the moons. The planet submission you currently have under review will accomplish what you are after. Please, bear in mind that Planets can only be added to the map once they are approved. I'm currently reviewing that submission and it should hopefully be approved before the shutdown. I, unfortunately, cannot guarantee that it will be approved before then, but if it can be, then that’s the goal.

Our reasoning behind suggesting the system submission template is because of the sheer volume of moons you have submitted, most of those submissions being a copy and paste situation, and the verbatim statement in many of the sections. Making a system would allow you to do one submission rather than having to go through every moon and making each of them different. If they are so similar that this is how they are going to be subbed individually, then making a system instead is the best course of action.

In regards to your request for a group DM, for transparency sake, and because submission modifications do happen, any discussion about the content of the submission does need to take place in the submission’s thread.

Please advise us on what you'd like to do so that we can help you move this process forward.

BIG Z1776

Baboon with a MAAWS
I’ll stick to continuing the submission process of the planet Crossroads and move my current location subs to pre-codex.

I would point out my visualization and reasoning for the copy and paste manner of many of the smaller moons: I am following a historical trend where suburbs expand rapidly and rapid construction tends to follow cookie-cutter fashions, design and architecture-wise this is supported by history: i.e. the 1950’s housing boom of suburban housing where there were certain house designs and new houses tended to be near-identical across entire states. It is that historical trend and pattern I intend to mimic, just on a Star Wars scale and theme. How best would I explain that without appearing like a blatant copy and paste of more than a dozen moons?

Ylla Caeli'runa

BIG Z1776 BIG Z1776

While what you are attempting to show is an interesting and realistic topic, it would be better explained in the historical information section of a system sub or a lore sub. This way people can keep track of the development of each moon as it grows, and you can explain more clearly how they started of similar and the time and environmental pressures caused differences to occur between locations that had once been identical.

However, if you still wish to complete the moon submissions instead of a System or Lore Sub, we will begin moving them to Pre-Codex per your request. As for Crossroads, the planet submission, once you've completed the necessary edits, please tag me and I will read through again and we can continue from there.

BIG Z1776

Baboon with a MAAWS
Ylla Caeli'runa Got it, I’ll work out a rough draft for the system tonight, no rush at all. I also plan to be extra detailed regarding the moons as you’ve pointed out, and I will also be adding planets to that system for another group of rough drafts in pre-codex so that the system is well-fleshed out for RPers to explore and have fun in. Therefore I request that only the shipyards be moved to pre-codex and the Small moons be archived.

I’ll be getting some factory subs for the ground-based slipways and will be speaking with some factory judges about how to proceed with my orbital ring shipyards.

Ylla Caeli'runa

BIG Z1776 BIG Z1776
That sounds like a great plan! Myself and Judah will work on getting those submissions moved around for you at our earliest convenience.

In regards to the Shipyards, you could sub a model to teh factory and state that they are on moons 8, 9, 15, 16, 30, and 32. If there are differences in the types that you want, then another model would be required. EX: If you subbed an orbital shipyard, it could only be used as an orbital shipyard. If you wanted something on the surface of the moon, you would need to sub another model or find a suitable Canon model. It would be similar to this submission's Location section. As long as the moons use the same type of Shipyard, it'll only require one model. If it's a different type, it will require a different model.
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