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Approved Location Crown of Ashla | Ession





  • Nexus Name: Crown of Ashla
  • Nexus Alignment: Light Side
  • Location: Ession
  • Affiliation: Eina L’lerim-Vandiir | Geiseric | Ashlan Crusade | Ession
  • Size: Planetary
  • Strength: Strong
  • Accessibility: N/A | Planetary Nexus
  • Description: Ession is a highly industrialised planet, much of which is made up of megacities, or just the entire planet is a huge industrial city. That’s why the part where the Nexus was born is a special place. Here the city skyline has changed greatly. The huge buildings disappeared, turned to dust due to the Light Side, and new things were created. A vast expanse of forest forever in a golden light, an island of peace and harmony. The planet's sun above the forest is always warm, shining in golden light. If someone checks the sky, they can see it in golden light, and the place has an effect as if the stars or the moon were illuminating this area much brighter. Clouds and storms over this area are quite rare. The effects of the Nexus are strong across the planet, but the strongest in the Golden Forest because it was the focus of the effects that triggered the birth of the Nexus. Beautiful golden trees, golden plants and golden flowers and grasses grow in the forest, even the streams and lakes splendour in the golden light of Ashla.

When two worlds meet… usually not good things happen and are born. A great example of this is necromancers, nethermancer, or when demons reach Realspace. But now something else has happened. In this case, the two worlds mean not only Realspace and Netherworld, but also Lord Geiseric and Lady Eina. They were born in different dimensions, one being a human and the other a Force Entity. Apparently they have nothing in common, yet they fell love with each other and have become one in the Force and form a Force Dyad. Maybe that’s why it was possible to create this Nexus. When the the Nexus was born two worlds met again, in every sense, the borders of the two worlds fused together in this place as the lovers were one in the Force as well…

The Crown of Ashla is the sister of the Særlogn Nexus, which is found in Netherworld at the Sanctuary; the two Nexus are connected and bound together, just as Eina and Geiseric. Because the two Nexus are sisters and bound together, nurturing and strengthening each other in space (dimensions) and time, for this their abilities are very, very similar. Only in the case of the Crown of Ashla the Nexus covers an entire planet and not just a city.

The Crown of Ashla itself isn't old, actually a newborn Nexus (in ABY 869), but it's a stronger formation in the Force. Geiseric's and Eina's actions and presence in the Force created the Nexus with their pure love, desire and wish to save the planet, each other, and others in the Galaxy from Bogan and the Dark Side. This is not just Ashla's crown, but their love's as well. Nexus was also able to heal the physical injuries of Geiseric and Eina at the time of its born, as well as somewhat heal the mental/soul injuries of the Valkyrja.

Nexus has both short- and long-lasting effects; there is one that affects souls (living and dead), Force Spirits, Force Ghosts, demons, Nether beings, or living beings (sentient or non-sentient), and one that affects only the environment and the neighbourhood itself. The effects affect everyone equally, be it just a living creature, Force Entity, soul or a demon.

As for the neighbourhood, it has a permanent effect and has evolved immediately, this area is the Golden Forest, other or larger effects around the planet are known yet, because the Nexus is too new. However, it is important because of their connection with the Nether's nexus, the Force works very strangely at times and this is also true of the effects of Crown of the Ashla. The power of the Nexus is strong, yet it’s not the same everywhere. There are places at Ession where the influence of Crown of Ashla is much more pronounced or weaker than elsewhere.

Even these areas tell a lot about the effects of Crown of Ashla. Under the influence of Nexus, it’s much easier and simpler to open rifts, either into the Netherworld. They are also easier to perpetuate. The power of the Nexus is so strong that the effect on every living being and souls is felt a bit on the other side of the rift as long as the rift is open. In addition, it makes Force easier to use (on the entire planet), as the Force is present in a much higher "concentration" thanks to the Nexus.

Another effect of Crown of Ashla affects both Force Sensitive and non Force Sensitive individuals. Force-dead and Darksider people definitely feel bad on the planet. Anxiety, discomfort, malaise like nausea, dizziness can be the consequence, or an inner motivating, urgent feeling that they need to get out of here. Dark Side force users can feel as if the light wants to tear their soul apart, so it can be quite a painful experience. All of this is true of the simple Dark Side as well as the eldritch "infection" and corruption. As a matter of fact, it has a much greater effect on Eldritch, as Eina was also infected with an Eldritch parasite and magic before Geiseric saved her.

The effect of Crown of Ashla on people who are in the Nexus area will feel peace and tranquillity. In addition to soothing the soul, its long-term effect helps and heals mental injuries and wounds. If one has been in this place for a very long time, a completely shattered (not physically shattered just broken soul) soul can also be healed. Interestingly, this healing to the soul also heals the "physical" injury of Valkyrja and other soul beings of Netherworld or Realspace, as most of the cases their souls are also harmed there because they are living souls and their souls are also their physical body. The literally torn souls can’t be repaired/healed by Nexus.

What makes the Crown of Ashla different from Særlogn, however, is that it can also heal physical injuries. It is a slow process, but it will definitely speed up the natural processes and everyone on the planet is able to heal faster. The best description is maybe that this is a permanent and passive Force Healing effect. That’s why the planet has such a strong negative impact on the Dark Side.

The effect of Force Nexus changes here as well, with the strongest focus on where Nexus was born. In this neighbourhood, when the Crown of Ashla was formed, in a vast area, all buildings, things built up of human hands, disappeared, the long-lost streams reappeared, and golden plants, flowers, grasses, bushes, and trees appeared. In addition, previously dead animals in this area have come to life as a result of the Nexus's born. All of this was a one-time effect, but that process changed and restored the former entire ecosystem of the area.

The mystery of life and birth, brought to life by the power of the lovers. That’s why for now, the centre of the Nexus, the Golden Forest, is what we know has changed on the planet. Later, as the Nexus gets older, there may be more changes. But even this was quite a drastic change. More details about the Golden Forest can be found below.


Considering the fact that the Crown of Ashla is a planetary Nexus, I will only mention in the list the places that were created or modified by the Nexus. Here, the whole description focuses on the Golden Forest and its parts, as this was the focus of the events that created the Nexus itself.
NB: The list may expand later if Lore and events shape things by discovering new such places on the planet that were created or changed by the birth of the Nexus.
  • Golden Forest: It is rather a fairly large forest, covering an area of approximately 500 km². This forest can be very interesting in ecumanopolis; for forests in such a place are not really typical. The forest is full of special and unique trees that were created when the Nexus was born.

    They are similar in appearance to known species such as pine, oak, acacia, and so on. The difference is that every tree, bush, flower, grass, in short, every plant has a golden colour, and every plant is evergreen, evergold in this case. It’s like someone is coming into an eternal autumn. The power of the Nexus is strongest here in the woods, as this area was the focus of events.

    Countless animals also appeared in the force, many creatures that once lived on the planet before it became an ecumanopolis. They also resurrected when the Nexus was born, the Nexus giving them new life. But other creatures may have appeared that they may have never seen before. The mystery of life and birth, brought to life by the power of the lovers.

    The forest always has a warm colour, sometimes gold will be mixed with red. If one looks up at the sky from the forest area, they see the sky golden during the day; and at night the moon and stars are much brighter than from any other point on the planet. In addition, it is interesting that storms and clouds typically avoid the forest and the area is always blessed by warm golden sunlight during the day. And rain rarely falls, only when the Forest needs it.
  • The Ruins: There is a ruined building right in the middle of the Golden Forest. This was the place where Geiseric fought the parasite that kept Eina's body occupied. This was necessary for the man to get back the woman he loves. After the man killed the parasite, the girl survived and after many months the couple finally reunited after that they were both aware of their feelings and accepted them.

    When they finally kissed each other first - which didn’t just happen in their minds or in their dreams, which seemed real thanks to Force Dyad - the purity of their love and their desires to be together or just be able to protect others, these feelings "launched" a powerful Light Side explosion, rather a wave, on the planet.

    The Force and the planet responded to the power of their desire, wish, and purity, and from this was born the Crown of Ashla. Thus, these ruins can rightly be called the actual centre of the Nexus, which is why it has the strongest effect and power here.
  • Golden Waters: Streams, waterfalls, lakes in the forest's area. When the forest formed, the waters from the depths of the planet also found their way to be on the surface again. All water is perfectly clean, uncontaminated and drinkable for anyone. It’s normal, simple water, but when it’s in its natural environment, it looks quite different, not too transparent or blue.

    Maybe because of the golden plants, or because of the sky, which is always golden during the day, all the water also looks beautiful golden. Numerous interesting and new golden coloured plants have also appeared in the water. In addition to these, fish and the usual waterfront fauna have also been restored after the Nexus was born.

    There are several larger lakes, more connected by smaller streams. The central source is near to The Ruins. The stream originates from here and branches off, feeding several lakes in all directions. Eventually, the streams reach the limit where they fall into the depths as waterfalls, back toward the centre of the planet.
  • Golden Gardens: It is not necessarily advisable to call these places gardens because they are not really exactly them. The forest is full of countless fields and meadows, where more special flowers and grasses can grow. In some places in the forest itself, the canopy is too dense, so fewer flowers or grasses may be present in those areas.

    However, the "Golden Gardens" are exactly the places where these plants survive, turning the already beautiful forest into a colourful area. Countless plants have a beneficial, healing effect, i.e., herbs. A lot of animals can also be found in these places. Even in these areas, most plants have golden flowers, but red is also quite common. Many times you can also find a silver or transparent coloured flowers, possibly flowers with light blue (like Eina's original skin colour) petals, which gives a nice contrast in the golden environment.

    There are even smaller trees in these "gardens" that give fruit that is edible to anyone, and countless animals prefer to eat them as well. The truth is that perhaps the "Cradle of Life" or the "Garden of Life" could have been the name of these places because it would have been much more appropriate than the "Golden Garden".
  • The Borders: The area around the Golden Forest. There is a place where the forest simply ends and the industrial city begins, without any transition. Elsewhere, however, beautiful golden streams form the border. But there are also places where the land has collapsed and there is a huge gap between the city and the forest. In this case, in each case, the golden streams shower into the deep in the form of a waterfall.

    That is why it can be said that the accessibility of the Golden Forest is quite variable. There are parts that are easily accessible from the city, you just have to walk into the area, while others require flying or bridges to reach the area. However, it is certain, the fauna living in the forest area do not cross the border, even in places where they would be able to do so. They stay inside.
What is also common in the area is that the plants glow in dim golden light during the night, so it is never completely dark in this area. It’s just a very faint twilight at night, but it looks like Ashla’s light is shining in this place even at night.

It is very conceivable that this story will one day be a very famous romantic holofilm or holobook. In any case, a certain, probably within the ranks of Ashlan Crusade, or the people of Ession, will not forget the story of how the Crown of Ashla was born:


Like any story, it has a beginning, a middle, and we know the culmination, and the sequel will be decided by history. But to understand what has led you here, it’s worth getting to know the whole story, which is more painful and struggling than happy. They will probably be happy in the future, but the past was nowhere near that. This story is about two people who were born in two different worlds who didn’t care that they couldn’t be more different from each other than they were.

It all started when Omni reappeared when the Ashlan Crusade's members went to the Netherworld to explore that place and continue their crusade there as well. In this place they followed a demon that looked like a giant shadow dragon, the same entity that Eina was hunting for, because the creature killed countless Valkyrja. The knights, including Geiseric, were harsh and rude to the distant and cool girl. In the end, however, they helped each other to victory.

Although the encounter was not very positive, it was good for Eina to see the nobility, the selflessness in Geiseric, which made her interested in the world of the living. And from the very first moment, some kind of bond developed between them. Partly because of the man, she chose the angelic appearance for himself, with his red hair and golden-red wings, and in this she went to the members of the Ashlan Crusade. She never hid whoms' daughter she was, though Geiseric hadn't heard of it, and he only called the girl Ashla's boon among the knights and sisters. Most took over all of this. Around this time, the colours of Eina in the Force changed to gold, the Force abilities', shields', lightnings', and so on colours.

The duo didn’t meet again for months, maybe just fleetingly, but they didn’t have too much time to talk. Thus, they knew each other only superficially and formally. After Korriban, Eina learned that Geiseric had not returned home. No one knew what had happened to him, most considered him dead, even though he had just been taken prisoner. He spent nearly a year in captivity, in that one year Eina searched the entire Netherworld for the man's soul; a decade has passed in the afterlife for her. It was during this time that she began to hear the man's prayers to Ashla for the first time. She never gave up the hope to find the crusader.

She finally managed to reach him through a dream, leaving a mark on the man’s soul to find him at any time because the man agreed. So now she could easily go aboard the ship on which the crusader was detained. Geiseric was dying when she reached him, so the woman healed her with her own life force, saved her life because in his original condition she was afraid to take the man back to Netherworld. However, the Sith Lord, who owned the ship, sensed Eina's presence and thought it was his former lord, Darth Prospero, who had returned from death.

The Sith Lord did everything he could to kill the girl and persuade the man to fall into the Dark Side. There was also a closed bond between them, though trust was severely shaken when the Sith Lord revealed whose daughter was Eina. Eventually, the girl's strength kept the man in the light and the crusader killed the Sith Lord, and the wounded Valkyrja and the knight went to the Netherworld to both recover from their injuries. Here the man could learn a lot about Valkyrja and their city, and the couple also got closer to each other, though only as friends, and Geiseric admitted that he was wrong about the girl and no matter whose daughter she was, she was not a bad person.

Nevertheless, there was some mistrust between them, which after this was mainly due to misunderstandings. For Geiseric cannot always express his feelings well, he did not need them as a Jedi, and Eina does not understand the emotional world of mortals. Nevertheless, their relationship also began to deepen, probably here in the vicinity of Coruscant, falling in love with each other shortly after the Sanctuary trip, although at that time they did not yet know about it. They were there on Coruscant in the Senate building when the Maw attacked the planet. They both fought against the Sith and Eina even saved Geiseric’s life, but she hurts badly again.

After that, if you can say, the events accelerated, they spent more and more time together, they considered the other friend. Until they reached the Eternal Empire's ball. Where they essentially confessed that they love each other, even though Eina didn't really comprehend it all, she didn't understand, the man was completely confused her with his behaviour, words, and actions. The man was afraid to commit and thus shattered the girl, who did not understand why it was all happening because she had not received any answers. It was then that she give the rosary to him what she had made earlier, it was their last encounter in reality for a very long time.

Geiseric fled to the religion and was doing his best to avoid the girl because the encounter would have been too painful. And Eina lost all her confidence, no one explained to her what she was feeling, what she felt, why it all happened. She still didn't understand what she was doing wrong. Isla couldn't help her either. At that time, no one had any idea what disaster was coming because of that ruined evening…

One of Ashlan Crusade's ships crashed on the Dark Planet; Eina was the first to arrive on the planet to help the survivors. However, due to the mental injuries caused by Geiseric, she was unable to protect the survivors and was also captured by the locals. There was also Geiseric on the rescue team, which now focused on rescuing her, who was the first to sign up to rescue the girl he loved. However, that planet put his faith and determination to the test.

After the crusader also arrived on the planet, Eina felt it and subconsciously tried to connect with it while during a ritual, local beings tried to transform her. She only struggled to stay alive until Geiseric rescued her. Here the two of them and Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust saw a shared vision of their own death and the destruction of Ession. Eina tried to speak to the man when her mind was just clear and offered him a Force-bond. For Eina had enough power to create one. Geiseric accepted it, but a Force-dyad developed between them, not a simple bond.

Here they were able to exchange a few words with each other before Celeste Demici Celeste Demici locked the girl back in her own mind and nightmares. The crusader promised Eina to save her, but not long after he had to find out that if he continued to fight that day, he would die, and so would his companions. The parasite occupying Eina showed the girl when the team gave up on her, as did the man who promised to save her a few minutes ago. Valkyrja gave up the fight, thus the ritual ended, along with her metamorphosis. The man was rescued from falling on the dark side by the rosary he had received from the Valkyrja on that evening.

Their next meeting was at Zygerria, the man having a hard times when he seeing Eina every night begging him to save her. Geiseric did not understand what the bond was between the two of them, why he felt all of Eina's suffering. Finally, Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim told him and the Empress asked the man to save her daughter. The man eventually met the parasite and managed to reach Eina, where he was not greeted by a beautiful sight. The girl had long since given up the fight, and the parasite had almost completely devoured her soul.

The man was trying to convince her to fight, that he was real, that now he would never leave her again. Eventually, their first kiss also happened here, in her mind, which is why she promised to try to fight. In the months that followed, they spent more time together than before, Eina taught Geiseric what she could do with Dyad, and the man healed her soul. However, they reached a point from which Valkyrja could no longer heal as a prisoner, and if they did nothing to do with the parasite, she would definitely die. Eina spies on the parasite when Hyrva gives orders to them, so they found out they were going to Ession.

The lovers worked out a plan against the parasite. It was risky if the man didn’t win, they would both die. Eina could die if the man tries to kill the parasite and the crusader can die to the girl's death. But they had no choice, they had to try. And the final fight took place on Ession and with that we reached the point how the Crown of Ashla was born.


The fight took place on several fronts, in Eina’s mind and in reality. The Dark Side and the Light Side clashed, it was painful for everyone because everyone was experiencing the same pain they were causing each other. The battle took place in a far-flung place, where you didn’t even have to wait too long for the parasite and Geiseric to meet. At the man's call, the creature appeared almost immediately. They both wanted to end the fight, once and for all.

It was as if Eina had previously felt that this was going to happen, for the gift she had given Geiseric, greatly helped the man to finally succeed in this fight. The rosary protected the crusader from almost every attack that the parasite was trying to attack him. That's why the man remained intact for a long time, but he was able to hurt the creature. When the parasite realized that it would be incapable of hurting the man with Force, who in turn had already inflicted severe wounds on him with Force Light, they changed their method and they were physically trying to kill the crusader.

However, Eina, who was locked in her own mind, could not defend herself. Geiseric's attacks also severely wounded her, with the Force light, a cut caused by a lightsaber on her side. Valkyrja was dying and so the parasite had access to her memories, they already knew what the dyad was for. When the man realized this, he decided to use the Prosperian soulstone that Ingrid L'lerim-Vandiir had given him as a Plan B if all else failed. In particular, the parasite attacked him and Eina at the same time. However, something happened here that they could not have expected either.

The crystal was made a long time ago by Adrian Vandiir and was only modified by Ingrid L'lerim, and the energies of the two of them mingled again in Eina's presence and the energies that make up the girl were created again. Geiseric pierced the parasite's body with a lightsaber, the crystal shattered at that moment and these energies merged into the girl, strengthening, healing her soul. Then she was able to take control of her body for a moment and asked the man to do what was discussed earlier, what he has to do now. The moment of truth has arrived.

The golden light of the Force Light, amplified by the rosary, filled the place, clearing Valkyrja’s body of corruption, killing the parasite. Eina survived, but she was still very weak, and the lovers were finally able to meet again at Realspace after nearly a year of hardship and pain. During their first real kiss, the rosary began to light up again, uniting their wishes, desires, and their purity. The two worlds met again, in every sense, the borders of the two worlds fused together in this place as the lovers were one in the Force as well. The power and Force Light from their strength and soul of the two of them rushed all over the planet, clearing it of all Dark Side corruption.

Because of this, all Force Sensitives and Force Users on the planet became aware of the kind of bond Eina and Geiseric shared, they were one in the Force, and loved each other. And thanks to the joint dream and pure desire and wish of the two of them:

The Crown of Ashla was born.

Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

This is a beautifully-written and laid-out submission, and I like it a lot. It's clear that it's the culmination of some cool stories.

Judges are always careful about approving Planetary nexuses, since they change entire planets. Please be careful with this one, especially with its effects on dark-siders, so that it doesn't ever come across as calling hits on anyone. If it gets reported for balance concerns, it'll end up back here in judgement. I don't think that will happen, but I'm just putting it out there.


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