Hey everyone, couple of things:
First, wow, great writing by both sides. Thanks for making my first invasion so much fun!
Second, Dezoti, thanks for acknowledging the micro-nova I left behind. Some people have asked about where and how large it would be, and I thought I'd clarify that here. A micro-nova like this would be large enough that, if placed in our real world solar system at the position of the Sun, it's effects would - if the planets we aligned - stretch to vaporize Mercury and most likely Venus. There'd be a massive shockwave which would include an incredible EMP that would go as far as Jupiter, and a gravity well effect out to maybe Earth. We're fighting system-wide, so I set this off far, far away from the planet (so Taanab would be safe) and behind Quoron, Mittens, and Livia's fleets and tried to catch Dezoti too but she caught on and jumped her fleet out to engage John Locke, taking some damage (as she noted) but missing most of the blast. Given point of detonation, there may be some 'feel' of the shockwave on the planet's surface but nothing much else, and the edge of that shockwave would be hitting John Locke's rearguard line but not doing much else than jostling them, while the fleets of Quoron, Mittens, and Livia would be in the EMP/Shockwave portion much moreso than the blast portion. I know it's really hard to envision things sometimes, so I hope that clears things up and helps everyone writing presently.
Thanks again, everyone! I hope this clears things up for those who were asking.