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Crown of Sorrow | CIS Invasion of UCM-held Tanaab [ OOC ]

My city is replacing power poles tonight in my neighbourhood through tomorrow afternoon, and I will be without power until Thursday Night (PST)/Friday Morning.

This LOA Affects:

[member="Livia Maddox"]

[member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"]


[member='Alkor Centaris']

My character is currently sitting at that shield generator.

The very first post I made, which is post #3 of the thread mentions the "mission" (Objective) of the character. My character, and the very few NPCs I posted with him, made it to the generator on post #69. It is clearly mentioned in the last post I made that the location is the generator. My posts were purposely made very brief as to not draw out the time it takes read them to know that I had every intention of contesting that part of the scene.

If you would like to challenge my character's position or attempt to sneak by, you're welcome to try. I would rather write with someone than post to myself as I have been.
[member="Adenn Kyramud"]

Out and about right now, so I'll keep it brief, but by my count I have 3 fleets worth of ships firing on or around me. Further edits can be addressed when I get home.
Okay, bearing in mind what I was originally going to do isn't going to work, second call for anyone who wants to jump in to stop Alkor.

Because I know there's plenty of things I can do.
It doesn't matter, but I know how easy it is to miss fine details when you've an entire thread to keep track of, so I figured I'd point it out. Naast'ika flew out of the city, flew up to the FOB, pointed weapons at the medical frigates and was ready to start blowing them up (because he's special like that and couldn't tell they were medical frigates) but he noticed Godzilla, got distracted, and flew off to investigate the "biological thingy" that's roughly the same size as him.

I didn't notice anyone in that area mentioning the Corvette at all, and it's fine if you don't want to bother because it's not involving your characters or something, but I figured the SJO girl might enjoy the opportunity to "be agast" at the threat display. Or something.

Ignore it if you want, I'm cool with that too.

Just wanted to throw it out there.

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
[member="Naast'ika Laaran"]

To be honest I missed that you were there. I knew you were in the skies somewhere . I'll give it a mention in my next post though I'm no longer there, it would be something my character mentions.
[member="Adenn Kyramud"]

After reviewing my post, I've really not seen the need to make any edits. Calling them cruisers was just fluff minutia, as they're clearly linked on your own post for people to see. But, I'll keep your preference in mind for future posts.

Also to reiterate since I mentioned it in the quick message last night, the Hammerheads themselves had no effect on the molecular shields, as you are correct, they are strictly energy based. That being said, there are other ships firing on the Resolve, not just the twin ramming attempts.
As clarification to everyone reading my post,

note that no Mandalorian/PC weaponry/tech have been effected by my actions. I have called no hits, I have simply expressed what has begun to happen. If you do not want to acknowledge it at this time, feel free to wait.

However, also feel free to see a security Droid and have some fun freaking out about it. It's about good writing, not gaining an advantage or winning. I personally enjoy a good bit of sabotage. Gets the blood pumping.

To be specific- if your targeting systems are not linked to the city, you are not effected.

If you are Manning a gun, you are not effected, unless you decide that the gun you are Manning is a city fortification. What affects your character is up to you, and ultimately, I encourage you to have fun with it.

My next post promises even more antics.
Hey everyone, couple of things:

First, wow, great writing by both sides. Thanks for making my first invasion so much fun!

Second, Dezoti, thanks for acknowledging the micro-nova I left behind. Some people have asked about where and how large it would be, and I thought I'd clarify that here. A micro-nova like this would be large enough that, if placed in our real world solar system at the position of the Sun, it's effects would - if the planets we aligned - stretch to vaporize Mercury and most likely Venus. There'd be a massive shockwave which would include an incredible EMP that would go as far as Jupiter, and a gravity well effect out to maybe Earth. We're fighting system-wide, so I set this off far, far away from the planet (so Taanab would be safe) and behind Quoron, Mittens, and Livia's fleets and tried to catch Dezoti too but she caught on and jumped her fleet out to engage John Locke, taking some damage (as she noted) but missing most of the blast. Given point of detonation, there may be some 'feel' of the shockwave on the planet's surface but nothing much else, and the edge of that shockwave would be hitting John Locke's rearguard line but not doing much else than jostling them, while the fleets of Quoron, Mittens, and Livia would be in the EMP/Shockwave portion much moreso than the blast portion. I know it's really hard to envision things sometimes, so I hope that clears things up and helps everyone writing presently.

Thanks again, everyone! I hope this clears things up for those who were asking.


So fluffy, you'll die
I'm not entirely sure the effects would be quite that large. People forget that Solar Ionization Reactors like what are in the canon ISD and Death Star (and which are an extremely popular reactor type on Chaos) are also doing the whole "miniature star" trope. I'm pretty sure part of what destroyed the original Death Star was the solar Ionization reactor going critical. And if that's the case, you can look at the exploding Death Star as the upper limit of what you'd get from (an enormous) one of these reactors going off.

But as far as the Mechanicum Core detonating... I'm not so sure it would be any more impressive than any other Star Destroyer's reactor going critical. Bad enough to destroy the ship itself and anything else in the immediate area, sure. But if the Rebel fleet could nope away from the exploding Death Star at sublight speed and be fine, I can't really see this thing being anywhere near so dramatic as to vaporize a handful of planets at half an AU in distance and wash everything within 5AU in crippling EMP effects.

Also, the canon Sun Generator was used to power heavy cruisers and when the reactor was destroyed, it's stated as only destroying "multiple city blocks".


So fluffy, you'll die
Oh. Before I forget. The X-Wings are kinda... Everywhere. So it's fine for UCM writers to dictate what nearby X-Wings are doing and it's fine if CIS writers are a bit more heavy handed than usual with the X-Wings.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Heads up for my next post, I am calling a hit on Mig from [member="Krest"] . Me and Krest's writer agreed on what I'm writing in the post, but if anyone has an issue with it, please let one of us know.
Okay! One last hurrah!

Anyone who wants to try to stop Alkor before those Droids go from stun to kill has one last post before it's all done. I'm kind of antsy thinking about some resistance, honestly.

Other than that, oh man, the chaos is gorgeous, isn't it?
[member="Allya Vi'Dreya"]

Essentially bombarded the edge of the city, except the way leading towards the FOB. Along with bombarding what would be considered a path that leads towards the column of Clan Mortui. So, blocked off/bombarded about 2-4 blocks away from the direction of the CIS, to prevent escape that way, but left 4 blocks open between Adenn's forces and the CIS FOB.

Bubble area is where the hospital is. I'm taking it the CIS FOB is to the East of the hospital, as I didn't see any specifications as to where it is. So, from the hospital to the edge of the city, 3 hexes across, all the way, is a clear walking path for Clan Mortui. 2 or 3 hexes on either side of that have been bombarded to varying degrees of success. More damage done the closer it is to the CIS FOB.

Black lines: Between those is roughly where they'd be marching
Red lines: Roughly where it was bombarded, not fully accurate, but in direct regards to what you asked compared to where your troops would be from my understanding


The lines and whatnot is a rough estimation, and if the CIS FOB is in some other direction, then it'd be in that direction. That said, I didn't see which direction the CIS where coming at the city from, so if they're actually from the west, then they'd be headed that way of course. The lines are just to show roughly what it'd be, there is some more artillery damage elsewhere, but this is directly in relation to what happened when they moved towards the CIS FOB. I hope that clears things up :)

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