Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crumbling Atlantis | AoC & EE


Some planets go down in history as jewels of their time, full of rich and wonders.

Some planets are remembered as dark, dank places that nobody would ever want to tread on again.

Others, become legends.

And a precious few… Reached and above and beyond all of that, and were somehow still forgotten to time, their riches and splendor crumbling away on not a planet, but an asteroid, drifting through the Unknown Regions, not to be picked up by any sensor.

Until now.

It was several days ago that an asteroid, given the number WTH-79, finally showed up on a sensor. As it continued to lazily make its way through space, scans ran from a distance discovered that this was no mere piece of rock, but what seemed to have once been part of a planet. Indeed, the shape that it was in as well as additional checks revealed that it was a piece of a planet that had somehow survived its destruction. A fort could be seen on top, and various equipment showed that there was much to be discovered within the asteroid as well – not above the surface, but inside of it.

And it just so happened, that this asteroid attracted the attention of two organizations – the Eternal Empire and the Agents of Chaos. Representatives of both groups arrived at the same time, hoping to be the first to discover the asteroid in present times and uncover the treasures and secrets that lay hidden within it.

Against all odds, instead of immediately try to kill each other off and become better enemies, a certain semi comfortable truce was struck between the organizations. To call them friends would be an overstatement, yet for the time being, they agreed to work together, and search the asteroid together. For all intents and purposes, the Eternal Empire and the Agents of Chaos would be friendly… For now.

In lieu of these shaky yet mutual agreements, it was decided that an event would be held. A large yacht would hold an event of food and music to which attendees of both sides could attend as per will regardless of rank or power. Drop pods would be granted as well, for all those who wished to go down to the asteroid and see what they could salvage. Understanding regarding what would be kept and what would go to the organization of he or she who found them were between the people and their own organizations.

And so, the people of the Eternal Empire and the Agents of Chaos gathered.

What would happen after the day was over, would remain to be seen.


Event attendees are more than welcome to come and enjoy an evening of good food, great wine, and some music. A large dance floor has been cleaned for those who are interested, with the music going from classic and soft to the harder and easier to dance to for younger generations. Food buffets are lavish, offering all you could ever imagine, from cheese cubes to the more exotic fish and meats from all corners of the galaxy. Balconies from which guests could stand and look at the beautiful asteroid down below were made available as well.

All in all, this part of the evening is a social gathering, and you are welcome to join in, mingle, dance, and have fun.


But if you have little patience or will for something that is essentially a party, there is, of course, the asteroid to explore. Drop pods are readily available, as well as environment suits, as there is absolutely no breathable air on the surface. And beneath the surface? Come and find out. Bring equipment, bring your friends, and see what you may discover - for your friends, for yourself, and for your organization.

The past awaits you to bring it into the future.


[member="Corran Conner"] | [member="Saabossi"] | [member="Curupira Hawk"] | [member="Ingrid L'lerim"] | [member="Gerhard Manndorf"] | [member="Ilsa Visel"] | [member="Anton Delane"] | [member="Hydrocus Venetia"] | [member="Lorelai Ventira"] | [member="Zoe Rosella"] | [member="Rath Exigo"] | [member="Darth Tacitus"] | [member="Wilhelm Von Reinhardt"] | [member="Auron Song"] | [member="Zoe Rosella"] | [member="Taozi Fuyuan"] | [member="Lyra Sarn"] | [member="Maani"] | [member="Kresslyn Cantor"] | [member="Goonch Bagarius Yarrelli"] | [member="Valrayne"] | [member="Nerulic"] | [member="Custani Valcho"] | [member="Cero Pax"] | [member="Juggernaut"] | [member="Marcus Itera"]

[member="Aoife Ironborne"]
[member="Alwine Lechner"]
[member="Angelo Cavataio"]
[member="Børre Drage"]
[member="Bacu Topol"]
[member="Bedrovelse Hevn"]
[member="Celestine deWinter"]
[member="Custani Valcho"]
[member="Darren Shaw"]
[member="Darth Kentarch"]
[member="Darth Tacitus"]
[member="Deviant Val"]
[member="Elias Logain"]
[member="Eternal Cyan"]
[member="Ingrid L'lerim"]
[member="Jaranamo Sal"]
[member="Kamyrin Gyvolis"]
[member="Karlie Lynn Destat"]
[member="Karma Jayne"]
[member="Katerina Vaden"]
@Kiiardos Rah
[member="Lieutenant Walsh"]
[member="Madalena Antares"]
[member="Nix Scamandros"]
[member="Nyree Justice"]
[member="Petra Cavataio"]
[member="Renn Garrick"]
[member="Reyn Australis"]
[member="Scherezade deWinter"]
[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]
[member="Tanno Rand"]
[member="Thalliesin Bard"]
[member="The Bridesmaid"]
[member="The Maverick"]
[member="Wegli Jinrang"]
[member="Wilhelm von Reinhardt"]
[member="Yeetus Deletus"]
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
[member="Jai'galaar Gred"]

Thank you [member="Ingrid L'lerim"] for the beautiful graphics!

Location: Asteroid surface, ready to go down
Wearing: Enviro-suit
Wielding: Several knives beneath the suit
Tags: [member="Ingrid L'lerim"] | [member="Cero Pax"] | + Open


"Tap – tap – tap –," Scherezade said as she tapped the helmet's visors, checking that it was still working. To be honest, it was sort of too late to check, considering she was on the surface of the asteroid, and it hadn't been working then by now she would've already been dead, but it was always nice to check just to make sure.

The little LED lights inside her helmet lit up, and anyone who was close enough would've been able to then see her face, smiling broadly. This was much better than the last time she'd been around [member="Darth Tacitus"] ' folk. For one thing, she wasn't completely deadly drunk right now. For a second, she knew she needed a suit this time. And for third… She was actually going to go explore. For a moment, she wondered what the odds were that she would get to see [member="Karlie Lynn Destat"] there, almost like that day over a year ago, but this time make a much better impression.

For a moment, Scherezade paused. There had been so many people she had left behind when she'd decided to leave the Southern Systems. Some of them, had since contacted her, or she'd stumbled into them. But she knew she couldn't reach out to them – not on her own, anyway. She had to play the game of patience and let them do that instead. But she had patience. And Discordia had a plan. And so far, everything was working just as desired.

Turning around, the Blood Hound of Chaos gave a grin to whoever had gathered there. Much as she personally did not trust [member="Darth Tacitus"] himself, she trusted that he wanted his Eternal Empire to work. Another man that had left the Southern Systems, it appeared that for once, both he and Scherezade had found themselves on the general same side. And so, she had spoken in favor of giving these Eternal schlebbs an opportunity. Here they were now. A few miles above them, was the yacht with those who wanted to party. Here, people would gather and go alone or in tiny groups to discover various wondrous things.

She could hardly wait!
Location: By the buffet
Wearing: Itty bitty ultra tight breathing is for wussies black dress
Tags: [member="Kyrinov"] | + Open!

It was the first time since Madalena had joined and begun to help build the Agents of Chaos that the event she attended had nothing to do with war or fighting. It was such a change from the life she had led beforehand, where she knew that she could count on a social event to take place almost every week. But here, so far, the only social things she'd done had been to spend some private time with her sister and a handful of friends.

Naturally, remembering that her only meeting with [member="Darth Tacitus"], the leader of the Eternal Empire, she had not been among those who were enthusiastic about the potential friendless between the two organizations. And while she had shared a meal with him, she remembered his behavior during it very well. Still, she had held back. The deal with the Eternal Empire was not one that she trusted, despite what her sister, [member="Scherezade deWinter"], said. Despite that, she had let it go forward.

But there would be no mistake; the curvaceous brunette's glowing eyes scanned the ballroom, looking for anything that would carry the smallest whiff of betrayal.

Next to her was the one she had met back when she was in Scherezade's body, believing that Scherezade was a cruel joke played upon her by her brother and a handful of others - [member="Kyrinov"]. Something felt different about him now, something had changed since that day where they'd hunted for a corpse thief together. But he had come to the Agents of Chaos and unlike their "friends", him, she did trust.

It was still early though, and people were still piling in. Knowing the numbers of the Agents, she expected them to show up and show presence enough to make the place feel fuller, but as for the Eternal Empire… She did not know. No one had given her numbers.

"Someday, my sister is going to explain why we're suddenly friends with a self-proclaimed Empire," she said as she shook her head, taking another service of fresh raw fish onto her place and turned to Kyrinov, "Do you spot anything suspicious? Do we have an excuse to start massacring them?"
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Location: Asteroid surface, ready to go down
Equipment: Enviro suit, under the suit: 2 lightsabers, 2 westars and her Blackwatch uniforum
Tags: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="Cero Pax"] | Open
This mission started interestingly. It was secret she was a member of the other faction too, but no one knows that, except her other master, Scherezade. But if the other woman will be here, this was the first time, when they playing on the other side. This mission was important and because of her rank Ingrid needs to came her as herself and not the Red Witch. Again, she was the apprentice of the Emperor, baroness of the Eternal Empire, and director of the Blackwatch. Not an assassin, not an agent, nor agent of Chaos. She hoped, or not, she cant chose… to [member="Darth Tacitus"] will join or not to her or the expedition.

One of their ship are crashed here, and not just their ship, but one of the Agents of Chaos’s ship too. That was too much coincidence, so she came here personally to investigate this incident. Ingrid and maybe some other person from the Eternal Empire joined to the Agents of Chaos member, or members on the asteroid’s surface. This time they need to work together. This didn’t bother her, because the other faction’s members are still her partners or members. After her arrived, she noticed one person. She reaches out to the Force, and through out she felt her other master.

”Welcome, I’m Lady Ingrid L’lerim, Baroness of the Eternal Empire, director of the Blackwatch, and the apprentice of the Emperor, [member="Darth Tacitus"]. I’ll join you on the surface.” she introduce herself.

”And of course I’m your apprentice too” she sent this telepathic message to Scherezade with a short smile.

Because she was not acting, she was cold and rigid, what is fit perfectly to her ranks. Ingrid waiting the other woman to introduce herself, or she will say something. When she say something, she will nod.

”Shall we go?” she asked and headed to the shuttle.

Location: Surface of the Asteroid
Equipment: Cortosis Gauntlets | The Kinetic Dagger | The XR-18 Revolver | R82 Precision Rifle
Wearing: Renn's Tactical Gear
Ship: Locus Class Fighter (Towing: Manta Class Submarine)
Tags: Open

Renn stood there looking around, he was going to go explore. Parties didn't suit him well, too fancy and boring. Watching people move around, he quietly stood there, a very imposing form. What was he going to do, truly while he was going to explore, he wouldn't want to go alone. In his cloak he had filters for his mask, they would clean it out every time he needed them. They were small and portable, making them quite useful.

The thought of treasure hunting kept going to Renn. Would it be like the stories of great explorers finding artifacts, or would it be like it normally was, a bunch of self proclaimed archeologists talking about what time and era it was from. Hopefully it wasn't the later, lot of fun, maybe even hunting. Scanning the crowd with his eyes he spotted Scherezade, and he walked over. While he wasn't sure, he had suspicions that she was going to head exploring.

Suddenly he turned on his heel deciding against it. While it would be dangerous to go on his own, what's the fun in playing it safe. Calling in his Locus he walked towards it grinning to himself, this should be fun.
Attn: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="Ingrid L'lerim"] | [member="Cero Pax"] | [member="Renn Garrick"]
Accompanied By: 4x Wolfguards | 15x Combat Engineers
  • Asteroid Surface
    Unknown Regions

The humming of the dropship's engines were as familiar to him as the cold in his bones and the pain which was his constant companion. It hadn't taken him long to work his way through the series of straps that sealed his suit of armor around him. After years of experience, the motions had become ingrained into his muscle memory, coming to him as naturally as breathing. Oh, he was as well-versed in navigating the treacherous waters of politics as anyone who achieved his station in life, was. He could plot and scheme with the best, or worst, of them, but deep down, he was a soldier. He had always been a soldier and a good one, one of the best.

The blocky dropships descended to the asteroid surface with the typical military precision that the Eternal Empire was known for, one ship hovering above the rest, a spotlight scanning the surrounding ruins for potential threats as two more dropships descended to the surface. Black, triangular starfighters made regular passes over the asteroid, just in case things went south and the contingent on the surface needed air support.

With a hiss, the doors on the lead dropship slid open before it even touched the ground, Tacitus' eyes scanning the surroundings like the eyes of a hawk.

The suit of military Sk-UL armor he wore, gave him dramatically improved mobility over regular enviro-suits, but also made him look menacing and imposing to those who were unfamiliar with the Eternal Empire's way of doing things and would, perhaps, expect a more civilian expedition for such a situation. But the Empire was not an ordinary government, it was a military dictatorship. To them, every institution was a branch of the armed forces and every expedition was a military one. So the amount of military hardware and personnel that Tacitus had brought with him to the asteroid, wasn't intended as a threat. It was just how the Imperials did things.

The other Imperial personnel saluted by tapping a closed fist over their hearts as the Emperor and his Wolfguards took their first steps on the asteroid surface, the Sith Lord answering their salute with one of his own. That brief exchange was all the time they afforded to ceremony, before getting to work.

The fifteen Combat Engineers he brought with him, quickly sprung into action, unloading equipment and supplies, setting up what looked to be like some sort of archaeological field lab and sorting station for artifacts. The scientists in the second dropship would handle the task of cataloging whatever items the exploration team brought back. Things were handled quickly, precisely, in the efficient fashion of the Logistics Corps personnel, who loathed wasting time and took their professionalism to a whole other level.

As the Engineers worked, Tacitus and his guards strode forward to meet the group that was already on the ground, greeting his apprentice and the others with a nod. "I will spare everyone the fancy speeches," he said, voice distorted by his helmet and the comlink. "We have Engineers standing by to assist with excavations, as well as a team of scientists."

Objective: Explore

Equipment: Beskar'gam, RSKF-44

Tags: @Scherezade deWinter | @Ingrid L'lerim | [member="Darth Tacitus"] | @Renn Garrick
As the drop-ship made landfall, Cero ran a last minute check of his suit's environmental regulation systems. He didn't want to suddenly suffer a case of explosive depressurization upon being exposed to the void of space, nor did he want to begin suffocating due to an error in his oxygen supply. No, deaths like those would be laughable and anti-climatic, to say the least. Plus it would probably be extremely painful. His armor rated high in vacuum and exotic environments, so the check itself was more of a habit than actual worry. The only additions he'd made were to his oxygen reserves, enough to last about two hours.

The proximity to Darth Tacitus and the other Sith aboard the ship admittedly gave him something reminiscent of chills. His own Force-sensitivity had never been that strong, especially when compared to Oryn's, but nevertheless he could feel the sheer weight of the Sith Lord's presence pressing against his mind. It was... uncomfortable.

Relief came when the doors finally opened, allowing the group on board to file out onto the asteroid. One of the last ones off, he glanced at the Tacitus' personal guard, as well as the engineers, who all saluted him before going off to perform their duties. 'Security' was the assignment given to him the time being, though he felt that considering what he'd seen and knew of his clientele, it wasn't needed.

He stepped away from most of the group, straying off to explore some of the asteroid himself. His HUD brightened as the view automatically compensated for the low light of the environment. Apparently it'd survived the destruction of it's own planet, intact? "Hmph. Impossible."

Karlie Lynn Destat

Conspiracy Theorist and Investigator (IBI)

Location: Approaching the asteroid
Ship: Castan GS-1
Wearing: Combat/enviro armor , standard side arm.. Cough cough..and two thermo detonators, nicely tucked away.
Tags: Haha..yea, like that's been working for me in the past...
Posts: 1

"What are you doing, Karlie?" She asked herself, biting the corner of her lip.

The scanners weren't revealing much, other than the large vessel seemingly keeping it's distance from the rock, like a ship anchored at sea.
The rock ahead were dense, yet it showed hints of cavities, lesser dense fissures within...most likely tunnels, caverns..underground structures?
There were much interfering signal s splitting her scans, but with the large vessel about the micro gravity of the rock, this was the asteroid she had received account of.

She weren't here on anyone's behalf but her own. As such Karlie had made the crossing alone. Even opting for commandeering one of the vessels that were still in the maintenance bay of a Castan SD that she had boarded under the pretense of a surprise inspection.

During the acquisition of the craft:
"Agent Lynn, madam...
Not meaning any disrespect.
But...I wasn't aware that the IBI did inspections...mam.." One of the chief deck officers dared to question her presence on the deck.

"No. " She coolly turned to him, eyes fixed steadfast upon his orbs.
"No of course you wouldn't be." Karlie in what were certainly a forced calm tone, indicative that he were trying her patience, started to inform the subordinate.
"It's why these things are called surprise inspections, lieutenant."

He blinked, before his eyes fell. He bought it under intimidation.
It weren't that Karlie were as such, you know, intimidating. She could only play the part well though. Karlie were just an average 5' 4" (162cm) compared to the deck chief at 6' 3" (193cm). So ok, lets say his eyes didn't fall, but he averted his gaze elsewhere.
"Yes, madam.."

Karlie herself, in game mind you, were perspiring underneath her flight suit. But not one strand of hair managed to wick the perspiration which wanted to explode like a thundercloud laden with rain.
Of course her flight suit were designed to keep her dry no matter what...even if she... Ahem... should have a little accident.
Cough cough....Ok, moving on.

Why were she here?
One good reason.
The last time she were on an exploratory treasure hunt where the name [member="Darth Tacitus"] were thrown around, she acquired a horde load of battle drones. Sure, they needed some upgrading and reprogramming, but the quality, the armor and adaptability of these battle droids were invaluable.
So here she were once more on one of those zany treasure hunts, putting her vessel down and anchoring it on-

"Wait, what's this?" The gravitational forces were near that of a system exponentially of much greater mass. This were just a piece of rock. large, sure, but not even close to the size of the smallest moon.

Karlie contemplated the phenomenon a minute before going ahead and shooting into the rock the vessel's anchors anyway. This was after all an asteroid and what her scanners were indicating were near normal gravity could at any time dissipate.

[member="Scherezade deWinter"]

Darth Manius


[SIZE=10.5pt]Location: By the Dance floor ->Buffet [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Wearing: Turtle Neck on fleek[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Tags: Open as can be[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Leeroy stood by at the party, watching the dancers go about with one another or by themselves. From his pocket he pulled out a thick, odorless cigarra. From his other pocket he pulled out a lighter and lignighted the tobacco product. After he got it nice a ready he stuck the rod in one of his “Mouth holes” Which he used to filter air for what remained of his brain and nervous system. The internal cooling fans would gently bring smoke in one hole and expel it out another.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]He felt that someone was going to start bothering him about it he’d just say it was a religious thing and he had to for his deity. Sadly though he couldn’t find any beverages to go along with it. With his claw like hand he would pluck the cigarra out of his “mouth” and mosey on over to the buffet to see what their selection was, even though he could hardly consume anything in his mechanical body. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Now why was a swoop bike racer here at some social event? Well to put it simply he was looking for backers and sponsors to help with getting back into and paying for his race career. So he was hoping that some big, but not too big names in the galaxy would be willing to take a gamble on him. After his horrific crash the last time he raced businesses didn’t want to make a gamble on using him to themselves. He knew of members here who were part of some kind of empire. But he also caught wind of some kind of influential anarchist group as well.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Putting the cigarra in his “mouth” he took another puff as he simply looked around to see who he should speak with in regards to extreme sports. Just then a waitress walked by with a tray of what looked like wine. One of his many optical sensors watched her before his claw like hand picked a glass from the tray. The waitress turned her head to give the metal man an odd look before walking away. Leeroy was starting to feel more comfortable now with a glass of wine in one hand and a cigarra in the other.[/SIZE]
Location: Asteroid surface, ready to go down
Wearing: Enviro-suit
Wielding: Several knives beneath the suit
Tags: [member="Ingrid L'lerim"] [member="Cero Pax"] [member="Karlie Lynn Destat"] | + Open

Being on the steroid was funny to Scherezade. She hopped from one leg to the other, wishing she had a mirror so that she could see how ridiculous it looked when she did that while wearing an enviro-suit. In her imagination, she looked like the marshmallow puff man trying to keep his balance.

Looking up as [member="Ingrid L'lerim"] approached and introduced herself, the Sithling grinned. So it was to be Lady tonight. The redhead had told Scherezade about her story, how she had ended up under the wing of Darth Tacitus the Meanie, but she'd never expected to actually see it like this. And when the message came in, she had a huge smile to offer her. A smile that was only removed when the wolf man himself showed up.

Truth be told, Scherezade wasn't entirely sure what to make of the man. She'd appreciated him, she'd hated him, she'd wanted to break his nose in. And she'd found him drunk. It was a very complicated story. But she was no longer the one he had thought of as a child, who was drunk and lost. Things were… Different, now. She did however, peak behind his shoulder. A team. Of course.

And a new person. Scherezade looked at him, [member="Cero Pax"], and inhaled. The inhaling thing was mostly a physical way to concentrate though, since it wasn't her actual nose she was using. Scherezade was a Blood Hound, and she remembered people more than by the way they looked, by the way their blood smelled through the Force. Unless severed from it, she would be able to know this was the same man the next time they met, even if enviro-suits weren't part of the deal then.

As the group and all the other faceless ones made to enter the site, Scherezade paused.

Now she was no longer sniffing the newcomer, but someone else. Someone she had not come across in over a year. Someone she had thought about just a post moment ago. Drunk as she had been that day, the blood never lied, and the blood catalogued itself as long as she was conscious. The smell was feint, and when she looked in its direction, she realized this was due to the vessel that was… Why was it shooting at the ground?

Motioning for the others to wait a moment, Scherezade bounced over to the ship, looking at it. What frequency were they connected to? She wasn't sure, so she hit all of them.


What were the odds?

Ivan Stadd

After recently joining the AoC , it seemed that James Cerensp came just in time for an event in which could benefit his superiors. Though he made sure that everyone knew him as a fugitive from the Core Worlds , Cerensp’s true story was actually based on the opposite and he joined the AoC was not a coincidence but an orchestrated event , planned by the DIA. After arriving at Asteroid WTH-79 , Cerensp decided to stay on the Yacht intending to oversee the excavations. However Cerensp also had another mission. One that would prove to be beneficial to the superiors within “The Organization”

James was very different than the other members of the AoC , sure he supported the idea of independent planets but he wasn’t really comfortable with the brutal methods of the AoC not to mention that many of their leaders were Sith Lords and had no mercy for even the innocent in which to James were people who were at the wrong place at the wrong time. Though he did not approve of the actions of the AoC he had no other option. He had direct order to play as a Fugitive from the Core and as the Best of the best from the DIA he had to accomplish his mission.

James continued looking at the Excavation site from a balcony and as he looked at the Excavation Site through his electrobinoculars he could see Darth Tacticus and Scherezade deWinter at the site meaning that the coast was clear and he could move forth with his mission. Heading to the Ballroom , he saw a familiar figure in Madalena Antares who had recruited him into the AoC after he was nearly caught by those who were looking for him. Then he headed to a food buffet and took bread and some meat and then proceeded to look around looking for the perfect opportunity.


][ A B S O L U T I O N ][
Location: By the buffet
Gear: [Suit]
Tags: [member="Madalena Antares"] | [member="Leeroy"] | + Open


He was a a suit.

Had he really gone insane this time around? He believed he had.

The Sith let his friend talk him into coming to a social event for “once in his karking life” and actually, personally, socialize. Yep, he’d completely lost his marbles this time around. The suit - really, the vest because he absolutely refused to wear a proper suit - felt odd and abhorrently smooth. Unlike the sleekness of his usual light armor, this smoothness was different. Instead, the silk and cotton fabric felt utterly... dainty.

As much as he was fond of Scherezade and her sister, Madalena, he shouldn’t have listened to the deWinters just this once. But no, he had to go out and go suit shopping because Scherezade insisted that he couldn’t wear armor to a party. Though, he felt the polar opposite. Why not wear armor? He’d at least be protected if anything went amuck. But, no, it was all “You need to get out more, Kyri! You can’t stay holed up in your ship,” and “You need a real[italic] suit, dude! Ohhh, let’s go shoppingggg!!” from Scherezade. His mission partner of old had dragged him to countless stores on Eve in preparation for the event. The pair raided every store and the former Pathfinder critiqued every outfit he tried on.

Then they found the suit which he wore this night. A stunning silver and black vest with a designer long sleeve, black collared shirt. It even had a silver cross shaped brooch attached to it as well. He liked it, surprisingly. It brought out his eyes.

Thus, he found himself here. In a growing crowd of people by a table full of food. He treated himself to some roasted meat and exotic fruit, with Anat sitting calmly by his side. Every now and then, he slipped her some food too. A bit of meat here, some more meat there...maybe a bit more meat. That was of no consequence though. There was plenty of food to go around for any peckish patrons.

His answer was a hopeful nod. “Not currently, no. Anat and I will keep an eye out though,” he paused a moment, he supposed it wouldn’t hurt too much to strike up a conversation. “How are you, Madalena? Faring well, I assume?”
Location: Asteroid surface
Wearing: Sk-UL Mk2 Armor
Weapons: KC-M74S Designated Marksman Rifle | KC-47 Hybrid Strike Rifle | KC-95 Blaster Pistol | Lucius-pattern Bayonet
Tags: [member="Darth Tacitus"] [member="Scherezade deWinter"] [member="Cero Pax"] [member="Renn Garrick"] [member="Karlie Lynn Destat"] [member="Ingrid L'lerim"] +Open

A hushed grunt escaped the Chiss’s mouth as he was the first to disembark from the Eternal Empire’s dropship, the rest of his five man squad following behind him. Although his standard Mk2 Ultranaut amor had more mobility than your typical Enviro-suit, it was still heavy enough to cause strain on the lean soldier’s movements. Nerulic was trained for far worse than this however, and the lack of gravity seemed to support him as well.

Nerulic and his squad quickly moved into formation, their objective was simple. While they were certainly overarmed (to say the least) for an excavation, they were tasked with tagging along as security. There was no telling what lay in wait beneath the surface, whether it be some sort of living creature such as a those pesky mynocks or something more threatening..All he knew for sure was that he was a long way from his original home planet of Scilla..

Upon seeing these “Agents of Chaos” Nerulic had to bite his tongue to hide his annoyance. He already held a distrust for Sith, and he had heard rumors of a lot of the agents migrating in from the CIS and there would always be a grudge for the attack on Copero. Even if he was a bit ignorant to the fact he was now apart of the Eternal Empire.

His anger subsided a bit as his Emperor Tacitus began to speak. He was a Sith, but he had Nerulic’s respect. He was different. A soldier first, and a Sith second. More than that though, this was the man who held the power to reform his people. Perhaps this was his chance to finally stand out from the sea of indistinguishable infantrymen that were the Ultranaut Corps.

Karlie Lynn Destat

Conspiracy Theorist and Investigator (IBI)

Location: Approaching the asteroid
Ship: Castan GS-1
Wearing: Combat/enviro armor , standard side arm.. Cough cough..and two thermo detonators, nicely tucked away.
Tags: Well well, what do you know.. who would have guessed? Not me!
Posts: 2

The ship's anchoring servos reeled the cables taught securely anchoring to the rock...asteroid...planet remnant...whatever.
The scanners were still giving her somewhat conflicting data concerning the density and gravity of the asteroid. As a good measure, she had fired off penetrating anchor lines.

Karlie were still in her skintight flight suit when she powered down the craft doning her enviro-suit armor before she slipped out through the airlock.
Stepping out of the craft, the gravity were not as what the ship's sensors had displayed. Most likely due to the fact that she lifted the craft from the SD's maintenance bay. Karlie were in the process of linking up her suit's bio-link to the craft when her name suddenly came through the head set.

"Huh?..Wha-" Karlie had not yet established the connection to her craft, and spun around to see who may have managed to track her from the Castan SD she had lifted her craft from.

But it weren't no Castan retrieval team she suddenly found herself facing, but an entire group of crafts and other people. How in blazes had her ship sensors not picked up-
Ahhh, yes.... yes, Karlie then realized as she had after all taken the craft from the maintenance bay.
Well, wrong. She hadn't checked as to why the craft was in the maintenance bay, just that it was there as an easy picking for her to uhm...cough cough...borrow.
Guess there was a legitimate reason it were being serviced then. Lucky for the blonde it weren't anything to do with the hyper-drive system, nor it's navigational comp.

Wait... these others here already knew her name. How in blazes did anyone even come to guess-
Karlie took a brave step closer to the individual nearest her... the very same one that seemed to have transmitted her name, as she were advancing upon her in a non-threatening manner. It were a woman... stylish body armor accented that fact. But who was it?
Another step and she came to recognize those orbs...maybe.
Yes, no?
Damn, Karlie knew she had looked into those emeralds before...but where though?
Wait, weren't they kind of off green before, like remembering them being kind of bloodshot-

YES, she remembered her!

No way!
No way in hell could she run into the same girl pretty much under the same circumstances.
Frak... what was her name again?

"Scher..r r..rondea?"

[member="Scherezade deWinter"]
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Location: Asteroid surface, ready to go down
Equipment: Enviro suit, under the suit: 2 lightsabers, 2 westars and her Blackwatch uniforum
Tags: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="Cero Pax"] | [member="Nerulic"] | [member="Karlie Lynn Destat"]
Soon not just only Ingrid and Scherezade were there on the asteroid, but more were coming. Among others Ingrid’s other master, [member="Darth Tacitus"] too. She returned the smile briefly. Otherwise this situation was bit odd. She never imagined she will meet Scherezade like this. This time they were on the other side, not the same. Ingrid loved to work with the other woman, they were good partners, she hoped this time they can work together again. When her master arrived, she turned and salute to him.

”My lord!” she said.

She hoped the storm would not break out, because she perfectly knows how Scherezade related to the Empire. The other woman who arrived with Scherezade was a little odd. She acted strangely. Now that the Emperor was here, she can’t ask she couldn’t ask the question aloud, only through the Force.

”She is all right?” she asked this through telepathic message from Scherezade.

She glanced at the others, after that she shook her head and get in to the shuttle. Ingrid didn’t want to waste the time here on the asteroid, she wants to land on the moon. So she hoped the others will join to her and they will go down to the moon.


Location: Asteroid surface, ready to go down
Wearing: Enviro-suit
Wielding: Several knives beneath the suit
Tags: [member="Ingrid L'lerim"] [member="Cero Pax"] [member="Karlie Lynn Destat"] [member="Darth Tacitus"] [member="Nerulic"] | + Open



Scherezade looked at Karlie and grumped. Sure, last time the two had met, Scherezade had been drunk, not entirely there, sort of escaped Karlie's ship after Karlie said she could use a friend, and all sort of stuff that really, anyone who'd never met Scherezade while drunk would never have thought she was capable of what with her thirst to being loved and appreciated, but still, none of that excused Karlie messing her name up. Not like that.

"Scherezade," came her voice, void of any humor or smiles, still talking into the comlink.

The question from [member="Ingrid L'lerim"] though caught her off guard. Was who all right? Karlie? She's going to be just fine until I throttle her for getting my name wrong, Scherezade answered via the Force.

"Get your butt down here, we're about to go below ground and see what the asteroid has to offer," came the next commlink message towards Karlie. After all… They were keeping the others waiting, "Sort of like… A year ago? At that place?" Nope, she did not remember its name. At all. "Only this time I managed to get into a suit all on my own!"

Successes had to be celebrated.
Location: By the buffet
Wearing: Itty bitty ultra tight breathing is for wussies black dress
Tags: [member="Kyrinov"] [member="Leeroy"] | + Open!

As [member="Kyrinov"] slipped his beautiful pupper some food, Madalena looked at the pair and smiled, her willingness to kill more or less anyone in the room subsiding for a moment. It appeared that there was exactly one common trait that so far, all the Agents of Chaos shared – their love for animals. Madalena had lost count of the amount of so called pets people kept, many of whom were not pets at all but more like companions, sentient intelligence shining from their eyes. Sometimes, she wondered if all those beasts had their own network to communicate through, a way to speak with each other when their human and near-human caretakers were gone on missions or were even just asleep.

Sliding a finger sandwich into her mouth, she sighed as Kyrinov's answer was a negative. If she didn't know any better, she'd have assumed it was a no only because they'd made him wear a suit that evening. Although, one had to admit that he cleaned up very well.

"Still adjusting," she admitted as she sighed, her shoulders relaxing ever so slightly. They had never actually spoken of why they'd left the Southern Systems, what had caused each and every one of them to turn their backs to it and join an organization that, should it survive long enough, would someday try to take it down. "This place…" she sighed, "This almost everything, I can't quite explain it other than it feels just right. But sometimes I can't help but wonder if leaving the way we did was the right thing. I knew the names of all those who served under me, I had their next of kins memorized, I knew their histories, their upbringing, their strengths and weaknesses on a field of battle… Everything that was relevant. They came to me because they trusted me. And I just upped and left like a thief in the night."

Another sigh, and Madalena picked up a glass that smelled like it held liquor in it. She'd never gotten drunk, though she had memories of being drunk, courtesy of the remains of her sister's blood spell. The idea of losing control so completely was not only anathema to her, but taboo as well. And still, she loved the taste of it, the warmth that spread from her mouth to her chest and then to the rest of her body with every sip. Liquor was to be treasured, loved, and only used when it was of high quality. Anything less than that, and one might as well pour it into a public toilet.

Eyes narrowing, her face then shot to the side, where she saw… A droid smoking a cigarra? What?

Motioning for Kyrinov to come with her, and fully expecting him to give the answer to his own question as well, and of course, Anat was more than welcome to join them, she led them to the droid.

"I want to condemn you for smoking here," she admitted, eyes still big, voice ever so slightly stern, "but how is a droid smoking a cigarra?"
Attn: [member="Scherezade deWinter"] | [member="Ingrid L'lerim"] | [member="Cero Pax"] | [member="Renn Garrick"] | [member="Nerulic"] | [member="Karlie Lynn Destat"]
Accompanied By: 4x Wolfguards | 15x Combat Engineers
  • Asteroid Surface
    Unknown Regions

The Emperor's eyes darted to Karlie as she spoke with Scherezade. He didn't recognize her at first, but as the deWinter girl mentioned her name, along with the expedition into the abandoned Zakuulian fortress, he remembered her from amongst the Confederacy.

His hand immediately shot to his sword, the Wolfguards around him snapping into action and pointing their rifles at her. "Confederate," Tacitus said through the comlink, his voice cold and dangerous. "Why are you here?" he demanded, his tone making it clear that he expected a quick answer. Given what had happened, he would not be surprised if the leaders of the Confederacy sent someone to capture or assassinate him. And he wasn't the kind of man to trust blindly or take any chances.

Two of the Wolfguards advanced on her, rifles pointed straight at her head. "Surrender your weapons!" one of the soldiers demanded in an accented Basic. "You have three seconds to comply!"

"<<Stand down,>>" Tacitus snapped a command in High Nelvaanian, halting the soldiers' advance before the situation escalated. "<<I want to hear what she has to say.>>"

The Sith Lord's eyes snapped back to her, although the golden, cat-like orbs were concealed by his helmet's visor. "State your intentions," he said, repeating his earlier question more forcefully, while snapping a few quick hand gestures at [member="Nerulic"]'s squad, instructing them to form a defensive perimeter around the expedition team. If one Confederate was here, there could be others lying in wait, preparing to attack.

Not yet content, he also directed his thoughts to his apprentice, sending her instuctions telepathically, silent and undetectable. Ingrid. I want you to instruct the Mandalorian mercenary to scan her ship. Do it quietly.


Karlie Lynn Destat

Conspiracy Theorist and Investigator (IBI)

Location: On the surface of the rock
Ship: Castan GS-1
Wearing: Combat/enviro armor , standard side arm.. Cough cough..and two thermo detonators, nicely tucked away.
Tags: Shoot...suddenly surrounded by..uhm, lots of guns. Frak me!
Posts: 3

"Scherezade... ahem, right. " Karlie's eyes wandered over her shoulder a moment.
Berkana, how had she missed this party? Her ship's sensors were really off the mark. Karlie was no where near any CIS controlled space or influence, and the invite had been sent and verified by her own sources as being legitimate... truce... explore...share.
Still, were all these ragtag mixed individuals here all trustworthy?
That were a thin line.

Karlie nodded, returning her attention to Scherondea- no no . Scherezade.... Scherezade, right, she filed and burned that in her head. Honestly speaking, Karlie had tried to get the little drunk out of her head. since she had last seen her, with the girl ditching her like she had some communicable disease herself. Well, Karlie didn't at the time, nor now. It were just an emotional state she had found herself in at the time. Friendless in the great exspanse of this galaxy.
But no, try as she might have, that raven dark hair little drunk nearly haunted her like her own horrid sith mother that spawned her for the sole purpose of slipping into a younger body, that of her her daughters.
Karlie blinked...she were doing that again...thinking of her horrid mother again.
She remembered Scherezade had reminded her of herself in many ways. Both had experienced mothers who had no other motives than to use their daughters for their own means at whatever cost. It were the bond, the attraction she had felt at the time for the runt. Well OK, she hadn't thought of her back then as one, but through the months following and replaying over and over her futile and pathetic attempts at securing a friendship-


No, she herself were in a different place, in a different state of mind...fresh out of the bull pen so to speak.
Maybe...just maybe the girl here had changed. She were standing here in a hermetic suit, right?
And it were she whom had come to call on her attention too.

Still... the girl had hurt her.
Sigh...maybe it were her own (Karlie) fault. She had seemed too needy perhaps..desperate for a friend.

Yea, she herself would have turned tail too, if say someone came on to her in the same manner...maybe.

"Sure..." She replied, keeping her peripherals on the others that were en route as to where Scherezade were indicating.
"...if it's anything close to that ancient eternal Empire station off's why I am here for."

Last treasure hunt had been by invite by a [member="Darth Tacitus"] something or other. hell if she knew the man..or woman. It were difficult to tell these days with Darths, as her own freakin mother had gone by a Darth... Darth Rigor, curse her soul. But unlike her mother, Karlie were presently force-dead.
Anywho, Karlie had never met Tacitus. Hell if she knew what he/she even looked like.

But his last invite to a treasure hunt had panned out for Karlie. Well enough for her to even commission a large carrier. A carrier to see about going back and retrieving ALL of the freaking battle droids. But that carrier was still nearing completion as ordered, and maybe soon after this escapade, she'd go back.
But Karlie were here now and although quite leery as to the trustworthiness of these ragtag individuals, she was nevertheless anxious in getting underway.

"Uhm, so... we just descend down... no intros..what?" She asked as more individuals were gathering about.

Sigh..and that's when things suddenly got hairy.

"Poo-doo... what gives-?" She were about to reply to the first onslaught of heavy blaster rifles turning her dark monochromatic armor into red polka dots.

Her hands immediately went up.
Ok, yes, she were still Confederate, but what of the invite? A trap?
Karlie cursed under her breath... the runt here (Scherondea. That's right Scherondea as she were thinking that now) along with whomever was behind this rouse had set her up.

"Got my hands up, you idiot." She answered the trooper who set her up to fail in that command of his.
Ok, maybe she didn't actually transmit that remark, only thought it.
Karlie gritted her teeth and and opened up her palm in the air in case the idiot somehow missed the fact she had her hands up already and if she went to drop her weapon, she'd be like reaching. Like...who trained this moron, she thought.
And along with that fact, she remained still, with her hands up. Sooner or later maybe someone with authority would come along and-

...and that someone then came forward.

Easy...not moving here. a invite... I don't know now." She answered the broad man in armor. the leader, she had to assume.
"Thought it were from a Darth Tacitus... or someone mimicking him, had sent me an encrypted invite." She answered, not dare move other than her eyes looking left, right, at the troops with their weapons still lighting her up. The blonde had no idea who this behemoth were who thank Berkana was in charge of the troopers (armored soldiers).

Then one by one, before all of the red dots disappeared...except for one that she could see it's refraction through the dura-glass of her helmet. Most likely aimed just below her hairline.
Her craft was empty..good freakin thing. Berkana (God) she were thinking, if she had brought a few of her battle droids. This would have instantly turned into a firefight. But no..she had stupidly took the bait and come alone.

Most likely the runt (Scherondea, undeserving of being called right) was behind this kidnapping.
And Karlie were betting Metus were behind this runt. Karlie were now thinking back as to the time she had accidentally bumped the runt's head on the threshold of her ship. She should have maybe bumped her head a few more times on purpose, now thinking about it... that little runt.

[member="Darth Tacitus"] / [member="Scherezade deWinter"] / [member="Ingrid L'lerim"]
Tacitus was never alone, the talons of the Sith Lich Magnus were never far now. A mile back from the wolf guards was a silent sniper nest beneath the white sand of the asteroid. Hidden under it was a team of special operations infantry combat scouts called The Commenori Marinos. These exotic troops were linked to Mythos who was presently off the sector. What they saw, He saw.

Red lights shun in the cockpit of the Cortan Blade somewhere beyond the Outer Rim, Tacitus had encountered possible hostiles. The team had sighting of them, reported their distance, gear and numbers to the Nexus booming ship. Using the C.A.R.G.S system Mythos was in control of their actions, He however, did not have authorization to engage.

With a flick of his wrist he changed into the high security, encrypted channel of the Emperor. "Specter we are live at your six requesting permission to engage." His voice came in clear and professional accompanied by the long range lasers that pointed at Karlie's forces

The green lights were trained on the possible hostile force, Mythos sat in the darkness of the blade, time seemed to slow down. Tension was palpable, the wolf guard, Tacitus, Mythos' special forces and an unknown paramilitary unit armed to the teeth in an asteroid in the middle of nowhere.

He had to smile, this was interesting, he almost wanted to open fire and unleash Chaos in the asteroid, his Sith manners above all enticing him to do so... Tacitus however had become another beast in his absence. Before Mythos would have enjoyed the sheer chaos, before Tacitus was but one in a sea of Generals and Kings at his behest.

Out of all those Kings, Generals, Warlords and Commanders only Tacitus had carved out an empire of his own. One which Mythos would serve, one which would complete the Ancient Eye that at this moment was shaking, vibrating and glowing in his chest.

They were close...

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