Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Crumbling Castle | NIO Invasion of TSE Held Gravlex Med and Ibanjii (Generis)


M A N _ O F _ I R O N
Iron Skin |


She continued her drivel. The same rhetoric he'd heard time and time again, the spun and contrived narrative that the New Imperial Order were the heralds of doom, the bringers of the end. She ran back the same story they all had. Used by all those adjacent to the brotherhood of darkness to justify the evils they undertook. Those futile grasps and reaches to blot out the Iron Sun.

None of it mattered. It was a waste of breath and she knew better than to think otherwise. She as the rest did continued to talk down to him, to them. To forgive the great evils of the darkness in favor of another horde of marauder dregs.

"You misunderstand..."
Rurik states. There was no anger anymore. Those vitriolic bouts of defiance that he spent years taming in his tutelage as a Jedi Knight had long faded. The flames fueled by the bellows and coals had heated him until each strike shaped him into the man he was now. Iron. Cold, unbending, unbreaking and unmoving.

"Your means nothing...and you are nothing." Rurik stated. He offered his chance to sway from the path she walked now. A path that with upmost certainty would've sent the darkness in its screaming terror from the Galaxy. But she stood in defiance, lashed back at him with a low and dirty attempt to sway his balance and focus with a strike toward the groin, only for the metal to meet her knee in a low thud, his mask offering the same resistance as her skull sought to slam and bludgeon his own. He took each strike in earnest and leaned into the lunge of his blade, to bear deeper into her flesh past the synth skin of the assassin that she donned over it.

"And you have to die..." He iterated. She only worked to prop up the enemy on any front. The Sith, who inhibited any New Imperial attempt to fight the Bryn'adul. All pawns, all fools manipulated by the great lie that had sewn the seeds of division along the Galaxy. All truth soon be revealed beneath the Iron Sun.

It only needed to shine past the darkness.
ALLIES | NIO | Kainan | Ryv | Dagon Kaze | Paz Koon | Enlil Enlil
ENEMIES | TSE | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Coordinated | Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Arctus Silmar Arctus Silmar
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Rakatan Temple ruins, Generis
Objective III.: Rakatan Temple | Super Weapon
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Writing with: Rurik Fel Rurik Fel

She sighed, she tried, she really tried. Ironically, warriors of the alleged Light Side are not interested in how many will die, how many will be lost. It's just that they can carry out their own petty revenge. She also told Djorn Bline Djorn Bline when she talked to the man. That the NIO may have once started as a great nation built at the cost of sacrifices, but that’s the past. The glorious “past” was ground in a few years, and today they have become exactly what they were sworn to destroy. No, they got worse than the Sith.

Ingrid was a strange double, killing countless people as an assassin, she killed hundreds or thousands. But at her level she has always worked to prevent such bloodshed, the planet-level invasions. To kill only one government, one person, or one family, so that place falls bloodlessly into the hands of another state, person. This is commonplace. The NIO could have tried assassinations, killing all the Zambrano to break the TSE. But no, they chose total war, supposedly in the name of light. Ingrid therefore preferred the Light Side less, while the Dark Side gave a chance at life, the light just wanted to destroy everything that is evil in their view.

Sad. The two attacks hit her opponent as the heat and pain grew stronger on her side. If the red-haired woman begins to absorb the forces of the Dark Side, thanks to the Nexus, her regeneration will also be incredibly faster, better than the current one. It was not a pleasant feeling that the wound healed at once and then the fresh area burned again. After the man's words, she yanked her hand out of the man's hand with a strong gesture, using her own physical strength and jumped back. Her muscles were quite protesting against this as a result of the previous electric attack, all of her muscles still cramping.

Her side ached, but made no sound, she just bear the pain, even though it was a little harder to stop on her right. It was harder to put her weight on her right leg. Maybe she managed to jump away at the very last moment before the blade completely cut through the armour. She will still need to fix it if she survives this.

"Then I must teach you to the good manners, Lord Executor. Maybe I even understand the NIO mindset with it!" said, still cold, emotionless, not showing her pain for a moment, neither mentally nor physically.

What she was prepared for now was not at all painful for anyone. Because this time using her own unique Force ability to “dispel” the emotions of others, actually steal them. She tried to steal hatred and anger, the feelings that nurture a man’s ego, the ones that give him arrogance and confidence. She thought there would be plenty of that in the other. In addition to these, the feelings that make him dislike or hate against the darkness, which makes him fight. It can feel like a Force Drain which is draining the life force, only in this case will it have mental effects, not physical ones, and the emotions will disappear from the other person if Ingrid succeeds. And if she succeeds, the stolen emotions will be transferred to her. This is the main method how she can use Dark Side abilities with stolen emotions from others to do so.


Location: Generis Base - Generis
Call Sign: Plasma Seven
Allies: TSE ( The Amalgam The Amalgam )
Enemies: NIO (Loros Kalaric Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter Jax Sloane Jax Sloane Arten Jinn Arten Jinn Willan Tal Willan Tal DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran )

“Plasma Seven, come in!”

Sweat glistened across the pilot’s brow as fire was cast forth from her walker in answer to the barrage of fire coming from the Cataphracts arrayed in formation within the jungle, electromagnetic plasma cannons belching energized projectiles towards the tanks as the last of her missiles were launched in their direction. The Nuetralizer droids did not go unnoticed, especially as they moved to attack the Cataphracts with grenade launchers and other instruments of explosive firepower. Unfortunately, the lumbering war machines seemed to ignore the droids and their heavy weaponry, moving in on her position in spite of their efforts.

“Plasma Seven, do you read?”

A grimace marked Nixie’s features as she moved her walker away from the fog. While the Cataphracts did not have optimal lines of sight to her machine, owing to the Nagnol gas clouding the air and the Carbonite smoke, the sheer volume of fire they produced inevitably slowed her machine down, the already damaged gyrostablization systems struggling to maintain integrity in the wake of the barrage. What had once been a limp was now a slow, clumsy hobble, with each step presenting its own danger in the rough terrain.

Nixie, can you get out of there?”

Nixie had her senses primed as she worked to push the Indrastra to its limits, but she never recognized the threat presented by the incoming speeder bike, instead aiming for the rider even after he had thrown himself off the machine. Four shots from the walker’s laser cannons were aimed and fired towards his chest in a split second, the pilot’s ingrained hunger for the kill overriding all sense of reason in the heat of the moment.

The next moment, the bike exploded.

Both legs of the walker were blown to slag in an instant, consumed in the localized thermonuclear detonation in a fiery display, before what was left of the machine crashed to the ground. Concussion shields and other emergency systems deployed in an instant, but they failed to stop the shockwaves of the detonation from transferring to the pilot.

Opening her eyes in the wake of the blast, Nixie was met with a high-pitched ringing sensation in her ears and a pounding ache in her skull, before she lost her grasp on consciousness.

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Eira Dwynwen


Tag: Djorn Bline Djorn Bline Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt
Equipment: Vibrosword, two daggers
Attire: Super Practical Jungle Outfit
Allies: TSE
Enemies: NIO

Things were getting very hairy, and that was putting it lightly, she was not sure what was going on entirely. One moment she was engaging a small unit of NIO soldiers, keeping an eye out for someone she could sway to her cause. Then the next thing she knew was going on was that some kind of super aggressive Force User was attacking a soldier, one that appeared to be on their own and seemed to look somewhat important to Eira, in terms of infiltrating the NIO. So, it was frustrating to see the fight going on and seemed to be entirely one sided. This meant, either Eira let the NIO soldier die at the hands of this Sith person or, Eira played her hand and risked appearing a traitor to the Sith and not be allowed to return when she finished her operation. But then again, Eira figured that was the risk of being a spy.

Pulling out a dagger, Eira threw one at the Sith person. Eira was behind them, throwing the dagger, it wasn't meant to be a lethal strike since Eira would not dare risk killing a superior in the field, no matter the mission. Eira pulled out her vibrosword and twirled it in her hands as she rose from the tall grass. The normally very attractive Twi'lek was coated in mud and much to her distaste was that her clothes were ruined with mud heavily caked to them. It was very unlikely that she could save the delicate fabric from the damage that the mud had done. She was glad that the jungle was warm, so that it wasn't cold mud coating her body.

Holding her sword high, Eira stared at the NIO soldier, hoping that they had been freed from the Sith. Two of them fighting a Sith, it might lead to at least them not dying and if the NIO was saved by Eira, be a lot easier to infiltrate the NIO. Some people took saving a life very seriously, she wasn't huge into life debts, but she knew about them and how everyone took it very seriously. This might be someone whose culture was about life debts, might not be, she couldn't tell but she knew helping them out of being murdered, it would help her in her endeavours.​

Auraya Irath-Ur

Her centered state was far from perfect.
She had proven as much when Vexander Graves Vexander Graves had opted for more chaotic, unpredictable strikes during the session. There were deflective acts which did not come quite so readily to her as they could, and sometimes, even with the Force as her ally, she couldn't quite contort the blade the way she needed to land those deflections.
Outside of her mind, where she sought a certain calm, she could hear the two talking. She did not break out of her state to join them, she had nothing to say at present. She was the student, not the Master, she did not speak for the two of them. Besides which, it was taking every ounce of her to remain in place, to uphold her center of being. That was more important right now, she reckoned. Lest she become another inconvenience.
Even so she nodded once, firm with confidence, as Zaavik gave his instructions.
She felt the pang in the Force as the debris neared her, moments before Zaavik spoke, and turned her body and blade to deflect it. She realized rather quickly however that her present method might not work best for the less-than-traditional methods being shown by their unseen foe. As much as it brought nerves to her stomach, she slowly released herself from that state and, when her eyes opened, stepped slightly closer to Zaavik. Not in his way, of course, but so the pair could try to compliment one another.
They still could not see her, after all. They could cover more visual ground this way...
Raya strengthened her hold of the blade even as her hands threatened to shake, and tried to sense anything that seemed out of place. Dust kicked up from the ground, the whooshing of clothes, or blades. Anything which could pinpoint her location.
From behind her though she realized that her position was more known than she'd initially realized, as lightsaber struck blade.
Prophet of Bogan

Objective: Secure the Rakatan Temple, Kill anyone that gets in the way
Location: Outside the Rakatan Temple
Equipment: Lightsaber
Allies: TSE
Enemies: NIO / GA
Tags: Alina Tremiru Alina Tremiru / Viera Viera / Viers Connory Viers Connory

His gaze narrowed as his attack was parried, about to step back to avoid a potential counter when he suddenly felt the ground beneath his feet shift. Oh chit. Was that an earthquake? Surely not, not here and now anyway, but something had to be making the ground shake like that. One of the Jedi or Imperials, he assumed. What sort of power could do that though? He didn't have time to ponder such things however, he was too preoccupied with being glad that his opponent's strike had gone awry.

Thank the Force for that.

Had it not been for the quake, he probably would've been struck by it. Even if it was only a little hit, it would've been a hit nonetheless. Luck was with him thus far, evidently.

Alisteri immediately regretted that thought when his gaze snapped up to spot a falling piece of rubble, him quickly jumping back just in time to avoid it. Thankfully his mask kept the dust from blowing into his face, but his vision was still obscured by it for a moment. He couldn't afford to be distracted for too long though, he had a duel to win after all.

This Jedi was just one of many, better to put her down quick and move on to help the rest of the defense.

He could sense her, amidst the combat around them, so he could halfway tell where she was even with the dust clouding the air. Before the dust had even properly cleared he hopped onto the pile of rubble, pushing off to gain momentum for a jump as he pounced at the Jedi. Based on the strike he was making, he looked to be going for a decapitation.


New Imperial Order

Allies: Kelig Ward Kelig Ward Rika Hiro Rika Hiro
Opposition: N/A

"I appreciate it, Ward, at least I know I ain't gonna be shot in the back by whichever poor conscripts the Sith threw on this base to guard," he shot back at Ward, offering him a nod before sprinting down the rise and into the foliage below. Cursing to himself step by step, praying he might not step on a mine or some god forsook jungle snake or whatever the hell called this planet home. He'd seen what the local wildlife did to a man. Some poor soul from the army corps had found out at the cost of his own life, paddling in a pond before being dragged under by some worm-like creature. He wasn't about to have some mouth breather mortician sign off his death as being to some fething bug or reptile. Don Belkora was not going to be known on COMPNOR records as dying to that. His ego was too big and inflated.

He moved ahead from where he was crouched, stepping over the bodies of the two now cold Sith corpses before jumping and rolling into the ditch where Asa had been. Only to find the Atrisian had not only vacated the ditch, but was already well into the vent.

Dam HRDs. His train of thought was interrupted by two more thudding sounds, likely more unaware victims of Wards sniper rifle. Or whoever had the misfortune to of chanced upon Yubari at the end of the ventilation shaft waiting for them with a silencer. Belkora took a deep breath and prayed he wasn't fat enough to be stuck in the vents and followed after Yubari.


The Shaper


The Iron Crown|| Whilstone of Prowess|| Whilstone of Acuity
Whilstone of Power|| Acharn|| Urfael|| Mithralian
Voice Sample



As The Shaper continued to move through the temple, purpose in his stride as much as his eyes, he could sense the entrance to the chamber containing the Crucifixion Engine was..... occupied. Other individuals he was more than willing to let spend themselves in their confrontation while he began a short-lived search for an alternative entrance. His outcast senses quickly locating what appeared to be an ancient lift system, operational after all this time, powered by the very Dark Side energy of this ancient place. Stepping with only minor distrust for the works of another onto the ancient, dust-covered device, did The Shaper begin his ascent.

As the lift arrived at it's destination The Shaper cast his gaze across the ancient walkway he was presented with. It was wide enough for three men to stand shoulder to shoulder, suspended from the roof of the chamber with metal supports, and half-way across it's surface were two platforms. Each of these platforms extended two meters out from the walkway and bore an ancient Rakatan terminal. Their surfaces alight with esoteric and indecipherable readouts on the Crucifixion Engine as they stabilized, monitored and diagnosed the ancient device.

The Shaper, taking a step forward, paused as the Whilstone of Acuity thrummed with a powerful vision. The approach of a golden sun, a flickering torch against darkness, and a wry smile graced his lips as he strode forward. Eyes now set on the opposite lift to the walkway as he released Urfael into the air before him, holding it telekinetically, horizontally, in the air before him as he knelt in meditation. Head slightly bowed as he focused on the vision, his senses honing in on Enlil Enlil as a small chuckle left his lips. Murmuring to himself "So the Monkey King comes, waving his torch, and screeching his contempt."

Awaiting the arrival of Enlil, who seemed as focused on the device as The Shaper himself, The Shaper drew in a deep breathe and pulled the darkness from the ancient Rakatan temple into himself. Calmly drawing Acharn from his back he then laid the midnight black spear beside himself on the walkway, tip facing the lift opposite of him, as he reached out to Enlil's mind. It was no attack, no assault upon his senses, rather The Shaper revealed himself to his destined adversary. His mental 'voice' a low, almost purring thing 'Come then, bright sun, I think it is only fitting your failure give rise to my Dark Moon.'

Allies: TSE folks and Allies

Enemies: NIO, GA;

Engaging: Enlil Enlil


His pace did not slow as he approached the offensive construct. The catwalk overhead clearly housed the controls that stabilized the monstrosity, so without delay, the King found his path forward. A gilded hand gripped one of the many counterweights that balanced the platform; and with his palm still searing, he tightened his stranglehold.

Heat ripped through the fibers that kept the rope taut and it snapped, ripping him from his feet and propelling him skyward. Enlil moved at a speed that made the blood rush to his head, but when he stepped onto the catwalk in earnest, nothing about his demeanor changed. The rickety metal groaned in protest, and still it shifted violently from the sudden shift in load bearing, but it held fast.

His ruby gaze found the man who dared intrude on his thoughts to spew unclean words. "Parasite," he spat, not deigning to offer the creature before him any humanity whatsoever with his words. "do not presume to afflict your filth on me."

The King spat, a gobbet of phlegm that rained down to the Rakatan mechanism beneath them.

He wasted nothing further on pleasantries. Sith were lesser creatures than dogs, and every word he gave this mongrel legitimized him. Instead, Enlil took the first step to close the distance between them. This thing had to die before he could put an end to a Fifty Thousand year horror story.

This wasn't even murder. It was an extermination.

The King snapped his fingers as he moved, his right arm swinging out to the side.





Generis Base | ORCC

ALLIES (NIO/GA): Rurik Fel Rurik Fel Djorn Bline Djorn Bline Willan Tal Willan Tal Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku
Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter Jax Sloane Jax Sloane Loros Kalaric Nima Appw'rii Nima Appw'rii Halketh Halketh
Jiosha Relawny Rika Hiro Rika Hiro Don Belkora Don Belkora Arten Jinn Arten Jinn Sol Stazi Sol Stazi

ENEMIES (TSE): Eira Dwynwen The Amalgam The Amalgam Darth Daiara Darth Daiara


Custom Blaster-Pistol | Basket-Hilted Vibrosword Claymore



Driving down from their position in the horsehoe-formation, the Lord-Major didn't have long to wait for the action to draw to a successful conclusion to assure Barran's safe approach, so the optics, the driver's windshield and the LMG-gunner's view would be given quite the explosive display to enjoy on their way to (what would become) ground-zero. After reaching the flat plane ahead, the awesome display of anti-tank and carbonite firepower could be felt much more intensely from there, feeling the sonic thuds pulsating through their bodies whilst experiencing the wildest of visual delights overhead. The Advanced Walker was still struggling against the endless bombardment with desperate abandon, but Barran cared little, as everyone inside the ACV were going in with an abandon of their own urgency, and none within had even the slightest urge to turn back to the debatable safety of the Cataphract/Guardian formation.

'We're hittin' Bastion proportions o' craziness noo, Milord! Like nature itself is bending the knee ti ultraviolence!'
Beautiful, isn't it? An' ah have a wee inkling that the finale's gawnty be just so - much - wilder....

'Oh, we know it can get better than this, Sergeant Malcom!', Erskine retorted, though with as kind a tone as his exclaiming-over-the-noise would permit. Putting his optics down, the Lord-Major looked to his driver, considering his answer in his sustained effort to not give the secret away, before resuming as he brought the periscope-optics to check on the progress of Sloane's distant approach. Waving off the autopilot-engaged driver of his ACV, Barran allowed himself to conclude,'Eyes t'the south, an' you'll maybe catch a glimpse o' suhin' much prettier! just you wait an' see, Sergeant!', before returning to awestruck wordlessness as they watched each element of the allied attack working it's limited magic against a much-stronger adversary than the Lord-Major's plan had anticipated.


Before anyone had any time to process the audacity of Sloane's actions, the singular sound of a 74-Z engine drew ever closer, first as a low hum under the cacophony of the previously two-layered hostilities, but then as a strong, high-revving mechanical growl by the time it had driven almost twenty-feet into the Advanced Walker's inundated vicinity. However, for a short moment, every friendly smoothbore and launcher had instinctively held their fire for the friendly unit to the south, gifting Major Sloane his split-second window to drive full-speed into the knees of the gargantuan walker that turned all too late to stop him; a move that none present had entirely anticipated, and especially not by the Advanced Walker's pilot, though Erskine had previously surmised Jax's methods would be of a measured,"Set-piece", nature.

The ensuing explosion was forceful enough to send a shockwave that went to the gut of every man working within Barran's ACV, but the LMG-gunner managed to catch the consequent bailing-trajectory of Sloane's impact with Nixie's Advanced Walker, even catching the shockwave's contact with his torse, watching as the Speeder-Bike major was sent tumbling into a small crater at a pace that would've knocked him out-cold on impact. The bright glow of the explosion would obscure Corporal Hogg's view, but the keen-eyed LMG-gunner would regardless have a good bearing for where Jax had landed, and would drop down from his little perch to mark the crater on the Lord-Major's map-holographics.

'What just- oh.... Ooooh, he'll be feelin' that later on! Well-spotted, Hoggy! But we close in on the wreckage, order the advance!'

<"This is Corporal Hogg! All units, advance on the Lord-Major's position! An' get Coyle doun here!">
Good idea, Hogg.... Showin' initiative in the ACV gets you places, but that's another secret ah'm no giein' awa.



'Just through-and-throughs, Milord. On both counts, which you'll see for yersel if we stand 'im up.'

With the pilot assumed dead from a distance, presumed to have been (like many others would've been, in Nixie's place) annihilated in the explosion, Lord Erskine felt safe enough to approach the semi-conscious commander of the catalyst-element in the attack on the Advanced Walker; the man who drove out farther than all his bravest subordinates to destroy the legs of their enemy, the one capitalising factor in the Advanced Walker's downfall, though Jax Sloane would be unaware of how much damage he'd inflicted in his consequent state.

'Seen? Alright, now ah've checked his breathin'; perfectly fine, no lung punctures or cracked ribs that threaten such, so the chest wounds are easily mended enough t'send 'im back oot on his - ah, never mind.', Leftenant Coyle started, stopping as he eventually considered the fact the allied Major's speeder-bike no longer existed as a tool for Sloane's continuation of his part in the objective. However, when the field-surgeon turned to apologise, Major Barran was seen staring blank-faced with his finger pointing to the reason Coyle was there, so he resumed,'Fair enough, as I was sayin'; the wounds are easy enough to mend, but it's the head-trauma that ah'll be earnin' ma wages on. Look at the temple, crown, eyebrow- ah, it's all needin' work done, Milord.'

'Better set to it then, this is why we called ye doun after all. Ah want him in fightin'-shape by tea-time! At least fit enough for a night-time fitbaw game, at least! We'll work around that, an' no this.... Wait a minute, Sloane's actually snappin' out o' the conk-out! Some chin oan 'im, lads! Let's sit the Major down so he can talk without the aches-an'-pains t'deal wae.'

Doing as ordered, Coyle would slowly lift Sloane over his shoulders to carry him out of the still-warm missile-crater, walking with Jax on his shoulder until he found a strong tree to prop the Major's back against, allowing the ordered chance for the Speed-Bike commander to sit down as Coyle lowered the Lord-Major's injured ally down to the ground. Once Sloane was able to find comfort in his seating-position, his bloodied-head lifted to meet the gaze of the Blue-Hearts who were helping him, but Jax instantly knew which Galidraani he wanted to speak to; pin-pointing the rank-pins and officers' decorations to the one in the middle, and his assumption was correct, nodding silent greeting as Lord Erskine knelt to speak with him on equal terms, whilst also toning down the broadness of his accent for Jax's sake.

'You're a madman, Major Sloane. But madmen always get along famously with the Blue-Hearts, in case you didn't know already. So, if you would allow me to introduce myself formally; I'm Erskine Barran, Lord-Major of Tal's 2nd Battalion, and it's an honest pleasure to make your acquaintance today.'

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New Imperial Order
1st armoured Galidraani ARMOURED-VOLUNTEER brigade
1st Battalion, "Fighting first."

The boys and the girl: Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran Loros Kalaric Nima Appw'rii Nima Appw'rii Halketh Halketh Jax Sloane Jax Sloane
Opposition: Formerly SF-3335 SF-3335

< "General, I just called in an artillery bombardment, give my gal Hades three minutes. My Company is en route from the left. I'd advise all roving units to steer clear; I don't have the right channels,">- Nima Appw'rii Nima Appw'rii

"Noted, Major."

Tal turned heel and signalled his radioman to give all adjacent Galidraani units clear warning to steer clear of artillery coordinates; with Sith forces in the sector in apparent disarray, his men stopped short at the give notice of impending bombardment on the road ahead. A few fleeting moments passed, and the road ahead and around it was hit by Imperial artillery, sending both men and earth high into the air as the shells pounded the jungle floor and road. One shell landing on one of the last walkers still standing, blowing atop of the walkers body and blowing a hole through, which sent the durasteel beast crashing over, sending a shock wave through the jungle around it that displaced trees and any Sith caught in the crossfire. The Sith tank, in particular, were being overwhelmed, the armour of their tanks offering no protection from the intense bombardment, and disorientation was making those that didn't crash outright easy targets for anti-tank weapons. The rest pulled back further into the jungle, presumably to the relative safety of their base.

Dozens of TIE fighters flew overhead, hovering and manoeuvring with greater precision and grace as they dropped their bomb loads on the jungle ahead. Red laser bolts shot across and among the trees back and forth, Sith soldiers taking potshots at Galidraani formations before moving further back to the base. With many of the Sith tanks immobile and the walkers grounded, the imperial troops out in the jungle would quickly overpower the numerically inferior Sith soldiers who didn't fall back. Seven Galidraani Cataphract tanks moved forwards down the road, along with multiple squadrons of Galidraani soldiers armed with anti-tank weaponry. Tals own tank pulled up alongside the foxhole he called base for the past hour or three. He moved over and hoisted himself onto the tank, gesturing to Nima the bombed-out road ahead that led to the Sith base.

"Let's go, Major, times against us and i don't want to chance fate and have another three Sith brigades breathing down my neck."



P U N I S H E D _ S N A K E



His knife sliced through something. A black substance, almost like a silicon, dripped on the blade and the invisible hands that wrapped around his neck were released. A small relief for his lungs when a rush of aid entered his lungs, exhaling rapidly before inhaling again while his eyes caught something peculiar as he could see a caucasian pigment from where he sliced. A small glimpse of it, but he didn’t have time to speculate. It growled in retaliation from his defense, like a predatory animal. It wasn’t human, that was for sure. If it was a Sith, why didn’t they just use a lightsaber and cleaved him when they had the chance? There was nothing he could’ve done to prevent that fatal blow. Maybe it was some demented test for this dark disciple from their sick, twisted mentor to engage the enemy with nothing but themselves and the Force.

That was all he could presume, knowing how damned people were studying under the Code of the Sith. Djorn hardly believed he was being toyed with. It was probably their best chance of attacking him with hopes of killing him.

That was the least of his worries who they were. They were the enemy and got the surprise on him. He needed to regain control and not be in a disadvantage.

Easier said than done.

Before he could move and distance himself from the assailant, again he was mounted on and disarmed from his knife when strength overwhelmed his hand and arm. Then a hand went went to his helmet, such power began to crush around the frame around his visor and claws from the other hand scratched to find blood. The visor’s glass creaked and cracked, dents made on the helmet to compromise its constitution and original form. He needed to get out of this position.

An arm with a vambrace aimed center mass at the creature and fired a blaster from his wrist blaster, hoping to afflict something more serious on the monster.

His armor and helmet was beaten, but he wasn’t. He still had a job to do.

ALLIES | NIO | GA | Rika Hiro Rika Hiro | Don Belkora Don Belkora | Kelig Ward Kelig Ward | Jax Sloane Jax Sloane
ENEMIES | TSE | Eira Dwynwen | Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt


Objective: Secure the Rakatan Temple, Kill anyone that gets in the way
Location: Outside the Rakatan Temple
Equipment: Lightsaber
Allies: TSE
Enemies: NIO / GA
Tags: @Alisteri Haxim | Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin | Viers Connory Viers Connory | Viera Viera

Being weightless wasn't the sort of feeling Alina enjoyed at all. For a moment she thought she overpowered the Padawan and forced her to the ground, and even let herself grin at the thought. Though the grin was short lived as she was subsequently kicked in the stomach and thrown towards the nearby wall. Note to self, don't underestimate the strength the Jedi might have. Her body twisted in the air so she landed on the wall feet first. There was an even wider grin as she propelled herself off the wall like she was jumping from the ground, propelling herself back towards the Padawan.

The young Sith brought the pike around, aiming to use the length of it to swing at her foe as she went by. It wasn't really a strike against her, just something to keep Viers back as she rolled past. "Afraid I'll bite? That should be the least of your worries right now." The grin on her face faded. The temple was starting to crumble behind them.

Playing around wasn't going to work.

Yellow eyes narrowed on Viers as she reached out with the Force. Or, more aptly, cut off the natural flow. All around her the Force was silenced, and that dead zone reached out to surround the Padawan. Suppress her connection and cut her off from the Force. All her hate and anger, focused on just removing the Jedi from the one thing that made them strong.

Taskforce Totales Krieg
Location: Generis' Orbit//NIV Tregessar//Command Deck
Subordinate Officers: Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana | Tantalus
Enemy Combatants: Onrai Onrai | Seela Leini Seela Leini
Theme: T U F F


Carlyle could see the beams hitting the
Tregessar. The mighty dagger did not wave or quake beneath the assault. "Fire gas cannisters. All commands from Lanius to Gorgon, commence fire." Rausgeber barked to the ordinance crew. Now here was a way to fix things. Missiles with their warheads replaced with smoke and gas were launched into the ether, detonating and spreading a smog. After the first volley of beams, the smoke dissipated. It would not be able to stop them. But it certainly obstructed. At a cost. But it was a gamble to draw Vantai and her ilk closer. Right to trap them in the jaws of his armada. "Bring up the Mantero's." Carlyle commanded, watching as more of the hypervelocity guns opened up. "Draw them close to our hull. Our point defence guns will cover."

The Mantero frigates began to coordinate fire with the Tirallieur-class frigates. The hypervelocity rounds followed by a barrage of baradium, concussion and proton missiles. All directed at the same flailing battlecruiser. In spite of the KriegsGeist coordinating both barrages, the damage was not as critical as Carlyle had hoped. But nonetheless, soon there would be time enough to finish this affair. "Grand Admiral!" Carlyle's head turned to the Chief Engineering Officer, "Sir, hangars two and three report the petard cores are flicking on and off, without any activation sir."

Carlyle glared at the older engineer and sneered. Of course. Vantai was a force user. She was trying to use it against them. But it would not work. Not this time. Carlyle's sneer sharpened, "Manually disable all of them. Across the fleet," His head swivelled to the comms team, "We'll use them as our coups de grace then. Until that point, do what you must to avoid the sabotage. I want engineers from across this ship deployed to make sure of that!" The Engineering Officer saluted, and returned to her post, while Carlyle examined his options. Of course it was the Sith and their connection to the force. But the Sith were weak. Easily prodded and the use of the force required concentration. Rausgeber would break it.

"Coordinate formation on my order, fighter and bomber wings Krayt and Ren, are to form on mark four," He gestured to the fore of the
Tregessar, "They are to launch an attack, firing on their command vessel." He paused and looked at it. The hostile dreadnaught loomed large, "Target priority the command structure and their primary weapons systems." He added, but something was missing, "Rally Admiral Blastoiyvich," That would be the key, "Cacadore, and Gurkha corvettes, operating as one squadron, are to move out of firing arc of major guns, and to attack propulsion." That would do for now.

Carlyle watched his plan as it was executed. TIE fighters, with their bomber escorts now moved to probe the enemy. All the while, on his display, the corvettes revved themselves up, and with lightning speed began to sprint across the void, taking a wide arc as to avoid the heavier weapons of the enemies formidable fleet. "Press
Malice Squadron to back us up, and move destroyers to defensive pattern Piett." Carlyle could feel it coming together, "I want battlecruisers drawing fire, our cruisers can handle the rest." He then looked to his crew, "Now."

NIV Tregessar
Prefsbelt Class Super Star Destroyer ( x)

NIV Lanius
Legate-Class Battlecruiser (x)

NIV Gorgon
Reprisal-Class Battlecruiser (x)

NIV Interceptor
Tartarus-Class Interdictor (x)

NIV Serrano's Legacy
Tyranus-Class Star Destroyer (x)

NIV Fury
New Imperial-I Class Star Destroyer (x)

NIV Centurion
New Imperial-I Class Star Destroyer

NIV Fallen Valour
New Imperial-I Class Star Destroyer

NIV Conquering Victor
Valiant-Class Star Destroyer (x)

NIV Mygeeto
Valiant-Class Star Destroyer

NIV Starlight
Valiant-Class Star Destroyer

12x Escolta-Class Frigates (x)

8x Mantero-Class Missile Frigates (x)

18x Warrior-II Gunships (x)

12x Gurkha-Class Corvettes (x)

8x Cacadore-Class Corvettes (x)


NIV Malice
Reprisal-Class Star Destroyer

NIV Nirauan's Vengence
Tyranus-Class Star Destroyer

NIV Bastion's Strength
New Imperial-I Class Star Destroyer

NIV Brutality
New Imperial-I Class Star Destroyer

NIV Carnivorous
Cuirassier-Class Cruiser (x)

NIV Brilliance
Cuirassier-Class Cruiser

NIV Malevolence
Cuirassier-Class Cruiser

NIV Kriegspite
Cuirassier-Class Cruiser

NIV Harridan
Cuirassier-Class Cruiser

12x Escolta-Class Frigates

19x Warrior-II Class Corvettes

8x Cacadore-Class Corvettes

NIV Vanquisher
Endurance-II Class Fleet Carrier (x)

NIV Gorgon
Reprisal-Class Star Destroyer

NIV Sith's Demise
Pellaeon III Class Star Destroyer (x)

NIV Brigand
Pellaeon III Class Star Destroyer

NIV Valiant Servitude
Stalwart-Class Carrier (x)

NIV Bravery
Stalwart-Class Carrier

NIV Boisterous
Stalwart-Class Carrier

NIV Crusader
Stalwart-Class Carrier

NIV Endurance
Stalwart-Class Carrier

NIV Bastion
Stalwart-Class Carrier

12x Escolta-Class Frigates

9x Dragoon-Class Frigates (x)

12x Tirailleur-Class Frigates (x)

12x Warrior-II Class Corvettes

53x Petard Class Droid Fighters (x) have been halted installation.
61x TIE/HB Bombers (x) are deployed and now sit in defensive positions by the fleet.
54x TIE/HF Slasher Fighters (x) are deployed and screening for enemy fighters within the confines of the fleet.
44x TIE/INX Interceptors (x) are deployed and are screening for enemy fighters within the confines of the fleet.
20x TIE/VX Vanguard Fighters (x) are deployed and are screening for enemy fighters within the confines of the fleet.
63x TIE/OT Outlander Fighters (x) are deployed and are screening for enemy attacks.

21x TIE/HB Bombers have been dispatched under Fighter Wing Ren to attack the Gorgon.
10x TIE HF/Slasher Fighters of Fighter Wing Krayt are escorting TIE bombers to the Gorgon
6x TIE/INX Interceptors of Fighter Wing Krayt are escorting TIE Bombers to the Gorgon
10x TIE/OT Outlander Fighters of Fighter Wing Krayt are escorting TIE Bombers to the Gorgon
The Amalgam's rampage with her cult was briefly interrupted by the surge of precision bombs that shredded a number of Witches, spilling white blood and rotting yellow organs from. One of the shockwaves hit The Amalgam and she went flying...

The monster hiding behind The sharp blue eyes of Ursula Sandraven watched partially as fifteen year old Laertia Io assembled and disassembled the scattergun aboard her ship, The Scarlet Phantom, an H-Type Nubian Yacht of crimson chromium. Her snow-white hands worked the Riot Shotgun delicately in a way that reminded both Ursula and the Monster of their own attention to detail.

Ursula paid attention to the timer on her wristwatch as Laertia disassembled it. Laertia had finished five seconds early when she clicked it.

"You can go faster than that. Now reassemble it..." Ursula critiqued.

Laertia started reassembly when Ursula hit the timer. Her hands worked the parts, gradually reassembling everything fifteen seconds early.

"Reassembling under pressure is not your problem. Disassembling is..." Ursula remarked. "To know your weapon, inside and out, no matter what it is, is a mark of supreme excellence. Excellence takes long, hard practice. Dedication. There can be no slouching. No short cuts. Each skill you specialize in, each weapon, must be approached with this critical mindset."

Ursula hit the timer and Laertia began disassembling the assault shotgun, going as fast as she could, yet still efficient. The Purple Twi'lek in the white catsuit had been pushing Laertia as much as she dared in combat acumen, seeing a Gladiator in the pale young girl. Her Force potential both amazed and frightened her...and the rate at which she learned a weapon and how it worked terrified her to some degree. Her Force Learning was slower going...but give her a pump action shotgun and she would survive at least one Mandalorian.

She could become very powerful...and very dangerous if her causes and beliefs stopped aligning with those of the Jedi. Ursula vowed not to let that happen. To train her to the very height of combat ability to fight the Darkness...

As Ursula's sharp blue eyes watched, they slowly turned a deep purple as The Monster fixed its gaze on her while Laertia was focused on the shotgun. Splotches of exposed skin turned from purple to fair, face bubbling without Laertia or Ursula noticing...

"Dunnz!" Laertia said excitedly, having shaved five seconds off as she looked up.

Ursula looked perfectly normal again, smiling at Laertia's reduced time...

Such happy days. The Amalgam didn't really have those beyond engaging in slaughter before recruiting Laertia while under cover.

She rose, a faint part of her not enslaved to the Darth Phyre hiding inside of her carefully, slowly studying the memories for a solution. Things had gotten more blurry as to who was the puppet and who wasn't. Though the Amalgam wasn't truly calling the shots, her personality was so intense and powerful even as scraps that the Phyre inside her wasn't entirely LARP-ing her anymore with full control...

The Amalgam rose with surviving witches, leaking white blood everywhere from shrapnel, but feeding off the pain as her flesh shuddered. She sought spirit food as her staff reactivated, its purple blades cruelly severing the limbs from one of the surviving tank crew members before draining his life as the mechanized assault force trudged on.

The bleeding SithSpawn pulled out her comlink.

"Is the trap ready?" The Amalgam hissed through ruined lips and mouth that were rapidly healing to the Witch on the other end.

"Yes, Dark Mistress."

"Do it." She said, signaling to the other Nuetralizers who she had directed to lay traps on the roads ahead of the forces of Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter .

The murderous robots set off the explosives as the cataphracts passed over, clusters of high yield explosive shaped charges going off, and taking out multiple Cataphracts in Bolter's Unit, while the road ahead erupted in violent detonations that destroyed the road ahead and left severe debris and craters while the Amalgam resumed her charge, veering between Adam Jensen-Type Murder-Takedowns as her fists and legs snapped spines and other bones, or just blatant murder-barrages with her blades that turned Stormtroopers into confetti as she summoned Sky-Lightning to kill multiple troopers, before directing powerful blasts of it, right at the one Bolter was using, flesh shuddering hideously.

Meanwhile, the personnel trying to rescue Jax Sloane Jax Sloane sent by DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran was targeted by Nuetralizer Snipers, who had re-acquired him and were intent on trying to finish him off due to flaws in their metaprogramming rather than just go after another soldier to kill. It made them frightening in the sense that they took an enemy's survival on an almost personal level, but it 'was' a weakness, as it could easily become myopic...

The Nuetralizers close to SF-3335 SF-3335 stopped firing, forced to retreat by overwhelming return fire...though one of them did make a genuine go at rescue, only to be blown up for his troubles...
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Location: Space, Generis System
Call Sign: Dancer Ten
Allies: TSE ( Onrai Onrai )
Enemies: NIO (Tantalus Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Jivim Vaak Jivim Vaak Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana )

The bandit getting back on her tail so soon was unexpected, the warnings of which came too late as laser fire battered against her interceptor’s shields, depleting them down to half capacity in only a split second before 2121 could respond. In order to break the bandit’s angle, she drove her machine into a hard break turn towards their direction on her sensor readout, pushing maximum Gs on her interceptor as she shunted power to engines at the cost of weapons. Then, she turned her interceptor’s nose up, shifting her momentum in that direction in an attempt to force an overshoot.

All the while, damage reports prodded at her awareness. While her shields still maintained their integrity, energy had “bled'' through to scorch her hull in sections, the most dire of which had resulted in damage to the craft’s ion-flux cooling and thermo-conversion systems. Already, the warnings of the impending danger flashed across her neural connection. It wouldn’t be long before the engines could no longer sustain the intense performance she was demanding of them, which was why she couldn’t let the dogfight drag on for longer than necessary. The risks had to be taken now, her most daring cards put into play before the bandit blew her to atoms.

Energy from her inertial compensators was quickly diverted to more critical systems, though they retained just enough power to keep her from immediately blacking out. The sudden sensation of pressure weighing against her chest brought a pained grimace to her features, but the pilot fell into her training, tensing the muscles in her body in order to encourage the flow of blood to her vital organs, while also falling into the controlled breathing routine that had become second nature to her through hours of atmospheric flight training with no inertial compensators. At the time, she had never thought she would use the training. Inertial compensators had improved to the point that organic pilots could easily match the maneuvering capabilities of droid pilots in equivalent craft. Indeed, such techniques were older than even the hyperdrive, developed during prehistoric times where space was a mythical frontier and pilots flew machines driven by propellers and pistons. How could she ever need them?

And yet, in realizing the value of such ancient knowledge, she wondered if this dire lesson would cost her her life.

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Allies: Onrai Onrai | Seela Leini Seela Leini
Opponents: Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber | Tantalus | Gallius Orcana Gallius Orcana | Jivim Vaak Jivim Vaak

New developments in the battle were dreadfully slow, but certainly interesting. Though the Grand Admiral's tactics were rather conventional, watching the careful execution of his battle strategy was a sight to behold. It also provided the window they were looking for. As the New Imperial fleet launched gas to limit sight lines, the more agile of the fleet's vessels advanced in a coordinated attack on the Sith-Imperial dreadnoughts.

"That's our cue, let's roll!", Ren-Hua said excitedly. The pre-combat anxiety was starting to get to her. "Jam what you can of theirs, Miko.", she ordered before the shuttles entered the void.

In reality, it wasn't their cue. Their cue was to wait until the offloading of New Imperial troops into the Generis space station, but given the tactical window afforded to them, Ren-Hua wasn't about to let it slip by in waiting for something that may never have come. Though she didn't command fleets or hold any official authority, it is that decisiveness that made her a capable commander. The engines of the shuttles roared to life and set forth to the NIV Tregessar, leaving the safety of the Starling and its stealth systems. The shuttles were but only a pair of small spacecraft, not much larger than the fighters which filled the system. If the focus on the Sith Empire's fleet wasn't enough to distract the New Imperials from detecting the two small shuttles, the visual obstruction from the gas and the advancing of the New Imperial frigates and corvettes mitigated their ability to quickly respond.

Peering out the cockpit windows from her position in the shuttle's hold, she eyed the magnificent size of the star destroyer they sought to board.

"Airlock located, attaching now.", the pilot relayed.

Though they had managed to avoid detection from the massive flagship, they were not so fortunate to escape the notice of the squadrons in its close proximity.

"Scratch that, they're locking onto us!"

Alarms blared through the cockpit, its audible warning passing into the troop hold. It was a distressing tone that meant their chances of survival took a very concerning dip.

"Have the Starling cover our entry. I won't be killed by some imperial peon!", Ren-Hua hurriedly ordered.

"Comms are jammed!"

"Then use visual communiques!"

Adjusting their thrust and the light produced in their propulsion drives from it, the Starling should be able to notice the abnormalities. That is, if the crew wasn't slacking.

The screams of TIE fighters neared.

"Shuttle 2 is down, captain!"

The distressing warnings from the cockpit systems now emitted a continuous tone - missile lock.

Come on, you nerfherders...

With a boom that rocked the shuttle, the missile exploded. One of the Starlings anti-missile countermeasures must have answered their prayer. They were still alive and the alarms silenced, offering a moment of brief respite.

"Get us on that ship!", she shouted.

The menacing hue of the Tregessar's hull consumed the black of the void, as the shuttle neared a remote airlock on the lower aft, likely for engineering crews.

"Connecting now!", the pilot shouted back.


Another missile lock.

"We're connected!"

"Go go go!", Ren-Hua shouted with an increasing tone of panic.

As soon as the last of her marines boarded, she swiftly followed and sealed the airlock behind them.

Moments after, an explosion.

She couldn't be sure if the shuttle driver had made it or not. Whatever the circumstances, her chances of getting off this colossus of a ship just got a whole lot slimmer. For now though, she had an appointment on the bridge.
He knew he'd smelled something.

To believe the Imperials and Jedi would attack only from the main gate was foolish. They were weak; they wouldn't show all their forces in one place. Curious, then, that the Inquisitor's training gave him that same mindset. He had to think like an enemy to root them out wherever they hid.

Thus it'd been him hiding. Staying in the shadows, creeping through the bog not far from the Rakatan Temple. Something else hid within just as he did. Time and luck revealed his enemy.

The Jedi stopped. Five meters from the edge of the pond, eight from where Xeykard was submerged. A strong enough pull could bring the Jedi all the way to him but as soon as he tried it the Jedi would bring up defenses of his own. Xeykard needed to close the distance in a way that would give him a chance at a lethal blow.

The barabel exhaled, sinking into the murky water of the pond. His feet sank into the mud floor. He could not gather much strength while concentrating on concealment. Still, it had to be enough. He bent his knees. He pushed off.

The stillness of the pond shattered along with the calm of the jungle. In an instant the hate exploded from the Sith, a disorienting barrage of raw emotion. Snap. The lightclub's blade began to shoot from the hilt as Xeykard launched himself from the water.

By the first step on land he was a meter away from being in range. His swing had already started; a wide reverse stroke from his left side towards his right, while his free hand searched for purchase with a telekinetic grip. Even a moment's pause could be fatal. Xeykard used the Force in an attempt to encourage such a pause.

Hiss. The lightclub stopped growing, the blade just over two meters long, and it screeched towards the Jedi's side.

The Jedi's smell was an affront to Xeykard's senses; the Inquisitor would much prefer the stench of burnt flesh.

Cotan glanced up from his datapad, looking down at the pond. Murky, impossible to see deeply into...but the rippel in its surface was unmistakable, compared to the stillness of before. He took one quick step backwards, datapad replaced within his pocket, before a shower of stagnant water erupted over the clearing as a massive Barabel leaped out at him. With an equally massive weapon; Blast, why can't these Sith just use normal lightsabers? he wondered to himself, as he felt the attempt to restrain his body. He didn't even bother to resist, to leap out of the way or raise his weapon in return; his arms pressed in to his sides, the Sith's telekinesis holding him immobile for the moment.

Just as the blade of the lighclub found itself stopped, bouncing away off to Cotan's right side. The barrest distortion of the air would hint at the barrier he'd raised to protect himself, even as he grinned at the giant reptile before him. "Must not recognize me, if you thought it could be that easy." To punctuate his statement, the grip that Xeykard Xeykard had made was forced open, Cotan prying it apart like the jaws of a stubborn cannok.

Not that he gave the Barabel any time to react to losing their grip, or launch another attack; as soon as Cotan was freed, a hand raised, his focus redirected. Telekinetic force lashed back at Xeykard, aimed to slam into him like being kicked in the chest by a rancor, to send him flying straight back into the pond he'd jumped out of.


Engaged with: Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Valen
All actions taken with Valen's consent!
Winded, Saket's voice faltered. "Let otherz carry the future'z torch. I whill prohtect the present." He drew himself in a duelist's pose, the tight flourish of the saber betraying a grace within his movements. Its orange light only deepened the black of his ruana as he slowly trod closer to the Jedi, obscuring most glimpses of his body language. The words that fell from the Jedi's lips were, of course, unbelieved by the Acolyte. Steps paused as he considered them, his mental fingers parsing through emotions and attempting to pull at available thoughts. There was something there that he couldn't find. The lack of dishonesty felt more alarming than if the lie had been present, coiled and baring its malicious fangs like every falsehood did.

"I don't--" The shuffle of footsteps and another's presence halted the sentence. Rage burned hotter at the idea of an assassin, someone too cowardly to face him head on once again. With hand turned into a claw Saket thrust out his arm to seize what hid in the dark, grasping with the Force the supposed spy. He kept the lightsaber pointed toward Aaran while wrenching the unknown from their place, pulling them forward in a rough and heedless jerk. He kept them held as well, feet dragging against the rough-hewn tiles and just out of arm's--and blade--reach.

"Whhat'z thhiz?" He then shot a helmeted glare at Aaran, "Stay whhere you are!" The blade hummed faithfully in Aaran's direction still, Saket's grip becoming tighter on the hilt. He trailed his eyes back to the fresh catch. " are no Jedi. You are no brother, eithher. Explain!"

While waiting for the answer he looked back to Aaran, a bitter venom in his voice as he asked, "You, of the Jedi, not trusting of your own 'kin.' Why shhould I believe thhat? Whhy hhelp?"



74-Z Speeder Bike Squad
Proximity: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran

Under his dark skinned eyelids, his eyes shifted, flickering back and forth as consciousness came back to him. Unmoving, as his eyes blinked open he remained still, a muted pain in his whole body as he quietly lets out a pained groan. Grinding his teeth together in an attempt to ensure no one realized the 'corpse' was still alive. The light from his HUD was flickering, almost elliptically as it rapidly blinked, dark eyes refocusing as he forcibly slowed his breathing.

Movement, Jax registered. He didn't feel it weighing around him, the strap rended, and then through his visor, he could see it on the ground, just out of reach of his hand. It was at this point that he heard the accent of the Galidraani that were standing around him. He could hear the rumbling sound of the tanks roving past, momentarily halting as the volunteer force took up position in his proximity. Despite the accent being foreign to him, he had familiarized himself with the vehicles of those who was reinforcing. Galidraani. And that pent up groan that he had been suppressing released.

After his time on the ground? His throat was dry, parched. He could barely make a sound, save for a pained croak as Coyle walk-carried him over to a nearby tree to rest on. His helmet was discarded, helped off and placed to the side of him and when offered refreshment, he gladly accepted the drink of water, soaking the dried interior of his mouth.

As he eyed himself, there was a gouge across his pectorals that led off to the side of him, barely scraping his shoulder, that he could feel bruised underneath the breastplate. A pained feeling that he didn't recall from when he had leapt off the speeder. Whether it was on account of the landing or the likes of The Amalgam The Amalgam 's snipers, the stormtrooper commander didn't know. Didn't much care either. Things were a little blurry, but he was still alive.

"It's Commander, actually," Jax said, raising an arm to rub at the water that leaked down his chin. Messy drinker. Grumbling, he began pushing at the ground and then reaching to the tree behind him as he rose to his feet, shakily at first before becoming more firm. "But all the same," his hand stuck out. The once alabaster armour that denoted him as a member of the stormtrooper corps was tarnished, dirtied and damaged with blaster fire. "Jax Sloane," he nods. A grimace crossing his face as the hand remained extended for the shake, and when it was reciprocated, he'd shake before glancing around them.

"Pleasure, Lord-Major. I don't take it y'all got another speeder for me?"

Unlikely, but he could hope.

ALLIES | NIO | Willan Tal Willan Tal , Nima Appw'rii Nima Appw'rii , Loros Kalaric, Konrad Bolter Konrad Bolter
ENEMIES | TSE | The Amalgam The Amalgam

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