Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crushed and Created

"I hope not." Though the idea made her a little nervous.

Izzy followed her into the shop, a bit in awe at first. Never had she ever walked into a shop like this. The means her family just did not have for these kinds of items. After a moment she stepped forward and started to search the racks looking for something that could fit her. After wandering the racks for quite a while, she plucked out a bright orange one that looked about right for her height. "What about this one?" She asked softly.

[member="Niamh Raste"]
She looked it over.

"Rolling with a little Rebel. Nifty."

A grin and she waved over the attending droid so she could deposit the requisite number of credits. Yeah, she had more money than what Izzy got to. A lot more, but she only had so much on her at any one time. Now that the suit was purchased, she reached for Izzy's hand again and led her back out of the shop so that they could head off to the spaceport. For whatever reason, she was anxious to get the kid off of this rock. Maybe because getting her away would potentially ease the child's anxiety.

When they reached the spaceport, she led Izzy into one of the docks where a sleek Rush-class was sitting.

"Well, here's our ship. You're going to want to get changed now. You can hop up in the cockpit so no one will see you. Should be enough room for you to change. Just don't press any buttons or anything."

[member="Izzy Aureth"]
She tried to smile in return, but it wasn't working for her just yet. Taking her new found friend's hand, Izzy followed close beside her, glancing this way and that as they passed others on the street. A sigh fell from her lips, as they headed into the spaceport. As much as she wanted to leave behind the pain, she couldn't help but feel guilty now for leaving. But it had been months... if her family was going to come back for her, surely they would have done it by now.

Once at the ship, she cocked her head curiously to the side. It seemed an odd design, but not just that, the thing felt so large compared to her. She gave a sidelong glance to Niamh one more time, before she carefully climbed inside, the flight suit in hand. "No buttons, got it." She said confirming that she'd heard what the Jedi has said.

It took her a few moments of fiddling with the suit before she'd figured it out. "This is ... hard." She grumbled, as she reached to zip everything into place. Finally she peered over the side of the cockpit, looking down to Niamh, "Think I'm ready now." She said with a bit of a grin on her face, despite the nerves and uneasiness she felt about leaving, there was excitement as well.

[member="Niamh Raste"]
Niamh could only smile when the girl indicated that it was hard. The cockpit wasn't exactly big so she knew that it likely wasn't easy for her. That was alright, though. As long as she was able to get changed, that was what mattered. Meanwhile, Niamh stripped down and pulled her suit from a compartment on the craft before climbing into it. She wasn't afraid of people seeing her half-dressed. Nobody was overly capable of taking her on in a fight unless they were a Force user, anyway. She was skilled with or without the Force. That's what made her really deadly.

When she was done, she pulled her helmet on and looked up at Izzy. She looked a little silly: a tiny little pilot! Still, she was safer in the suit than she was without it.

"Looking good, kid. So listen, I have somewhere I want to stop before we head back to Silver Jedi space. You don't mind visiting strange worlds, seeing the galaxy, do you?"

[member="Izzy Aureth"]
Izzy bit at her lip as she thought for a moment on what had been asked. Right now, it didn't seem all that bad a thing to see the galaxy, "I want to see everything." She said with a little giggle, but then grew more serious, "And maybe out there someone knows about my parents?" Somewhat asking, though more telling Niamh than anything.

"You look silly," She said, crinkling her nose up a little bit, not taking into account how she must have looked.

[member="Niamh Raste"]
"I look like a combat pilot. I designed this suit myself. It's for piloting and fighting in. Also for dealing with electricity when pesky Sith or Dark Jedi want to pump you full of it."

She climbed up into the cockpit and picked Izzy up so that she could settle in. Once she was situated, she set the little girl in her lap and then strapped them both in. It was going to be a somewhat uncomfortable flight, but that was the nature of flying around in a starfighter. Maybe if she taught Izzy how to fly they could each have their own Rush to zip around in whenever they wanted to. It would certainly make getting around less cramped than this. Not like she'd planned on picking up a hitchhiker, though.

"Sorry it's a bit cramped. Didn't expect to be bringing anyone with me."

A few flipped switched and the ship hummed to life, the canopy descending to close them in. The sleek vessel hummed quietly as she called for departure clearance. One foot fit into each of the steering pedals, and her hands grasped the other two. As soon as they were given clearance, she lifted off swiftly, and they zipped off towards space at a fast clip. She wasn't sparing any speed as she pushed the interceptor to its max.

"This is an interceptor fighter that I designed. She's made for speed. That said, we're heading for a planet called Karvoss II. It's a decent clip from here, but shouldn't take us long to get there."

[member="Izzy Aureth"]
"I guess that's okay then, it still looks ... strange." Still sticking to her thoughts on the matter, stubborn like that. With Niamh joining her in the cockpit, Izzy couldn't help but feel a little claustrophobic as the Jedi settled them both into place, strapping them in before getting ready to take off. "It's uh ... tight in here." Not quite liking that part of things, biting at her lip a little nervously before she took a deep breath to try and pass off the fears it left her with.

Izzy gasped upon take off, both thrilling and frightening at once. The speed, wasn't something she quite expected but after a moment or two, she finally got brave enough to start looking at her surroundings and seeing the beauty of the world they were leaving behind. "What's on Karvoss?" She asked, her curiosity coming right back, now that she was a hair more comfortable.

[member="Niamh Raste"]
"Yeah, sorry. Just try and relax. Sleep if you want."

She plugged their destination into the nav system, no astromech in this bird, and waited until they were out of the gravity well before she punched the hyperspace. The starts elongated from pin pricks to streaks, and then became a white nothingness as they slipped into hyperspace travel. It was incredibly boring to fly in hyperspace, but it was a necessity. Granted she usually used this time to sit around and practice her control of her body, or get some much needed rest. Hard to do that when you were traveling with company, though.

When Izzy asked about Karvoss, she shrugged. Truthfully she'd never been there, she'd just done some research after talking to Saki and learning about the Matukai. Seemed a logical place to go.

"It's the home planet of the Matukai, a brand of Force users that I have learned the techniques of. There's something I'd like to do there."

[member="Izzy Aureth"]
Izzy sighed softly as she squirmed around a bit, attempting to find a more comfortable spot to sit in. After a small huff of frustration at not being able to stretch out completely, she laid her head back against Niamh's shoulder, and closed her eyes.

"Matukia?" She said with an inquisitive tone in her voice, though exhaustion was starting to creep into her voice. "What are they like?" Always curious, always. "And what are you going to do there?"

[member="Niamh Raste"]
The kid squirmed as much as a bowl full of jelly. Seriously. When she finally settled, Niamh wrapped her arms around her and held onto her while she rested. They would be perfectly safe inside of the fighter, unless they were to get sucked out of hyperspace by an interdictor or something. That didn't seem likely. The route they were on wasn't a primary target for interdiction raids. Not many people traveled to Karvoss III as it were. Regardless, they would be fine even then. She was a good pilot.

"They're a humanoid people that use martial arts to commune with the Force. They don't use lightsabers, they use a type of polearm. I want one of them, so I'm going there to find out how to make one."

She patted the girl on the arm.

"Incidentally, we'll be meeting my ship when we get there. Much bigger than this."

[member="Izzy Aureth"]
Izzy shifted a bit more, turning to where she was laying against Niamh, on her side, and drew her legs up into her lap. "Oh." She said quietly, growing a little more tired, and worn by the moment. Opening her eyes for a moment she glanced out the window, curiously watching the stars. "How many are out there? The stars?" She asked, pondering how many there could be as streaks of light passed them by.

"Bigger?" That brought a smile from the little girl. "You mean I can spread out on it?" Yup, clearly thinking in kiddo priorities.

"After this place, where we will be going?" Yes, a million questions. Though her eyes were starting to drift closed, clearly she wasn't going to be able to stay awake much longer.

[member="Niamh Raste"]
"It's a corvette-class of ship that I also designed. Lots of room. Only a small crew. Also very fast and very sleek. It's called the Dawn's Light. She's nice. You'll like her."

She continued to hold the girl as the whiteness seemed not to move around them. In reality, they were moving really super fast, it just didn't feel like it. That was the nice thing about hyperspace travel. You got where you were going, but you never had to get motion sickness along the way.

"I don't know, to be honest. I'll have to do some research."

Helmet tilted sideways as she leaned her head and pondered them traveling. Where would they go? What happened to her parents? Why they disappear? Should she actually go in search of them or would it be better just to take Izzy with her wherever she went? These were tough questions and she was suddenly feeling very much like a parent more than a friend. Perhaps that was the responsibility that she had accepted when she picked the girl up off the street rather than leaving her to rot.

"Get some rest. It'll be good for you."

[member="Izzy Aureth"]
"It sounds nice." A soft sigh followed, shifting her shoulders a little more, as she leaned more heavily into Niamh.

"Seems like there's a lot of them. Think anyone's ever visited them all?" Even as tired as she was, she couldn't help but to be so very inquisitive about the world around her. All of this was so new to her, a new galaxy out there beyond the only planet she'd ever really remembered.

Elizabeth nodded, growing more tired by the moment. "Could you tell me a story? Please? Mommy used to tell me one every night to help me sleep." A bit of sadness was held in her voice, clearly missing her family, something that undoubtedly would not change anytime soon. Closing her eyes finally, she was already half asleep as it was. It wouldn't take much more to get her to sleep.

[member="Niamh Raste"]
Niamh couldn't help but chuckle at Izzy. The kid sure did have a lot of questions.

"No, I doubt anyone's visited them all. There are far too many of them, and a great many that still have yet to be discovered."

Then she did something that Niamh hadn't expected at all. She asked for a story. Most of the stories that she had to tell involved fighting Sith or other things, and she doubted the girl wanted to hear about that. No, this made her have to think for a moment. A good story would put the girl to sleep. That's what they needed, a good story. What was a good story? Hmm. Good question. Well, she could talk about the time they fought the droids? No. Too scary. Hrm.

"A story. Well, long, long ago there was a young man named Luke. He lived on Tatooine with his aunt and uncle. When some droids went and fell apart, they had to buy some new ones from the Jawas. Funny little things, those Jawas. Anyway, they bought two droids, an astromech and a protocol droid. Strange combination, but the droids needed to be purchased by Luke's uncle, because the astromech needed to find a funny old man that lived nearby.

"That funny old man was named Ben Kenobi. One day the droids wandered off to find him, and Luke had to chase them down. Mostly just the astromech because the protocol droid was too fussy to run away. He was kind of a chatterbox according to the story. Well, he chased the astromech down, but they got ambushed by tusken raiders! Luke was knocked out, and when he came to, the raiders were stealing parts from his speeder. But low and behold, Ben Kenobi appeared and scared them all away.

"He took Luke back to his home and talk him that he was destined to be a great Jedi, like his father before him. And that's the story of how Luke Skywalker learned he could use the Force."

[member="Izzy Aureth"]
"I want to see them all." Izzy whispered, as she finally seemed to relax upon Niamh. Big dreams for such a little girl.

The story, Izzy listened to eagerly. Giggling a little here and there along the way. "So, Luke is like me, eh?" Her voice even softer, as she seemed to just be on the very edge of sleep. A few seconds later, she grew rather still and quiet, drifting off to sleep at last.

[member="Niamh Raste"]
"You'd probably be the first to do it."

She smiled and gave the little girl a light squeeze, making sure it wasn't enough to disturb her from her slumber. The comment about her being like Luke brought a blink. Niamh hadn't thought of the girl in that manner before, but now that it was brought up she did suppose that Izzy was quite a bit like Luke. Her parents had disappeared on her, she'd been living along, Niamh was kind of her Ben Kenobi, and was going to take her off to adventure in space and teach her about the Force. Yeah, it made sense.

"I suppose he is..."

A shrug and she held her close. Let her sleep. When she woke up they'd probably be coming out of hyperspace at Karvoss II. Or landing even. Depended on how long the girl slept, and whether or not she had nightmares.

[member="Izzy Aureth"]
Izzy managed to sleep peacefully for a while, unmoving on Niamh's lap. Only an occasional snore, or wiggle came from her for the longest time. But the peaceful slumber couldn't last forever. Soon enough she started to toss and turn, struggling in her sleep with some unknown demon. Nightmares had been part of her life, since her parents disappeared, always strange. Always twisted and never made sense to the little girl. It wasn't long before she started to whimper in her sleep, tossing this way and that, but still wasn't waking up on her own.

[member="Niamh Raste"]
Niamh let the kid sleep as long as she possibly could, but with the whimpering and tossing and turning... Well, she couldn't let that go on considering they were flying in a tiny little cramped fighter, not somewhere with a lot of space. She checked the instrumentation, and they were getting close to their destination, but they weren't quite there yet. So, she was going to have to wake Izzy up before they arrived. Lifting her hand, she rubbed the girls arm and then gave her a gentle shake, not wanting to frighten the girl or be rough about it.

"Izzy, wake up. It's just a dream."

No small amount of concern laced her voice. Beneath the helmet she was frowning, and her eyes were completely focused on the child that she held. This was a strange situation for her to be in. She'd never had kids of her own, and she'd certainly never raised any. Yet here she was, saddled with one.

The heck are you getting yourself into, Niamh?

[member="Izzy Aureth"]
Izzy was startled from her sleep with a scream. Panting and gasping for breath, she seemed to come to rather confused about where she was as she quickly glanced around the cockpit. Tears started almost instantly, sniffling and sobbing. It took a moment but the little girl's mind finally seemed to catch up with the most recent events as she glanced to Niamh. "It ..." She sniffled, trying to calm down, "Didn't feel like ... a dream." The little one sighed, "It felt so ... real."

"I miss my mommy and daddy." She said finally.

[member="Niamh Raste"]
"Sometimes they don't."

She gave the little girl a hug, holding onto her fiercely when she mentioned that she missed her parents. This was something that Niamh could very well understand. Missing your family was an ideal she'd grown up without, but these days she very much missed being around Saki and Aika when she was away from them. The galaxy needed her to be able to do things without the two Master's though, so she was forced to endure not always being around them.

"I know you miss them, but at least you aren't alone anymore. You've got me."

[member="Izzy Aureth"]

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