Razer saw all those things, and with an agitated grunt, he pulled his saber out, and cut through the tent, pushing the medics out of the way. "You're idiots. You cant even stop the bleeding." He roared at them. He stepped over to the young knowing this was not at all how you treat deep gashes. "You gotta close the veins, and arteries. Best way to do that, well the fastest way..." He left off as he began to take the blade to the wounds. Through this process, each wound was burned closed, stopping the bleeding of each. A medic tried to stop him, and he just slammed a knee into the man's gut. "Stay the hell back." He said as he continued this for what seemed like hours. Now all cuts were burned shut, and he deactivated the saber. He turned to the medics. "Well....PUMP SOME BLOOD INTO HER!" [member="Kaia Brin"]