That morning, Arisa had been busy, In a long briefing session with her fellow Spacy commanders. The rise of the Sith at Bastion had become a great cause for concern, prompting discussions about future deployments in the region. After the One Sith, the Kiribian Systems Union refused to allow another Sith power to threaten them within their sphere of influence.
As the briefing was underway, she had let her padawan Kayda loose for the day for self-study while she worked, though when she was finished with the briefing, she would leave her quarters to go search out Kayda just to see if he wanted to join her for lunch. Heavy talks of intervention and planning had left her quite famished, she felt like whipping up something yummy for herself in the kitchens that afternoon.
Checking through the messages of her phone, she saw Kayda had left her a text message saying that he would be taking a class on healing. He didn't specify who the instructor was, but she figured it was Cathbodua, who was one of the few active healers at the moment.
So, she moseyed on down the medical wing to go find her apprentice and check up on his progress. She wasn't sure how much he would be able to take in, as the healing arts were something of an advanced application of the Force that involved interacting with the incredibly complex biochemistry of the body, and he was still very much a raw initiate. Still, she imagined the class would serve as a nice opportunity to open his eyes to all the possible paths he could take as a Jedi.
She arrived to the training site, again finding herself bumping into Ms Baelor, though she found the Iron Princess without her normal finery, wearing drab Jedi robes instead. As per usual, Arisa was rolling around in her usual streetwear. Quite trendy by modern standards, but casual and comfortable.
Kayda was there too, and she could feel that he was irritated even if she couldn't see his face from the back. Ms Baelor, too, appeared to experiencing stress as well.
"Ms. Baelor, it seems just about every time I pass through Voss, I'm running into you. Trading Iron for Silver, now?" Arisa inquired with a grin, trying inject some levity into the room to help ease the tension she felt from Kayda and Ms Baelor.
"Cathbodua." Arisa greeted as she posted up near the entrance of the room, crossing her arms. She had no intention of participating in events, just present to observe the Silver Healer in action with her apprentice.
[member="Aster Rose Baelor"] [member="Cathbodua"] [member="Kayda Vrieska"]