Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Crystalline Entity

"I'd say you more than stumbled." Rhemti had a knowing smile, his tone somewhat apologetic as he felt guilty not being completely truthful with her. "It takes a lot of strength to go through what we just did and act as if it didn't bother us." It was the red skinned Nautolan's round about way of actually admitting he'd been bothered without being obvious about it; being open about his own feelings was weird.

"Catching up with the other two for dinner sounds wonderful. I know Boss and Master Noble are wonderful at cooking, and I have some experience thanks to helping my mum in the kitchen; keeping a family of 10 fed and taken care of usually was my job if mum and dad were busy with their own work on the farm.

I'm sure Boss and Master Noble would love to have a cookout. We'll ask them when we get back."

The exit to the caves couldn't be too much further. Rhemti wondered if Lossa and Dagos would be back yet or not, if Kahlil was back even. He knew Valery would still be outside, but he wasn't sure if the other jedi would still be there. What was his name? Aw kelp, Rhemti hadn't introduced himself or asked who he was; he'd have to do so later the moment the jedi didn't look busy.

Juno Sabat Juno Sabat Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek Judah Lesan Judah Lesan
"I'm fine. Weird that a wall would just...appear."

He had to agree that it was a strange turn of events, most caves as far as he knew didn’t pull chit like this. She put her hand on his shoulder to steady herself as she took a closer look at the wall. Truthfully, if the situation were more dire he probably wouldn’t have even noticed. Probably. Seeing as they were stuck in the dark behind a set of walls in their own private room, he uh, noticed.

He noticed something else too. Something didn’t smell right. He watched her hand against the newly arisen wall. It was indescribably strange, like literally defied description. He put his hand next to hers on the wall. It felt like rock but it did not FEEL like the rest of the rock. Every part of this cave had been buzzing with The Force, it was like walking through a hornets nest lined with industrial fans but when he felt the wall in front of him it was cold. Dead to all sense but touch.

It was a trick. A good trick, he thought as he brushed his fingers against the stone, feeling the cool roughness of the rocks, but somethings were missing, details that would go unnoticed by most. He brushed his fingers harder and looked at his hands, there was no dust, no marks, no little pieces of rock stuck to his hands, things that surely would have been there were the rock wall truly there.

He should’ve seen it right away, he’d faced enough illusions in his training growing up where he should’ve recognized this one.

“I think we can get rid of this wall pretty easy.” He to Lossa as he began to focus with The Force to dispel the wall. “You wanna do it together?”

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Judah Lesan Judah Lesan

Location: Crystal Cave
Equipment: Weighted Training Robes, Concealed Sling Bag, Concealed Device, Double Bladed Lightsaber
Tags: Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek Judah Lesan Judah Lesan

There was a voice in her head, although new to her, had the same tone as someone that had teased her ealier about being particularly noisy outside. Her eyes narrowed to the wall before them as Dagos messed with the wall that wasn't actually a wall.

At least not a real one.

Or at least wasn't enough of a real one anyway. Her brain cartwheeled at the thought of what made a wall a real wall versus what was before them, losing herself for a moment in the rabbit hole of thoughts before Dagos cut through them with a question.

"I haven't messed with...this kind of force stuff before." Her hand waved to the wall in the dark, hoping her caught her drift. "How exactly do you uh, beat it?"
“Easy.” He said with a smile.

“Put your hand flat on the wall like mine.” He laid his left hand palm flat on the wall while the rest of his body was turned and faced toward Lossa. He looked her in the eyes and reached for her free hand with his. “May I?” He asked if he could hold her hand

“You ain’t messed with this kind of Force chit, but you know how to tap into The Force right?” He asked.

“So that’s the first thing we do. Find yourself in The Force and match your breathing with mine.” His breathing had slowed to deliberate breaths as he began to channel the force through himself and to Lossa trying to make it easier for the two of them to connect together.

“Once we…connect through The Force. We picture the path ahead of us as it was, unblocked and open and we use The Fore to tell the wall to get lost.”

He was no teacher but hopefully his words and the intent of them he sent her through The Force would be enough for her to understand what he meant.

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Judah Lesan Judah Lesan

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