Enigmatic Voyager

NAME: Ctharic
FACTION: Jedi Order
RANK: Jedi Knight
SPECIES: Tognath
AGE: 31
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’3”
WEIGHT: 189 lbs
EYES: White
VOICE: Plo Koon
SKIN: Skeletal-Tan

Force-Sensitive – Ctharic is force-sensitive. At baseline, the benefits include innately better guttural instincts, an increased life span, increased reflexes, and increased physical strength. Ctharic’s brother is also force sensitive.
Capable Combatant – Ctharic is an experienced hunter and capable combatant, following a childhood and adolescence of growing up hunting in the Outer Rim, and a young adulthood of training to become a Jedi Knight. Ctharic is particularly fluent in the Form V, Shien and Djem So.
Passive - Due to his brother's overt and aggressive nature, in polar opposite fashion, Ctharic feels obliged to be much more humble and passive.
Vulnerable Breathing Tubes – Ctharic requires his breathing apparatus to breathe properly in oxygen-rich environments. If the device becomes disabled, Ctharic has his contingencies always in mind, but if in command, it’ll inevitably force the Tognath to retreat in some form or improvise – a major distraction to say the least.
There’s no mistaking that Ctharic is clearly a Tognath with his breathing tubes, mask, and skeletal-tan skin complexion. He stands at the height of six-foot-three, and is dressed with an athletic build. Ctharic wears brown and black padded clothing, with a breastplate in the center of his mass to protect his breathing apparatus.
Ctharic was born on the planet of Yar Togna, and was born the egg-brother of his sibling, Bilras. Their mother was force-sensitive, but died in birth – this forced the two to become hunters across the Outer Rim, as their father lacked any skills to succeed and provide in a more civilized environment. Ctharic and Bilras became attuned to the force at an early-age, as their father provided for them, and although he wasn’t force sensitive, he still encouraged them to harness their force potential so that they could become more than hunters in the outer rim; their father was a practical man and ultimately neutral.
In the middle of Ctharic and Bilras’ adolescence, their father died in a failed hunt to a Yozusk. In his death, Ctharic and Bilras took the death of their father in completely different ways. Bilras fell into anger and despair, and Ctharic, while as mournful as his father, saw this as his coming of age. This caused the two prodigies for Ctharic to become attuned to the light side as he meditated, and Bilras to become attuned to the dark side as he brooded. Bilras, in a fit of rage and psychoticism, attacked his brother, as he saw it as Ctharic’s fault for his father’s death as they neared the end of their adolescence. Ctharic barely survived the encounter. Ctharic’s travels eventually brought him to a humanjedi knight, named Zandro Inek upon sensing his connection to the force, whilst Ctharic was travelling in the Outer Rim. Ctharic became Zandro's padawan for a time, before eventually becoming a knight.
Ctharic now travels the galaxy, doing so with the intention of obtaining further wisdom and the principle of preserving and protecting his order. As an internal conflict, Ctharic feels inclined to be better than his brother, and to be a quintessential example of the light side of the force - to which is brother is the opposite.
YT-2400 Light Freighter
