Disciple of Faith

She was aware of others as they made their appearance into the Kainate box, but she ignored them all, except for another woman who came to stand shoulder to shoulder with her. Ember eyes slid over to Lina as she bowed her head respectfully to a member of the House of Zambrano. She knew Lina would never have required such a thing had it been just the two of them…but she was within sight of others who watched her carefully.
Revna tensed as the fight began in earnest in the ring below. Her gaze remained glued on the duelists, watching their every move. As much as she hated to admit it, this was a learning opportunity for her. And she was never one to pass up a chance to learn something, gain some further insight.
The atmosphere within and around the Kainate box shifted, both in the physical and in the Force, as the Dark Lord drew in strength and emanated power from his great form. She had to steel her nerves, as she always had to, when being anywhere near the brute. It was no easy task, but she refused to bend or bow before his might. It would need to be forced from her. Always. Nevertheless, she cast a wary glance in his direction as the railing under his grip cracked. She kept her own emotions deeply buried, under tight control. She would not add to the power and energy whipped up by the bloodthirsty crowd all around them, and feed into the monster’s power.
But she couldn’t ignore his thunderous voice as he spoke to one loyal to him who had entered into the Box, before he spoke to Revna once more, and she dared to turn her face to look at him.
“Then they will be humiliated before the entire Order for displaying such weakness, now won’t they?” she replied coldly to him, before turning away to resume watching the fight below.