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Approved NPC Czar Mirkov "the Reluctant"

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Some chains are better left unbroken.


  • Age: 52
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-force user.
  • Species: Czelosmertian
  • Appearance: Czar Mirkov "the Reluctant" is dressed in the usual casual royal attire, with a thick black coat and dark pants and boots. He is bald, and sports a mustache. While titled 'the Reluctant' he knows he has a duty as Czar, and carries all the prestige that goes with it quite well, sporting the trademark regal frown of Czelosmertian czars.
  • Name: Czar Mirkov Tirantov
  • Loyalties: He is a benevolent Czar of Zhilaseraya.
  • Wealth: Around 10 million credits.
  • Notable Possessions: Historical items of importance to Czelosmertians. Things like the crowns and sceptres of past czars or possessions from former soldiers, scholars, diplomats.
  • Skills: He is a doctor by trade, but is also a skilled diplomat.
  • Personality: Czar Mirkov is a gravely serious man, and while he is well liked by the populace, he is quite arrogant. Believing himself to be better than his opponents, he is not opposed to talking down to them or threatening them. However, to his friends and even to outsiders he can be somewhat welcoming, as welcoming as a Czelosmertian can be.
  • Weapon of Choice: None.
  • Combat Function: He will retreat to safety, his personal guard will take care of any threats.
Czar Mirkov was one Doctor Tirantov, the brother to the dissapeared Czar Alezand "the Firm." As Czar Alezand's youngest and only son had not been born yet when he had dissapeared during the Void event, his brother took over, Czar Mirkov. This was an especially odd event in Czelosmertian history, as usually by now the Czar would have had many direct descendants to choose from for heirs. But as fate had it, the former Czar was stricken with some kind of infertility, and could not conceive with his wife until shortly before his death.

Thus, Czar Mirkov was plucked from his clinic in the slums of Zhilaseraya and crowned. He refused it, instead saying that the nobles should wait for the child of Czar Alezand, who was confirmed to be a boy, to be born. But the nobles would not have it, they needed a Czar now, as the war against the rebels raged on. They could not afford to wait for another 4 months and then have a baby Czar as a figurehead. They needed a real leader.

As the Czar accepted his new responsibilities, he took on the problems of his brother as well. He finished the war with his brother and made a move to 'modernize' Zhilaseraya, and help the poor and needy, something he had done before he had taken the crown. To this day he still rules Zhilaseraya, well cemented in his role as Czar, despite whether he may or may not have agreed with it in the first place.

The Links you provided have merged into one, could you please make sure that they are separated so that I can access both.

Can you also please expand upon the Notable Possessions? Right now it's rather vague, and those items could literally refer to anything at all.
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