Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Daella/Apparatus/Sabena/Mason AMA

1. Do you prefer bananas greenish or more yellow?
2. Which would you prefer: A plantain or a banana? You can choose how it's prepared.
3. What's your preferred method of cooking an egg?

Besides that one time in that emperor thread, we have never interacted. Liked what I saw though.
Reverance said:
1. Do you prefer bananas greenish or more yellow?
2. Which would you prefer: A plantain or a banana? You can choose how it's prepared.
3. What's your preferred method of cooking an egg?

Besides that one time in that emperor thread, we have never interacted. Liked what I saw though.
1. More yellow.
2. Cavendish bananas, please
3. Scrammmmbled with salt and pepper mixed into them. Quick and easy to prepare.
Valiens Nantaris said:
Did you always plan for Daella to betray the Jedi or was it something which came up as you RP'ed?
Yes. It was the reason for the betrayal that changed when the One Sith was created well after Daella's establishment. I heavily used Schrodinger's Gun for Daella - where the end result was set from the beginning, yet it was the path that was malleable.

The idea of having a Jedi become a well known hero and then reveals herself to be a Sith all along was a big desire for me to roleplay - something I wanted to do even before SWRP was made. The starting point for that dream was actually the Jedi Consular's storyline. People did suspect Daella of being a Child of the Dark Lord, and they were sort of right to suspect it since the inspiration for her came from that part of the storyline.

I also wanted to do this because I don't see it happen a lot. Sure, there are Jedi that become Sith all the time. It's the forethought and planning 6 months+ in advanced that I just don't see.

I did this mostly because I enjoy stories (published and even roleplays) where the writers clearly had a plan for each twist well in advanced. Either that, or they had enough knowledge of what had happened in the story to tie tons of little pieces together for the twist. You've probably read stories like that tons of times where you can reread the first chapter and see clear foreshadowing for a twist two books ahead.

That type of feeling was what I wanted to create with Daella: so that other people and myself can have fun and look back at times such as how Daella healing a person caused him great pain, or that her course attitude was a sliver of her true self, or that the fact she hardly used the Force was because her ties to the dark side would be revealed. Or in the case of Daella's fight with Karin, people can see that Daella was hardly afraid of "dark side voodoo" and that the area was "saturated with the dark side" - possibly not all of it coming from Karin.

The plan I have for Sabena is the same - well, not exactly in the whole betrayal department (that would make me a one trick pony) - but I have twists and turns and revelations that I have saved on my computer that I can throw out into the RP world. These things will likely never be revealed for months. Yet, there will be hints. There will be easter eggs. And I will reward those that catch onto the answer to these mysteries just as authors, especially for serialized works, frequently do for their own behind the scenes twists.

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