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Dakita Calfur

Dakita Calfur


Nickname: Dak | Faction: None | Rank: None | Role: Smuggler/Slicer/Spicer for hire | Species: Zeltron | Age: 27 | Sex: Female | Height: 5'3" | Weight: 110 lbs | Eyes: Brown | Hair: Various colors | Skin: Pink | Languages: Basic | Force sensitive: No

Strengths: Dak has quick reflexes, minor telepathic abilities, and like most Zeltron women, emit pheromones, which make her charismatic and intriguing. She is stealthy and knows how to conduct herself very quietly, having grown up from a young age navigating the darker corners of Zeltros.

Weaknesses: Impulsive, temperamental and superficial. Lacks the more positive, romantic outlook that most of her species has. Distracted by shiny objects like trinkets and jewelry. Dak is reckless with men and often cruel to them which can sometimes get her into trouble. If you want your heart broken, give her a call.

Appearance: Even though she is small in stature, Dak is athletic and quick. She has a good metabolism and can consume food, drugs and alcohol (like most Zeltrons) without much damage.

Biography: Dak was abandoned by her Zeltron smuggler mother at a young age and raised by a band of gypsies on Zeltros who were nothing more than petty thieves with an aimless hedonistic lifestyle. Therefore, she had very little parental supervision growing up and eventually drifted towards the criminal element in Zeltros, taking odd jobs and spice smuggling until she was able to cultivate a small drug trade of her own to supply Zeltros with many of the party pharmaceuticals which were so prevalent in the various nightclubs and amusement parks of the fun-loving planet. Dak has friends, but her encounters with humans and other species are mainly transactional. She joined the Red Ravens after their President found her slicing into video games in the Dragon Palace Casino and recruited her as a hacker.

Weapons: On a smuggling run Dak will wield a small set of vibroknucklers and carry a needler filled with either acid or poison. She also takes along various types of spice with her in case she needs to bribe or incapacitate. If she feels extremely threatened she will bring an electrowhip. Eventually fellow Raven, Val Cardin taught the Zeltron criminal how to shoot various handheld weapons and she's gotten much better wielding pistols and rifles.

Once the Ravens disbanded, Dakita worked briefly for the Techno Union and then she drifted back to Antecendent to primarily work at Club Frenzee and live her hedonistic life with little risk and no judgment.

Clothing: Dak loves to shop and/or steal clothing and jewelry since she basically grew up without many luxuries. She hoards these possessions and can get annoyed if required to part with them. Needing to get around quickly she prefers grav boots to high heels and sometimes wears a skin tight Climbsuit with Suregrip gloves and boots.

Source of Income: Dakita is the Manager of Club Frenzee on Antecedent owned by Cryax Bane, President of the Red Ravens

Ship: Loronar B-7 light freighter which is normally crowded with her various possessions.

Part-time Bodyguard: A Twi'lek male named Kre Vin (Krevin) who works as a Security Guard at the Dragon Palace Casino when he's not with Dakita.

Pets: Ropo named Wilhelm

Ravens and Wizards [Red Raven Dominion of Far Pando]
Camping is the WORST [Red Raven Dominion of Orrazerus]
Party Monsters (Red Ravens Party on Nar Shaddaa--No Fighting)
The Smuggler's Moon
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Shriffin in Anticipation [Red Raven Dominion of Shriffin]
All in the Game [Red Raven Dominion of Aduba-III]
White Lies
Operation Throat Punch [TU Dominion of Apatros]

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