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Approved Starship Damascus Station

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Grand Shepherd Burtch

Fleet Commander For The Nomadic Peoples Coalition



Out of Character Information

  • Intent:
    • IC: create a massive production facility/home station for the population of the Nomadic Peoples Coalition
    • OOC: Create a RP playground for corporate & industrial minded people on chaos.
  • Image Source: (X) (X) (X) (X) (X)
    • Main station image was edited together with a separate image that I own by Ingrid L'lerim
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Content Permissions:
    • For Dar'Manda Industries (X)
    • For LIKON Ltd. (X)
    • Lucerne Labs Drones (X)
    • Lucerne Labs Ion Engines (X)
    • NAKAIOMA tech (X)
    • McYoda's (X)
    • Dolly Lane (X)
  • Outgoing Permissions:
    • All players are hereby permitted to use this station as a location for their respective companies.
    • All players are allowed to use this station as a location for RP as long as they don't destroy the station or damage the production facilities.
  • Primary Source: N/A

Technology Information
Product Information

Technical Specifications

Standard Features

Onboard Amenities
  • Supermarkets
  • Shopping centers
  • Civil/administrative services
  • Schools
  • Artificial recreational parks
  • Entertainment services of various kinds
  • etc.

Living Accommodations
  • Ownable/rentable condos
  • Ownable/rentable apartments
  • Ownable/rentable homesteads on sector decks with vaulted ceilings.

Escape Pods
  • Salon Pods
    • Many have been furbished as high-level hotels for VIP guests of the station.
    • Many have been configured as merely high-capacity escape pods for emergency purposes.
  • Squad Pods - smaller pods that can be used in an emergency. Sometime vagrants will attempt to use these as homes until law enforcement kicks them out.
Advanced Systems

Barrier Defences
The entire station is wrapped in an extremely comprehensive shield array and sophisticated hull armor.

Physical countermeasures, point defences, and oddly, Gravity Well Generators are implemented to help ward off advanced weapons before they can impact the station.

Electronic Defences
Software and hardware have been designed and implemented in an effort to counter enemy electronic warfare attacks.

Anti-boarding action measures
Skilled personnel, along with various security systems, are employing for the purpose of routing any internal threats to the safety of the inhabitants.

Production Facilities
Damascus Station hosts many factories which have access to all sorts of production machinery. None-the-least which includes cryo furnaces for manipulating Beskar

The station is host to many, many refineries, which are capable of smelting all kinds of natural ores and fluids into workable materials and fuels. Most notably, the station has many highly sophisticated beskar refineries left over from its Mandal-elysium arms days.

The shipyard section of Damascus Station is a galaxy-class facility. It is capable of supplying an aggressive galactic-scale navy with enough ships to fight a full-scale war.

Power Grid
Celestial Power Source
Rather than consuming fuel, Damascus Station draws power by conducting the electrical charge buildup between the planets Hammer and Anvil. This supply is endless, as the polarity is constantly alternating, much like in a common generator.

Backup Reactors
In the event of a power outage, or a celestial disruption of the two planets that the station sits between, there are several smaller reactors installed throughout the entire station. These reactors are not sufficient for running anything other than essential systems for keeping the people alive and powering defences. The production facilities still require the presence of a natural celestial magnetic field to generate function.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Fortress "World"
Being large enough to sustain the population and economy of an industrialized world, this station is heavily fortified as such. It has shields, a private navy, an army, and a massive gravity well, just like any other civilized world.

There is no central reactor since this station draws on a celestial magnetic field between two planets for power. Therefore, there is no "main reactor" that can be ruptured or overloaded to destroy the station.

While it is not designed to carry warships into battle, Damascus Station can provide shelter and repairs for entire capital ships that are damaged during an assault by an enemy invader. In the unfortunate event of an evacuation, Damascus Station can haul the wounded ships away with it to safety.
T-Rex Arms
The point-defence arsenal is ineffective in any offensive capacity. This is because the emplacements are spread all over the station's outer hull, and their range is much shorter than the sheer size of the structure, making it impossible to bear all emplacements on to any one target over any effective distance.

Breaks a Hip
Even though this station is equipped with a very basic hyperdrive, moving the station is incredibly hard on the superstructure, and should only be used as a last resort to protect the population.

Millions Cried Out
the highly dense civilian population of the station means that any damages that are suffered in substantial combat will incur colossal losses to the society that lives here.

An Industrial Utopia​

Damascus Station is a highly sophisticated civilian manufacturing facility with a wide range of production capabilities. It builds ships, weapons, military and civilian tech. It also hosts many refineries for processing metals and industrial gases. The shipyards are designed to efficiently manufacture and service ships of any size, ranging from tiny escape pods to 160 km long super weapons. Therefore, this is a galaxy-class production facility, capable of supplying a warmongering galactic superpower for a full-scale war for galactic hegemony.

The station is nestled in between two worlds that share a barycenter as they orbit together around a star. Inside of the Lagrange point that exists between the two worlds, Damascus Station channels the shared magnetic field through itself to generate power on a celestial level. The magnetic polarity of the planet Hammer is constantly inverting itself, which creates a charged disparity between itself and its sister world, Anvil. The station acts as a conductor for the electromagnetic differential, which creates electric current on a planetary scale. As a result, the station only ever needs to use "fuel-based reactors" in emergencies, which saves a considerable cost for onboard operations.

Despite its inability to stage any offensive actions, Damascus Station is a formidable fortress in its own right. When it was being designed, the intention was to give its massive population the same level of protection that would be typically enjoyed by a respectably fortified planet. Therefore, it has heavy, powerful shields, point defences, troops barracks, and even deployable drones for advanced warning. Its sensors are highly sophisticated, which makes it difficult to sneak up on, and many internal security systems are installed to protect the population from boarding actions.

A serious drawback of the station is its near-total lack of mobility, however. While it has sophisticated engines and a basic hyperdrive, the space frame is not designed to withstand the stresses of excursive space travel. In addition to this, removing the station from its orbit from Hammer and Anvil would force it to rely on its much inferior backup reactors for power. Therefore, moving the station should only ever be done as a last resort to protect the local population from certain destruction.

For now, the station benefits from being the only significant habitat in the otherwise inhospitable Praeda System. It enjoys the abundance of resources that are available to it from the two worlds, and the power source that they provide. As things currently stand, Damascus Station and its manufacturing capabilities are the most prominent symbol of prosperity for the entire system.

Location Information
Setting Information

  • Classification:
    Civilian station/Manufacturing facility/Refinery

  • Location:
    Damascus Station is located within the Praeda system, where it sits between the planets Hammer and Anvil. The structure sits within a stable Lagrange point between the two worlds, which share a barycenter. It generates the majority of its energy by channeling the alternating magnetic fields of the two worlds into power, which drives the factories and shipyard onboard.

  • Affiliation:
    Nomadic Peoples Coalition
    Mandal-Elysium Arms
    Ownership 51%

    Elysium Empire
    Previous government.

    Change of ownership

  • Population:
    Crowded, 1.5 billion

    Given that most civilized worlds in the galaxy are populated by at least some humans, many human refugees live here from many, many backgrounds, including Mandalorians and imperial descendants.

    During the Bryn'adul reign of terror, the ravaging of Kashyyk led to many Wookie refugees finding safety amongst the other refugees of the former Elysium Empire, before they settled down on Damascus Station. Wookies in the Praeda System tend to bring mechanical aptitude and technical skills to this industrial environment.

    The bryn'adul crusade also displaced many trandoshans to this station. Trandoshans are considered valued manual labourers, and often take enforcement jobs.

    Following the destruction of Csilla, many Chiss have found refuge in the former Elysium Empire to seek a new beginning. When they settled on to Damascus Station, the Chiss subculture in the Praeda System became quite prominent, and they are highly respected, as a rule.
    Led by Daro Roz'yrn , the Dornean portion of the population were refugees, displaced by the Bryn'adul conquests. Dorneans are typically considered a labor class here, but some do tend to get into management and research-academia positions.

    Mon Calamari
    More of the displace people from the Bryn'adul conquest, Mon Calamari were welcome in the old Elysium Empire with open arms. On Damascus Station, they were considered to be a level headed group that contributes their organization skills and technical aptitude to the industry on Anvil and Damascus Station.

    Evacuated from the planet Alteria during a Mawite invasion. After many Altirians settled into the station life, many more refugees flocked in to seek refuge amongst their kin. Now being a notable part of the population, they are commonly seen serving in the local military and law enforcement organizations.

  • Accessibility:
    This station is highly accessible to all. However, because the station is protected by several built-in gravity well generators, traveller's cannot simply drop out of hyperspace right next to it. Once exiting hyperspace, a traveller must complete the last leg of his/her journey with sublight engines, just like if this was a planet.

  • Traffic:
    Internal Transportation
    • Overcrowded public transit
    • Personal speeders in areas where the decks have vaulted ceilings.
    • "Claustrophobically" crowded foot traffic.
    External Traffic
    • Requires heavy intervention by flight controllers
    • Gridlocks occur often whenever a Navy warship requires emergency repairs and is given the "right-of-way"
    • Haulers, freighters, merchant ships come and go for commerce and trade.
    • Heavy personal traffic for civilians that live on the station for visiting families and whatnot.

  • Description:
    Upon a glance, this station is a bustling industrial powerhouse, with heavy space traffic coming and going, and obvious facilities. It is overwhelmingly massive, and beams of electrical energy pulse out of both ends intermittently as it harnesses the power of the magnetospheres of the two planets that it sits in-between.
    Most decks have vaulted ceilings with "buildings" and "streets" lining the floor, as though it was an "indoors city". Speeders, trains, and swarms of pedestrian traffic can be seen everywhere in all sections of the station.

Points Of Interest

  • IMG_2214.jpg
    The station's government and management departments are positioned in these locations.

  • IMG_2214.jpg
    This is where most of the civilians are housed. Civilian amenities such as entertainment, educational, and local retail can mostly be found here.

  • IMG_2214.jpg
    This is where the refineries, non-ship factories, and warehouses are established. Research and Development and science labs are also located in this sector.

  • IMG_2214.jpg
    This is where food is locally grown for the station. The greenhouses are sufficient for providing sustenance for the entire population in a siege, but only with careful rationing.

  • IMG_2214.jpg
    This is where ships are built, repaired, modified, or receive general maintenance. This is also where travelling ships dock to load and offload people and cargo.

  • IMG_2214.jpg
    This is where maintenance can be performed on things like the power grid, life support, flight systems, etc. It runs right through the centre of the station, top-to-bottom.

  • IMG_2214.jpg
    Apart from local law enforcement, the military barracks are where the military professionals are housed. The military academy is also here, and is responsible for training all branches of the Nomadic Peoples Coalition armed forces.

  • image.png
    Many of these restaurant chain locations are located throughout all sectors of the station, providing convenient and delicious fast food to the population.

  • BanthaBurger.png
    Since NAKAIOMA corporation established a strong presence on the station, there are multiple Bantha Burger chain locations spread throughout the entire station, providing convenient fast food to the population.

  • FE5E2399-9AF6-4C39-8174-F6AFEA23DF0A.jpg
    Kalidan Fried Ewoks chains are present in shadier parts of the station where regulations are harder to enforce

  • IMG_2223.jpg
    Dolly Lane is located within the second residential district. It is a place where criminal activity, exotic wares, and strange attractions can be found. Tread carefully here.


The residents of Damascus Station benefit from being protected by many security measures. Being a civilian center, the effort is to make the citizens feel safe while not suffocating their day-to-day lives. The Nomadic Peoples Coalition fleet is always nearby to defend the station if needed. Meanwhile, highly comprehensive security measures are implemented on the outer hull of the station as well as the interior. However, being 80km tall with a dense population of 1.5 billion beings, criminal activity always has a way of slipping through the cracks…

Barrier Defenses

Electronic Defenses
Countermeasure Defenses

Anti-boarding/interior defenses
Shipyard Operations Information

Damascus Station is capable of producing/servicing technological equipment, military and civilian, of absolutely any size, ranging from neural implants to 160,000 meter superweapon battlestations. The actual manufacturing operations are typically performed by various companies which rent, lease, or purchase commercial real estate and locally available production facilities. Damascus Station simply provides real estate.

Custom Fabrication
Very High
Ships > 10,000 m
Very Low
Amidst the plethora of various products/services that are available here, the facilities on Damascus Station typically specialize in two key products:
  • High quantity Beskar refinement and manufacturing of Beskar-made goods
  • Higher-than-average quality starship manufacturing/servicing.
Commercial Real Estate
Sold/leased to companies
Industrial Manufacturing Equipment
Sold/rented-out to resident companies
Refined Industrial Materials
Sold to resident companies
Manufactured Goods
Sold by resident companies to their respective customers
Historical Information

Built by refugees, for refugees.

This station was built as a compromise between those in the former Elysium Empire that wanted to claim terrestrial lands, and those that desired to maintain their spacefaring nomadic lifestyles. When the Elysium Imperium began to establish its foothold in the outer rim, many wished to stay in space rather than risk getting caught in another territorial conflict on yet another war-ravaged world. Thus, when the uninhabitable Praeda System system was discovered, the Nomadic members of the old Elysium Empire chose to build the massive Damascus Station and settle in. The resource rich system, combined with the massive industrial capacity of the space station became an unimaginably powerful economic engine for whoever controlled it.

Upon stumbling into the Praeda System, Loreena Arenais-Valhoun and her team of scientists discovered an unprecedented Beskar ore reserve on the planet Anvil. The discovery of this rare and extremely valuable resource in such abundance enticed all of the corporate members of the Elysium Empire to support the creation of this massive station.

The project was successfully kept as a secret for two years as the station was built rapidly under the oversight of the Mandal-Elysium Arms corporation, whom, at the time, controlled 51% of the corporate interests of the station. As Damascus Station was being built, civilians that were living within the Nomadic Imperial Fleet quickly filled the station with a mixed population of Elysium Founding citizens and galactic refugees.

Upon the final reveal of Damascus Station to the rest of the galaxy, investments came flooding in and trade contracts were quickly brokered. But the station was not totally finished by this time. After only two years of construction, it was merely little more than a capable manufacturing facility and a comfortable home. But many of the defensive and advanced systems had been slapped together in haste. For years after, the station maintained manufacturing operations while toiling away at completing its own construction. It was not until after the Elysium Empire collapsed that the station had finally finished being built.

During its time under Elysium rule, the Damascus Station saw many events unfold in and around it. Conventions, meetings, attempted kidnappings, religious ceremonies, and much more has transpired here. Most notably, however, was a particularly significant meeting where the people of Damascus Station negotiated for recognition within the Elysium Nation. On that day, they became officially recognized as the Nomadic Peoples Coalition, and acquired full ownership of the station in a formally legal capacity.

Many more events unfolded around the station, such as careful deals with House Io, the Silver Jedi Concord, and The Final Dawn as the station endeavoured to strengthen its position within the galaxy. But without the presence of the Elysium Imperium, the Station needed to diligently maintain its economic strength without relent. Being tied to the Praeda System, the Station benefited from a close proximity to immensely abundant minerals, ores, and gases. But the total lack of water and organic materials was a considerable economic weakness of the station.

On the business side of things, the financial health of the station's coffers actually rely more on real estate rather than actual manufacturing output. The companies that reside here are left to their own devices, typically relying on production output for revenue. Meanwhile, the station itself draws its income from those companies via leasing fees, rent payments, property mortgages, licensing, and lastly, taxes. Therefore, the show runners on Damascus Station focus heavily on marketing commercial and residential properties while leaving the majority of manufacturing concerns in the hands of the companies that choose to reside here. Companies that operate here usually bring their own equipment, but the station also offers rental of its facilities such as shipyards, refineries, and various production machinery.

In summary, commerce is essential to the quality of life inside of Damascus Station. Political ties, access to commercial markets, and suppliers for organic goods are the keys to keeping its population happy and well-fed. This is accomplished by heavily leveraging its production capabilities and selling natural resources such as industrial gases and metals. Time will only tell if Damascus Station can continue to survive in the harsh political ecosystem of the outer rim…

Edits Made June 18 2023
  • Update Div code​
  • Reformat everything for reader convenience and aesthetics​
  • Updated with an edited image (thank you MANIAC MANIAC )​
  • Update out of character information​
  • Update product information​
  • Update Technical Specifications​
  • Update standard features​
  • Update Advanced Systems​
  • Added a proper factory-sub description and moved what was there down to the Historical Information section.​
  • Update setting information​
  • Update points of interest​
  • Update security information​
  • Spliced-in Operations Information from the shipyard template.​
  • Update Historical information​
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Grand Shepherd Burtch

Fleet Commander For The Nomadic Peoples Coalition
Submission is now ready for judgement!

Apologizing in advance for this one since I tried to mash some location lore template stuff in with this one since it’s a unique station for my world. Not sure if that works, but I had to try it out. I’m more than happy to make whatever changes are necessary to make this work.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch

Nicely made submission! I found only two smaller probelms:
  • Please use permission hyperlink to the permission, you can use the spoilers to the art images only.
  • Please put the Codex-related fields into the Description area, it is deceptive at the top of the template. I nearly asked Jon to move this into the Codex.
Thank you for your understanding!
Submission Name: Damascus Station
Link to Submission:
Reason for Factory Modification Request:
  • Update history
  • Update technology
  • Update Div code
  • Update affiliation
  • Update security information
  • Update points of interests
  • Update population information
  • Update name of manufacturer
  • Update permissions
This is what I get for procrastinating^^^

Grand Shepherd Burtch

Fleet Commander For The Nomadic Peoples Coalition
John Locke John Locke AMCO AMCO

This is now ready for live judgement.

To whomever reviews this, feel free to take your time. This format is, as always, very experimental and I'm not officially returning yet. I'm still trying to make arrangements so that I have actual "free time" in my life. I just didn't want this to end up archived before I can make my "official return", as this was a lot of work and it was 90% done when I left.

Also, thank you for not archiving this for the past 6 months lol
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