Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Damien Imura

[member='Gherron Vael'] [member='Damien Imura'] [member='Nickolas Imura']

To be honest, I was looking for an excuse to use this playby...

Why Not Zoidberg Imura?
[member="Nickolas Imura"]: Don't care. Creepy kid. I'd probably punt that thing if I saw it walking down my hallway in the middle of the night. And what were you thinking, knocking up your brother's wife?!? Man, you guys might just be the next Zambranos after all...

Secondary Note: *laughs because I know what editing program was used to make Damien's sig and for some reason that amuses me*
Just for that, I'll personally stand beside your bed and watch you while you sleep tonight... :p

Yeah. I don't have money for a high-quality editor program. So, I use the next best thing...
[member="Drapeam Nyx"]
[member="Damien Imura"]
Well, Pixlr is actually pretty damn good for a free thing. With enough practice you learn how to use the simple tools for not-so-simple things. If you ever want help just give me a holla. Or go to Nick. He's good with that chite too.
[member="Drapeam Nyx"], I can unserstand trust me. I mean whenever he has nightmares..... ;)

I use Photoshop most often. so I don't really have a problem with that.

[member="Gherron Vael"], I really wouldn't mind if you did. Just talk to me and we might be able to work something out.

@Jacob Haze, Finally?

[member="Damien Imura"], Now that would have been creepy with white eyes.

Jacob Huze

Yes don't judge!

Before I wipe out your family...but there is the risk of being burnt to a crisp...umm

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
[member="Damien Imura"]
Ah, the age-old issue of incorrectly colored eyes. Those were the first things I learned to fix. Some people consider me quite the expert at it nowadays. And I must say you did a nice job! Though I have to ask- who is the playby?

[member="Nickolas Imura"]
You have a creepy kid. He's creepier than you. That's not allowed.
And quit waving your Photoshop superiority around! Not all of us can master such confusingly complex systems... :p
Go ahead. Touch my son. *ignites fists* I dare you.....
[member="Jacob Huze"]

[member="Nickolas Imura"] You have NO idea.

[member="Drapeam Nyx"] Eric Hansen from a horror movie known as The Gonger. I think it's big in Europe or something.

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