Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Dance the Night Away


Jonyna took a piece herself, shoving it pretty undignifiedly into her mouth, before talking with her mouth full. "Don't worry about it. Ah'm a hero. That's what heroes do, ya know? It's not about just fighting the bad guys, it's about being there for people when they need you. Even if it's just because they're feelin' down. Come on, let's get back to the cab." She gave Braze a light push, if only to get them both moving. The Cab wasn't gonna wait for them forever, no matter how well she paid them.


Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Braze, with a spark of excitement in his eyes, eagerly stepped into the cab alongside Jonyna. The anticipation of discovering their destination filled him with a sense of adventure. As the cab lifted off, weaving through the bustling air traffic, Braze pressed his face slightly against the window, his gaze fixed on the rapidly changing landscape below. "Now you've gotten me curious. I wonder where we're headed," he mused aloud. " You'll teach me how to dance right??"


"Yeah, sure! I mean, it's not that different from fighting, yeah? Just instead of swinging your saber around, you're just...groovin, ya know?" She let out a chuckle, knowing exactly where they were headed.

AS they arrived, Braze could see the neon lit streets of the lower level. They stopped just outside of a small neon club, the words 'Club Retro' written in Aurebesh, Jonyna climbing out and approaching the bouncer.


Jonyna was quick to return. "Alright kiddo, they'll let you in as long as you stick with me, m'kay?"



Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Braze's voice carried a light, carefree tone as he trailed off, deciding against sharing a past anecdote. "Easy enough. I had to do the same thing with—ya know what, never mind," he said with a chirp. Eager to keep up with Jonyna, he stayed close, mirroring her steps. With a casual shrug, he began to insert his earplugs, a small gesture of preparation for the anticipated noise ahead. Despite his aversion to loud environments, his curiosity about the adult world's intrigues seemed to outweigh any discomfort. "This should be interesting," he mused.


The club seemed pretty simply laid out. The entrance led to a small lobby, staircases to an upper level on each side of the lobby, while a grandly carved and painted door opened up to a dance floor on the first level. Jonyna led them onto the dance floor, getting some odd looks from patrons, but no questions. Once they were on the dance floor, Braze saw a stage on the other end of the floor, twin female twi'leks in flashy clothes alongside a bothan and human males, one sitting behind a piano, and the other standing with a stringed instrument of unknown origin. they seemed to be cracking jokes, before finally a note was played on the piano, causing the music to start up again.

Jonyna was quick to pick up the rhythm, starting to move her hips to it. She smiled, guiding Braze through the motions. It didn't matter if it was sloppy, all she cared was that he was having fun.


Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Braze observed Jonyna's movements closely, finding the simplicity of her actions reassuring. "This seems far easier than balancing on a tightrope or a slack line," he thought to himself, a spark of confidence igniting within. Emboldened, he tentatively began to mimic her, a light giggle escaping him as he found the whole exercise not just silly, but unexpectedly enjoyable. His keen eye for body language and subtle movements, honed through years of training, allowed him to adeptly replicate her actions, even with his arm out of commission.

Just as he was getting into the rhythm, a small, curious creature, drawn by the laughter and movement, suddenly darted out from its hiding spot. It was a tiny, bioluminescent critter, its glow pulsating in sync with the music. Surprised but delighted, Braze extended his good arm gently towards the creature, inviting it to join their dance. The critter, seemingly encouraged, hopped closer, its light flickering brightly before climbing up his arm.


As the lyrics started up, Jonyna seemed to lose herself to the music. It was almost mezmerizing, Jonyna twirling her hips as she spun around, her tail dragging across the dance floor. She raised her hands above her head, before the beat hit, and she quickly shifted to bringing her hands down, spinning her hands around in front of her, before striking a pose with one hand above her head, grinning at Braze. At this point, there was nothing she could teach him. The only lesson left was to have fun and experiment.


Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Encouraged by the rhythm of the music and the presence of his newly acquired, glowing companion, Braze found himself effortlessly moving to the beat. The freedom of motion, unencumbered by the usual constraints of formal training or combat stances, was liberating. As the tempo picked up, so did their spirits, and Braze, usually more reserved, was surprisingly quick to let go and immerse himself in the joy of the moment.

Braze's initial attempts were a bit clumsy, but his enthusiasm more than made up for any lack of grace. The bioluminescent critter, acting as both audience and participant, seemed to pulse in time with the disco beats, its light casting playful shadows that danced alongside them.

Together, they experimented with exaggerated movements, Braze's good arm sweeping through the air, his feet shuffling in an attempt to match the rhythm. The critter zipped around them, adding an unexpected partner to their dance. It was a scene of pure, unadulterated fun, a rare moment of carefree abandon for Braze, who found himself not just following the steps but adding his own flair to them, his disability momentarily forgotten in the swirl of music and laughter.


Jonyna was just happy to see Braze be Braze again. To see the boy flourish and experiment was exactly what she had hoped today, seeing the smile return to his face.

But soon, the song changed, the twi'leks shifting their tune to something a bit after Jonyna's time...



Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
In the pulsating lights of the disco club's dance floor, Braze raised a hand towards Jonyna, and their new 'friend'—a small, energetic creature—leapt from his palm to the top of her shoulder, then scurried up through her hair to perch atop her head.

Braze gasped, taken aback by the creature's sudden acrobatics. He hadn't expected it to dart up his arm and onto Jonyna so swiftly, and he winced, uncertain how to remedy the situation. "Uh...! I'm sorry, it just kind of... jumped!" he exclaimed,.


Upon the creature's propping itself on Jonyna's head, the Cathar paused, looking up and giggling. "Hey lil guy." She picked the little mouse into a hand, offering it back to Braze. "I think this is yours."

Tag: Braze Braze


Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

He stepped forward, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Thanks, Jonyna. He's quite the wanderer; maybe he just wanted a better view of the dance floor, huh?" he said, gently taking the little mouse back. "He's cute, whatever he is... Where do you think he came from?" Braze asked, scooping up the creature.



Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Braze studied the small creature with a gentle gaze, his smile broadening at Jonyna's thoughtful suggestion. "That actually sounds really nice," he agreed, his voice softening as he contemplated the kindness behind her gesture. He offered Jonyna a sincere, albeit slightly subdued smile. "Thank you, Jonyna, for taking the time to show you care. It means a lot to me," he expressed. After a moment of reflective silence, he added, "This really helps a lot." He purred warmly trying to pet the small critter with his thumb.


"Hey, I can't deal with a frowny face. You're a good kid, and don't deserve to be wallowing in your own misery in your room all day." She gave the boy a small thumbs up. "You wanna grab a snack after this? Maybe do some training? Go Skateboarding? I dunno, something you haven't done before."

Tag: Braze Braze



Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Braze gave it some thought, pondering over what he hadn't experienced yet. "Could we maybe go to a theater?" he asked, uncertain if that was a viable request. He'd never had the opportunity or the desire to attend a big-screen holovid showing before. It sounded like something that would be fun to do with someone else. He didn't like the idea of doing that kind of thing by himself. As he spoke, his attention momentarily shifted to the small creature nestled in his hand. Gently, with a softness in his eyes, he began to stroke the creature with his thumb, offering it a moment of comfort and affection amidst the uncertainty of its surroundings.​


"I a big screen in my ship." Jonyna blushed. "We could go there. I got a kitchenete, some nice couches, a pool. We could watch some older stuff if you don't mind. You wanna watch Bucky Stardust?"

Tag: Braze Braze


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